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Welcome to Dongguan. The first thing we need to pay attention to when we come to Dongguan is the pronunciation of our city name. Many friends who came here before read it as "Dongwan" just because there is an idiom called smile. You are very happy. We Dongguan people don't agree. How can we become a bowl? Dongguan is only rich in a kind of aquatic plants, called guancao. Its pronunciation is "Guan". It is also in the east of Guangzhou, so it gradually has the name of Dongguan.

Some people may want to ask, what is the use of guancao? It used to be very useful in the past. It was hot in Guangdong. In the past, Cantonese used to have mats on their beds all year round. What kind of mats were they made of? This is guancao! At that time, it was also exported to Hong Kong and Southeast Asia in bulk, because the weather there was also very hot! In the past, when students from Guangdong went to Beijing to study, everyone took a mat instead of a mattress. In winter, there was only one mat on the bed board. When the school leaders checked the students' dormitories, they almost burst into tears. They quickly asked the students' office to subsidize him with a mattress. As a result, when they went to see it in a few days, the mattress was supplemented, but there was also a mat on it. There was really no way to take them. This is our guancao The huge attraction of Xi! But now the grass industry in Dongguan is miserable. Because people's living standards have improved and every family has been equipped with air conditioners, the industry has come to an end. Now if you want to see the grass mat in Dongguan, you have to go to the museum!

OK, now our car is in the center of Dongguan City. Do you see the ancient city building in front of us, which is a bit like Tiananmen Square? That is the west gate of Dongguan. It was built in the Ming Dynasty. Some tourists are surprised that Dongguan has a long history. In fact, Dongguan has a much longer history than this. The first official office was set up here by the first emperor of Qin Dynasty. Dongguan county was set up in the Three Kingdoms period, and Dongguan county was set up in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Unfortunately, it was Dongguan County until 1985. Look at us here. We have been a county for nearly 2000 years!

What is more, what is the reason why, in the past, there was no such thing as Dongguan in history. Destructed opium in the town, such as "Humen tobacco", everyone knows it, but Humen is just a town in Dongguan. Everyone who reads history books knows Humen, but no one knows Dongguan. If we had named Dongguan tobacco for that year, then Dongguan would have known destructed opium.

This tower is called Yingen tower. It is said that during the Hongwu Period of the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates often came here to plunder. At that time, there was no barrier around Dongguan. So a general named Chang ran led the army and the people to build a city wall and four gates around Dongguan. The whole wall was 1299 feet long, which surrounded the whole Dongguan City. At that time, the gate was closed, xiaori Let's jump outside the city! No matter whether it's a ninja or a tortoise, it can't get in.

Moreover, the city wall has the function of flood control. When there is a flood in summer, the city gate is blocked with sandbags, so that the city will not be flooded. It's really making the people rich. Therefore, the people of Dongguan have a lot of feelings for this building. Even though the urban area is changing, they are reluctant to demolish the old building. Now they have invested a lot of money to rebuild the surrounding area into xichengmen Cultural Square, which has become an important place for citizens to have leisure and entertainment and hold large-scale festivals. You can see that behind the ancient city building is the newly built four-star hotel in Dongguan. Does it feel like "five thousand years at a glance" standing here?

Well, our car continues to show you around the city. Have you noticed that there are many majestic motorcycle mounted policemen on the streets of Dongguan? This is our 110 public security police in Dongguan. They are very quick. They promise to arrive at the scene within 5 minutes when they report the case. But there is one. They don't wear white police uniforms, but colorful camouflage clothes. So some tourists say that Dongguan seems to be under military management. Don't get me wrong. Our Dongguan is not under military management, but the police are armed police. So they wear this kind of green clothes, maybe because everyone likes green. You don't see our Dongguan How good is the greening of the block? The roads are like gardens.

However, Dongguan was not so beautiful in the past, but now it is mainly forced by Shenzhen, because Dongguan and Shenzhen are both built on the same 107 national highway. Once upon a time, people from Shenzhen moved Miaopu to the street, and then they went to Dongguan, where, wow, there are houses everywhere. The whole big construction site is full of mud trucks, The cement road has changed into a yellow mud road. There are some small trees on the roadside occasionally, and the leaves are also covered with a layer of ash powder. Therefore, the environmental reputation of Dongguan was bad at that time. Now you can see that there are several green belts on the roadside, including dark green trees, light green grass, red flowers and golden petals. We are all proud to live here!

OK, now look at the car window. Do you see the strange building with Chinese style cornice and glazed tile roof in the front and Western style factory building in the back? That is the branch of the famous Swiss Nestle coffee company in Dongguan. They may have designed the gate and wall of the factory with glazed tile roof to express their respect for Chinese culture, but the factory keeps its western architectural characteristics, which is a typical reflection of the characteristics of Dongguan industry, that is, Sino foreign joint venture.

Dongguan is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangdong Province, mainly Hong Kong compatriots. There is a saying in Hong Kong that "one out of every 10 Hong Kong people is from Dongguan". There is also a saying in Dongguan that "every Dongguan family has at least one relative in Hong Kong.". Some people may not understand the relationship between this and Dongguan industry. This is because at that time, Hong Kong received many foreign orders for toys, electronics and other processing. It was too expensive to produce labor in Hong Kong. Therefore, after favorable policies, they all moved their factories to the mainland one after another. Where is the best place to move to the mainland? Of course, it's moving to a place close to you and where you have acquaintances. So Dongguan became their first choice.

