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  Lugu lake is located in the mountains between ning ninglang yi people autonomous county county of yunnan and sichuan yanyuan, 69 kilometers away from the ninglang county. Lake covers an area of 52 square kilometers, with an average depth of 45 meters, the depth of 93 meters. Limpid blue lake, the maximum visibility is 12 meters. The lake east yalong river, jinsha river, the Yangtze river water system. The whole lake, shape if the horseshoe, north and south long and narrow, such as curve neck bottle gourd, so named lugu lake. Pull ku shan YaKou stood a decorated gateway across the road, about 200 meters of road under the decorated gateway is the perfect place to watch the lugu lake view. Here, you can clearly see the lugu lake beautiful curve contour, CuiQing spit cloth peninsula are scattered in the blue glass mirror lake, graham goddess mountain (sierra leone) in hubei shore enshrouded dignified. If is the spring, you of the edge of the lens or string to ponder the red mountain.

  Lugu lake beautiful shape like a marks, legend has it that the goddess of graham and her "summer" as the man of god to meet that night, because of lingering drunk, male god up what was about to leave when the day is bright, the morning after he can't go back again, what is the REINS tightly and tread down a deep horse these, on horseback male deified became the east look back of the tile, such as card that mountain, the goddess of the sad tears filled with these, she became a graham hill. This is a tears of love filled with lakes. After you read it marks the story of form, to walk on the shores of lake mosuo village, is ready for a swim in the beauty of a women "" in the mood.

  Lugu lake, known as "the pearl of the plateau. Each island standing in the lake, forms and lush, green, and in the meantime, yt, clear as a mirror, algal blooms to adorn meantime, slowly slide in the waves of the pig slot ship and slowly float dry water day between spindle folk songs, to make it more add a few minutes of of primitive simplicity, quiet, is a far away from the city and a virgin not contaminated lake. In November 2009, the lugu lake scenic area by the national tourism scenic spot A judge experts assess for AAAA level scenic area, lugu lake tickets for 100 yuan.

  Lugu lake is located in sichuan and yunnan outside the border of yanyuan county of sichuan province lugu lake town, 258 km away from xichang, just like a pure white and flawless huge pearl inlaid in the southwest of the country. Her picturesque scene, ancient matriarchal clan heritage of folklore, "Noah's ark" in Christianity, the clock MuGu lamaism, is that attract attention, to make the eyes of many tourists to the mysterious land of lugu lake, locals say "schenna mi", meaning the sea, the mother lake, bird's eye view from a high place, as a spread your wings and fly is sichuan's largest natural freshwater lake, known as the "plateau pearl". The northwest of the lake, magnificent mountains stand graham, this is the worship of the mosuo people and the personification of graham goddess. The southeast south of the lake, connected to the grass sea, grass here a big, fat cattle and sheep, offshore thick reed in the wind ripples, straw cocooning frame unfurled in straw cocooning frame of flowers and plants, every winter, swans, black-necked tens of thousands of rare migratory birds perched on the, smooth add a angry, a kind of scenery. Lake weeks, in the dense virgin forest, leopard, roe, deer, blue sheep, panda, macaque, spot haunted by antelope and other rare animals, meanwhile, give a person fear, a few minutes the delight. Lake, criss-crossed, rural, white, sunrise, whether wood pile of houses, madadayo smoke from kitchen chimneys, pastoral Chen Chen,, little brother a-mei, companion, good pack picture myriad of farm plantations, makes visitors's spaced out.

  The naxi mosuo lugu lake side live, marriage is unique, unique customs, the house of lords, for women, their family members by blood, all are matrilineal descent. Such as family members, grandparents only grandma and his brothers and sisters, mothers only mother, uncle and aunt. Shaw is called walking marriages father married children o o "wave" or "Ada".

  Here, everything is so magical, so simple, whether ChengDing ceremony, xia, matrilineal family, marriage funeral, are unique. Each protocol, each customs, is a beautiful and moving story, the individual best young beautiful pastoral, all full of somewhat mysterious, a few minutes of romantic, poetry, painting, so as to give a person to daydream and thought. Lugu lake beauty more beautiful mountains water, in addition to the peculiar marriage and customs, on the Banks of lake lugu co-eds that a unique clothing is more remarkable. Lugu lake is the girl country, it is the kingdom of the song and dance, once set foot on this land, visitors to the near, leisurely satisfied the purest khabarov o "pull", for it such as the dragon scroll a rub. Look, the drift distance to the pig slot of a ship, carrying a-mei, waved to you, to you put throat: "ah, my friend, don't go to the, a-mei accompany you to the month fell west hill". On the fertile land of lugu lake, the diet culture of people deeply infected with the features of natural, of primitive simplicity. Today, the Japanese diet staple or fushi, still is the mountain spring water, herbs, nuts, whole grains for seasoning, artificial brewed, the pickled, since the roast, after boiling at the altar, put on the fire, the pot, and then a few days, months and years to open the feed has, for the distance visitors taste, this is the famous pig fat meat, lugu lake in wine, cow sour fish, dried fish, rice, pig blood meter, etc. The gourmet food, make you see, delicious.


  Hello, my fellow friends,

  Welcome to Lijiang--- this beautiful place. It’s my great honor to be your guide. Today I will take you to the ancient town of Lijiang.A Brief Introduction to LijiangWe will get there in a few minutes. So now I will give you a brief introduction to Lijiang. It is located in Lijing Prefecture in the Northwest of Yunnan province. The population of Lijiang Prefecture is over 1 million involving 21 nationalities, for example, the Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Pumi,etc.

