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 据说英国广播公司(BBC)对与美国广播公司(ABC)共同组建一个新闻收集联盟颇感兴趣。此前,ABC与美国有线新闻网(CNN)的合并会谈已在2002年12月间降温。BBC正在担心已提议的CNN的交易替代与ABC的协议,这是BBC海外通讯记者在晚间新闻中播报的消息。直到确信ABC与有线新闻网的交易沉船,BBC才期待着与ABC进行接触,美国广播公司与有线新闻网的会谈是在涉及其运作和构架问题时破产的,关于是否再继续将于下几周有望决定。ABC的新闻发言人Jeffrey Schneider说:“我们乐衷于这样有些令人恐怖的关系就如同我们与其它的国外新闻方面的合作伙伴。”他还说:“我们一直寻求恰当的方法来扩大我们的覆盖面,并尽力寻找有效的方案,但并没有达成任何商讨建议。”据ABC新闻业内人士透露,在周一的金融时报见报的有关于此交易的报导,其实是BBC的主管人员对未来的前景添油加醋的说法。在会晤中,主管人员暗示早在去年BBC就有意试探与ABC新闻网融资,而当时ABC正与CNN进行磋商,但ABC的内部人士表示BBC的兴趣似乎过分浓厚了。 据周一的金融时报说,BBC的建议似乎与CNN的交易同出一辙,仅仅只是缺乏全面的融资。基于目前的建议,CNN将为ABC提供覆盖全球的新闻及垄断性的新闻,而海外事务也将合并。作为回报,CNN将会获得在ABC的一次竟标中在国内企业中的宣传。BBC希望在美国达到一个较好的现状,除了与ABC签定的合同之外,英国广播公司新闻网公告显示,在接受采访BBC的三千万美国家庭中,有90%的美国家庭对美国公共广播公司的安排表示有好感。(来源:雅虎网 中华传媒网 编译)BBC Keen on ABC News Pact -- ReportTue Jan 7, 2:04 AMLONDON (Variety) - The British Broadcasting Corp. is reportedly interested in forming a news-gathering alliance with ABC, whose merger talks with CNN cooled off in December. The state-owned BBC is concerned that the proposed CNN deal would displace its arrangement with ABC, which airs reports from the Beeb's foreign correspondents on its evening news. The BBC is not expected to approach ABC until it is sure that the CNN deal is dead in the water. The ABC/CNN talks foundered on operational and structural issues, and a decision on whether to resume them is expected in the next few weeks. "We're enjoying a terrific relationship with the BBC as we are with our other foreign news partners," said ABC News spokesman Jeffrey Schneider, who dismissed the story. "While we're always looking for ways to augment our coverage and looking for efficiencies, there are no discussions." The report of the deal, which appeared in the Monday's Financial Times, was fueled by an upcoming profile on a BBC executive, according to an ABC News insider. During an interview, the executive hinted that the BBC would be interested in exploring a merger with ABC News along the lines of its discussions last year with CNN. But the ABC insider said that the BBC's interest was exaggerated.    bbc对abc的新闻合约感兴趣  The BBC declined to verify the account. The BBC's proposal is likely to be similar to CNN's deal, only it will fall short of a full-blown merger, according to Monday's Financial Times. Under the current proposal, CNN would supply international coverage and breaking news to ABC. Overseas offices would be combined. In return, CNN would get exposure on ABC in a bid to raise its profile domestically. The BBC is keen to achieve a greater presence in the United States. Aside from its contract with ABC, BBC World news bulletins are seen in 90% of U.S. homes thanks to a deal with PBS, while BBC America is available in 30 million households.   bbc对abc的新闻合约感兴趣