Now, it's no longer just small-scale Hong Kong private enterprises setting up factories in Dongguan. Many well-known international companies have also chosen Dongguan, such as the famous Nokia company, the Nestle coffee company we saw just now, and the company that produces the golden overlord battery. There are also many large factories in Taiwan, all of which are listed companies in Taiwan. Some of the factories set up here are as large as a few in one factory Ten thousand people! For example, the largest Yuyuan shoe factory produces famous brand sports shoes such as Nike, Adidas and fina. There are nearly 100000 people in one factory! According to media reports, one of the ten pairs of sports shoes in the world is made in Dongguan, and 80% of the world's mice are made in Dongguan. This achievement is also the result of the efforts of a large number of foreign workers and technicians. Therefore, the number of local residents in Dongguan is 1.5 million, while that of foreign ones is 3 million.

Great changes have taken place in Dongguan. In the past, it was just a small town. You can know from many local place names, such as Huangcun, Zhangcun, yajiaowei, niushitang and so on. But now there are no villages in those places. They are all high-rise buildings and wide streets in the urban area. Therefore, niushitang has changed its name to aozhitang, because its pronunciation is the same as that of "niushitang" in Guangdong, but it's different when it's written. It's not so ugly to hang a road sign high up like this.

Many towns below Dongguan are no longer rural towns. If you have the chance to visit Chang'an and Zhangmutou in Dongguan these days, you may have to marvel that they are small Hong Kong! Dongguan has a total area of 2465 square kilometers. If you ask how many cities and villages there are, I can hardly answer you. Because Dongguan's countryside is also like a city with high-rise buildings, just take a look at the road from Dongguan to Houjie Town, which we are going to pass. It's full of factories, shops and houses. We can no longer find the boundary between towns.

Everyone can see that there are many luxuriant trees on both sides of the road, full and round crown, that is the famous litchi tree! If you come to Dongguan from May to June, you can see that these big trees are all covered with red litchi. I remember that a poet once praised them as "flying flame to cross the sky" and "red cloud tens of thousands of weight". That's true.

As we all know, the biggest characteristic of litchi is that it can't be stored. Bai Juyi said that it changes color in one day, fragrance in two days, taste in three days, and color and fragrance in four or five days. That's why the story of Yang Guifei's "riding the princess of the red world and laughing". Now with modern means of transportation, it becomes "a plane, everyone laughs.". Have you ever laughed in your hometown? However, no matter how fresh it is, it's better to come to our litchi village in Dongguan, pick the biggest and reddest one from the litchi tree by hand, crack the skin, and bite it so delicious! That's a real laugh!

So welcome to Dongguan litchi market. The litchi varieties in Dongguan are the best in Guangdong. We don't eat litchi from other cities. However, Dongguan's good varieties of litchi are very concentrated in the market, which is relatively short. Only in the tens of days from May to June every year, the rest of the time, such as March Red in March and April and black leaves in July and August, are not good varieties. So you should not come in those few months. If you come to Dongguan and eat bad varieties of litchi, why don't you go back and say bad things about Dongguan litchi Is bad our Dongguan litchi name, then our litchi can not agree!


For thousands of years, the coexistence of multi religions, mutual prosperity and prosperity in the old Guangzhou City have demonstrated the broad mind of the south Guangdong. All kinds of religions take root in this city, which has a wonderful beginning for modern people to trace their roots and ask their ancestors. And the more intelligent Lingnan scholars sincerely sigh: "rather than the daoyue people's admiration for Dharma Zen master and the sixth ancestor Huineng, they are more familiar with the allusions derived from them."

Isn't that right? Perhaps, with a little experience, Xiguan people can point out the exact location of "the birthplace of the West -- the ancient coast" by the narrow, old, popular and noisy stone streets without thinking. Because the anecdotes and anecdotes buried in them are interesting for generations, and "the birthplace of the west" is the treasure of Xiguan people's long companions. There is a stone tablet on Xiajiu Road, which says "come to the ancient shore from the west" - this is to commemorate the Indian Dharma monk's eastward mission to China.

That's a story of a long time In the 1920s, in the ordinary years of Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty (520-527), that is, in the southern and Northern Dynasties period when the ancient poem "Peacocks Fly southeast and wander five li", the area along Xiajiu road was an ancient coast with waves and water. In order to spread Buddhism, Dharma, the third son of the king of Tianzhu, traveled across the ocean. After three years of hard sailing, he finally arrived in Guangzhou City in the 620s. Dharma landed at xiuyifang wharf. At that time, the scene of "Buddhism landing" must be quite spectacular.

After Dharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism, came to China, people built a missionary building near Xiuyi square, called Xilai temple. Today, the names of xilaizheng street, xilaixi street and xilaidong street in Xiajiu road are all named in memory of Dharma Chan's preaching, and are also related to the name of xilaian. Dharma, the founder of Fengshen Xiaoshu, came from the east of India, preached Buddhist scriptures and broadcast alms in Xilai temple, which played an important role in enlightening the establishment of Chinese Zen Buddhism. Later believers respected dharma as the ancestor of Chinese Zen Buddhism, so they called his landing place "Xilai birthplace" and Xilai Temple "Xilai Temple".

For thousands of years, the coexistence of multi religions, mutual prosperity and prosperity in the old Guangzhou City have demonstrated the broad mind of the south Guangdong. All kinds of religions take root in this city, which has a wonderful beginning for modern people to trace their roots and ask their ancestors. And the more intelligent Lingnan scholars sincerely sigh: "rather than the daoyue people's admiration for Dharma Zen master and the sixth ancestor Huineng, they are more familiar with the allusions derived from them."

Isn't that right? Perhaps, with a little experience, Xiguan people can point out the exact location of "the birthplace of the West -- the ancient coast" by the narrow, old, popular and noisy stone streets without thinking. Because the anecdotes and anecdotes buried in them are interesting for generations, and "the birthplace of the west" is the treasure of Xiguan people's long companions. There is a stone tablet on Xiajiu Road, which says "come to the ancient shore from the west" - this is to commemorate the Indian Dharma monk's eastward mission to China.

