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Dear friends: Hello everyone, today we come to the first street of China - "three lanes and Seven Alleys", which is known as "architectural museum of Ming and Qing Dynasties" and "living fossil of city square system" with the significance of national historical and cultural city Fuzhou landmark. In the first "selection of China's top ten historical and cultural blocks" announced in June 20__, Sanfang Qixiang historical and cultural block, Beijing Guozijian street, Pingyao South Street, Harbin Central Street, etc. jointly participated in the election, and won the honorary title of "China's top ten historical and cultural blocks" awarded by the Ministry of culture and the State Administration of cultural relics with the highest votes.

In 220__ BC, when Fuzhou City was first built, it was called "Yecheng". The ruler was Wu Zhu, a descendant of Gou Jian. After more than two hundred years, Fuzhou in the Western Jin Dynasty had a certain scale. Yan Gao, the first prefect of Jin'an County, thought that the city was too small, so he built a county city at the southern foot of Pingshan mountain, which is called "Zicheng". The three lanes and seven alleys originated from the expansion of the new town by Wang Shenzhi, king of min in the late Tang Dynasty. When Wang Shenzhi was in power, he suspected that the original Zicheng was too small. Outside the Zicheng, he built "Luocheng" with coin pattern bricks. It is said that this was the only brick city in China at that time. The south of Luocheng is bounded by the Antai river. The north of Luocheng is the political center, mostly inhabited by nobles. The south of Luocheng is the civilian residential area and commercial area. At this time, three lanes and Seven Lanes become an important area in the southwest of Luocheng, and the pattern of lanes and lanes is initially formed.

Today's "three lanes and Seven Alleys" is located in the center of Fuzhou City, adjacent to bay17 North Road in the East, Tonghu road in the west, Yangqiao road in the north, Jibi lane and Guanglu square in the south, covering an area of about 40 hectares. "Three Lanes" are: Yijin lane, Wenru lane and Guanglu lane; "Seven Lanes" are: Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Anmin lane, Huang Lane, Ta lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. With nanhou street as the central axis, they are arranged orderly from north to south, forming a "checkerboard" pattern of traditional streets and lanes. In the process of urban change, Jibi lane, Yangqiao lane and Guanglu Lane have been transformed into roads. Therefore, today we talk about three lanes and seven lanes, but actually there are only two lanes and five lanes.

After many years, the pattern of "three lanes and Seven Alleys" remains basically the pattern of alleys left over from the Tang and Song dynasties. There are more than 200 well preserved buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Republic of China. Among them, there are 9 national key cultural relics protection units, such as Shuixie stage, Yan Fu's former residence and Shen Baozhen's former residence. It is the largest and most complete ancient architectural block of Ming and Qing Dynasties preserved in the city center of China. "Three lanes and Seven Alleys" embodies the characteristics of Minyue ancient city and the unique characteristics of Fuzhou ancient houses. The architectural structure and materials adapt to the humid and warm climate of Fuzhou; the courtyard layout reflects the traditional family ethics; the garden is exquisite and elegant, reflecting the elegant taste close to the landscape, which is described as a large-scale "Museum of ancient architecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties" by the architectural circles.

In addition to the architecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties, what is more amazing is the cultural heritage of three lanes and seven alleys. Chen Yan, a modern poet, wrote a poem and said, "who knows that the five willows are solitary pines, but they live in three lanes and seven alleys." Since the formation of Jin and Tang Dynasty, three lanes and seven lanes have been the settlements of nobles and literati. Especially in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, Fuzhou scholars' inherent sense of concern for the country and the people was more intense in the changes of the world. There emerged a group of people who had an important impact on the society at that time and the process of modern Chinese history. Lin Zexu, Shen Baozhen, Lin Xu, Yan Fu, Lin Juemin, Lin Shu, Lin Huiyin, Bing Xin, Lu Yin, Yu Dafu, Guo huaruo, Wu Shi Turning over the history, you will be surprised to find that a large number of characters who are surging up on the stage of modern China, their living backgrounds are reflected in the three lanes and seven alleys, with a remarkable number of more than 150 people.

