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  I have met many persons with very polite behaviors and soft attitude and among them my neighbor Mr. Arun (...say a name you like...) is the most polite person I have ever met. Interestingly he is very talented, well-mannered, has extended experience of travelling and he is a writer. There is a rumor that after his son died; he started living a discrete and solitary life.

  I first met him after he moved to our neighborhood around 5 years back. One day I went to his home to give some homemade food for a major festival. The way he greeted me and thanked me was simply amazing. I was around 19-20 years old but he treated me as if I was a much aged person. I am at least 20 years junior to him and yet he showed me a respect which is very rare nowadays.

  In fact he is well-known in our community as a perfect gentleman and a sober person. Almost everyone of our locality likes him for his polite manner, serene life-style and his wit. I often visit his place and discuss on several issues. He is a great problem solver and has a natural gift on Mathematics. He often helped me on my studies and we played table tennis, chess and other indoor games. The most interesting part about him is that he is a brave person and he often protests the unfair issues of our community. But those are so natural and his way of presenting those issues are so important and obvious that people obey him and give great concerns on the issues he raises. Besides, people respect his judgments and good wills. I like spending time with him and enjoy his accompany. We all have our own perceptions about polite persons and in my opinion he is a perfect example how people can be earnest and polite being very brave, intelligent and righteous.

  Similar Cue Card Topics

  Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

  1. Describe a person who you know for a long time

  2. Describe an amiable person you have met

  3. Describe an interesting person you know about

  4. Describe a good neighbour you have

  雅思口语话题part2参考范文:一个有礼貌的人(a polite person that you met)

  Describe a polite person that you met

  where you met the person

  How you met the person




  My meeting with John was an exceptional event. After my acquaintance with him, I felt like I met the most polite man in my life. He truly is a man of gentle nature. He is kind and loves to meet with people and help them in their needs. Though he needs to suffer for his politeness, he is unable to give up his natural habit. This is a nice cue card task for me and I am happy to have the chance of describing him.

  I came to know about John in my university. He is the only person who came to my help when I was in a dire need of support. In fact, I lost my class diary and a pen on my way to the university and it was John who helped me with his own pen and shared his notes. Later, I came to know that he had a single pen that he gave to me and he did not write a line on his exercise book for the want of a pen. When other students were busy with them, he came forward for my help selflessly. It was his politeness that made me amazed.

  John is polite in every sense. He never makes any rude remarks to anyone while others find it interesting to make statements on other's troublesome situations. Moreover, when someone is in distress, it is John who moves ahead before everyone else. His speeches are well constructed and he always carefully tries not to hurt anyone with his speech. He is unable to say something against any rude remarks to him and remains silent in this situations. He is well-known both for his gentle nature and talent.

  I am highly glad to have this person on my friend list. In fact, he is a model for everyone to learn courtesy. He never breaks his promises and makes promise considering his ability. So, I like him very much for his politeness and other qualities.



  a man of gentle nature

  in one's needs


  move ahead

  break one's promises

  高分句型:Moreover, when someone is in distress, it is John who moves ahead before everyone else.

  He is unable to say something against any rude remarks to him and remains silent in this situations.

  I am highly glad to have this person on my friend list.


  1. 例如:假如上司带着埋怨的口气说:You did not finish the work when you were supposed to.你该做完的工作而没有做完。下属也会冷静地说:Yes,I forgot. I need to make sure I remember it next time.是的,我忘了,下次我会记住。

  2. 在遇到自己犯错时,也会说:I goofed it. 我做错了。

  3. 在遇到自己笨手笨脚做不好一件事时,也会说:Gracious,I seem to be having a hard time. 嗳!我似乎困难重重!

  4. 当学生上课迟到,老师质问时,他会说:You are right. I need to allow myself more time next time.是啊,我下次需要充分的时间。

  5. 学生在上课时说话,老师要他先举手,他会说:I will remember next time when I have something to say. 我下次说话时会记得。

  6. 遇到别人做错事,他们往往也会宽慰地说:Don‘t worry,this happens sometimes.不要紧,这种事情时有发生。











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