That's a story of a long time In the 1920s, in the ordinary years of Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty (520-527), that is, in the southern and Northern Dynasties period when the ancient poem "Peacocks Fly southeast and wander five li", the area along Xiajiu road was an ancient coast with waves and water. In order to spread Buddhism, Dharma, the third son of the king of Tianzhu, traveled across the ocean. After three years of hard sailing, he finally arrived in Guangzhou City in the 620s. Dharma landed at xiuyifang wharf. At that time, the scene of "Buddhism landing" must be quite spectacular.

After Dharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism, came to China, people built a missionary building near Xiuyi square, called Xilai temple. Today, the names of xilaizheng street, xilaixi street and xilaidong street in Xiajiu road are all named in memory of Dharma Chan's preaching, and are also related to the name of xilaian. Dharma, the founder of Fengshen Xiaoshu, came from the east of India, preached Buddhist scriptures and broadcast alms in Xilai temple, which played an important role in enlightening the establishment of Chinese Zen Buddhism. Later believers respected dharma as the ancestor of Chinese Zen Buddhism, so they called his landing place "Xilai birthplace" and Xilai Temple "Xilai Temple".

This nunnery dates back to Sui, Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and there are many lanterns. In the 12th year of Shunzhi (1655 A.D.), Zen master Zongfu first built the main hall, then built the Pavilion Hall, and changed Xilai temple to "Hualin Temple". The temple was one of the four Buddhist forests in Guangzhou at that time.

In the 29th year of Daoguang (1849), the abbot of the temple, monk Zhiyuan, began to build a 500 arhat hall. Sitting in the north and south, it has a water polished green brick wall, a granite footwall, a hard top, a gray plastic tile ridge, a Lu Hui tube, and a glass hook on the cornice. The plane is in the shape of a field, with a width of 31 meters and a depth of 44 meters. In addition to offering the three treasures Buddha, 500 clay statues of Arhats with different expressions are also displayed.

The five hundred Arhats are resplendent in shape, posture, expression and character. They are all alike. They can be seen in meditation or in games. Their actions and actions show the characters' character. They are superb. Among them is a wooden statue of Marco Polo, an Italian traveler, which is now in the Corell Museum in Venice. In front of the 500 arhat hall, there is a seven storey white marble relic tower built in 1701, the 40th year of Kangxi. Its exquisite shape and exquisite workmanship are unique in Guangzhou.

Five hundred Arhats were destroyed in the "Cultural Revolution". In June 1986, the temple was reopened after being rebuilt, and funds were raised to rebuild the five hundred Arhats. Luohantang is now a municipal cultural relic protection unit.

Up to now, Hualin temple is still full of incense. Although there are only a few faithful men and women who actually twist Buddhist beads and recite scriptures, many city people still have a common heart of praying for blessings on the first and the fifteenth day of the lunar new year. They burn incense in the temple, kowtow, chant scriptures, spend a spiritual Sunday, and enjoy a clean spirit in the dust. In the temple, 500 Luo Chong sits upright in rows, lifelike and lifelike. Sitting in the corridor of the temple, he is quiet and quiet. In the silent power of the Buddha, he shows his compassionate view of human feelings. This is a treasure that Cantonese people enjoy counting. It is a shadow of Zen and a pure land in the bustling and vulgar world. In the transcendent and mysterious atmosphere, it has accumulated a long history of Qinpi Chenxiang and human feelings. This nunnery dates back to Sui, Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and there are many lanterns. In the 12th year of Shunzhi (1655 A.D.), Zen master Zongfu first built the main hall, then built the Pavilion Hall, and changed Xilai temple to "Hualin Temple". The temple was one of the four Buddhist forests in Guangzhou at that time.

In the 29th year of Daoguang (1849), the abbot of the temple, monk Zhiyuan, began to build a 500 arhat hall. Sitting in the north and south, it has a water polished green brick wall, a granite footwall, a hard top, a gray plastic tile ridge, a Lu Hui tube, and a glass hook on the cornice. The plane is in the shape of a field, with a width of 31 meters and a depth of 44 meters. In addition to offering the three treasures Buddha, 500 clay statues of Arhats with different expressions are also displayed.

The five hundred Arhats are resplendent in shape, posture, expression and character. They are all alike. They can be seen in meditation or in games. Their actions and actions show the characters' character. They are superb. Among them is a wooden statue of Marco Polo, an Italian traveler, which is now in the Corell Museum in Venice. In front of the 500 arhat hall, there is a seven storey white marble relic tower built in 1701, the 40th year of Kangxi. Its exquisite shape and exquisite workmanship are unique in Guangzhou.

Five hundred Arhats were destroyed in the "Cultural Revolution". In June 1986, the temple was reopened after being rebuilt, and funds were raised to rebuild the five hundred Arhats. Luohantang is now a municipal cultural relic protection unit.

Up to now, Hualin temple is still full of incense. Although there are only a few faithful men and women who actually twist Buddhist beads and recite scriptures, many city people still have a common heart of praying for blessings on the first and the fifteenth day of the lunar new year. They burn incense in the temple, kowtow, chant scriptures, spend a spiritual Sunday, and enjoy a clean spirit in the dust. In the temple, 500 Luo Chong sits upright in rows, lifelike and lifelike. Sitting in the corridor of the temple, he is quiet and quiet. In the silent power of the Buddha, he shows his compassionate view of human feelings. This is a treasure that Cantonese people enjoy counting. It is a shadow of Zen and a pure land in the bustling and vulgar world. In the transcendent and mysterious atmosphere, it has accumulated a long history of Qinpi Chenxiang and human feelings.


