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作为一无名无私奉献的教育工作者,时常需要编写说课稿,编写说课稿助于积累教学经验,不断提高教学质量。那么什么样的说课稿才是好的呢?以下是小编精心整理的初中英语说课稿 ,欢迎大家分享。

初中英语说课稿 1

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!I am very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of myteaching ideas.The topic of this Unit is “What should I do?” from thetextbook—go for it book 8 unit 2 for junior middle school students.I’d like tosay it from 5 parts as follows:There are teaching materials,teaching methods,learningstrategies,teaching procedures and blackboard design.

Now,Let’s come to the first part—Teaching materials.It includestwo parts,status and functions of the material and the teaching content.The thingsin the text book are appropriate to students’ interests,experiencesand knowledge;provide the students with opportunities to use the target languageand stimulate students to seek further information.In unit 2,Studentswill learn to talk about problems and learn to give advice to others.So it ishelpful to improve their communicative competence.

Ok,second,teaching content,which includes four aspects,the key vocabulary,the targetlanguage,important and difficult points, and the teaching aims.About theteaching aims,in this unit,students will talk about problems which students come up with intheir daily lives and learn to use modal verbs “could” and “should” to makesuggestions.The second is ability aims,to improve thestudents’ abilities of listening,speaking and readingby providing various tasks.The last is the affection aims,that is,to help eachother and learn to cooperate.

Next,let’s come to the second part—teaching methods.Whiledealing with this lesson,I usually adopt “Task|based” teaching approach.It aims at providing opportunities for the learners to explore bothspoken and written language through learning activities.So,I will letthe students learn in real situations,fulfill severaltasks such as pair work or group work.And in this unit thecommunicative approach and the situational language approach will be adopted.And thefocus is on functional language usage and the ability of learners to expresstheir own ideas,feelings,attitudes,desires and needs.So combine these methods together,enable the studentsto receive,process and retain new information through “multipleintelligences”.

Next I’d like to talk about part three—Learning strategies.I usuallytell the students some learning strategies.For four languageskills,I also tell the students to learn efficiently through strategies.Saylistening,in my class I train the students to get the general ideals,makeprediction,make a reference,identify key words and signal words.About theword|formation and the exploitation are also very important strategies.Each studentcan be involved in the class by using the strategies which are suitable forthem.

Ok now,let’s come to the fourth part—Teaching procedures.I’ll finish mylesson in 7 steps,they are Warm up—Lead in—Pre-|task—Task—cycle—Post-task—Homework—Self-assessment.This step-by-step progression allows students to build accuracy andgain confidence with the new language.

Step1 Warm up

Watch a movie called Let’s Play.The moviewill offer the students a relaxing atmosphere and develop students’ interest inEnglish.

Step2 Lead in

Brainstorming,look at this,funnypicture.He looks very blue and depressed,what’ s wrongwith him?What should he do?This brainstorming stage is helpful in providing ideas for actualspeaking.By discussing with peers they can get a lot of informationconcerning the new topic they are going to learn.

Step3 Pre-task

In this step I introduce the topic and give the students clearinstructions on what they will have to do.So first I willprepare some vivid and beautiful pictures to present them the new words.The studentsassociate the meaning of the vocabulary and the form of it,and theyalso practice the speaking and the listening.I’ll get thestudents to do a problem|solving activity to help the students to recall somelanguage that may be useful for the task.I will make asummary to give a detailed explanation about the Grammar point—sentencestructure “should/could”.I usually try to cultivate the learner’s unconsciouscompetence,give the students more examples.In this way,I think theywill get a further understanding of the Grammar.

Step4 Task-cycle

Task 1—Pair work.I’ll ask the students to work with their partners to learn to giveadvice to different problems using the key words and the grammatical points.Task 2—Listeningpractice I designed the (1)Pre-listening activities (2) While-listening activities (3) Post-listeningactivities.Task 3—Group work.I’ll get the students act out the conversation in small groups.

Step5 Post-task

In this step,I prepared two activities.First is—Let’s think.Michael,coming fromUSA.He wants to practice his Putonghua,But he is very shy.So can yougive some advice to him?I suggest that he should get a tutor,can you give more?Make a listof your suggestions.The second is—Discussion.Let’s take a look at the screen,from the picture wecan see the children are studying and living in the very poor condition,1.What’s the matterwith these children?2.What could they do?3.What should we do? (showing pictures) Put the knowledge into the real situations,elicit thestudents to find out the most efficient ways to the problem in our country.

Step6 Homework

1.Ask your parentsabout if they have some problems.if they have,Try to give advice.

2.Make a survey aboutwho are still in trouble and try to find some solutions.

Step7 Self-assessment

In the process of teaching and learning,teachersneed to know what has been done well and what needs to be improved further;where thestudents perform well and where they still feel confused.Thediversities of classroom activities,and a welcoming andengaging learning environment will make the study easy and happy.Thus thestudents will get more experience and exploitation by doing things.

And the last Part is Blackboard design I’ll write thenew words on the left,on the right I write the target language.If possibleI’ll draw some pictures.It is terseness and easy to understand.

Thank you for listening,goodbye!

