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  为了帮助大家备考雅思口语,小编带来雅思口语高分范文,话题是喜欢的城市,a city/town you’ve visited that you like,范文来自7分考生,内容有关越南胡志明市,适用于喜欢旅行的你。

  雅思口语题库话题7分范文之喜欢的城市a city/town you’ve visited that you like

  Describe a city/town you’ve visited that you like

  You should say:

  Where is it

  When did you go there

  What did you do their

  And explain why you like it




  Well, first of all, I should say that I want to present to you a beautiful city that named Ho Chi Minh. Actually, I have lived there for 2 months the last year and my initial point would be that I will come here to live all my life in the future.

  All right, I really need to kick off with the point that Ho Chi Minh is the center of Vietnam’s southern. Of course, you know, I could say that this city takes the first position in the industrial system of the country and the southern especially. Actually, you may or may not be aware that in fact Ho Chi Minh is situated among many industrialized cities such as Binh Duong, Vung Tau, Dong Nai… and I shouldn’t forget to mention that it takes an important part of the domestic and the international circulation of Vietnam.

  Also, I suppose I should really say that Ho Chi Minh posse a dynamic life style that attracts young people who want to build a brilliant social position. There are many reasons supporting my view that are an open atmosphere, a practical attitude, a mix culture, a rapid rhythm … Indeed, this city provides everyone so many chances to grow up our careers everywhere every time. Education and Formation, Arts and Entertainment, Commerce and Trade, Mechanic and Industry… every section is on the way of developing.

  Another point which I could add is that you could visit many entertainment centers on the town, and if you need fresh air, it’s so simple to take a western tour in a few days or run along the beach, climb up on the mountain in some neighbor provinces. Something else that I need to comment on is that you will find your favor meal which is part of various special goods that come from everywhere in the country and in the world. After careful consideration of the above reasons, I personally agree that the most attracting thing of this city is its own life style that has been keeping for long times.



  kick off with the point

  posse a dynamic life style


  I shouldn’t forget to mention that it takes an important part of the domestic and the international circulation of Vietnam.

  Another point which I could add is that you could visit many entertainment centers on the town, and if you need fresh air, it’s so simple to take a western tour in a few days or run along the beach, climb up on the mountain in some neighbor provinces.


  Describe a city/town you’ve visited that you like

  You should say:

  Where is it

  When did you go there

  What did you do their

  And explain why you like it




  A couple of months ago I went to the Greek island of Crete. We stayed in a town called Xania, which is on the coast in the north west of Crete. It is a really picturesque town with small cobbled streets, a large harbour and many ancient buildings. I went there with my husband Brendan for a one-week holiday.

  We got there by various means of transport, taking a train to the airport, then a four-hour flight, followed by a twenty-minute taxi ride from the airport to where we were staying. The whole journey took around eight hours from door to door, which was a bit longer than we expected it to take, although we didn't have any major delays, thank goodness.

  I enjoyed my stay there very much, as I had not had a holiday for ages and needed to switch off from working. We didn't do much sightseeing, although Xania itself has a long and fascinating history so went to the local museum in order to learn more about it. I spent a lot of time reading books and swimming in the sea, which I must admit was quite a lot colder than I thought it would be. I also enjoyed eating the delicious Cretan food, and walking around the ancient streets in the town.

  One of the things I enjoyed the most was going to a restaurant called Xalkina, where they had live Cretan music every night. The musicians were playing instruments that I had never seen before, and I loved the style and tempo of the music they played. I would definitely like to go back to Crete one day, though next time I would probably make more effort to see the amazing sights of the rest of Crete.




  注意:游览卡片内容要既准确又迅速,一定不要误解标题和小标题上的任何内容,否则会造成谈话跑题而丢分。比如卡片上要求考生“talk about a Chinese traditional festival”,如果考生讲的是“National Day”就不会得到任何分数,因为“National Day”是个现代节日,而不是“traditional festival”这就象写作考试中作文写跑题一样。








  雅思口语难点实例讲解。学生们反映的雅思口语比较难的题目有law、interesting news、book 等。我们一一分析如下:

  第一、 关于law

  大家首先要明白一点,雅思口语考试的目的是什么? 就是检验一下我们的最基本的英语说话的能力,换句话讲,就是能不能在国外用英语讲话让别人明白你的意思。所以,思路的选择尤为重要。正是“思路决定出路”。

  说到法律,我们(学生、上班族)最关心的是什么方面的事情呢? 很可能是我们上学、上班、生活、娱乐和我们生活息息相关的方面。所以,要从我们本身出发。



  也有可能你是一个上班族,对于每天挤公车上下班堵在路上心理很不爽,说什么自己比较有话说呢?很可能是《交通法》。可能会提到交通管制(traffic regulation),控制私家((control the growth of private cars , control the overall number of private cars),增加公共交通(encouraging public transportaion)等等。

  第二、 interesting news

  如果我们平时稍微关注下新闻,我们就会明白生活中处处都是interesting news。 注意此处的 interesting 不一定是funny 好笑的,只要是自己觉得有趣就可以讲。比如:对于李嘉欣大婚花费1亿元,你怎么看? 或者中国的山寨产品(fake goods)以假乱真,或者提到出租车司机罢运,甚至是我们大学生找不到工作。但是,问题的关键不在于你讲了什么,而在于你能不能自圆其说。

  第三、 book

  由于我们每天都很忙,基本上就没有了读书的时间,所以,冷不丁问到这个话题,很多人不约而同地讲到:my favorite book is 《Harry Potter》。事实上,除了哈里·波特之外,我们真的无书可读了吗?太多了,既可以讲中国的四大名著,比如《水浒传》(All men are bothres),也可以提到国外的经典名著,比如温总理最喜欢的《沉思录》(Meditation);既可以讲小说,如《简·爱》,也可以讲哲学,如苏格拉底的书《理想国》(The Republic);既可以讲纯正英语背景的,如《格列佛游记》《Gulliver’s travel》,也可以讲其他的背景,如《挪威的森林》(Norwegian Wood)。总之,雅思口语需要厚积薄发。


  第一、保证日常练习的口语的熟练性。Practice makes perfect. 道理谁都会懂,但是并不见得每个人都会做。每天早上起床之后可以自己读一会儿英语,可以读一下《Newyork Times》网络版,或者看看CNN 有什么新闻,或者读一下《新概念》、自己订的英文报纸等。


  第三、每天坚持听英语广播,比如说BBC。 每天早上起床后可以打开BBC 听一下世界上又有什么新闻,听完后可以尝试自己简单复述下今天的新闻内容,然后,考虑下如果这是口语题,该如果回答?比如:印度发生了恐怖袭击,我们就可以考虑,口语会不会这么考?会不会问你对于跨国打击_是否支持?为什么?如果这样问题,我们应该如果回答?

  第四、在自己日常生活中,对于一些问题应形成自己的视角,因为,雅思口语既需要我们的口语流利,又需要我们有自己的观点。所以,某一天坐公交 BRT 的时候,我们会发现BRT 上的人比普通公交还少,考虑一下为什么? 对于济南的交通,我们如何缓解压力?建地铁?轻轨?如果建地铁,问题是什么?轻轨呢?如果建轻轨,可能需要大笔资金。

雅思口语题库话题7分范文之喜欢的城市a city/town you’ve visited that you like相关文章

