范文网 > 资料大全 > 综合资料 > 新年目标还是要有的,万一实现了呢?


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LearnEnglish? Finally quit smoking? Become a better cook? Go to EiffelTower? Whatever you've decided to achieve next year, you know alltoo well that you're probably going to fail, and that list ofbeautiful, aspirational goals is staying unfulfilled.Sorry. 下决心学好外语?下决心戒烟?让自己学会几道拿手菜?打算去看埃菲尔铁塔?当你信誓旦旦地许愿、计划时,你敢说这些不是去年或者前年的计划?那一个个心心念念的美好希望和满腔斗志的目标过了一年终究还是“目标”,无法实现。多么遗憾! For thisvery reason some people forgo making any resolutions altogether, sowe're here to help - this year you might actually have a chance,with help from a few tricks of the mind. 正因如此,一些人干脆打消了制定目标的念头。但不用着急,本文会和大家分享几个“小窍门”,让实现目标成为可能。 Britishpsychologist Richard Wiseman has done several surveys on willpower- in 2007 he tracked the success of 3,000 people's New Year'sresolutions, only to find that a mere 12 percent of them managed toachieve what they had set out to do. He looked into what thesuccessful people were doing differently, and, based on theirexperience, devised a list of tips for others who want to stopfailing miserably. 英国心理学家理查德·怀斯曼做过很多关于意志力的调查。2007年,他对3000人进行了追踪调查,统计他们新年目标的实现情况,结果仅有12%的人完成了自己之前制定的目标。他又对成功实现目标的人做了进一步调查,发现了一些与众不同的方法,最后他通过实验得出了几条建议,来帮助那些一度无法实现目标的人。 Before weget into the list, it turns out the number one thing to stoprelying on is your own willpower - that's basically the worstapproach to keeping a resolution, and is the reason why so many ofus never start exercising more, continue eating all that friedchicken, and still can't speak a word of French. 在学习这些“窍门”之前,你要意识到无法实现目标的“罪魁祸首”就是依赖于意志力,这可以说是最差劲的办法。想想你为什么无法坚持锻炼,无法抗拒炸鸡的诱惑,无法说出一句法语,症结就在于此吧。 Whatshould you be doing instead? As Wiseman explained on his blog backin 2013, your goals should be small and manageable, you shoulddocument your success, tell others about your intentions, and,importantly, not beat yourself up for failing. Here’s the completelist of Wiseman’s advice: 那么,你应该怎么做呢?早在2013年怀斯曼就在博客上给出了答案:目标不必太大,要在能力范围内,而且应该记录下目标实现的过程,告诉别人你要做什么,最重要的是,不要被失败击倒。下面是怀斯曼给出的十大建议: 1) makeonly one resolution 尽可能只制定一个目标 changing alot of things at once is more difficult. 一次性做太多改变是相当困难的。 2)Think about your resolutions in advance 提前想好目标 It’s soimportant that spend some time to reflect on them than make moregoals. 花点时间好好地反复考虑比制定多个目标重要得多。 3)Don’t re-visit past failures 不要执着于之前的失败 but focuson new resolutions instead. 而要专注于当下的目标。 4)Focus on what you really want 认准真正想要的 don’t justgo with what’s trendy. 不要随波逐流。 5)Break your goal into manageable 将目标细化成一个个可达到的小目标 concretesteps with specific deadlines. 在规定时间内完成相应任务。 6) Gopublic 开诚布公 tell yourfriends, family, social networks about your goals, which willincrease your fear of failure and also garner support. 把目标告诉朋友,家人以及社交圈,这样会增加对失败的惧怕,同时得到他们的支持。 7)Create a checklist 列一张清单 focusingon how much better your life will be once you’ve achieved yourgoals. 一旦达成目标,,展现现在的生活中好的改变。 8) giveyourself a small reward. 给自己一点奖励 Wheneveryou make progress on the steps towards your goal. 只要取得了离目标更近的进步,哪怕一点点。 9)Document your journey 记录目标实现的过程 charts,spreadsheets, journals and other means of tracking your progresswill keep it concrete. 用图表,电子表格,日记等等记录下这段经历可以将目标具体化。 10)Don’t beat yourself up and quit 不要气馁 if yousometimes revert to old habits,treat it as a temporary setback. 即使时常会犯老毛病,将它看成是暂时的挫折。 Finally,good luck in 2016! 好吧,最后祝君2016年梦想成真!

