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篇一:演讲稿How to use body language in the classroom

Hello!Everyone.It‘s my honor to speak here,and I ?m very glad to share my topic with you .Then today I‘d like to talk something about body language.


What‘s body language?Body language is the movements of our body.We use them to show other people what we are thinking about and how we are feeling.Body language is expressing yourself by your body

action.Though it is not directly than language,but it makes the information more attractive.


Do you know what the use of body language is and how to use it ?


Body language also helps to improve listening.speaking.reading and writing..


All in all,Body language is very useful in the class. It helps me organize the class. It can help the student understand and remember what they learn easily . It can make the class effective. Through the teaching

practice, I realized that using body language reasonably in English teaching is correct and useful. As a teacher in new century, I should try my best to give full play to the advantage of body language.


Ok,Thank you for listening,that‘s all.


2. How to make my class active and interactive?


Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Wang Qingmei. I‘m from BaoFang BaoXian primary school. It‘s my turn to give a speech. Today, I‘m very happy to be here and it‘s my honor to have such an opportunity to take part in the contest. My topic is ―how to make my class active and interactive‖. 下午好,每个人。我的名字是王Qingmei。我从小学BaoXian报房。轮到我演讲了。今天,我很高兴到这里,这是我的荣幸有这样的机会参加比赛。我的主题是“如何使我班积极和互动”。

There is a Chinese proverb, saying that ―a good beginning is half done. ‖ So as an English teacher, you should make your class active and interactive as possible as you can in the beginning. In that way you might have succeeded in half in the following teaching. So how to make my class active and interactive? ---- My ideas are the following.


Firstly, as a teacher, especially an English teacher, when you enter the classroom, you should keep smiling and get ready to be energetic, emotional and active. And don‘t forget that only in this way can you have the authority to demand your pupils to be energetic, emotional and active.


Secondly, Albert Einstein says that interest is the best teacher. From what he says, we know that it‘s very important to make our class active. Moreover, we know in primary school the children are curious and active. English is a rather new subject and also a new language. It‘s close to us but sometimes we

feel far from it. That‘s what we call ―mysteries‖. Therefore we should catch the students‘ interest. We can use multimedia teaching equipments and do a lot of games and activities, such as pair work,

competitions, role play, guessing games, TPR activities and so on. It can enable the students to

participate in class. But no matter which way we use, we should often change it. Once the students‘ interest in learning is stimulated, the class atmosphere will be active naturally.


Thirdly, we should make use of body language properly, which is a good way to attract the students‘ attention. We should use some facial features and gestures to make the class active. Our behaviors and voice should exaggerate so that the students will pay more attention to our class.


Above all, we should prepare lessons adequately. At the beginning of the class, we should create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. We can start a lesson with a song as the children like songs. When they sing, they will feel very happy and excited. They can follow the music to clap and sing the song. It‘s natural to put the students into the learning environment. Only in this way can the following class be active and interactive. Then we can use chant to activate the classroom‘s atmosphere too. We can add new words, phrases and sentences in the chant. When the students read the chant, they practice the new contents at the same time.


What I have mentioned above makes my class active and interactive. And I hope it can work in your class. That‘s all. Thank you for your attention!


5. Say something about your first English class you taught in your teaching life.

First of all,you can introduce yourself to your students. wirte down your name and contacts on the blakboard. remember to be lovely and passionate also professional. Secondly,distribute the a lovery card


blakboard上。记得是可爱和热情也专业。其次,分发一个共同卡 for your each student and let them write down thier name and hobbies family etc or you can let them hands up to introduce themselves for you one by one(It may take some more time). Thirdly,prepare some english questoins. but easy ones. Like what do you like to do? who do you love most? how do you spend your vacation? what's your favourate songs or stars?..... you can ask them hands up and answer your questions which can improve thier positivity and also test thier english level. At the same time,you can let you

r students ask you question whatever they like. This kind of interaction can improve each other's understanding ang increase your emotions between you and your students.

为你的每一个学生,让他们写下他们的名字和爱好家庭等或者你可以让他们举起手来介绍自己给你一个接一个(可能需要一些更多的时间)。第三,准备一些英语questoins。但简单的部分。就像你喜欢做什么?你最爱的女人是谁?你怎样度过你的假期?什么是你最喜欢的歌曲或明星? .....你可以问他们举手,回答你的问题,可以提高他们的积极性,也测试他们的英语水平。同时,你可以让你的学生问你问题他们喜欢的任何东西。这种互动可以提高彼此的理解和提高你的情绪之间你和你的学生。

After doing these things above,the first class is almost over.


Remeber what the most important thing is having a good relationship with them and you like each other. then the effciency for learning and teaching will be increased.


Thanks ang good luck.


Hope you can choose me to be your best answer.


6. Which one is more important to Primary school students‘ English learning

, accuracy or fluency?