Ladies and gentlemen

hello everyone! Next, I will visit yudalong garden, a large ecological park with the theme of appreciating ancient trees. The name of yudalong garden means rich, developed and prosperous. It contains the sincere and good wishes of the builders to all guests and friends who come to visit the park. I believe that after visiting the garden, you will be rich, developed and prosperous.

Yudalong garden was invested and built by Mr. Zhang song, an honorary citizen of Zengcheng City and a compatriot of Hong Kong. It was started in October 1996 and took more than two years to complete. With the theme of ecological appreciation of ancient trees, the garden integrates science, knowledge and education to create a big urban garden. The whole garden covers an area of 12000 mu, about 800000 square meters. The designer takes the idea of "water turtle, Ruyi and auspicious", uses turtle shaped hills surrounded by water on three sides, according to the natural terrain, along the mountain and water with the inner and outer ring path, to build the pattern of "water turtle". In Chinese traditional culture, dragon, Phoenix, Lin and turtle are collectively called "four spirits". The first three are only legendary animals. Today, only "turtle" is the real God and auspicious animal. The tortoise's slow movement and shrinking head in the face of the enemy is the natural way of Taoist Laozi's "living in a soft place", which contains the broad connotation of traditional Chinese philosophy and culture. The garden collects all kinds of ancient trees from all over the country and parts of foreign countries, such as three thousand year old Podocarpus and Osmanthus fragrans, five hundred year old Baila, three hundred year old Hunan camellia, and some foreign rare varieties, such as Java kapok, Japanese evening cherry, etc. the total age of the ancient trees in the garden is more than 100000 years. At the same time, the garden skillfully planted flowers, such as Luoyang peony, all kinds of roses, tulips, azaleas, orchids There are more than 400000 pots of flowers. And in the luxuriant flowers and trees in the scattered, ingenious placement of different shapes, wonderful stone, and engraved on the stone meaningful thinking of the text of poetry, after viewing, make you endless aftertaste.

OK, now let's enter the garden and follow the path of the sightseeing bus to enjoy the charming landscape of yudalong garden

[Fengming terrace]

Now the first thing we see is the first scenic spot of the garden, "Fengming terrace". This is a small hill built by hand, and it is also the head of the whole "water turtle". On the platform of the hill, there are four fine leaved banyan trees with luxuriant branches and leaves. The leaf covers of the four trees are complementary to each other. The shape of the four trees is like a phoenix with its head facing south and its wings flying high to welcome the guests from all directions. Please listen carefully. Behind the hill comes the sound of the waterfall, which is like the sound of the Golden Phoenix. Therefore, it is named "fengmingtai". On both sides of fengmingtai, three groups of banyan trees are planted, including Golden banyan, fine leaf banyan, flower leaf banyan and flower leaf chuiya banyan, forming two vivid green long dragons, which are called "shuanglongbi". The two scenes echo each other, forming the meaning of "dragon and Phoenix presenting auspiciousness".

In front of fengmingtai is a large-scale indoor square, love square, which looks like a flying seagull. It can accommodate 500 people to watch various performances at the same time, and has tea house, craft hall and other specialty stores. The trees in front of the square are cycads, which are transplanted from Cambodia. Three of them are more than 100 years old. On our right hand side is a "mini" golf driving range for leisure and fitness.

[tea garden]

Now we are in the tea garden. On our right hand side, there are all "two-color" camellia trees, all transplanted from Hunan, and some from Shaoshan, Chairman Mao Zedong's hometown. They are all about 100 years old. In the Spring Festival every year when the flowers bloom, each tree grows red, white based double color camellia. On the top right of Camellia, the towering trees are Java kapok transplanted from Indonesia. On the left side of the lake is planted the "human heart fruit" tree, which is named because the fruit looks like the "heart" of the same person.

[ancient pagoda tree facing the wind]

With the car, we came to the "locust forest". In front of us on the right, I believe you've noticed a big tree supported by big Bluestone. It's a Sophora longclaw tree that has been transplanted back from Hangzhou for more than 200 years and is known as "the first Sophora in the south of the Yangtze River". Because its branches and leaves grow like dragon claws, it is named "Robinia pseudoacacia". And next to the locust trees also have their own characteristics.

Close to the south of huaishulin, there is a peacock made of red grass and green grass, which is vividly displayed in front of you. On the north side is the "green bamboo stream", which is mainly planted with bamboo, and has a half hill Pavilion and waterfall. It is a good place to avoid summer and relieve summer heat.

[Lizhi mountain · Dujuan mountain]

Zengcheng is a famous town of litchi, so yudalong garden has planted litchi, one of Zengcheng's "four treasures", in addition to collecting all kinds of ancient trees from all over the country and parts of foreign countries. Now we come to "litchi mountain · Dujuan mountain". On our right, the whole mountain is planted with different varieties of litchi trees. In addition to litchi trees, there are more than ten varieties of rhododendrons on the mountain, woven into different patterns. In March, the flowers are blooming all over the ground, which is very brilliant and unforgettable. At the foot of litchi mountain, there are two air rooted banyan trees. Their fibrous roots have been honed for years, and they have grown into tree trunks. They are more than 300 years old. Beside them, there is a high mountain banyan tree, which is famous for its big age, thick trunk and beautiful shape. The lakeside on the other side of litchi mountain is the fishing area. Interested tourists can have a taste of the fun of "Jiang Taigong fishing, those willing to take the bait". The island opposite Diaoyutai is called Rose Island. The island is full of roses of all kinds, including diamond, Elizabeth, Huang Heping, red victory, gold medal and so on. In addition, the lakeside around the island is full of Hibiscus mutabilis. The color of Hibiscus mutabilis changes three times a day. It is pink in the morning, pink at noon and bright red in the afternoon.