It can be said that three lanes and seven alleys have become the epitome of Fuzhou's human culture, which highlights the integration of Fuzhou people's pursuit of orthodox education and pioneering spirit of marine culture. As the gathering place of Fuzhou city spirit, the memorial place of Fuzhou Mingxian culture, the heritage place of Fuzhou traditional merchant culture, and the exhibition place of Fuzhou folk culture, Sanfangqixiang carries the rich historical and cultural accumulation of Fuzhou city development, fully embodies the characteristics and value of material and intangible culture of Sanfangqixiang historical and cultural block, and is worthy of the name of China.

Each city has its own unique historical and cultural genes, and it should treasure its own cultural heritage in the process of development. Fuzhou has also gone through detours. At the end of the last century, in the heat of old city reconstruction, three lanes and seven alleys faced the same danger of being "transformed". Fujian Province and Fuzhou City adjusted their thinking in time and terminated the original renovation projects for real estate development. In recent years, Fujian provincial Party committee, Fujian provincial government, Fuzhou municipal Party committee and Fuzhou municipal government have attached great importance to the protection and restoration of Sanfang Qixiang historical and Cultural District, and put the protection and restoration of Sanfang Qixiang on the important agenda. The three lanes and seven alleys have been transformed from development and transformation to overall protection and restoration. The government investment has gradually increased, and the expenditure on protection and restoration projects is mainly invested in people's livelihood. The transformation of the three lanes and seven alleys has not only become a protection project of material culture and intangible culture, but also a comfortable housing project and popular project to improve people's living conditions.

"Three lanes and seven alleys should become a living cultural heritage," Shan Jixiang, director of the State Administration of cultural relics, gave a high evaluation to the renovation project. The value of Fuzhou's exploration lies in the protection of both life form and intangible cultural heritage. The restored Sanfangqixiang is not a tourist area that excludes the original ecology of the original residents, but a residential community with traditional cultural characteristics and a city vitality zone with unique cultural landscape. Tang Guozhong, the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and propaganda minister, said well: three lanes and seven alleys are the epitome of Fuzhou's gathering of people and culture, and the living fossil of Fujian and Taiwan's deep origin. Her successful protection is not only the wealth of Fuzhou, but also the common glory of the economic zone on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the west coast of the Straits, which needs to be passed down from generation to generation.


Members, today I'm going to talk about three lanes and seven lanes, the treasures of ancient architecture in Ming and Qing Dynasties in Fuzhou.

Sanfangqixiang is located in the center of the city. It is adjacent to bay17 North Road in the East, Tonghu road in the west, Yangqiao road in the north, Jibi lane and Guanglu square in the south. It covers an area of about 40 hectares and has 3678 households with a population of more than 14000. Three lanes and seven alleys are the abbreviation of ten alleys arranged from north to South on both sides of nanhou street. Three lanes are Yijin lane, Wenru lane and Guanglu lane; seven lanes are Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane, Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. Due to the reconstruction of Jibi lane, Yangqiao lane and Guanglu lane into roads, only two lanes and five lanes are preserved. Even so, in this residential area with a long history, there are still rich cultural relics and historic sites, including a number of former residences of celebrities and buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In this residential area, there are many lanes, stone slabs, white walls and green tiles, strict structure, exquisite houses and ingenious craftsmanship, which embody the characteristics of Minyue ancient city. It is a gathering place of Minjiang culture, and is regarded as a large-scale museum of Ming and Qing ancient architecture by the architectural circles.

"Three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the main symbol of Fuzhou, a national historical and cultural city, and is known as the Museum of ancient architecture in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Chen Yan, a modern poet, said: "who knows that the five willows are solitary pines, but they live in three lanes and seven alleys." This is about the origin of "three lanes and Seven Alleys".

The folk customs of the three lanes and seven alleys are also the representative of the folk customs in Fuzhou. Many festival activities are often centered on the three lanes and seven alleys, including folk beliefs, festival activities at the age of, folk customs in buildings, etc.