初中英语说课稿 2

Good morning, everyone、 I am number_______、Today I am very happy and excited that I can stand here for an interview、And it is also my great honor to share my lesson with all of you here, and this chance is very precious for me、 Hope you can enjoy it、The

content of my lesson today is Section A Read and Write of Unit 2 My days of the week of PEP Primary English ,Book5A (Recycle__) 、My lesson consists of 7 parts

1、 Analysis of the teaching material

2、 Analysis of the students

3、 Analysis of Teaching Methods

4、 Analysis of Learning Methods

5、Teaching procedure

6、 Blackboard design


Part One Analysis of Teaching Material(说教材)I、 Status and Function

1、 This lesson is in the third period of this unit、 It is a dialogue 、It aims to enhance students’ reading skills、 It also provides some new language points for the students to master、

2、This lesson is the first part of Unit2、So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit、

3、Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English、

4、 Reading is very important in English learning 、 It can help the students to master

some reading skills through learning this passage、 Moreover, attributive clause also plays an important part in English learning、

II、 Teaching Aims and Demands

On studying the teaching material and analyzing there gulation of children’s growing of mind, I put forward three kinds of teaching objectives according to English syllabus and new lesson standard、 1、 Knowledge objects (1) To help the students master the new words ,phrases and sentences、(加上具体的单词,句型)

(2) To teach the students how to use the adverbial clauses of time、

(3)To make sure that students can read, recognize and use these key phrases on foot ,by bike,by bus,by train (4)To enable the students performe the dialogue

(5) To finish some exercises、

(6)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation、

(7)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson、

2、Ability objects

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing by practicing the dialogue、

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs、

(3) To develop the Ss’abilities of communication by learning the useful structures、

3、 Emotion objects

(1) To arouse the students’ interest in class activities、

(2) To train their team spirit by working in groups、

(3) To educate the students to follow the public rules、

(4)By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in science;

(5)Teach the Ss what is“science”, put the moral education in the language study、

(6)To enable the Ss to be polite and love life、

(7)To enable the Ss to look after their things well、

III、 Key Points and Difficult Points and why (教学重难点及依据)The teaching key and difficult points’ basis is established according to Section A Read and Write of Unit 2 in the teaching material's position and function、Moreover students characteristics and new lesson standard should be also taken into account、

Key points:

(1)To make sure that Ss can use these key phrases correctly and skillfully、

(2)、To help the Ss to communicate with each other、

(3)、To enable the Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully、

(4)、To develop the Ss’ interest in English、

(5) To help the students to master the new expressions、

(6) To enable the students to communicate with each other、 Difficult points:

(1)To help the Ss ask and answer the


(2) How to use _____________________________ (4) How to make dialogues and act them out、

(5) How to write the right whole sentences、

Part Two Analysis of Students (说学情)

The students of grade5 are very active and curious、And they are interested in new things、They always like to use imagination and communication as their main studying ways After learning English for 2 years,they have some basic English background knowledge, so the teacher should attach importance to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using language、 Since they have learnt English for 2 years, they have already known ___________________________________,so it is not difficult for them to understand and use the

language_________________________________________________________________ Part Three Analysis of Teaching Methods and why (说教法及依据)

As we all know:the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate students’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language、Students in primary school are very cruious and they want to know everything、What is more,it is important for the teachers to keep the students interest in English 、So according to these points and the regulation of children’s growing of mind,in this lesson I’ll mainly use

Total Physical Response method

“Task-based”teaching method ,

Communicative teaching method

Situational Teaching method(情景教学)

group cooperate method

Free discussion method

I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey______________________________” to help Ss to get a better understanding of the new content、 I will arrange these activities: guessing game,__________________________________finishing a survey and having a competition、 Part Four Analysis of Learning Methods and why(说学法及依据)New Lesson Standard advocates to improve students abilities of analysis sing and solving problems、And teachers should change their old-fashioned teaching ways ,give students more opportunities to join class and let the students find the problems by themselves、Our students are almost from the countryside、 As for the learning methods, they are poor in cooperative learning skills、Some students are not active in the class ,and some students don’t like English、therefore, I ’ll have Ss study in a relaxed atmosphere、 Student sunder stand the new knowledge in certain degree through the mental process of seeing, hearing, saying, observing, thinking etc、 、After feeling and understanding the language points, let students get the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study、 In a word,we’ll

1、Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners、

2、 Make the students take an active part in class activities、

3、Let the students summarize the language points through their own thinking、

4、Let the Ss pass "Observation—Imitation—Practice "(观察—模仿—实践三步教学法)to

初中英语说课稿 3

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon,I am glad to be here and talk about my ideas about SectionA Unit2 Book3 of Go For It.




2. 为他人找到合理的解决办法,提出相应的建议。

3. 为自己的问题找到解决办法。(Talk about problems and give advice.)重点是掌握与之相关的句型结构,其中要重点解决情态动词should的用法。这个功能语言与学生的生活息息相关,并且学生生活中经常遇到与父母或他人相处过程中的问题。通过这节课需要给学生渗透如何正确看待和解决问题的教育。





keep out、play CDs、loud、argue with、wrong、out of style、should ;


What should I do? You should /shouldn’t…What’s wrong?














E学法指导:听力练习中应注意听取特定的信息;合作学习有利于知识信息共享。语言的学习应该更多的通过交流来提高。 9word.com提供各种免费文书文档


1、设置情景导入(用初二学习的知识导入,形成有效的复习和巩固) Last night I slept very late, because my neighbor played the CDs too loud. What should I do?

You should ...


2、Lstening Practice



初中英语说课稿 4

各位老师早上好。我今天说的课题是《Danny’s Plant》下面我将从教材、学生、教法和学法、教学过程四个方面来对本课进行说明。









Teacher ask something about last lesson the new words and ,seed , pot , sprout , stem , bud , carefully , the top of , a flower bud , look About the lesson and answer the did Danny and his classmates do to learn more about plants? happened after Danny watered the seed of his plant? will Danny put the pot in the yard? does Danny want to send to Li Ming? the text part 2 in “Let’s Do It.” the new words and main off activity lesson 13.