Please take your eyes back from the romantic Rose Island and have a look at our lovely elephant garden. On your right is a family of four elephants woven with red grass and green grass. Is it very realistic? The big tree behind qunxiang garden is the ash tree transplanted from Hubei Province. It only grows in some areas of Hubei Province and is very precious. This tree has a long life. In this garden, there are all ash trees of several hundred years old. Its autumn leaves are orange yellow and deciduous. Next to the "white wax garden", there is also a tall tree, Indian red sandalwood, which is a long green tree. Its wood is hard and its furniture is very durable. Because of the difficulty in processing, its products are very precious.

Cherry garden

In the garden, we also transplanted the national flower of Japan - Cherry blossom. All the small trees planted on the lawn on your left are cherry trees. It blooms in the middle and late April. Then you can come to yudalong garden to enjoy the cherry blossom. In the East lawn of "cherry garden", cedar, which is unique to the Himalayas, is also planted. It can withstand the low temperature of more than - 30 degrees below zero and can survive in our garden. It is an affirmation of garden gardening technology. On the West Lawn of "cherry garden", have you noticed? There is an introduction wooden card under each tree. This is a miniature International Garden, which was planted by the consuls of 16 countries in Guangzhou on July 10, 2000. It is very meaningful.

[crape myrtle array]

Now we come to the garden of a scenic spot "crape myrtle array" - crape myrtle garden. Crape myrtle blooms from June to October, and the flowering period is more than 100 days, so it is also known as "hundred day red". In addition, it also has a nickname "itch tree", so the tree is ticklish. If you scratch the trunk, it will cause slight shaking of the tree top. The crape myrtle here is over 50 years old. The idea of the whole crape myrtle garden is very unique, with crape myrtle flowers tied into a variety of flower vases and gateways scattered among them. Whenever the flowers bloom, the whole garden is a piece of purple, making people feel as if they are in a romantic oil painting of flowers. On the island opposite the "crape myrtle garden", there are big red pomegranates and agate pomegranates transplanted from Shijiazhuang.

[Palm Garden]

After the romantic crape myrtle garden, immediately enter the coconut forest full of tropical style. It is full of palm plants transplanted from Hainan Island, including the towering giant coconut tree, the never tall old sunflower tree, the vivid bottle coconut tree and the "woman tree" three leaf areca nut. In the red steel frame pavilion under the coconut trees, it is planned to build a rare plant exhibition hall. Several oil palm trees are planted on the north and south sides of the exhibition hall. In the south of the exhibition hall, three ginkgo trees, known as "living fossils of plants", are planted. The fruits mature from September to October. They are called "ginkgo" and "CHIGUO".

[Mini Zoo]

It will soon be the end of our car tour. Finally, I'd like to introduce our zoo to you. On your right are sika deer and Thai peacock. Let me tell you a little secret: the opening of peacock represents happiness and auspiciousness. If you want to make our peacock open, please go and compete with it. In addition, if you are interested, you can buy feed to feed these animals. You can also choose to ride horses, camels and carriages.

Now we end our car tour and hike to Guishan, the main scenic spot of yudalong garden.

[Guishan victory overview]

Guishan is well designed. The whole figure is divided into three rings and four steps. The ring is round and the terrace is straight. The main road is due south, the other three roads are due north, due east and due west. There are 18 sets in the first two rings, each with nine levels, totally 162 levels; there are six sets in the last ring, each with three levels, and the other with three levels, totally 183 levels.

The four-way climbing steps are planted with different trees and have different meanings. South Avenue, planted with luohansong, "life Avenue, kangqizhuang", step up and down, with the feeling of being in Nanjing Zhongshan Mausoleum or Paris Sacred Heart Church stone steps, is a heroic success. Western Avenue planting rich flower crape myrtle, it is "a hundred days of rich red flowers.". As the saying goes: "no one is good for a hundred days, no flower is red for a hundred days.". Lagerstroemia indica blooms for more than 100 days. From July to October, it is charming and red. Dongfang Avenue "harmonizes with each other and adds love". The left and right stems of the Plumeria help each other and form a relationship, which is the way of love. Osmanthus fragrans and Laurus fragrans are planted on both sides of the North Avenue, and the fragrance is intoxicating, especially around the Mid Autumn Festival, when the Osmanthus fragrans float away and the slope level is full of tourists. Down the slope is the rainbow bridge, and success comes after setbacks, which is exactly "people with fragrance of flowers see the rainbow when they are drunk".

In a word, for career, wealth and study, we should go to the South stage (luohansong Road); for love, happiness and children, we should go to the east stage (Plumeria Road); for health and longevity, we should go to the North stage (Guihua Road); for peace and family, we should go to the west stage (Ziwei Road). When you get to the temple of heaven, you make a wish in the face of the wish tree, and revolve around the wish tree - "three thousand year old Luohan ancient pine" clockwise for three times. In this way, your wish will come true and get twice the result with half the effort.

[turtle comes out of water]

Someone came into yudalong garden and saw that the garden was made up of turtles. The central part of the garden was called Guishan. The starting point of "the road of life" was engraved with Cao Cao's poem "although turtles live long, there is still time to compete.". The serpent rides on the fog and turns to dust. The old man is ambitious. In his old age, the martyrs were full of ambition. The period of surplus and contraction is not only in the sky. A happy life will last forever. Fortunately, I sing for my ambition. "A little suspicious and a little surprised.