"Moonlight shines on the pond; riding a bamboo horse across the pond; it's hard to cross the depth of the pond. Wait for my sister to take a boat to meet Lang. Ask long Lang, short Lang, when will Lang return? "This is a folk song written by Chang Gung, the observation envoy of the Tang Dynasty. It has brought many childhood memories to generations of people living in three lanes and seven alleys. Until now, especially the older generation is still excited to hear this catchy folk song.

Three lanes and seven lanes are famous for its nearly 300 ancient residential buildings in Ming and Qing Dynasties. The ancient streets, complete lanes, ancient rivers, ancient bridges and ancient banyan trees have formed a simple and distinctive traditional style, which has aroused the wide interest of many experts in cultural relics and Archaeology at home and abroad, and has become a must for tourists to come to Fuzhou. It can be said that it is "rare in the whole country, only in Jiangnan". The three lanes and seven alleys of overseas Chinese in Fuzhou are their haunted and unforgettable hometown.


First of all, on behalf of all the staff of sunshine travel agency, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you. At the same time, I would like to thank you for your support and trust in our travel agency. My name is __X. I'm a tour guide of sunshine travel agency. You can call me __. This is our team driver, Master Liu, who has rich driving experience. I believe you will feel comfortable and safe on your journey. Today, I feel very honored to be our tour guide and to know so many friends. If you have any difficulties and requirements during the journey, please put forward them in time, and I will try my best to serve you. I also hope that you can actively support and cooperate with my work. Here I wish you a happy journey! You can come with joy and return with satisfaction.

Today, we are going to visit the "three lanes and Seven Alleys" which is a landmark of Fuzhou, a national historical and cultural city. The three lanes and seven alleys are also known as "living fossil of the city square system" and "architectural museum of Ming and Qing Dynasties". In the first "selection of China's top ten historical and cultural blocks" announced in June 20__, Sanfang Qixiang historical and cultural block, Beijing Guozijian street, Pingyao South Street, Harbin Central Street, etc. jointly participated in the election, and won the honorary title of "China's top ten historical and cultural blocks" awarded by the Ministry of culture and the State Administration of cultural relics with the highest votes.

Today's "three lanes and Seven Alleys" is located in the center of Fuzhou City, adjacent to bay17 North Road in the East, Tonghu road in the west, Yangqiao road in the north, Jibi lane and Guanglu square in the south, covering an area of about 40 hectares. "Three Lanes" are: Yijin lane, Wenru lane and Guanglu lane; "Seven Lanes" are: Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Anmin lane, Huang Lane, Ta lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. With nanhou street as the central axis, they are arranged orderly from north to south, forming a "checkerboard" pattern of traditional streets and lanes. In the process of urban change, Jibi lane, Yangqiao lane and Guanglu lane were transformed into roads. Therefore, when we talk about three lanes and Seven Lanes today, there are actually only two lanes and five lanes. Our car has arrived at the gate of nanhou street. Now please take your belongings and follow me to visit.

Now we come to Langguan lane. This is Ermei bookstore, which is now Fujian folk custom museum. Let's go inside. There's a threshold. Be careful.

Do you see the gold cloud on the hall? Why is it gold? Because most of the houses in ancient times were made of wood, so there were many fires. In the five elements, gold generates water and water conquers fire, so the gold decoration has the meaning of fire prevention. There is a hut on the left side of the hall. Do you know the relationship of the three people in the picture? There are three generations here. This originated from the representative "Aojiu Festival" in Fuzhou filial piety culture. Aojiu Festival is also known as the later Nine Festival, Xiaojiu Festival and send poor Festival. That is to say, on February 29 of the first month, the married daughter will bring cakes made of glutinous rice, brown sugar, peanuts and water chestnuts home to visit her parents for their parents' safety.

Now let's go to the lacquer gold steamed bun box on the table in the hall. Do you know what it is used for? It seems that no one can tell. It's a sacrificial item. In ancient times, only officials could use this rectangular steamed bun box, but ordinary people couldn't use it.

