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  1.be sick of:对……厌恶

  I'm so sick of running.我对跑步厌恶极了。

  替换短语:be fed up with:感到厌烦

  I'm so fed up with running.我对跑步厌烦极了。

  2.beside the point:离题,与主题无关

  It's obvious that his response was totally beside the point.很显然他的回答完全离题了。

  替换短语:beside the question:离题

  It's obvious that his response was totally beside the question.很显然他的回答完全离题了。

  3.be similar to:与……相似

  Your suitcase is similar to mine, but yours is bigger.你的手提箱跟我的很像,但是你的比较大。

  4.be soft on:对……态度温和

  I think that the police officer was just too soft on those gangsters.我觉得那个警察对那些流氓太温和了。

  替换短语:be hard on:对……态度强硬

  I think that the police officer should be harder on those gangsters.我觉得那个警察应该对那些流氓强硬点。

  5.be strange to:对……而言很陌生

  I've known him for years, but sometimes he is still strange to me.我认识他很多年了,但有时候他对我而言仍然很陌生。

  混淆短语:strange to say:说也奇怪

  The incident has caused a great disturbance, but strange to say, he is still ignorant of it.这件事已经引起轩然大波,说也奇怪,他居然还对此一无所知。

  6.be strong against:坚决反对

  Her father was strong against her marriage to an idler.她父亲坚决反对她嫁给一个游手好闲的人。

  7.be sufficient to:……是充足的

  The man's slender salary is not sufficient to support his family.这个男人微薄的薪水不足以养活家人。

  混淆短语:be sufficient for oneself:不靠他人,不受他人影响

  The man's salary is slender though, he is sufficient for himself.这个人的薪水虽然微薄,却足以让他不靠别人过活。

  8.beyond doubt:无疑地,不容怀疑

  The mother's love for her children is beyond doubt.那位母亲对孩子的爱是不容怀疑的。

  替换短语:above question:不容怀疑

  The mother's love for her children is above question.那位母亲对孩子的爱是不容怀疑的。

  9.blame sb. for:为某事责备某人

  The father blamed his son for stealling money from his pocket.那位父亲责备儿子从他口袋偷钱。

  混淆短语:take the blame for:为某事承担责任

  As a supervisor, I'm supposed to take the blame for my subordinate's mistakes.身为主管,我应对下属的过错负责。

  10.bore the pants off sb.:使某人极为厌烦

  His same old joke really bores the pants off me.他老掉牙的笑话真的让我烦死了。