Dragon, Phoenix, turtle and Lin are collectively called "four spirits". Dragon, Phoenix and Lin are all animals in ancient legends, but they have disappeared today. The tortoise is the only divine animal. The turtle out of the water is especially dynamic. The tortoise's slow movement and shrinking head in the face of the enemy is the natural road for Laozi to live in. Yudalong flaunts Chinese culture, and Laozi's philosophy is the representative of Chinese culture.

Feng Shui Master said: "Luo Fu, a thousand li, dragon, the essence of the world, the regiment is a gas, the pulse is in the turtle mountain." In addition, "five mountains, five directions and Five Dynasties, both are strong in shape.". Even if you don't know geomantic omen, standing on the top of Guishan mountain and looking to the north, the mountains in the distance are surrounded by arches, which are divided into seven mountains. Among them, there are three linked "three platforms" and "emperor's seat" with round arches like a canopy. The shape of the mountain is really extraordinary. Surrounded by mountains and surrounded by several mountains like lotus, everyone knows that it is a good place.

You come to yudalong garden and stand on the top of the turtle mountain to feel the aura of the turtle. When you go back to the city, you're more inspired.

[life road]

The design of yudalong garden is based on the concept of "water turtle" according to the natural appearance. The original solitary mountain is the turtle's body, surrounded by water on three sides, and the turtle's head is made of soil. The turtle's tail is an arch bridge, with four halls in spring, summer, autumn and winter, forming the turtle's four feet. Around the turtle, there are two scenic paths, namely, baishujing, baihualang, baihualu and baishulu. Outside the garden is a winding mountain with ups and downs.

Let's just talk about the central axis of the garden. The master of the garden named "the road of life", that is, "the road to success". The starting point of life should have the positive spirit of Cao Cao. Therefore, the poem "Gui although Shou" written by Cao Cao encourages people to have a positive and enterprising life. Road upward, a total of 162, Jialu planted Luohan old pine. The original name of the garden is "Luohan villa", and a lot of Luohan pines are planted. It turns out that the fruit of Podocarpus arvensis is as small as beans. It turns green first, then red, and then purple black. It has strong vitality and looks like a sitting Podocarpus arvensis, so it is called Podocarpus arvensis. The eighteen trees that stick to the road are huge and vigorous. They are carved into eighteen Arhats according to their appearance, and the statues are carved under them to accompany each other. There are "Luohan terrace in front of Luofu Mountain, Luohan pine on Luohan terrace, Luohan pine under Luohan statue". "I'm very proud of you.

In a positive life, we should always review ourselves. "Honesty", "respect" and "perseverance" are personal self requirements. The success of young people without ancestral shadow depends on "sincerity, respect and perseverance". In short, they are sincere to people and things, dedicated and happy to work, not surprised in case of change, wrong in case of death, resolute and resolute. Dear friends, don't look down on these three words. They seem simple, but they are the secret of success. On the other hand, if you want to achieve success, you need to be aware in life. How can we know in advance? The ancient method is astrology, divination, so the top of the mountain built "lucky heaven", let people sincerely pray to the sky, ask the sky to hang like. This is the realm of idealism. Materialistic methods pay attention to practice, so-called learning from the past. "Infer the future from past experience and observe the present from future situation. "It's also the way to succeed. A person can be prescient, natural "understanding of human affairs, see through the context.". "There is no way to go. We often rely on "Empathy" when we do things. The so-called heart to heart relationship lies in silence. In doing things and dealing with the world in this way, we should "judge the time and size up the situation", get "time" and "position", and be successful.

Fortunately, in the middle of the temple of heaven, a 3000 year old Podocarpus arvensis was planted. It was born earlier than Confucius, forty is not confused, three thousand is more transparent, so the tree is psychic. It silently teaches us not to use words or words, but to rely on the feeling of the soul.

Around the temple of fortune, the central axis turns to downhill road. Just like the ups and downs of life, when it comes to a sharp turn, when you encounter disappointments, you should have a choice. If you snatch things in a fire, you can't take them all. If you linger, people will turn into coke. When frustrated, we should follow Mao Zedong's spirit: "the snow is pressing, the winter clouds are flying, and the flowers are withering. The sky is rolling, the cold current is fast, and the earth is slightly warm. Only heroes drive tigers and leopards, and no heroes are afraid of bears. Plum blossoms are happy with the snow, and it's not surprising that they freeze to death. "We should face the reality and be determined. It's like the plum blossom proud of frost and snow and the hero driving away tigers and leopards.

It's the lowest point of life to go through a bad situation and go downhill to a flat road. It's like the "bottom" and the eve of "rebound". When you are frustrated, you should look at the world coldly. Each of the two big rocks has a round hole. It seems that you are looking at things. What are you looking at? "To manage mountains and water, to manage flowers and grass, no matter what the world is; to see mountains and water, to see flowers and grass, to see the world with a smile.


The beautiful scenery of Lingnan gardens has a long history of ancient charm and style, which can be traced back to Nanyue and the small dynasties of the Southern Han Dynasty. In history, the landscape architecture built in Litchi Bay has a larger scale. For example, the garden of the Southern Han Dynasty, the Changhua garden of "ten li red clouds and eight bridges" and the evening View Garden of Huang Zhong, the right servant of the Ministry of war in the Ming Dynasty In the Qing Dynasty, there were Tang Liyuan (qiuzhu garden) by Qiu Xi, a gentleman of Guangzhou, Huancui garden by Cai Tinghui, and Lixiang garden in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. One of the most famous private gardens in the city in the Qing Dynasty is the Haishan fairy hall, which was built by Pan Shicheng, a wealthy businessman and cultural celebrity in Guangzhou during the reign of Daoguang. It's named after the couplet on the door.