If the light pole is on the inside of the central pillar, it means that the owner's business is developing locally; if the light pole is on the outside of the central pillar, it means that the owner's business is developing abroad. In Fujian dialect, Deng and Ding are homonymous, so there are several light poles on the beam, which means that the family has several sons. You can see that there are three light poles on it, which means that the owner of the house has three or more sons.

Now we come to the back of the hall, which was put in women's boudoir in ancient times to worship their ancestors. You can see the left and right sides of the text, each font is shaped like a vase. We call it vase writing. From left to right, it is written that the jade hall is printed with spring color, and the Zhu tree has autumn fragrance.

Let's continue to walk this way. You can see that this ground is not ordinary. It's called "sanhetu". It was built in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. After nearly 200 years, it was covered by soil and sand about 50 cm thick. Later, it was discovered that this relatively intact ground was preserved during the renovation of Ermei library. The raw materials are sand, loess and quicklime, and glutinous rice slurry is added to achieve the purpose of viscosity and firmness. After repeatedly hitting the base, the "sanhetu" formed a smooth and flat ground. Use the rope to imprint the auspicious pattern like grass pattern on it, which means "continuous and endless". Our whole house is called Er Mei book house. In fact, the book house is only a small part in front of us. Because Lin xingzhang, the owner of the house, especially likes plum trees, he planted two plum trees in front of his book house, so he named it Er Mei book house. Next to the library is a hole. Lin xingzhang calls it the Seven Star hole. We call it the snow hole. It uses brown sugar, glutinous rice and quicklime. The biggest effect is warm in winter and cool in summer. The rockery and Xuexue cave are used as passageways in Ermei architecture. In the national residential buildings, the characteristic of living alone is also a typical representative of residential buildings in Ming and Qing Dynasties in Fuzhou.

We know that people living in the three lanes and seven alleys have a high status, so each house has its own flower hall garden. Next we see the flower hall garden designed by the owner of the house. You can see that the whole garden concentrates the beautiful scenery of Fuzhou in it. Aofeng and Baita are beautiful scenery of Fuzhou. Next to it is a 200 year old litchi tree, which bears fruit every year. March to April is the flowering season of litchi trees, and white litchi flowers will be seen at that time.

Out of the ER Mei bookstore, we came to ta Xiang, 295 meters in length. Why is it called Tower Lane? Do you follow the direction of my finger to see the small tower at the entrance of the lane? Tower Lane has a history of thousands of years. As the name suggests, there was once a tower in this alley, which was the king of min in Tang Dynasty In the Five Dynasties, there were more than 700 temples and pagodas, large and small. Xie MI, the Song Dynasty's prefect, once wrote: there are thousands of temples in the city, seven pagodas and ten thousand lanterns at night. The seven pagodas were one of the wonders of Fuzhou City at that time, including the present white pagoda, Wuta and Yuwang Pagoda in this lane. Yuwang pagoda is regarded as a symbol of the prosperity of Fuzhou cultural movement, but it was abandoned and disappeared in the Ming Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, a pocket pagoda was set up on the gateway as a souvenir.

Members of the group, due to the time constraint, this part of the tour guide's explanation comes to an end here. On behalf of all the staff of sunshine travel agency, I would like to thank you again for your presence. At the same time, I would like to thank you very much for your support for my work along the way. If there are any shortcomings on the way, please forgive me. I hope you can give me valuable opinions and suggestions in the last few minutes. We will continue to improve the quality of service. Next, I'll leave you a free time. Finally, I wish you a pleasant journey and a pleasant journey. I look forward to your next visit. Thank you.


Hello, I'm your guide, Xiao Gu. First of all, Xiao Gu, on behalf of the people of Fuzhou, welcomes you. Today, Xiao Gu will take you to visit three lanes and seven alleys, the ancient architectural treasures of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Fuzhou.

