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closed out adj 被某门课程拒绝

excram v 仓促地准备即将到来的考试

cut class v 逃课

skip class v 同上

declare v 选择专业

distance learning n 远程学习

drop out v 退学

fail v 不及格

field trip n 实地考察

fill-in-the-blank(test) n,adj 填空题

get behind v 落后或迟到

get caught up v 补偿(以前落下的课程)

G.P.A n 总平均成绩

grade point average

hit the books v 努力学习

honors adj 成绩优异的,优等的

interactive television n 互动式电视教学

interlibrary loan n 馆际互借

keep grades up v 保持较好的中平均成绩

lab n,adj 实验室(laboratory的缩写)

lab assistant n 实验室助理



articles n 论文

ex We read six articles in addition to the reading in the extbook.

sag You had better read the articles that were assigned.

assume You read the articles already?

problem I need to read the articles again.

assignment n 任务

ex The assignment was to read two chapters in the textbook.

sug You had better read the assignment before class.

assume so you did read the assignment after all

problem I can't finish the assignment before class.

dissertation n (博士学位)论文

draft n 草稿

essay n 论说文

group project n 要求集体合作完成的任务

hand back v 返还(作业)

handout n 讲义

plagiarize v 剽窃

plagiarizing n 剽窃的行为



coed adj 男女同校的

commencement n 毕业典礼

committee n 学术委员会

course request(form) n 课程申请表

curve n 基于正常成绩分布曲线的评分方法:很少的A和不及格,多数是C

department n 系,部门

division n (大学的)部(由几个系组成)

enroll v (为某课程)注册

fraternity n (男生的)兄弟会

fraternity row n 有许多兄弟会房屋的街道

graduate school n 研究生院

incomplete n 某门课中允许学生下学期达到要求即可得评分

placement office n 就业办公室

sorority n (女生)联谊会

spring break n 春季学期间的短假期

stacks n (图书馆)阅览区



due adj 到期的

ex The assignment is due on Friday.

extension n 延期

fee n 收费

fine n 罚款

full-time adj 全日制

internship n 实习(对优秀学生或即将毕业的学生提供的培训机会)

makeup test n 补考

multiple-choice test n 多项选择题

objective test n 客观题

on probation prep phrase 处于留校查看

orientation n 向新生介绍学校情况的活动

override n 允许不符合要求的学生进入课堂。

pop quiz n 突袭考试

room and board n 食宿费

short-essay test n 论述题测试

shuttle n 校车

snack bar n 快餐店

tuition n 学费

tuition hike n 学费增长

withdraw v 退学

Xerox(machine) n 复印机


8. 学校设施

bike rack n the metal supports where bicycles are parked

9. 课程与互动

call on v 指定某人发言

ex the professor calls on students who sit in the front more often than those who sit in back

call the roll v 点名

ex Someprofessors don’t call the roll, but Dr Peterson always does.

class discussion n 课堂讨论

elective(course) n, adj 选修课

ex In the junior year, most students are taking elective courses as well as requirements.

lower-division (course) adj 基础课

Mickey mouse course n 很简单的课程

minor n 辅修专业

prerequisite n 先修课程

resident advisor n 宿舍顾问

upper-division(course) adj 专业课程


