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Respect leadership:

Bank personal cover letter

Hello. The bank has been a good image in the social reputation, I am about to graduate, if there is a chance is willing to your company can effect a modest! My name is XXX, graduated from the China University of Mining and Technology, was studying financial management specialty. The following is my personal letter of introduction.

I to your bank for some basic understanding. As a newcomer students finish their studies, I have the confidence to accept the social test and the challenge from its own. During my college study hard, strict demands on themselves, respect for teachers, and actively participate in various activities organized by the school. On weekdays, and teachers and students live together in peace together. In English, passed Band Four six examination. I know, the bank clerk is the need to have a strong sense of responsibility, practice. Therefore, in school period, I tried a different practice and work. I do Secretary, did the promotion, has made the family, worked as a waitress, different occupation has given me a different experience let me gradually from a silly little girl into an independent thinking, problem solving skill and teamwork spirit. In order to remain invincible in the work, do a better job.

I hope to go to your bank to work, to learn the theory of combination of knowledge and practice, so that their life can have a qualitative leap. I believe that your bank is whole image, management mode, working atmosphere will be more attractive to me in my mind, is the pursuit of the ideals and goals.

We enclosed a copy of my resume, hope to be able to notice will have the opportunity to meet.

Sincerely yours



当你开始写你的求职信的时候,直入主题。解释你为什么写这封 求职 信并将你感兴趣的职位头衔写在里面。你可能还想要说一下你是在哪儿听到这份工作的:"I am writing to eXPress my interest in the Sales Manager position advertised on your Web site. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review."


一封求职信是你向雇主证明你是最好人选的好机会,因此确定该职位的技能要求是重要的第一步。然后,将你以前和这些技能相关的工作经历的具体介绍,并且最后以类似这样的话总结:"I am confident that these combined eXPeriences make me an ideal candidate for this position."




当你写求职信的时候,你应该总是记得你的`任务是-推销自己!陈述你能为雇主所做的,而不是相反,将能让你脱颖而出。使用行为动词例如facilitated,developed和managed来描述你工作的职责,并自信的表示例如"I strongly believe I possess the right combination of skills and eXPerience you are looking for"


坐下来,马上写然后马上发出你的求职信将保证发生一件事-错误!一旦你写了求职信,确定你稍后会校正一下或是请你的朋友看一下。仔细看拼写和语法错误并确定写的不会太长。最好,put yourself in the employer's shoes,或假设你是雇主,并决定是否你想要雇佣一名写了这求职信的应聘者。如果不想,回过去并重新改写直到你写出一封令人入胜的求职信!

