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如何阅读 How to Read

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如何阅读 How to Read

No one will deny the importance of reading. Many parents start to teach their children to read at an early age, hoping their children can fall in love with reading. But most children don't know how to read. Only reading in the right way can help them to get improve. Firstly, reading as much as possible, so that the children can figure out which books are valuable and deserve to be read more. Secondly, when they have finish reading books, they need to think about the characters and what the books try to impress them. They'd better search the comments on the Internet, so as to better understand the theme. 没有人会否认阅读的重要性。许多父母在他们孩子还很小的时候就教他们看书,他们希望孩子们能爱上阅读。但是大多数孩子并不知道如何阅读。只有用正确的方式去阅读才可以帮助他们提高。首先,尽可能多的去阅读,这样孩子们就可以找出哪些书是有价值的,值得去阅读多遍的。第二,当他们看完书时,需要让他们思考下人物和书给留下的印象。最好在互联网上搜索下评论,以便更好地理解主题。

如何阅读 How to Read
