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城乡差距英语作文:Rural-urbanDisparity 篇1

People’s living standards have improved greatly because of economic development in recent years, but it has also brought about the problem of rural-urban disparity based on the fact that the resources and developments of these areas are imbalanced.

Several problems can be caused by the disparity. Firstly, as numerous young or middle-aged adults choose to migrate to cities to pursue better employment opportunities available only in urban centers, many children and elderly people are left behind and cannot get the necessary care they need, which may lead to educational problems for children and the decline of life quality for senior citizens. As a result, there might be a negative impact on social development in the long term. Besides, due to the lack of human resources, rural areas would find it more difficult to develop local economy and alleviate poverty.

To solve these problems, the first step is to adjust the current policy. Governments should invest more in undeveloped rural areas and encourage local people to start business or establish trade relationship with other regions according to their own features and resources, which can introduce more job opportunities and generate income. At the same time, basic infrastructures in rural areas ought to be constructed, such as healthcare centers and transportation facilities. Better development expectancy would encourage labor force to flow back to revitalize local economy, thus diminishing the economic disparity between rural and urban areas.

A harmonious society should provide all citizens with necessary social services and everyone can share the result of a country’s prosperity. The disparity between cities and rural areas is a worrying trend but it can be addressed with proper methods and policies.

城乡差距英语作文:Rural-urbanDisparity 篇2

i have lived in this city for two years, but before that i lived with my family in a village about a hundred miles away from here。 life is very different in the two places, but there are things that i like about each of them。

in the country it is quiet and beautiful since there are not many people。 the air is clean, and there is beautiful scenery all around。 the people who live in the country seem friendly and helpful to their neighbors。 the cost of living is low there, because food is usually cheap。 i like living in the city, too。 in the city there are interesting things to do all the time。 people have a big choice of activities。 there is a wide selection of movies, and most of the theatres are good。 everything is convenient here, since in the city you live close to grocery stores① and schools。 traffic is efficient② with regular schedules③, so it is easy to get from one place to another。

i was happy in the country, but there are good chances for work and study in the city, so i will probably stay here for a period of time and there for another period of time。

城乡差距英语作文:Rural-urbanDisparity 篇3

As we all konw, countryside is quiet and peaceful.Also fresh air and clean water.Something are so cheap,and I have a lot of fun.

City has many better schools,hospitals and services.What's more there are more shops,different food and flats.

However,the people of city usually crowded,besides,the traffic too much and rubbish everywhere.Air pollution,water pollution and noise pollution are too bad.But on coutryside,it's difficult to find jobs.

In my opinion,I like living in countryside,because I like fresh air and clean water.

城乡差距英语作文:Rural-urbanDisparity 篇4

Li Jiang, which is a small city in the Yunnan province, is one of the most beautiful cities where I have visited.

Three years ago a friend and I take a short-time tour in Li Jiang city for about five days, in fact, we spent quite lots of time on the way because Li Jiang is far away from our hometown, however, we took a train there in order to enjoy the nice scenes along the route. That decision finally turned out to be worthy, the high mountains and cloudy between the mountains impressed us deeply, all these landscapes are quite different from those of my hometown.

The famous view spot in Li Jiang is its Old Town. It is said that the treasurable aspect of its old town is that it is an alive ancient city. There I found that it is so natural and harmonious that people live in those ancient-style buildings, which seems that situation exists all the time and never takes any chances. My friend and I really value the city’s orderly system of waterways and bridges, we walked along the small river and took so many pictures on these bridges. We even wanted to live there for several months if the time and condition is allowed.

城乡差距英语作文:Rural-urbanDisparity 篇5

I like living in developed city. I enjoy the noisy life much. Living in developed city means living a high-end life. Everything seems so perfect. The street is clean with a large number of high buildings. The transportation is good, so I can go everywhere I want easily. I can buy various things that I like. Of course, the most important thing is that I can receive better education and have more chances. As we all know that the teaching condition in the developed is much better than in the undeveloped region. And after graduation, I can also have more chances to devote myself to the society. I think the developed city is the most suitable place for me.

城乡差距英语作文:Rural-urbanDisparity 篇6

I like busy, busy city, I prefer quiet, leisurely countryside.

When the weather is fine, walk path in countryside, the distant mountains like the green barrier, isolates the hustle and bustle of the city. Roadside piece dignified standing forest of pine trees, like the army of the discipline in a head of inspection. In the sun, the flowers bloom smile, green leaves of green, bees are busy mining, butterfly dance. Kids of cattle lying on the grass on the side of the road to read with relish, not far from the tame cows eat grass in bend both ends.

Peasant madadayo smoke from kitchen chimneys, above the house the children in the bamboo forest is cut down a pieces of bamboo as a weapon, ready to back down the man smoking a cigarette in bamboo chair in front of the yard, quietly watching running around foraging in a crowd. "Eat", the mistress of a summons, everyone sitting around the hearth, watched stewed up with skin and preserved pig feet, red pepper Fried turnip, homemade sweet bean curd, cold fold son root.

The beautiful rural scenery, the quiet life of the country just like tao yuanming's shangri-la, deeply attracted me.

