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直方图的基本特征是在适当的地方比较 。

别忘了小作文的题目要求是:Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 的最后一项是: _ 比较关联数据 _。


句型 1: A is X times more than B. ( _ 主表结构 _ ) 句式二: 主语谓词 X times more 宾语 A than 主语谓词宾语 B ( _ 主语-谓词-宾语结构 _ ) 句型 3: There be X times more A than B. ( _There be 结构 _ )


句型 1: The amount of CO2 emitted from cars in 1999 was three times more than that in 2000. ( 是的,这表示 “A 是 B 的 3 倍”,而不是 4 倍!)

句型 2: In 1999, cars produced three times more CO2 than (they did) in 2000.

句型 3: There was three times more CO2 emitted by cars in 1999 than in 2000.


句型 1: In 2000, the average amount of time spent on watching TV on a daily basis by adults in US was ten minutes higher than that by children.

句型 2: In 2000, adults in US spent ten minutes more on watching TV every day on average than children (did).

句型 3: In 2000, there was ten minutes more time spent on watching TV every day on average by adults in US than by children.



1. a lot of/lots of

这对词组一般不要出现在academic essay中,考官已经看烦了.可以用A considerable number of代替

2. Everything has two sides/every coin has tow sides


3. Recently

这个词不好.按照他们的说法就是too imprecise,没有一个具体的时间.可以用 In the last 5 years…/since….代替

4. There is survey……

老师是这么说的:has there been?/only say this if you actually know of one 也就是说考官知道这些都是你编的,最好不要用了

5. And, because, but

这三个词我们还是经常会用到.其实最好用in addition, therefore, however等代替

6. 不能用vivid 来形容world vivid可以用来说memories或者是dream之类的

7. No one can deny that…/Undoubtedly

这2个词组太绝对了,用来开头并不合适. 其实每个人都能持与你意见相反的态度

8. in a word

很多人会用它来做conclusion. 鬼佬的意见是:如果你准备用这个词组来引出你的观点,那你最好用一个词来概括,谁让你是这么写的呢

9. Meanwhile don’t use in general academic writing or for task 2—but it is ok for describing a process in task 1

10. Nowadays

理由和3差不多, 这个词用在文章里显得太普通了, 老师的原话是it does not mean very much

11. It is a well known fact… 最好不要用, 有的考官会扣分

12. advantages and disadvantages 换成merits and drawback 和pros and cons

13. In my opinion, I dis/agree with this

这是多余的表达. When stating your opinion you follow with a fact 相信大家都能看懂,就不翻译了

14. IELTS文章中千万不能用缩写, 例如I’m 在考场上别犯懒,平时最好也别写缩写,多多注意,养成习惯

15. very不能用来形容delicious, lovely, fantastic, wonderful, amazing, gorgeous and huge.

16. human being MS这个词指的是动物+植物, 以后可以用man kind代替



as we all know?

it can not be denied?

除非你真的列举一些不可推翻的事实,比如:中国是世界上人口最多的国家——可是太过事实的事实,往往对你的作文毫无用处,就比如:every coin has two sides.都是写可写可不写的废话。


by accident偶然

on account of… 因为…,由于…

in addition to… 除…之外

on (the/an) average 平均,一般来说

on the basis of… 根据…,在…的基础上

at (the) best充其量,至多

on business因公,因事

in any case无论怎样,总之

in case of… 假使…,万一…

in case假如,以防(万一)免得

in no case决不

by chance 偶然,碰巧

in charge of… 负责…,主管…

in common共用,共有,共同

in conclusion 最后,总之

on condition that在…条件下

in connection with/to… 关于…

in consequence 因此,结果

in consequence of… 由于…的缘故

on the contrary 反之,正相反

in contrast with/to… 与…成对照

under control被控制住

at all costs不惜任何代价

at the cost of… 以…为代价

in the course of… 在…过程中,在…期间

in detail 详细地

in difficulties处境困难

on earth究竟,到底

at all events无论怎样

in any event无论怎样

in effect实际上

with the exception of… 除…之外

in the face of… 面对…,不顾…

in favor of… 有利于…,赞成…,支持…

in general通常,大体上

at heart在内心,实质上

in honor of… 为纪念…,向…表示敬意


at intervals 不时,时时

at length终于,最后,详细地

at a loss困惑,不知所措

by all means无论怎样,必定

by means of… 借助于…,用…

by no means决不

by mistake错误地

in nature本质上

on occasion 有时,不时

in particular特别地,尤其,详细地

in the first place起初,首先

in the last place最后

in practice 实际上

at present目前,现在

in proportion to… 与…成比例

for (the) purpose of… 为了…

on purpose故意,有意

at random 随意地,任意地

at any rate无论怎样,至少

by reason of… 由于…

with/in regard to… 对于…,就…而论

with respect to… 关于…

as a result结果,因此

as a result of… 由于…的缘故

in the long run最终,从长远观点看

for the sake of… 为了…起见

at first sight乍一看,初看起来

in spite of… 不管…,不顾…

in terms of… 依据…,按照…

on the second thoughts经重新考虑,一转念

from time to time有时,不时

in truth事实上,实际上,的确

on the whole总的来说

take...into account把…加以考虑

gain/have an advantage over…胜过…,优于…

take advantage of…利用…,趁…之机

make the best of…充分利用…,妥善处理…

take charge of…担任…,负责…