初中英语说课稿 5



Unit4Where’smybackpack?本单元的主题为谈论物品的位置,使学生在熟悉物品名称的基础上用方位介词熟练地表达物品的位置,并能 where问句及一般疑问句提问并回答,并自然地引出名词的单复数及人称代词they的用法.本单元谈论的是学生比较熟悉的内容,学生有认同感,因此在任务的设计上,要贴近学生真实生活,包括学校生活、家庭生活等任务,以引起学生的'共鸣和兴趣,激发学生的求知欲,充分发挥学生的想象力和能动性,主动自觉地融入到语言学习中去。













































初中英语说课稿 6


本单元旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学习、交流环境,通过听、说、读、写来培养学生综合运用所学知识的能力。并让学生能在“做中学”(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,使学生能根据实际情景做出正确的反应,能准确表达。

本单元是人教版新目标英语七年级( 上 )第八单元。主要围绕“When is your birthday?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,这是本单元的重点部分,也是核心教学,主要学习日期的表达。它上承Unit 7 的数字教学,包含了相关日期的英语教学,并为以后的日期的运用打下基础。因此本单元是前后知识的载体,在本单元以及今后的英语学习中都占重要的地位。


通过本单元的学习让学生掌握所学目标语言;学会日期 ( 年、月、日 ) 的表达法;在互动的交流中理解生日更多的含义并学会谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日:学会自己安排作息时间。

Section A 的主要学习目标是学习日期的询问与表达;通过谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日,理解生日更多的含义。情感态度价值观 Section A 的学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的话题是生日。通过互相询问生日的日期,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情并学会在英语交流中注意他人的情感。


① 词汇:掌握 January-December的表达; 序数词1st-31st .

② 日常交际用语: When is your birthday?My birthday is …

③ 语法:日期表达法

(2) 能力目标:在一系列的听说读写活动中,训练学生的逻辑思维,快速反应能力和实践能力,使学生能熟练应用:When is your birthday? 句型及其回答。


本单元的主题是询问和谈论日期,围绕这一主题进行一系列的交际活动,使学生掌握日期的表达法,正确使用 when 引导的特殊疑问句对日期进行询问。()在学习日期的表达法时要先学习序数词的构成,学生在以前的课程里已经学习了基数词,对于两种数词之间的区别一定会令学生感到头痛,教师要引导学生运用对比的方法,找出构成规律,总结特殊变化,对比强化记忆。

本单元的教学法建议:语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的.方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义。并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式;写作教学——以填表、造句为主;语法教学——总结规律、抓住特征、模仿操练。


利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物 ( 大挂历 ) 或制作课件 ( 反映月份特征 ) 等来展开课堂教学、 Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏,进行“询问和谈论日期”的课堂教学和练习。 .


Section A 的主要内容是学习日期的询问与应答,在导入新课时,可采用视听法和归纳总结法。

1. 教师可在黑板上挂一幅自制的能反映出各个月份的大挂历,一边指着每个月份一边介绍或播放课件,让学生 边看边听介绍: This is January . This is February. …,带领学生多读几遍;然后播放 1a 部分的录音 , 让学生进行模仿。

2 . ( 学生基本掌握月份单词的读音后 ) 教师可以指着挂历说: My birthday is on May

3. When is your birthday? 从而引出本单元的重点目标语言“日期的询问和表达”.

4.一边仔细观看黑板上能反映出各个月份的大挂历,一边听老师的介绍或一边观看课件,一边听介绍: This is January . This is February .…,跟着老师读几遍;然后听 1a 部分的录音,进行模仿。

5.一边观看挂历,一边认真听老师的陈述,然后回答: My birthday is …,开始学习目标语言“日期的询问和表达”.


1 .播放 lb 部分的录音让学生听,引导学生根据所听到的内容,选出对话的顺序,完成 lb 部分的教学任务。

2 .再播放 lb 部分的录音让学生听,引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 lc 部分口语交际的教学任务,学会运用 when 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期和谈论日期。

3 .出示单词图片或幻灯片,并播放 2a 部分的录音让学生听,引导学生跟读、模仿,完成 2a 部分的教学任务。

4 .播放 2b 部分的录音,引导学生圈出所听到的数字,完成 2b 部分中的听力训练任务。

5 .再播放 2b 部分的录音,引导学生填写表格,将姓名、月份和日期对应起来,完成 2c 部分的教学任务。

6 .展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 2d 部分口语交际的教学任务。先阅读对话,再进行问答练习,运用 When is your / his / her birthday? My / His / Her birthday is … What year were you born? 1 was born in …等目标语言,完成 2d 部分的教学任务。

7 .引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 3a 部分口语交际的教学任务。让学生任选一个身份证进行对话练习,运用 When is your birthday? My birthday is … How old are you? I ' m fifteen .等目标语言,完成 3a 部分的教学任务。

8 .展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 3b 部分口语交际的教学任务。用自己的姓名、年龄和出生日期进行对话练习,学会运用所学目标句型,完成 3b 部分的学习任务。


引导学生进行 Brithday Game 游戏活动,让学生互相询问生日,然后按照年龄的大小排列顺序。通过这种方式,练习运用所学目标语言,完成第 4 部分的教学任务。 Birthday Game 游戏活动,互相询问生日,然后按照年龄的大小排列顺序。通过这种方式,练习运用所学目标语言,完成第 4 部分的教学任务。


本课采用了 Classifying , Contrasting 和 Role―playing 的学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物 ( 大挂历 ) 或制作课件 ( 反映月份特征 ) 等来展开课堂教学、 Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏活动,学习日期的询问与表达,并通过询问和谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日理解生日更多的含义、增进同学之间的了解。

初中英语说课稿 7

Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2). It is made up of four parts.