Sanfangqixiang is located in the center of the city. It is adjacent to bay17 North Road in the East, Tonghu road in the west, Yangqiao road in the north, Jibi lane and Guanglu square in the south. It covers an area of about 40 hectares and has 3678 households with a population of more than 14000. Three lanes and seven alleys are the abbreviation of ten alleys arranged from north to South on both sides of nanhou street. Three lanes are Yijin lane, Wenru lane and Guanglu lane; seven lanes are Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane, Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. Due to the reconstruction of Jibi lane, Yangqiao lane and Guanglu lane into roads, only two lanes and five lanes are preserved. Even so, in this residential area with a long history, there are still rich cultural relics and historic sites, including a number of former residences of celebrities and buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In this residential area, there are many lanes, stone slabs, white walls and green tiles, strict structure, exquisite houses and ingenious craftsmanship, which embody the characteristics of Minyue ancient city. It is a gathering place of Minjiang culture, and is regarded as a large-scale museum of Ming and Qing ancient architecture by the architectural circles.

"Three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the main symbol of Fuzhou, a famous historical and cultural city of China. It is known as the Museum of ancient architecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Chen Yan, a modern poet, said: "who knows that the five willows are solitary pines, but they live in three lanes and seven alleys." This is about the origin of "three lanes and Seven Alleys".

The folk customs of three lanes and seven alleys are also the representative of Fuzhou folk customs. Many festival and custom centers are often concentrated in three lanes and seven alleys, which include folk beliefs, festival activities at the age of, folk customs in buildings, etc.

"Moonlight shines on the pond; riding a bamboo horse across the pond; it's hard to cross the depth of the pond. Wait for my sister to take a boat to meet Lang. Ask long Lang, short Lang, when will Lang return? "This is a folk song written by Chang Gung, the observation envoy of the Tang Dynasty. It has brought many childhood memories to generations of people living in three lanes and seven alleys. Until now, especially the older generation is still excited to hear this catchy folk song.

Well, our journey of three lanes and seven alleys is coming to an end. Next, you can move freely for one hour. You can walk around and have a look. If you have any questions, you are welcome to come and ask me. Gu must know everything!


Dear tourists

Fuzhou has preserved quite a number of lanes that have been formed since the Tang and Song Dynasties, and has become one of the important symbols of a famous historical and cultural city.

The "Three Lanes" of "three lanes and Seven Alleys" refer to Yijin lane, Wenru lane and Guanglu lane. The three lanes are located on the west side of nanhou street, which is connected with the "Seven Lanes" on the east side

Yijinfang, formerly known as tongchaoxiang. Lu Yun and Lu Zao lived here during the Xuanhe period of Song Dynasty (1119-1120__). Their talent was given away and they were famous for a time. Lu Yun was the magistrate of Fuzhou and Lu Zao was the magistrate of Quanzhou. When they returned to their hometown, they ordered this square to be "Dijin square". During the reign of Chunxi in the Southern Song Dynasty (1174-1189), Wang Yiyang was appointed to Jiangdong for punishment. After retirement, he also lived here and renamed Dijin Yijin to show his intention of returning home.

Wenrufang, formerly known as shanyinxiang, was originally known as rulinfang, where Zheng mu, a song dynasty wine worshiper, lived. In addition to Zheng mu, there are also nine generals, Gan Guobao, the commander of Taiwan, Zhang Jing, the famous general of Anti Japanese War and the manager of seven provinces, Chen Chengqiu, the father of Chen Baochen, the teacher of Emperor Guangxu of Qing Dynasty, Chen Yan, the editor in chief of Fujian Tongzhi, and other famous scholars living in the workshop.

Guanglu square, Cheng SHIMENG, who was the magistrate of Fuzhou in the first year of Xining (1068) of the Northern Song Dynasty, often visited the Buddhist temple in the square. When he saw a big rock beside the pool, he climbed the stone to recite poems, so it was called "Guanglu Yintai", and the square was also renamed Guanglu square. The stone carvings of "Guanglu Yintai" inscribed by Cheng SHIMENG still exist today.

The Seven Lanes in the "three lanes and Seven Lanes" are all located in the east of nanhou street. From north to south, they are Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane, Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane.


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