The sea mountain fairy house is like a natural and wild Wonderland. It shows the classical garden characteristics of implication, exquisite and exquisite. It also appeals to the gentle and comfortable, pleasant scenery and calm elegance of the folk custom of southern Guangdong. I don't know when it's cloudy and when it's rainy tonight

Haishan fairy house was once a huge private garden located in Litchi bay at that time. It was pan Shicheng's villa mansion.

Pan Shicheng, also known as deshe, took part in Shuntian rural examination in 1832, and was a student of Banggong. Later, he donated a large sum of money to relieve the victims in Beijing, and was given drinks to all the people. He once mainly engaged in salt and foreign affairs. Later, he undertook the coastal defense military industry, and became a rich man. According to textual research, the scope of Panyuan is roughly in the area of Liwan Lake Park. Compared with the surrounding scenery at that time, it extends to Penglai road in the south, pantang in the north, sanchayong in Longjin West Road in the East, and the Pearl River in the West. It can be seen from Mr. Lu Wenlian's "preliminary study on the sea mountain fairy house" published in the Journal of Southern architecture in 1997: looking to the west is the rolling Pearl River and the endless ships; looking to the East is the Xiguan folk houses and the ancient Guangzhou city wall; there are green fields and rolling mountains in the north; and to the south is Ye's small garden and white goose pond with foreign merchant ships. " It's not hard to imagine that Haishan fairy house, no matter where it is located in Fengshui, or the vast and magnificent area, could be regarded as a "giant" in the garden architecture of Lingnan in Guangdong at that time. It can also be described as a "model of South Garden" with unique advantages, leading the way and dominating the public.

There are few written descriptions of haishanxian hall preserved in history. At present, the precious materials reflecting the history of his original works mainly include the picture of Haishan immortal Museum painted by Xia Luan, a famous painter of Qing Dynasty, at the invitation of Pan Shicheng, collected by Guangzhou Art Museum, which provides us with an exquisite panorama of Haishan immortal Museum in the past. In the middle of the 19th century, shangtinggua, a thirteen line painter, made a paper gouache painting, qinghuachi Museum in pantang, Guangzhou, which introduces the local gardens of Haishan immortal Museum Scenery. In addition, a group of photos of the pavilions and pavilions of the Haishan fairy Pavilion taken by the French Jules eguel in 1844, the miscellany of old China published by American hunter in 1885 (reprinted in Hong Kong in 1993), and the notes of lotus corridor written by Yu Xunqing and the four stories of Nanting written by Li Baojia can reveal the garden construction of the Haishan fairy Pavilion The architectural features and style are as follows: the garden is simple and elegant, but not just brilliant in China; the wonderful scenery has the meaning of the south of the Yangtze River, but adds more lychees on the Bay, and so on. From this, we can judge that the main feature of the garden architecture of Haishan fairy hall is the use of the litchi forest on the Bank of litchi Bay, so that the inherent cultural heritage, regional characteristics and rural landscape of Lingnan, such as twigs and vines, secluded silence, misty, gentle and delicate, are combined, the scenes are interlinked, and heaven and man are in one, which further reveals and presents the highest realm and Transcendence of Lingnan Garden art Shensui - simple and refined. Just like Lu Wencong's Haishan immortal Pavilion, it has a natural and gentle style: Jiangli on the dike, Baihe in the water, Dangui in the court, curly pines and emerald cypresses, bamboo shadow and Tongyin, and exotic flowers and plants set off each other, forming a greening system. " Indeed, thanks to the grace of nature, the sea mountain fairy Pavilion is surrounded by vast and beautiful green mountains and water, green thin red fat shade. Because of the good environmental conditions inside and outside, the design and arrangement of pavilions and pavilions in garden architecture can have greater freedom. It has scenery everywhere, green to set off and shade to follow, so it does not need to rely on the beauty of carved beams and painted buildings In other words, we can use the natural spirit to show the charm, and get rid of a lot of carved craftsman's face.

The sea mountain fairy house, which is as dark as the clouds, is also like a wonderland in the world. It shows the characteristics of classical gardens, which are implicit, exquisite and exquisite. It also quietly appeals to the gentle and comfortable feeling of the folk custom of southern Guangdong, which is pleasant to the landscape and tranquil to the world. I don't know when it's cloudy and moon, or when it's rain and smoke. "The imaginary Haishan fairy house is like a mirage. It's beautiful and dreamy. I can't remember the name of the creator. It's just a paradise that attracts countless poets, poets, and many people

The reason why Haishan fairy house is loved by people is not only because of its beautiful garden scenery and red litchi cloud color, but also because of its rich classical cultural connotation. Pan Shicheng, the owner of the garden, is not only a wealthy businessman of thirteen lines, but also a well-known cultural celebrity with rich collection. He did not hesitate to spend a large sum of money to print 56 kinds of "haishanxianguan series" with 492 volumes, which were divided into four parts, namely classics, history, Zi and Ji, with a total of 120 volumes. He also carefully collected the famous calligraphers' calligraphy and pastes, and divided their precious handwriting into "imitating the ancient, collecting the true and bequeathing the Fen". Then he chiseled more than 1000 stone carvings, most of which were inlaid in the cave wall of the winding path of the cloister in the garden. He also printed the stone rubbings of these famous calligraphers as the "sea mountain fairy Pavilion cluster paste". Pan Shicheng's fame and prestige were greatly enhanced because of the master's tireless efforts in gold mining, perseverance and acceptance of all rivers. As a matter of course, the Haishan fairy house became a happy land and famous garden often gathered by dignitaries, celebrities, foreign businessmen and rich people at that time. Even the meetings between foreign envoys and government officials were often fake We are here for peace talks. There is no doubt that the American writer hunter, the French photographer Jules eguel, and the famous British photographer and writer John Townsend were all frequent friends in the Haishan fairy house at that time. They were infatuated with this typical Chinese garden, and they were responsible for the land right to turn this "strange and interesting" and beautiful paradise into their art with pictures and texts Art treasures spread to the overseas world.