Part 1 My understanding of this lesson

The analysis of the teaching material:

This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education. Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea.

Teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.

2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words.

3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do

something to stop it being polluted.

Key points / Teaching important points:

How to understand the text better.

Teaching difficult points:

1. Use your own words to retell the text.

2. Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea.

Something about the Ss:

1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways.

2. They are lack of vocabulary.

3. They don’t often use English to express themselves and

communicate with others.

4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.

Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids

Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the

following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the

teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

Teaching method:

Double activities teaching method

Question-and-answer activity teaching method

Watch-and-listen activity

Free discussion method

Pair work or individual work method

Teaching aids:

1. a projector

2. a tape recorder

3. multimedia

4. the blackboard

Part 3. Teaching steps / procedures

I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.

The entire steps are:

Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast

reading(scanning), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discussion, Homework

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2. Revision

1. Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).

a. How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt. 3.5% by weight)

b. What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water?

c. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?

2. Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people). Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new lesson.

Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.

Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.

Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.

Step 4. Fast reading

Read the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of each paragraph:

1. Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica?

2. What does the whale feed on?

3. What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales?

Method: Read the text individually, use question—and—answer


Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability.

Understand the general idea of each paragraph.

Step 5. Listening(book closed)

1. Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1)

2. True or false exercise.(on the screen)

Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.

初中英语说课稿 8

Part 1 Teaching Material:

My lesson is from New Senior English for China Book_2 Unit5 Grammar part. The main topic is friends and Friend ship, while the grammar is attributive clause(prep+which/whom).By studying this class, Students will understand the grammar points clearly and use them to in daily life.

Secondly, I’d like to state the analysis of students.

Part 2 Students

Students of this period have learned English for a long time,hence they acquire basic grammar knowledge. However,they think grammar learning is abstract and difficult.then I will take special activities to help them.

According to the new curriculum standard,I set aims as follows .

Part 3 Teaching Aim

1.Knowledge objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题)

The Ss can master attributive clause(prep+which/whom)in prep which or prep whom form.

2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写)

SS can apply the grammars into their daily life.

3.Emotional objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野)

SS will be more interesting in grammar learning

Part 4 the Key and Difficult Points

Next,I put forward the key points and difficult points.The key points is to master the usage of attributive clause(prep+which/whom). The difficult points is how to use grammars correctly.

Part 5 Teaching and Studying methods

In this class, I will use inductive method and cooperative method.

Part 7 Teaching Procedure

Now Let’s come into the most important part -Teaching procedure.it consists of six parts.

Step 1. Warming up

The first step is warming up.Boys and girls.In last class,we learned about Monkees band,- Do you know what was their first music? Any volunteers? Tony,please.wonderful. He said They played music,most of which was based on the Beatles.In grammar ,It’s a attributive clause.we have learned it before.Let’s change it:They played music which was based on the Beatles. Is there and differences? Today we will learn about attributive clause in preposition which and preposition whom form.

Through this free talk,I can attract SS’ attentions and interest in grammar learning .(3)it can lay a foundation for the next step.

Step 2. Presentation

After warming up ,SS will find out the different places among these.I will ask a SS to underline the difference.Then I will explain the literal meaning ofattributive clause(prep+which/whom).SS will have a clear understanding of the grammar points.Next,I will give them more examples to deepen their comprehension.For example,

The singer in whom we have great interest was in America.

The show by which we were to become famous is in a music museun.

This step can help SS have a basic understanding of the grammar structure and improve their learning skills.

Step 3. Practice

Next, Let’s come to the practice step.I will ask SS to find out all the attributive clause in prep.which or prep. Whom form. as many as possible.After 2 minutes individual work ,they can exchange ideas with partners and analyze the meaning of which or whom in the sentence.1 minute later,I will ask some students to have a presentation .Other ss can evaluate their performance.

The activity designed here is to consolidate grammar learning .

Step 4.Production

Task 1.Introduce friends.

After this step , I will ask students to introduce their favorite singer.They will finish it in group works.For example: Deng Ziqi has special voice,with which Chinese people are very familiar.She took part in I’m singer competition ,in which she made a miracle. 5 minutes later,some groups will share their ideas.During the that time, other students will be judges to find out some mistakes and give them points.

My purpose here is to help SS apply the grammar points in daily life .

Step 5. Summary and Homework

After the task,I will ask students to conclude what we have learned today.then I will set homework.

SS will finish the grammar exercises .and write a composition to introduce your favorite singer using attributive clauses. They will share their ideas in the next English class.

Homework is necessary to consolidate their knowledge and improve their oral speaking.

At last ,I will talk about blackboard design. Restrictive and non restrictive attibutive clauses.

They played music ,most of which was based on the Beatles.

They played music which was based on the Beatles.

初中英语说课稿 9

Unit13 Rainy days make sad. SectionA (1a-1c)

Hello, everyone,

Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is Section A (1a-1c , Grammar Focus) in Unit13 . It is made up of seven parts.

1. Analysis textbook(教材分析)

2. The teaching methods(教学方法)

3. The learning methods(说学法)

4. Analysis the students(说学情)

5. The procedures of the teaching(教学步骤)

6. Blackboard design(板书设计)

7. Self evaluation.(自评)

Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material:

This lesson is about listening and speaking. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. By studying Section A , The students can improve their speaking ability, learn more about things that affect people. At the same time, we should get the students to understand better. The students should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the students should receive some moral education. Let the students have positive attitude to dealing with things around them.