I am honored to be with you today to talk about some points about primary English education. 我很荣幸今天与您谈谈关于初级英语教育点。

篇二:英语演讲5分钟Body Language in China

Body Language in China

Body language is a communication tool. It holds an important position in human’s communication. It helps people transfer information to improve communication. But as we all know, body languages are different between China and English-speaking countries. And now, I will introduce the body language in China .

1. I believe that everyone knows the meaning of this gesture. But do you know left hand on top or right hand on top? In the new year, when we meet our relatives or friends, we will do this action, which represent congratulation on others. Children like this action deeply because by it, children will get more pocket money from married man.

2. Make a bow with hands folded in front. (作揖)It is a kind of traditional greeting. Compared to the foreigner handshake, it has more health, beautiful, independent advantages. Like such beautiful meets salutes way is gradually being abandoned by the Chinese even forgotten. It is really a great pity!

3. Do you know what this gesture means. We can see this action in many Chinese Martial arts films. Before a competition in martial skills, both sides’ players will do this action face to face to show their respect and begin to the competition. In Chinese Kung Fu, this is the necessary formality.

4. Chinese people used to send and receive gifts with two hands. This represents respect. And parents will teach this ceremony when their children was young because in their minds, this is the important knowledge.

5.what do people do after dinner? People will touch or pat their stomach gently to show that they are full. This is really a classic action!

Nowadays, with the development of the world, people from different cultures communicate more and more often. We have more chance to exchange culture and economy. people use “global village” to describe the world, which means the world becoming smaller and smaller because of more and more communication. On the one hand, people from east world have accepted the body language from west world, such as “OK” gesture, “V” gesture and so on. On the other hand, with rapid development of Asia, the body language from east world has a great influence on that of the west world. In the communication of east and west people, many westerners have learned Chinese customs and etiquettes.

As an idiom goes “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” It is the main principle in communication. This principle refers that communicators should respect and understand the culture and their beliefs of the other nations.



一名优秀的译员必须同时是一位杰出的演讲者。译员作为次级讲话人(secondary speaker),与发言人同时出现在听众面前,必须要将发言人的发言效果(impact)体现出来,这不仅仅指语言内容要准确,也指译员要合理运用声音、姿势、动作、眼神等。出色的译员能通过良好的演讲表现增加听众对其翻译能力和译作质量的信任度。


因此,口译训练中的`演讲技巧注重表述能力,它包含口头表述(vocal rendering)和体态语言(body language)两个方面,指的市译员借助有声和无声的手段达到良好的演讲效果的能力。表述训练是为了增强听众对译员的信任度,提高译文的效果。

译员的口头表述的训练重点是发声(voice projection)和吐字



1. 音色。译员要具备良好的嗓音条件,圆润清亮是最理想的,尖细或嘶哑的声音让人听了不舒服。

2. 音高。音高即声音的高低,有高、中、低之分。高音具有高亢、明亮的特点,多用来表示惊疑、欢乐、赞叹等情感;中音比较丰富充实,多用来表示平和舒缓的感情;低音则比较低沉、宽厚,多用来表示沉郁、压抑悲哀之情。对口译来说,


3. 音量。音量的大小由发音时振动用力的大小来决定。一般来说,口译时语音要响亮,送音有力。不能大到声嘶力竭,也不能小到无法听清。

4. 语调。语调指声音高低升降的变化,一般是和句子的语气紧密结合的,其中以结尾的升降变化最为重要。语调是口语表达的重要手段,它能辅助语言表情达意。语调的选择和运用,必须切合思想内容,符合语言环境,考虑现场效果。译员应准确地掌握演讲的内容和情感,恰当地运用语调,做到贴切、自然。

5. 语速。口译速度要避免太快和太慢两个极端。太快,一则听众难以跟上,时间长了容易使听众对讲话逐渐失去兴趣,不愿继续倾听;二则也使人产生怀疑,认为译员太紧张,因为人们胆怯紧张时往往语速较快。当然也不能太慢。太慢就显得拉腔拖调,犹豫不决,听众也会因为听得很累而失去耐心。口译员必须保持心态平和,语速适中。

6. 停顿。停顿不只是译员在生理上正常换气的需要,也是表情达意的需要。口译时要连贯流畅,适当停顿。停顿得当,不仅可以清晰地显示语意,而且可以调节语言节奏,给听众留下回味的余地。停顿不当,旺旺影响语意的表达。

7. 变化。同样一句话,由于语调轻重、高低长短、急缓抑扬等的不同变化,在不同语境里,可以表达出种种不同的思想感情。利用音高、音量、语调、语速等的变化可表示强调或引起听众特别注意,避免单调乏味,能更准确地表达思想感情,加强译文效果,保持听众的注意力。


另外,由于译员工作时大多通过麦克风传递声音,因此要注意“麦克风礼仪”(microphone manners)。译员的嘴巴应与麦克风之间保持一定的距离以把握适当的音量,防止音效失真和出现气爆杂音(pop noise),要注意不能对着麦克风喘粗气、吸鼻子、咳嗽或大声翻阅资料。

