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写给男生的英文情书 1

优质解答cold here,icy cold there.you belong to neither,leaves have withered.your face is pale and blue,a tearful smile.something in your eyes,whispers words of last good-bye.my heart sinks down,tears surge out.


hot summer.cheerful cocktail.you took my hand.we fled into another world of ba nd.you sat by my side,long hair tied behind,cool and killing.smile floating on the lemonade,soft and smooth.how i was amazed.your face looked like the cover of the magazine.my head spin.you led my hand,danced along the crazy theme.


light vied with wine,elegance mixed with fragrance,laughing covered by greetings,the crowed was busy at handshaking.you stood there,eyes on me.i trembled at the sparkles,brighter than the light.a masterpiece from god,i felt dizzy.we were not near,yet we were together.

灯酒相辉,芳雅相应,祝辞笑声此起彼伏,芸芸皆劳碌于握手.君站立一旁,美目探 妾.妾莹灯下颤颤而立.此必上帝之杰作,使晕眩.虽妾与君相隔甚远,然心相近.

days ended.you said,you would wait for me at th e alps side.we would ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky.i gave no answer but a good-bye to accompany your flight.gone was the plane,i suddenly tasted my pain.i knew i had been silly and stupid,you were in my heart,i shouldn ’t have hidden in the dark.i tried to forget your disappointment.i made believe sometime someday,i would tell you,i feel all the same.


my thought struggled at confessing,somehow hesitation ended in flinching.i continued my role of a fool,clinched to my maiden pride,yet secretly indulged in your promise of the white land -- snow measuring down to us,in your arms i am lifted up.the chiming of christmas bell!


the bell died in the patter of rain,from hell came the laughing of satan at my brain.tearful smile,swallowed by the darkness.how could i trace your hair to wipe your tears?my hands reached out,catching nothing but a raindrop,on a leaf that had withered.


snowflakes have melted into water,we are no more together.


写给男生的英文情书 2

Hi, my dear friend

I have never been on dates for many years! Can you imagine it?

Its unbelievable you will say, but its truth. And it is bitter truth.

But when I lookinto the mirror I see nice, young lady who can have many romantic dates, who can hear compliments every day.

But I dont want to have million romantic dates.

I just want to have the one, but it shouldbe the Date with my Destiny,And I feel that this Fates Date should come true with you.

You are intelligent, interesting and good-looking man.

I think that many women want to have dates with you. And I am not the exception.

I understand that at present moment, it is only virtual date, but if you like me, I think that we can come to conclusion when we can meet into real life.

If you feel that this dream can come true, please, write to mehttp://romanticloveforever.com/mydear

Looking forward to hear from you

Raqu B.

写给男生的英文情书 3

Dear xxx,I find myself at a loss for words when trying to convey the depth of my feelings for you. Youve been a constant source of joy and inspiration in my life, and I cannot imagine my days without you in them. The way you make me laugh, the way you challenge me to be a better person, and the way you look at me as if Im the only person in the world—its all so magical.

Your presence is like a warm hug on a cold day, comforting and reassuring. Your smile lights up my world, and your voice is the melody that plays on repeat in my mind. I cherish every moment we spend together, whether its exploring new places or simply cuddling on the couch sharing our dreams and fears.

Im not great with words, but I need you to know that you mean everything to me. You are the reason my heart beats with such excitement and anticipation. I want to build a future with you, filled with adventures, laughter, and love.

Please forgive my imperfections and believe in the sincerity of my heart. I am yours, now and always.

With all my love,xxx

写给男生的英文情书 4

Subject: An Unveiling of My Heart

Dear xxx,As I sit to pen down this letter, my heart is a symphony of emotions, each note playing in harmony with the memories weve created. The time weve spent together has been a canvas on which our friendship has been painted in the most vibrant of colors. You have, without a doubt, become one of the significant chapters in my life story.

I find myself endlessly pondering about the laughter we share and the silent comfort of your presence. There is an unspoken connection between us that transcends words, a bond that strengthens with every shared glance and unspoken thought. Your ability to understand me, even when I struggle to articulate my feelings, is both humbling and reassuring.

You are not just a friend; you are my confidant, my supporter, and at times, my anchor in the sea of uncertainty. With you, I have learned the beauty of vulnerability and the strength that comes from trusting someone wholeheartedly.

Through this letter, I wish to convey more than just words could ever express. Its about time I declare the depth of my affection for you. I am in love with you—a love that gently nudges me every morning and whispers goodnight every evening. A love that has slowly but surely woven itself into the very fabric of my being.

While I realize this confession may come as a surprise, I hope it doesnt alter the beautiful friendship we share. Regardless of the outcome, know that you remain an integral part of my life, and I shall always cherish the moments weve spent together.

With bated breath, I await your response, hoping that this letter serves as a bridge to the next chapter of our journey, together.

Warmest regards,xxx

写给男生的英文情书 5

Subject: An Unveiling of My Heart

Dear xxx,As I sit to pen down this letter, my heart is a symphony of emotions, each note playing in harmony with the memories weve created. The time weve spent together has been a canvas on which our friendship has been painted in the most vibrant of colors. You have, without a doubt, become one of the significant chapters in my life story.