1. Teaching objects

The teaching aims are established according to Junior School English curriculum standard provision.

A.Language goals

1). Words & expressions :tense, some adjectives of feeling

2). Key sentences Loud music makes me tense. (P103)

Loud music makes me want to dance.

That movie made me sad.

B.Ability goals

Enable the students to talk about how things affect them.

Emotion & attitude goals

Enable the students to understand the effect of things upon them.

The teaching key and difficult points are established according to Section A ,Unit13 in the teaching material’s position and function.

2. Teaching Key Points

the usage of make.

3.Teaching Difficulties

Train the Ss to use make correctly.

To improve students’ listening ability.

To train students' communicative competence.

Part 2. The teaching methods

Task-based teaching; Cooperative learning;

Part 3. The learning methods

1). Set up six steps. It is presentation– words – pairwork – listening practice–Grammar - practice

2). Ask the students to take part in class actively and develop their cooperation in the activities .

Part 4. Analysis the students

The students have learned some words about feeling and they have know the word make. But they don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.

Part 5. The procedures of the teaching

I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, writing , especially listening and speaking. Set up six steps. It is greeting –lead-in -presentation– words – pairwork – listening practice–Grammar – practice – homework.

Step Ⅰ Lead- in.

Show the Ss a picture and then show the teaching material.

Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study. Bring in new subject: Rainy days make me sad.

Step II Presentation.

Review some words about feeling , then present the sentence structure.

A: What makes him/her sad?

B: Rainy days makes him sad.

Purpose :Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their feelings and prepare for the new lesson.

Step III Listening (1a, 1b: P102)

Ask the students to listen to Amy and Tina talking about the two restaurants and do the exercises.

Purpose :Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.

Step IV Speaking (1c: P102)

Ask the students to talk about how music affects them. Let the Ss work in pairs and talk about how the two restaurants would affect them.

Purpose :Train the Ss’ speaking ability and prepare for later exercises.

Step V Do a survey.

After learning 1b , 1c , let the Ss do a survey about other things that affect them.

Purpose : This step can open the Ss eyesight and thought . It’s a step from textbook to real life .

Step VI Grammar

1). Sum the usage of make then help them to say out the sentence structure.

2). Do some exercises to consolidate the grammar.

Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using language.

Step VII Writing practice

1.List 4-5 things around you and then describe how the things affect you.

2.Composition Exams make me _______。

Purpose :I want to improve the ability of their writing. At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themseleves.

Part 6. Blackboard design

1. make +sb/sth+adj

eg: The news made him sad.

He tries his best to make his lessons interesting.

make +sb/sth+ do

eg: He made me wait for a long hours.

He made me do this exercise again.

Purpose:In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily. In this text, I write the usage of make and rather on the blackboard in order to tell the students that this is of the importance in this class. I want to use them correctly and flexibly.

Part 7. Self evaluation.

In order to make the students the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director. I designed some activities to arouse the students’ interest of studying .The students can learn the target language easily .Also ,by these activities , I’ve cultivated the students’ spirit of cooperating , trained the students’ skills of listening ,speaking , reading , writing , improved the students’ ability of collecting information and dealing with the information . Help the students to form a positive attitude towards life .Thanks for listening .

初中英语说课稿 10


16单元是第二册的第二个单元,也就是说是这个新学期的第二单元。16单元的主题是围绕“问路和指路”展开的,同时教学生,如何用情态动词“Can”和“May”来表达许可和可能。在第二册上学期的课本中,学生已经学到了一些关于“问路和指路”的知识,而且他们也知道一部分关于许可的表达,比如“May I come in?”“Can I borrow your pen?”“May I speak to Ann,please?”等等。所以在这个时候对学生在这方面的知识进行扩展和巩固就显得水到渠成。而且在学生们的现实生活中,培养他们了解地图和区别方向的能力尤其重要。61课就是关于这个知识的扩展。62课是一篇与这个主题紧紧相扣的阅读材料。63课则是关于“May”和“Can”的语法点。64课则是对于整个单元的巩固,它包括听、说、读、写四个方面的落实和一篇阅读短文。我认为这个单元的教学目标应该是:


1、 学生能够使用下列单词:


2、 学生能够使用下列表达:

Turn left日right at the …crossing.

Go on unit you reach…

You can’t miss it.

On one’s way to, first of all, be /get lost , wait for


1、 学生能够根据所给地图或街道说明一些地点的具体位置。

2、 学生可以用不同的方式问路。

3、 学生可以用“Can”和“May”表达许可和可能。


1、 让学生感受到他们学习英语是为了在现实生活中进行交流,而不单纯是为了英语课和应付考试而学习。

2、 让学生感受到他们是英语学习活动中的主体和中心,以此来激励他们在英语课上积极参与,追求创新。


1、 学生应学会用不同的方式表达同一件事,学会用英语去思考问题,即用想象力表达自己的观点。

2、 学生应该在英语学习中学会使用brainstorming


1、 教学生真诚待人,助人为乐。

2、 教学生如何设身处地为他人看想。


1、 如何准确自如地用这么多表达方式来问路和说明。

2、 如何用Can和May表达可能性。


1、 交际法和情景法教学


2、 以学生为中心和任务型教学。



在61课中,首先我用节奏游戏来复习一些公共场所的名称。学生一边拍手一边就工作和工作地点展开问和答,例如:hospital,police station,school,past office,bus station等等。

然后我会把写有这些地点名称的厚卡纸放在学生的课桌上,让学生就此谈论每个公共场所的位置:in front of,next to,beside,on the night / left,between… and…,outside 等等。


