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Ordinary folk:平民,老百姓

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Ordinary folk:平民,老百姓

当地时间11月18日,美国第12个总统图书馆--克林顿图书馆正式向公众开放,克林顿政府要员、前总统老布什和现任总统小布什、演艺明星等人前往捧场。尽管天降大雨,还是有大约3万人出席了仪式。外电报道如下:Bill Clinton, America's first baby boomer president, opened his library Thursday with a rock 'n' roll gala that hailed the $165 million glass-and-steel museum as "a gift to the future by a man who always believed in the future."

Despite a steady, bone-chilling rain, nearly 30,000 people joined a celebration that included tributes from President Bush, his father and former President Carter. Rock stars Bono and The Edge of the band U2 performed a three-song set before Clinton spoke to a crowd that included dignitaries and ordinary folk. Poetry and gospel singing added a down-home flavor.

Ordinary folk表示“平民,老百姓”,和达官贵人(dignitary)相对应。Folk除了“人们,人民;民族”的宏大含义外,还表示“家人,亲属,父母,朋友”,例如:I'd like you to meet my folks.(我想要你见见我的父母/家人。)The old folk sat and talked.(老人坐下来说话。)Well folks, shall we go?(喂,朋友,我们出去吗?)

Ordinary folk:平民,老百姓
