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Then comes the annual Dragon Boat Festival, which commemorates Qu Yuan. On this day, people will miss this patriotic poet by eating zongzi and racing dragon boats.

Today, my father is going to take me to the dragon boat race. I jumped three feet high with joy. Dad took me off. Along the way, the flowers nodded gently to me, the grass smiled sweetly at me, and the breeze kissed my face. My heart was very happy.

Soon, we came to a river. WOW! There are a sea of people here, colorful flags are flying and drums are deafening. We managed to squeeze in. Look, there are three small red flags on the river. According to the elders, the rules of dragon boat racing are: two dragon boats cross the small red flag at both ends of the river back to back. If you win the small red flag in the middle first, you will win. Suddenly there was a whistle and the game began! The red dragon and the green dragon ran out like arrows at the same time. The morale of the warriors of the two dragon boats was high. With the sound of drums and gongs, they rowed the oars neatly and uniformly. Soon, red dragon and green dragon came to the corner almost at the same time. At this time, the audience couldn't help shouting;come on! Come on!"

Finally, it's the most wonderful moment - Green rush. The players who play drums on the red dragon and the green dragon play drums with one hand and stretch out the other hand on their side, ready to grab the small red flag in the middle. Finally, because the drummer of red dragon was experienced, he grabbed the little red flag one second faster. The audience on the shore couldn't help cheering again.

After watching this wonderful dragon boat race, I think that as long as we have the spirit of courage and unity and struggle like the Dragon Boat warriors, any difficulties can be solved.


Speaking of dragon boat racing, I think everyone has heard and witnessed it. You listen to the sound of gongs and drums and the roar of firecrackers. The dragon boat race is about to begin.

There are two people on the side of the river, and the mountain people and the sea are surrounded by the audience. You argue about who loses and who wins. The dragon boats rowed out one after another. The strength of the three dragon boats was equal. The players rowed the oars "one, two, one, two, one" neatly. Standing at the bow of the boat was a burly man. He took the drum hammer in his hand and knocked it sonorously and forcefully to boost his morale.

The watchers on the shore stared and shouted ;come on" anxiously. The players on the river rowed happily. Listening to the strong shouts of the audience, they immediately became full of confidence, rowed more vigorously, the sound of gongs and drums became louder and louder, and the speed of oars rowed faster and faster. The river was stirred up and splashed with snow-white waves. The river beat fiercely against the river bank, and the players rushed forward fiercely one by one. When it was difficult to solve the problem, the blue team rowed forward hard and finally won the championship. Although the other two teams lost, they were not discouraged, but congratulated the blue pair with an optimistic attitude. At this time, firecrackers roared, and the voice of the people was boiling. It was time to give awards for the champion. Cheers and shouts came. The sound of firecrackers was the most dynamic symphony in the dragon boat race.

The river calmed down and the gongs, drums and firecrackers disappeared. Just now, the lively atmosphere gradually faded, and the Grand Dragon Boat Race pulled down the curtain.


"Come on!" "OK, hurry up!" Dragon boat race, dragon boat race! I couldn't help running over.

"Bang, start!" The referee gave the order. Several dragon boats jumped out like arrows off the string. Look, the second boat is far away. It is red all over and its golden tail and head are raised together, as if to say, "the first is mine!" Ah! A dragon boat is catching up! Ten meters, five meters... At this time, the drum on the second ship sounded more urgent. The crew were well-trained, accelerated sharply and shouted slogans. The crew behind were startled and disordered. Some front and back, the ship began to turn. However, the crew quickly adjusted their actions and accelerated. But it has fallen behind.

Looking back, ah, the dragon boat has returned, and the other one is also turning around. The dragon boat behind has red, green and yellow hair on its head, a bell around its neck, and two bright big eyes, lovely and playful. Catch up, catch up! The two ships went hand in hand, chopping the waves.

The dragon boat in the back was unwilling to be outdone. It caught up and overtook the last one just now! It was menacing, and its red eyes seemed to have a raging anger burning, and its body was murderous. In the middle, several dragon boats are chasing each other. The two dragon boats in front are chasing the Central Plains to see who the flowers fall to. I held my breath nervously and stared at the lake without blinking. "Shua -" at the beginning, the Dragon Boat rowed ashore. The dragon boat was wearing big red flowers, so gorgeous and beautiful, because he was bought by hard work.

As long as you make your own efforts, you will have the joy of harvest.

