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¡¡¡¡1¡¢When the fox says he is a vegetarian, it¡¯s time for the hen to look out.


¡¡¡¡2¡¢The fox may grow grey, but never good.


¡¡¡¡3¡¢The fox preys farthest from his hole.


¡¡¡¡4¡¢Don¡¯t trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold.


¡¡¡¡5¡¢Don¡¯t put the cart before the horse.


¡¡¡¡6¡¢Man is a wolf to man.


¡¡¡¡7¡¢The common horse is worst shod.


¡¡¡¡8¡¢It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait.


¡¡¡¡9¡¢Lock the barn door after the horse is stolen.


¡¡¡¡10¡¢One swallow does not make a summer.


¡¡¡¡11¡¢You cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.


¡¡¡¡12¡¢It is a poor mouse that has only one hole.


¡¡¡¡13¡¢Hair by hair you will pull out the horse¡¯s tail.


¡¡¡¡14¡¢A running horse needs no spur.


¡¡¡¡15¡¢A growing youth has a wolf in his belly.


¡¡¡¡16¡¢A good horse cannot be of a bad colour.


¡¡¡¡17¡¢One swallow does not make a spring.


¡¡¡¡18¡¢When the fox preaches, then take care of your geese.


¡¡¡¡19¡¢Never offer to teach fish to swim.


¡¡¡¡20¡¢Don¡¯t ride the high horse.


¡¡¡¡21¡¢The best fish swim near the bottom.


¡¡¡¡22¡¢A speck of mouse dung will spoil a whole pot of porridge.


¡¡¡¡23¡¢There¡¯s as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.


¡¡¡¡24¡¢Go to the sea, if you would fish well.


¡¡¡¡25¡¢Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl.


¡¡¡¡26¡¢Don¡¯t look a gift horse in the mouth.


¡¡¡¡27¡¢If water is noisy, there are no fish in it.


¡¡¡¡28¡¢The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.


¡¡¡¡29¡¢You can take a horse to the water, but you can¡¯t make him drink.


¡¡¡¡30¡¢If you don¡¯t enter a tiger¡¯s den, you can¡¯t get his cubs.


¡¡¡¡31¡¢The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.


¡¡¡¡32¡¢A horse may stumble on four feet.