1)send some postcards

2) borrow some books

3) drink coffee with my friends

4) buy some VCDs

5) go to my friend’s wedding

让学生回答我要做以上事情将要去的场所。在适当的时候,我会向学生出示咖啡馆,碟屋和教堂的照片。然后将61课的地图出示在屏幕上,问他们如何到这些地方去,教他们使用下列表达“Go across the bridge”,“Go up this road to the end”,“Go on until you reach the end”,“Turn right at the second crossing”。让学生参考表格里写出的表达方式练习如何到达以上地点之后,让学生四至六个人一组,讨论出一次性做完以上事情的最佳路径。

接着便是学生将学到的新知识运用到他们的真实生活中去。我会把我们本地的地图挂出来,让学生说明去一些地方(汽车站,图书馆,长城,宾馆和银行)的路径,其他人则猜他/ 她将到哪儿去。




在常规阅读步骤之后,为了让学生对于整编文章有一个大致的了解,我会让学生填写下列表格。What did Liu Mei do to help the woman?

What’s wrong with the woman? What did Liu Mei do?


任务1:角色扮演 学生以五人一组分角色扮演课文内容

任务2:画图 根据说明为老妇人画一张地图。

任务3:猜测 猜一猜关于刘梅的信息,用“Maybe”和“may”

任务4:复述 老妇人打电话一个电台记者,并且告诉他这个故事。

任务5:采访 电台记者采访了刘梅的同班同学:你是怎样看待刘梅的?为什么?如果你在路上碰到这个老妇人你会怎么办?


在课文开头,我会用学生聊天的形式来达到复习Can和May的目的:“May I come in?”“Can I borrow your…”“May I speak to…”等等。



A:May / Can I swim here/ cross the road now/ take photos with the tiger/ watch TV?

B:No,you can’t. I can be dangerous./ It can be bad for your eyes.

其它的图片可以是:一个在椅子上擦窗户的女孩,一人用小刀削苹果的小孩,一个正在开煤气灶的妇女,一个横穿马路的男孩等等。让学生学会回答:“Be careful!You may hurt. Yourself.”



What may your friends do next Sunday?

Who Where they may be Things they may do






我们边谈论,边呈现新的表达方式:be/get lost,go wrong,suddenly,reach.


任务1:计算 计算Mrs Lee花了多少时间从饭店到碟屋并返回,而实际上她只需要多少时间。

任务2:画图 根据那个“man”的说明帮Mrs Lee先生画一幅地图。

任务3:解决问题 根据地图帮助妇女找到回去饭店的路径。

任务4:讨论 在大的地方容易迷路,我们怎样避免?还有一点就是关于英语教学的评价。我们都知道,教学的目的不仅仅教给学生一些知识,而且也要教给他们用所学知识解决问题的能力和技能。为了检验教学活动的效果,教给他们学习策略,并引导他们成为独立的学习者,我们不仅要进行总结性评价,而且要进行形成性评价。

初中英语说课稿 11



1、能听、说、读、写单词:room; kitchen; bathroom; living room









能正确运用room; kitchen; bathroom; living room,能准确理解课文内容。



三。教具、学具: Some pictures,vocabulary cards ,audiotape and the tape recorder


简单的说,区别: 客厅主要是用来接待客人的.地方,起居室主要是家人一起聊天,看电视的地方。因为咱们现在的条件有限,一般人家是把客厅和起居室没有分开,一个空间,两种功能。

五、Teaching steps:

Step 1. Class Opening

1. Greetings:

T: Good morning , boys and girls !

S: Good morning , Miss Sun !

T: How are you today ?

S: I’m fine , thank you . And you ?

T: I’m fine , too . Thank you . Where do you live ?

S1: I live in an apartment.

S2: I live in a house .

Step 2.Revision

Use vocabulary cards to review the words " house", "classroom", "bathroom" ,"bed".

Step 3.Key concepts: room, kitchen, bathroom, living room


a. Use posters of rooms to demonstrate each word.

b. Point out the word "room" in bathroom, bedroom and living room.

c. Free talk:Let the students introduce their rooms and the things in it.

2.Student book :

a. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.

b. 1)。T: In our book , there are two new words ."mine and yours "

T: This is my book . This is mine .

T: This is my coat . This is mine .

T: That is your pencil . That is yours .

T: That is your shirt . That is yours .

T: Do you know the meaning ?

S: Yes . Mine 是我的。 Yours 是你的。

2)。Ss say sentences freely, they should hold some objects in their hands or point to the objects and make the others clear about their meaning.

T : ( Point to a book ) This is mine

S : This is my book .


Step 4:Practice:

Use a picture-prompt drill. Hold up vocabulary cards for objects found in particular room.

T:(Hold up the card for toilet) Where does this go? It goes in the ……

S: ……bathroom.

T: Very good. It goes in the bathroom. TV, couch and lamp go with kitchen. Bathtub, shower and toilet go with bathroom.

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about showing someone around a new house.

Step 5:Consolidation

1. Fill the blanks.

T: I write some sentences for my house .,but I can’t write the name of rooms . Can you help me ?

S: Fill in the blanks in small groups . Ask one volunteer to show .

Step 5:Homework: Write some sentences to describe your rooms in your house.


Lesson 2 Jenny’s House

room kitchen bathroom living room

This is my bedroom. This is mine.

That is your bedroom. That is yours.