I find myself endlessly pondering about the laughter we share and the silent comfort of your presence. There is an unspoken connection between us that transcends words, a bond that strengthens with every shared glance and unspoken thought. Your ability to understand me, even when I struggle to articulate my feelings, is both humbling and reassuring.

You are not just a friend; you are my confidant, my supporter, and at times, my anchor in the sea of uncertainty. With you, I have learned the beauty of vulnerability and the strength that comes from trusting someone wholeheartedly.

Through this letter, I wish to convey more than just words could ever express. Its about time I declare the depth of my affection for you. I am in love with you—a love that gently nudges me every morning and whispers goodnight every evening. A love that has slowly but surely woven itself into the very fabric of my being.

While I realize this confession may come as a surprise, I hope it doesnt alter the beautiful friendship we share. Regardless of the outcome, know that you remain an integral part of my life, and I shall always cherish the moments weve spent together.

With bated breath, I await your response, hoping that this letter serves as a bridge to the next chapter of our journey, together.

Warmest regards,xxx

写给男生的英文情书 6

Dear xxx,I find myself at a loss for words, an unusual predicament for someone who has always relied on language to express themselves. But then again, the feelings I harbor for you are anything but ordinary. They elude simple expression, transcending the confines of common phrases and clichéd love letters.

Every time I think of you, my heart beats a little faster, and my world becomes a little brighter. Your smile is like the sunrise, promising a new day filled with warmth and possibility. Your voice is a melody that resonates within me, playing a tune I could listen to forever.

Ive come to realize that these emotions arent fleeting; theyre deeply rooted in the essence of who I am. Youve become more than just a person I admire—youre the standard against which all others pale in comparison.

So, here I am, laying my heart bare, hoping that you might feel even a fraction of what I do. I yearn for the chance to explore this connection further, to see where it might lead us. To share experiences, laughter, and dreams. To support each other through lifes inevitable ups and downs.

Perhaps this letter is a leap of faith, a gamble on the hope that you feel something similar. If so, lets take this journey together, one step at a time.

With all the honesty and vulnerability I can muster,xxx

写给男生的英文情书 7

Title: A Heartfelt Confession

Dear [Guys Name],As I sit down to write this letter, my heart races with a mixture of excitement and vulnerability. Theres something about you that has captivated me from the moment we met, and I cant shake the feeling that youre the one Ive been searching for all along.

Your smile, your laughter—they light up my world in ways I never thought possible. The way you carry yourself with such confidence and kindness has constantly drawn me in. Its not just your appearance, though you are undeniably handsome; its your spirit, your intelligence, and the way you make me feel when were together.

Ive spent countless nights thinking about us and the possibilities that lie ahead. I imagine lazy Sunday mornings with you, exploring new cities hand in hand, and sharing all those little moments that make life so special. I want to be your partner, your confidant, and your biggest cheerleader.

But heres the thing: Im scared. Scared of putting myself out there, of rejection, of change. However, I know that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, and thats exactly what Im doing by writing this letter.

So here it goes: I love you, [Guys Name]. Im in love with the idea of us and the person I become when Im with you. If you feel even a fraction of what I do, please give us a chance. Lets explore this connection and see where it takes us.

With all my heart,xxx

写给男生的英文情书 8

Dear [Boys Name],I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. Ive been thinking about how to put my feelings into words, and it seems that nothing short of a heartfelt letter will do justice to the emotions that have been stirring within me.

The moments weve shared have been etched in my memory, each one more beautiful than the last. Your smile has a way of lighting up my world, and your voice resonates with me on a level I can scarcely explain. Theres something truly special about you—a unique blend of kindness, intelligence, and humor that captivates me.

I find myself eagerly awaiting our conversations and the laughter that inevitably follows. Theres a comfort in your presence that feels like coming home. Ive come to cherish the ease with which we can be ourselves around each other, without any pretenses.

As I write this, I realize that what I feel for you goes beyond the ordinary. Its a deep-seated yearning to spend more time with you, to explore this connection that seems so effortless yet so profound. I believe in taking chances, and perhaps, this is mine—to tell you that you mean more to me than words can convey.

I dont know where this road may lead us, but Id like to find out. If you feel even a fraction of what I do, Id be overjoyed to see where this journey could take us together.

With all my heart,xxx

写给男生的英文情书 9

Dear xxx,I find myself at a loss for words when trying to express the depth of my feelings for you, but Ill try my best. Youve been like a ray of sunshine in my life, illuminating my days with your warmth and charm. There isnt a moment that goes by when youre not occupying my thoughts.

Your smile has this uncanny ability to lift my spirits, and your eyes hold a universe Im eager to explore. Your presence is comforting, and when were together, I feel like I can be my true self, without any pretenses. Its refreshing to meet someone who understands me as well as you do.

The way you make me laugh, the way you listen to me speak, and the way you show care for the little things matter more than you could possibly know. I cherish every memory we create, and I long for the moments we spend together.

Im not one to rush into things, but I cannot deny the feelings that have been growing stronger with each day. I want you to know that you mean something special to me, and I would be overjoyed to see where this could lead if you feel the same.

Thank you for being an incredible person. I hope this letter finds you well, and I look forward to the possibility of creating many more wonderful memories with you.


