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  It was a wonderful experience during i was reading stary birds. I love this sentence "The light that plays, like a naked child, among the green leaves happily knows not that man can lie. "It told us what is value.Maybe the writter of stary birds want us to value a child who called time.And I think although you have already lie tu time succesfully,i believe that when this child grow up to an adult,he will lie to you!When i first open this book,the feel just like in a summer morning,i open the window of my bedroom everything is clean and bright,i make my heart free!Tegore made us know his heart through the stary birds.Mr Zhou said:“It like a stone in a bank,scrappy and small but plentiful and deep” It is true.I hope you can buy one for yourself,i am sure you will enjoy yourself!


  “I think of other ages that floated upon the stream of life and love and death and are forgotten, and I feel the freedom of passing away.?“

  “Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way.”?

  “Stray birds” is one of Rabindranath Tagore’s collected poems. It includes about 300 pomes .Tagore is an excellent poet and artist. During his life he wrote a lot of works, like “stray birds ‘”the crescent moon “”the gardener “”gitanjali “”fruit-gathering “”flying fire “ and so on . Most of them have the same theme: love, nature and thinking about life

  Poems in “Stray birds” are not long, and some of them are just a sentence. The first time you read these pomes, just like in the early summer morning after a storm, and you open the bedroom window, you would feel a pure and peace world. Everything is so fresh and beautiful, but the meaning in the poem is so profound that you can’t stop thinking it again and again. Day and night, streams and oceans, freedom and betrayal, have become one under Tagore's pen. Those short sentences show a profound philosophy of life, and lead the world to explore the source of truth and wisdom.

  “Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.? “I do not remember how many times when this text had drifted into my mind there is always a somewhat inexplicable moved. Short sentence and few words, from them you can find a really comfort and warm in this boring and noisy world.

  From Tagore's words, I feel his attitude to love and thinking of love. “You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.?“It shows the deep love .Without doubt, Tagore's inspiration comes from life, but they are higher than life.

  I like listen some light music when I read the” Stray birds”。 Just imagine I were a bird, flying in the endless blue sky freely .Thanks Tagore left us so beautiful and wisdom thought.


  The rhetorical topdressing from some people, is good at packing and create a fantasy ethereal artistic conception, the content is empty pale, moaning whinge-bags.Some people, is good at long, running thousands of words, but obscure boring to read, there is no aesthetic feeling of the text.As flip tagore \"stray birds\", even if how distant, also hard to resist this silent love and pure spirit the wisdom of the free and easy.

  Great love silent, tagore used his silence style of writing the outline of the nature of love, love for life.In nature the pursuit of truth, advocating noble and pure in the life, this is tagore superhuman wisdom.\"A troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.\"He kept a log of this complicated world, recorded the ever-changing experience.\"Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.\"He revealed the essence of survival, the value of human nature.\"I cast my own shadow upon my path, because I have a lamp that has not been lighted.\"His soul-searching, modest and prudent.\"I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me.\"He patiently pursue, complaint or regret.

  Tagore with concise language, constructs a palace of truth.Undeniable language briefly makes \"stray birds\" difficult to understand, but this does not affect its contains profound priceless truth.From tagore style of writing, I feel is a kind of love life serious attitude and thinking about love.There is no doubt that tagore inspiration from life, and higher than life.As a result, his love life, to the life of misery and dark, keep the light and joy.Tagore, for love is more deep, more persistent.Between men and women of pure love, warm affection between mother and son, the delicate feelings between man and nature...All humans can experience the emotion of tagore exactly, and implicitly expressed again.Tagore believed in love, he never hesitates to use a lot of metaphor to praise the greatness of love and eternity, as he wrote: \"I believe in your love, let this be my last word.\"He put the love and truth properly on the ends of the scale, life this rack without any deviation.

  Life balance -- love and wisdom;Life balance -- love and truth.This book is difficult, but we can realize the same reason: love is the basis of life, love is all of our life!!!!!!!!Might as well listen to soft music, holding \"stray birds\", think oneself is a bird, in the endless blue sky freedom fly......