初中英语说课稿 12


本单元是人教版初中英语八年级下册 Unit3,主题是“家务和许可”,其功能项目是“礼貌地请求”和“征求许可”。语言目标是要求学生学会用情态动词could来礼貌地进行请求或者征求他人的许可。本节我要讲的是本单元的Section A的第一节。












Unit 3

The First Period (Section A)

Step 1 Lead-in

("良好的开端是成功的一半", 因此,我认为能以一种新颖的问候方式或复习方式进入一节课,就能唤起学生的兴趣,使学生保持一种积极的学习状态,或循序渐进地导入所学的内容,那么可为这节课的成功打下基础。)

T: Do you often help your parents to do some housework at home? What do you usually do ?


Step 2 Speaking


Step 3 Listening


Step4 Tips


Step 5 Practice


Step 7 Summary


初中英语说课稿 13


1、教学内容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》七年级上册第二单元《Is this your pencil》第一课时,P7,P8。

2、在教材中的地位:本课在教材中不可忽视,起到承上启下的作用。预备单元已学过What’s this in English?及其回答,现在进一步用What’s that in English?及其回答,接着用这个句型介绍出本课中的大量词汇。通过词汇进而学习Is this /that your pencil?及其肯定、否定回答。在这个过程中充分复习并运用my, your, his, her, 等形容词性物主代词。指示代词this, that及这一句型为第三单元及以后学习一般疑问句打下基础。并且这一课时的教材在原来的基础上使同学更明白英语的学习是在相互交流中有趣地进行,听、说、读、写、用就是学习的过程。为同学学习以后的内容打下坚实的心理、方法和知识的基础。



通过演示及情景教学法,使用句型What’s this /that in English? It’s a book. 使同学掌握重点词汇:pen, pencil, pencil case, pencil sharpener, book, eraser,ruler, backpack, dictionary等,并且学会对物品的所属进行提问、回答,在问答中会熟练运用my, your, his, her等形容词性物主代词,即:Is this/that my/your/his/her pen? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.


a: 通过情景对话、游戏及题目的训练,使同学学会根据场景就学习用品询问物主,并正确运用对应的英语表达方式。

b: 通过听力及上下文来培养同学基本的逻辑思维能力及听音辨词的基本功。


a: 教学的过程是老师与同学及同学与同学的交往、互动、共同发展的过程,在参与、表演、运用的过程中,培养同学学习英语的兴趣。

b: 结合物体学习单词和句型的同时,培养同学的视觉美感。

c: 通过询问、辨认物主,倡导同学要保管好自己的学习用品。



a: 重点词汇:pen, pencil, pencil case, pencil sharpener, book, eraser, ruler, backpack, dictionary, that等。

b: 重点句型:

What’s this /that in English?

It’s a pencil. / It’s an eraser.

Is this/that my/your/his/her pen?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

难点:进一步运用my, your, his, her等形容词性物主代词,明确this/that 这两个指示代词的用法。









a: 姓名每个人都很熟悉,每个同学又都会说,所以首先通过问答姓名,让同学在复习中运用my, your, his, her等形容词性物主代词。首先对个别同学进行提问:What’s your English name, please?

该同学回答:My name’s Gina.

转而问另一名同学:What’s her English name?

该同学回答:Her name is Gina.

然后用同样的方法引出:His name is Tom.

接着把这些问答进行于教师与小组之间,小组与小组之间,教师与全体同学之间,这样每个同学都敢于开口,都有机会开口,而且能自然地运用my, your, his, her等词了。

b: 通过几个单元的学习,同学对26个字母是再熟悉不过了。所以复习的第二项就是运用字母卡为新内容作准备,具体是:

举起一个字母卡放在胸前,问某同学:What’s this in English?

同学回答:It’s “A”.


What’s that in English?

同学回答:It’s “B”.

然后用举在胸前和举在远处这两个动作继续向个别、小组或全体同学问:“What’s this/that in English?”同学们初步理解了“this”与“that”的区别了。问完之后,顺势向同学们提议为老师唱“ABC Song”,这样不单复习了旧知,还活跃了课堂气氛。




What’s this / that in English? It’s a book.

注意用“this”时,把物体举在胸前,用“that”时,物体举在远处或放在远处,背包体积大,干脆挂在墙上,那么用手指着背包使用“What’s that in English?”时,同学们是再明白不过的了。

用这样的方法一直教授完重点词汇,并注意和不定冠词连用,边教边读 (a) pen, (a) pencil, (a) pencil case, (a) pencil sharpener, (a) book, (a) ruler, (an) eraser, (a) backpack, (a) dictionary。然后把这些单词投影出来,重点教读、练习。



手拿物品介绍:This is my book.

然后问同学:Is this my book?

引导同学回答:Yes, it is.

手指某个男生接着问:Is this his book?

引导同学回答:No, it isn’t. It’s your book.

然后再介绍几个物品:This is his dictionary.

That is her pencil.

进行如下问答:Is this my dictionary?

No, it isn’t . It’s his dictionary.

Is this his dictionary?

Yes, it is.

Is that his pencil?

No, it isn’t. It’s her pencil.

Is that her pencil?

Yes, it is.









问题:Is this / that your / his / her pen?

回答:Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.







