范文网 > 资料大全 > 综合资料 > 如何才能快速提高托福口语


孤己i 分享 更新时间:



  ETS 对于考生语音的要求其实是没有那么高的 ,标准是根据他们的准确的英文思维来回答问题。所以你不必担心你的口音是否纯正。只要您的发音没有太大的问题,就可以让其他人轻松理解。对于大多数学生来说,如果你想提高英语口语水平,你需要拓宽思路,掌握英语,并流利地说出你的答案。


  独立口语学习考察了学生快速反应和思考的多样性,以及对问题的严格回答。四步法答题:结尾和开始的两个论点,因为一个论点不足以向ETS考官展示你思维的多样性,托福口语实际上反映了思维的广度,托福写作才是反映了大家的思维深度托福口语task1 通常可以称为描述题 ,它可以让你描述一件事,一本书,一部电影,一个地方等等。 我们此时可以使用的一种方法是客观地结合主观方法。客观的就是你要描述的本身具有的特点,主观的就是你自己的感受以及特别的因素。

  task2 的解题模式一般可以从不同的主语去解题,不同的科目会有不同的思维模式。


  task4,6 的问题可能会让很多学生尤其是基础不是很好的同学觉得很难,因为这类问题主要涉及学科的知识和分类。这一类型的题型关键是要把主旨和结构清晰的抽离出来,这样就会很容易地处理并且理解这样的题目。





  In the lecture, the professor introduces the concept of shaping which means children observe the reaction of people around them when they learn a new skill, parents and teachers can better educate the children based on this quality. He offers us an example of his kid to illustrate it. When his kid just started coloring, he got praises and compliments despite of the quality of his work. After a while, the professor changed the strategy. Not like before, this time he only praised his kid when he was able to color the tree, he gradually raised the bar and his child started improving little by little as well. And now the professor only tells his kid that he’s doing a good job when he’s able to color the trunk of the tree. That’s how the professor uses the example of his own child to illustrate the concept of shaping.


  Some people would like to borrow money to do a large purchase. Others will save money until they can afford. Which do you think is a better way?

  If there’s something you want to buy, do you prefer saving money yourself to buy it or ask someone to borrow some money to buy it?


  Sample response:

  For me, I will absolutely choose to do a large purchase when I save enough money. Because firstly, I am the person who likes to make the ends meet by working hard. It makes me feel upset if I overdraw the money or borrow money from others to buy something. In that way , I will live under much pressure, which is a terrible feeling and will influence my quality of life. Besides, borrowing money from friends or relatives will have a bad impact on the relationship between us if I can’t return the money in time. Comparing the large purchase with the good interpersonal relationship, I cherish the latter more.


