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¡¡¡¡Sunday May 21£¬2003 Sunny

Going on a Picnic

¡¡¡¡Today was Sunday. The weather was fine and warm. The sky was very clear and blue. My classmates and I were very happy£¬ because we went out for a picnic at Nanshan Hill. We went to Nanshan Hill by bike with fruits£¬ eggs£¬ meat£¬ vegetables£¬ knives and some other things.

¡¡¡¡About one and a half hours later£¬ we came to a nice place at the foot of the hill. There were many beautiful flowers and green trees. Birds sang their sweet songs. How pleased we were£¡ Then we were busy with the picnic. Some of us were getting water£¬ some were cutting the meat and vegetables and cook£¬ others were sitting on the grass and waiting for nice lunch. At about 13 o'clock£¬ our lunch was ready. We all sat around on the green grass£¬ singing£¬ talking£¬ eating and drinking. At about 16£º00 we began packing for our return.

¡¡¡¡What a nice time we were having£¡