让同学在愉悦的气氛中以“Good morning to you!”的歌声欢送老师,结束本课。

初中英语说课稿 14


这几天不知为什么,手边的东西总是四处乱丢。一天大约二分之一的业余时间基本上都在找东西。因此每天使用频率最高的一句话:”Where is my pen?” “Where is my book?”(我的书在哪里)等等,通常同事们都是用there be 句型+方位介词做回答。今天我说课的内容选自于初一人教版第十单元37课,标题为 Where is it? 由此可见,初中人教版的对话编排几乎都是从生活中实际需要出发,让学生能掌握生活中基本的常识交流。发展他们自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略。本节课侧重于对方位介词的理解与应用。无论是情景对话实际应用还是考试练习,它都占据着非常重要的一席之地。


知识目标: 熟练应用介词 on, in, under, behind, near.及there be 句型。

能力目标: 激发培养学生的学习兴趣,培养观察、记忆、思维、想象及创造能力。掌握一定的语言基本知识和基本技能。了解文化差异。

德育目标: 乐于为别人提供帮助。







1. 提问,问出主题。我精心设计了四个问题,其共性是简单直接明了。前三个问题都是复习了九单元有关家庭的话题。第四个问题依据地点从小到大的原则问出了很多关于”Where is it?”,并用介词作简单回答。在复习时,教师是位”强化记忆者“。我采取快速地口头提问,要求学生迅速反应。这种复习方法在于培养学生在无法预先准备的真实情况下运用英语的.能力。(现场演示第四)

2. 分析讨论。教学大纲的教学目的要求学生了解文化差异,了解英汉之间的文化差异是为了提高学生的学习自觉性。针对这一目标,我设计了第二个环节。提供一张图片,让学生尽可能地用到介词。并提出问题:中英文在表示方位时有何区别与联系?各有什么特点?小组讨论总结,陈述意见。

3. 反复操练。

(a)从两组随意抽取两人。一人根据录音听力画图,一人根据图片作文字描述。(出现there be 句型)初中英语说课稿

(b) 把图片擦掉,每组选出一名学生参加比赛。根据记忆重述图片。(强调there be 句型)


(d)各组总结性发言。(提出there be 句型的小组加双倍的分值)

补充说明:教师做示范。所有内容与介词有关,引导学生用到there be 句型。

4. 编写短剧。 根据已有图片提示。要求学生展开想象,尽可能使用介词及there be 句型。小组内讨论展开。教师作为评分者。评分标准为:1.介词使用率高 2. 想象丰富,幽默诙谐。3. 结尾出人意料。

5. 扩展练习。以上所学内容着重于对方位介词的理解与应用。在介词中,in,on 的用法很多。小组收集有关in on 的其他用法。并分析以下句子。发现问题,提出问题,自己着手解决问题。

(a) The window is ____ the wall. The map is _____ the wall.

(b) The apple is _____ the tree. The bird is ____the tree.

There is an apple ____ the radio. I heard the news ____the radio.

(d) There ____ a book and two boxes on the desk. There ___ two boxes and a book on the desk.

6. 知识升华。(a)NBA 组对现场一位教师进行描述,OASER 组进行猜测。依次进行。


7. 作业:第六部分的b部分。

初中英语说课稿 15

Good afternoon, everyone. It’s my pleasure to be here to share my lesson with you. Now I want to talk about Junior Oxford English 8A/B Unit ___, ____________________ Reading (I)。 I’ll prepare to begin this lesson from five parts: Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure and blackboard design. First, let me talk about the teaching material.

Part 1 Teaching Material:

(一)Status and function

This unit is about ___________. The part of the reading aims to introduce ________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. This lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit. As we all know, reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has a great effect on output, such as speaking and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

(二)Teaching objectives:

Knowledge objectives:

a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns

b)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.

c)The Ss can use the patterns to express their ideas in the proper situation.

Ability objectives:

a)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

b)To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

c)To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

Emotion objectives:



(三) Key points and Difficult points

Key points:

a)To help the Ss understand the whole passage

b)To master the important phrases and useful sentence structures.

Difficult points:

a) To get the ability of general reading and acquiring information.

b)To retell the text with their own words.

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

In my opinion, the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use "Communicative" Approach(交际教学法), "Whole language teaching" (整体语言教学法)and "Task-based" language teaching (任务教学法)。 To use these methods are helpful to develop the students’ abilities.

Part 3 Studying Methods:

Our students are all from the countryside. They are lack of the cultural background of the foreign countries. Some students are not active in class, and some students don’t like English. therefore, I’ll have Ss study in a relaxed atmosphere and teach the Ss how to be successful language learners. I’ll use different teaching methods to arouse students’ learning emotion. Let Ss get the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study.

Part 4 Teaching Procedure:

Step I Pre-reading

1. Lead-in

Ask some questions about _________________.

2. Presentation

Teach some new words in this text, tell the students to try to remember these words as quickly as possible.

3. Match some important words with their meanings.

Step II While-reading

1. Skimming: Let the Ss to read the passage quickly to get general ideas and think about two easy questions:

1) ________________________________________________?

2) ________________________________________________?

2. Scanning: Ask the Ss to read the passage again to find out more details.

3. Read the text after the tape.

4. Divide the text into three parts, try to get the main idea of each part.

Part One: boys read it and complete some T or F exercises and correct them.

Part Two: girls read it and then answer some questions in pairs.

Part Three: boys and girls read it together and fill in the blanks.

5. Read the text together with the tape .

Step III Post-reading

1. Divide the class into two groups

2.Each group read the text carefully, try to remember them.

3.Ask one student of each group to come to the front to retell the text according to the key words.


5.Make a summary

Step IV Homework

1.Do the exercises in the workbook. Check the mastering of knowledge of this lesson.

2.Read the text fluently and try to recite it.

Part 5 Blackboard Design.

As teachers, to make our English classrooms shine with vitality, we are laid with heavy burden, and we still have long way to go. Deal with the language points. Ask the students to pick out the useful expression from the text, give them more examples, and do some exercises to practice the language points. Above is the lecture notes of my lesson.

That’s all. Thank you.


