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My dream can take my freedom of flying wings, can you help me to protect my family, can cover my sad side, can bring happiness to others...

I dream wings - huge wings

In my dream has a pair of huge wings it has white feathers, it is comparable to the speed of light. With me in the blue sky freedom fly, looking down on China's splendid sunvo, watch the vast stretches of green grassland. When I miss my hometown, hug can take me back to hometown I miss my family for a long time.

My dream wings - hard wings

Have a pair of wings of hard in my dream, in my time of the end of the world I can put my family contain among them, let them from harm. No matter how much disaster I have to protect their safety, if for no other just because they are my most close family.

My dream wings - multicolored wings

In my dream, there are a pair of wings of color, it has the seven colors of feathers, seven colors of light, in the storm that I can be a multicolored wings soar in the sky draw seven rainbow of colors. Bring a good mood, also bring good mood to oneself.

I dream of wings - the invisible wings

In my dream, there are a pair of invisible wings, he can help me contact, shielding my voice. In my sad moments I can begin my invisible wings in unmanned corner sad cry, don't let other people see me crying and give others a strong happy I.

I love my dream wings!













Yaren, is the dream of spring; The smiling faces of the lotus, is the summer; The maple leaves, is the anchorage of the autumn; Snow, is the wings of the winter. Dream is beautiful, lovely, colorful dreams, enrich the childhood.

The dawn of the dream is the horizon, the boys and girls heart of sunshine, the pursuit of become a power.

Jane eyre - a humble person, even if their low to the dust, but still have their own dreams, strong and resist powerful character, and make this little flower bloom, let the butterfly flying. She, with dreams, smile, will, let life no longer have the dust.

Strong "mermaid" - 29 year old girl XiaoZhuoLin, even if two-thirds of the unconscious body, but never think humble. Her in the face of the sun, let the beautiful dream became a reality, she is more concerned about disease is connected with a friend through the network, online help disabled friends sell crafts. Her dream to strive, who can not impressed? . Is the goal of life, your dreams, you are a promise of life.

Friends, good dream, even if again small, also have a light, even smaller, but the effort after there is hope.

Deaf blind Helen Kate, with dreams let life is full of light; Eyes and ears deaf, Beethoven compose a dream of the life movement; Almond shaped, of a childhood illness with a dream to support the hope.

In your dream, don't give up, not in islands and reefs, difficult to arouse beautiful spray. Keep the light of dream in the heart, become a light to the soul of the moon, moved to tears washed face. Life is not all, will not, after all, is the night sky is a rainy day.

Let the wings of dream, led our hearts leap happiness and tears. Let the dream wings, fly the blue sky of childhood, full of hope.










