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小学生英语作文 篇1


Every day when my mother was in bed, she came to my bed. My mother used her eyes to see if I had lifted the quilt.


When my mother checks my homework, she will use those two big eyes to stare at my homework. If any problem is wrong, my mother will look at that pair of big eyes to me and signal to me that you are wrong.


My mother's eyes are concerned about me. My mother's eyes are also very strong.

小学生英语作文 篇2

We have a lot of happy and sad things every day, I am no exception, especially worthy of happy things - I help my mother to wash clothes.

I remember one time I helped my mother to wash clothes, before I started to know how to wash clothes clean, my mother carefully taught me how to put my clothes good

Her mother while washing clothes, while I show me, she first put the clothes into the water, put a little wash liquid hand rub, and soon followed the first time the mother clothes, and then wash the clothes again, my mother put a no Clean clothes washed very clean, my mother said: "Then let you wash it!" "This is not easy!" I said proudly up. I put my own clothes in the water.

First of all, I took the laundry to the side, pour a little wash liquid, hand rubbing hard I turned over the clothes to see if there is no clean, my mother looked at the instructions I have not washed clean, I said: "I wash very clean. I want to play." Mom angry, "play what play, things "I know wrong, the clothes and wash it again, my mother happy, I am also very happy."

As the saying goes: "look easy, difficult to do things." We do things must be patient.

This thing though I got the criticism of my mother, but I am very happy. Because I know how to do things beginning and end, to be patient and meticulous ... ...

小学生英语作文 篇3




小学生英语作文 篇4

There are many festivals in China. What I like most is to celebrate the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival is a happy and peaceful Festival. It is also a day for family reunion, and the children from outside are all coming home to gather. The night before the Spring Festival, the new year is the twelfth lunar month thirty nights, also known as new year's Eve, also called the reunion night when this turn, is one of the most important staying-up late on new year's Eve, the annual custom activities on New Year's Eve, the whole family gather together drink, sharing the happiness of a family union.

The other name of the Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year. In the past, the year was a kind of animal that brought bad luck to people. That year, the tree wooden slump, not Baicao health. How can in the past? People can think of a better way to use the whip shelled, so have the custom of burning firecrackers, but also a way which is also the scene of lively dry hands.

For thousands of years, people make annual folk celebrations became very rich and colorful, the year from the 23th day of the twelfth month of the Chinese lunar calendar days to thirty years, people put the time called the "spring day", also called "sweeping the dust", Saul dust cleaning before the Spring Festival, is the tradition of our people known as.

About ten days before the Spring Festival, every family to prepare special purchases for the Spring Festival busy start the procurement of goods, people, have to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival sufficient, but also prepared some friends and relatives gifts, children clothes have to purchase a new hat, ready to wear the new year.

The New Year bell struck, the street noise of firecrackers, every bursting with happiness, as one falls, another rises, the beginning of a new year, everyone is dressed in festive costumes, give the elderly at home and children to pay New Year's call birthday, holiday gift money, eat family reunion dinner, visiting relatives and friends, mutual worship, congratulate the blessing, say something happy new year, happy new year, good fortune.

Ha ha! Listen to my explanation, you must know the custom of the Spring Festival, you must also like me like the Spring Festival!

小学生英语作文 篇5




可是这想想是没用的,我太异想天开了,世界上还没有这种东西呢。英语让我烦恼,它不让我知道怎样才能学好它,有可能它就像个魔鬼在围绕我,有可能它是个故意戏弄别人的小可爱,不过英语真的令我厌恶,什么它会是另外的字体,ABC…… 英语让我讨厌,英语现在大人都学英语,为什么英语使这么多人震撼?每一次学校上完课回家,大多数的作业都是英语,在没有英语的时光特别快乐,有了英语我的小学生活开始忙碌,每次做英语作业,我几乎大部分都是错的,应该没有英语的基因吧。在外国人的眼中中文是另一种语言,我们来说英语是一种语言,不晓得外国人为什么会创造出英文这种字体,这么难,英语我不喜欢它,它让我考上不好的中学,英语是我不能与外国人沟通,对我来说,学一门外语真的很难。


