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GRE作文:global university

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GRE作文范文精选:global university

TOPIC: ISSUE11 - All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world s most persistent social problems.

It is attempting to agree with the speaker by the nice prospect he describes to us: scholars from all nations come to a global university and cooperate to solve the world s most persistent social problems. However, under current international environment, that dream could hardly be realized. Before it fulfill its goal, it could first cause numerous social problems.

Admittedly, many potential social hazards such as environment problems and poverty gap are ubiquitous in most areas, and solving those problems is far beyond one or a few countries competence. The achivements of International Committee of the Red Cross and International Environment Protection Orgnization have substaintiated the the effectiveness of international cooperation. Thus it is considerable to establish a globle university if it could be free from any intervenor. In that university, students from different countries could exchange ideas and experience, and thus get a more comprehensive view of those issues. Integrating different techniques, they might conceive original and effective methods to solve the persistent social problems.

GRE作文:global university