Pan Shicheng made friends all over the world in his life. He despised money and was good at charity. In his early years, he made many donations to the capital, Guangdong and other places, reaching as much as 13000 taels of silver at one time. Later, he donated 13500 Liang to repair Guangzhou Gongyuan and paved stone road from xiaobeimen to Baiyunshan. When he supervised the warships of seven coastal provinces, he spared no effort to hire Americans to come to China to develop mines, which was praised by Emperor Daoguang.

Unfortunately, this legendary man, who was famous all over the world, eventually went bankrupt because of the loss of salt industry. The garden and its property were copied into the government. The government issued lottery tickets with 3 Liang silver each to attract investors. The winner could get this fairy garden. It is said that the winner of the prize was a teacher. Later, because the garden was useless, it was demolished and sold. Some people even split the four characters of "Haishan fairy house" into six characters of "three official food for each person", which alleges the embarrassing situation of Pan Shicheng's final bankruptcy!

Haishan fairy house, indeed, did not enjoy the fortune of Yin Fu as the "four famous gardens in Guangdong" that survived to this day. With the decline of Pan Shicheng's family, it was auctioned by the Qing government, dismembered and sold by the refined and vulgar people, and finally disappeared. Who can not lament the unfortunate experience of this rich historical and cultural heritage?

Fortunately, today, in order to promote Xiguan's traditional culture and develop business and tourism, the people's Government of Liwan District has decided to rebuild haishanxian Pavilion in Liwan Lake Park, and the first phase of the project has been completed. As a result, the people who think reverie and look up to pray for sigh are disconsolate and regret that they only know its name and do not know its whereabouts.


Zhenshan is located 3 kilometers southwest of Sihui City, with a height of 649 meters. In the scenic spot, the trees are verdant, the mountains are clear and the valleys are secluded; the clear spring waterfall, the clouds are steaming and the fog is blue, which is like a fairyland on earth.

In the Tang Dynasty, Zhenshan was originally named guangzhengshan, but it was renamed Zhenshan because of the saying that the virgin of Wen family was promoted to immortality here. In addition to the unique natural landscape, Zhenshan is well-known in Lingnan, which has a lot to do with the legend of Wenshi Zhenxian.

According to legend, in a small village in yaosha township at the foot of Zhenshan mountain, there is an old couple who are over 50 years old and have no children, which is a bit of a fly in the ointment. One night, as soon as the couple entered the dreamland, they vaguely saw a snow-white lotus floating in, and suddenly felt the fragrance of the house. Soon after, his wife became pregnant, conceived in October and gave birth to a baby girl. The couple were very happy. When the girl was full moon, an old friend from a neighboring village came to celebrate with his wife and three-year-old brother Qiao. The two families also made an engagement for their children in public. In the twinkling of an eye for more than ten years, when the two families saw that their children had grown up, they began to prepare for their marriage. Unexpectedly, the two families were devastated by the tiger's harm. Qiao's father was very ill and died for half a year. The woodcutter's mother was also blind because she was dry with tears. Seeing the miserable situation of the woodcutter's family, Miss Wen thought about it again and again. She put on white clothes and resolutely went through the woodcutter's family to serve her mother-in-law and shoulder the heavy burden of life. Miss Wen's righteous deeds and moral character are well-known. However, when the local rich men saw that Miss Wen had grown into a fair lady, they had already coveted her and had a bad heart. Once they broke into the house and wanted to tease her. Miss Wen held scissors and denounced her, so they had to leave unhappily. However, they didn't give up. Later, they wanted Wengu to submit on the ground of forcing rent and debt. Wengu only got refuge in Guangzheng mountain. After a long time, they were found by those people and tried to commit violence. Seeing this, aunt Wen hurried up to the stone cliff by the edge of the pool and sternly scolded them: "I'd rather die than obey than humiliate me!" Then jump down the deep pool. All of a sudden, there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder, and torrential rain. Those shameless people, being blown into a stampede, rolled down the mountain. After the rain, Wen Gu's body was lying on the pool like a deep sleep, while those shameless people were dead in the mountains. Seeing this, the villagers not only regretted the misfortune of Wen Gu, but also congratulated the gangster for not dying well. As we were about to go down to the pool to pick up Wengu '. But once upon a time, a piece of yellow paper floated down from the sky, and the book said, "Zhenshan is a piece of white stone, Zhenshan is a piece of white stone; human beings are sentimental, and their hair is white. Who worries about Zhenshan?"

Later, Guangzheng mountain was renamed Zhenshan, and Wengu tiaotan was named Zhenya. When the imperial court learned of this, the emperor decreed that Wengu should be granted the title of Wenshi Zhenxian. Sihui county government also built a temple at the mouth of zhengu Valley in the 17th year of Zhengyuan (801) of emperor Dezong of Tang Dynasty. It was called zhenlie temple, also known as fairy altar. The temple is a Taoist temple, offering a statue of Wengu with a golden body. It is held by the abbot of the Taoist priest. For more than 1000 years, incense has been burning continuously.

In the past ten years, the memorial archway and Tianyin tower have been built in Zhenshan scenic area. Around the Zhenshan mountain, there are many famous places, such as incarnation pool, fairy fish, fairy snail, stone bowl, stone basket and so on. When you travel here, you can not only enjoy the quiet natural landscape, but also see things and think of immortals.


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