  And later you will see the houses of Naxi people in the ancient town.Lijiang Prefecture is the major tourist area of Yunnan Province. It contains beautiful natural resources, unique minority amorous feelings, age-old minority cultures, and rich tourist resources. The scenic spots are mainly scattered in Lijiang County and Ninglang County. We can conclude them into:” two mountains, one town, one lake, one river, one culture and one folk custom.”. Two mountains refer to Yulong Snow Mountains and Laojun Mountains, one town is Dayan Town, one lake refers to Lugu lake, one river is Jinsha river, one culture is Dongba Culture and one folk custom refers to the Moso people’s custom, which we call the “Aixa”. What does that mean? I will leave it to you to discover. So you see Lijiang, with its rich resources in plants and animals, the natural beauties and the amazing minority folk customs, attracting more and more tourists from home and abroad.Soon we will get the the Ancient town of Lijiang, it has a history of almost a thousand years. The scenes are unique and unconventional. It is one of the best historical, cultural cities at the state level in China. It consists of three parts: Dayan、Baisha、Shuhe.

  So why is it called Dayan? Because it is in the middle of Lijiang basin, and the Lijiang basin looks like a big inkstone, and in Chinese the pronunciation of that is “yan”.What’s more,it is also a unique city throughout China.Have you heard about it? Yeah,it is a city which has no walls.It expresses the open-minded character of Naxi people.The EntranceOk, everyone, this is the entrance of the Dayan town. Maybe you have already notice the couple of the water wheels over there.Do you know the function of it ? It is used to transport water and to make use of hydropower to grind grains and crops.Besides it is the Chinese Characters written by Jiang Zeming.

  And there is an eye-catching pillar, we call it “Dragon Post”, which means the water dragon and indicates the wish to avoid the fire in the town.Let’s get inside and have a look. The Dayan town is famous in China for its old and si-mp-le architectural style and the elegant art for the lay-out of the town. In the town the Yuquan River winds in many streams acrothe town and past all the houses. The roads here are parallel to the streams, and the door of each house is facing a stream.

  Whatever street and whatever lane you go in ,there is a small stream with small bridges acroit here and there. As a saying indicates :

  A house beside a stream with a small briage acroit makes a wonderful scene which you can only find here.” That’s why we regard Dayan town to be the “Oriental Venice”.Sifang Street


  It is said there is a fairyland beneath the colorful clouds of southern China. A place blessed with fresh air, clear streams, breathtaking snow-capped mountains, and an undisturbed landscape inhabited by a friendly group of people. Life in this fairyland is so peaceful, a fairyland called Lijiang, located at the hub of Tibet, Yunnan and Sichuan provinces.

  While the geographical position of Lijiang City is remote, it has the advantage of ensuring a pleasant year round climate and a wide variety of tourist resources in the 20,600 square kilometers area. The earliest recorded history of Lijiang can be traced back to the Warring States Period (476 BC-221 BC) but with the advent of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the local economy reached a peak with the development of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road which made a great contribution to both commercial and cultural communication between Tibet, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces.

  At present, Lijiang City is an attractive tourist destination in Yunnan Province that exercises jurisdiction over four counties and an Old Town District. Lijiang is the main region inhabited by Naxi Group, one of China's 55 minority ethnic groups. In its long history, the local residents have established their splendid Dongba Culture which has absorbed aspects of the culture of Tibet and the Central Plains along the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. The various souvenirs marked with these Dongba hieroglyphs are very popular with visitors from home and abroad.

  Lijiang has the best preserved ancient town in China - the Old Town which has been listed in the World Cultural Heritages by UNESCO in 1997. The Old Town was once the center of Lijiang and continues to maintain the original flavor of the local lifestyle, the typical groups of buildings and the profound cultural heritage of the region. When wandering along Square Street or any other streets in the Old Town, you will be struck by the peaceful surroundings. From enjoying the sight of the setting sun from historic hotels to local farmsteads, there are many favorable things here for travelers. Naturally, there are a number of tour destinations to enhance your visit as well. Among them, the most famous is Mufu (Mu's Palace) which should not be missed during your trip.

  Around Lijiang, there are a number of splendid natural beauty spots that will certainly astonish you. If you like to see superlative natural scenery, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain which provides a majestic backdrop to the Moon-Embracing Pavilion at Black Dragon Pond will fulfill your desire. For those seeking an exotic experience in Lijiang, a visit to the Mosuo People beside Lugu Lake is a must. They are called the last 'Kingdom of Women' on earth. If you would like to experience the local lifestyle, then come and participate in one or more of their various festivals that are held throughout the year.

  Lijiang does not have a direct rail link and is reached by travelers by air or by coach. However, having got to Lijiang, visiting round and about is easy with the help of the city buses, taxis or for the more energetic by bicycle. However, please don't forget to save some time to walk in Lijiang. Along your way, you must visit some of the souvenir shops and taste some local dishes and snacks. At night, the famous bar street in the Old Town is really worth a visit. No matter where you go, you will find a harmonious combination of tradition and fashion in Lijiang City.

  The smart and unsophisticated Naxi people who have long inhabited Lijiang preserve the unique and profuse Dongba Culture. In fact, a great number of scholars and travelers are attracted to this mysterious place more for the culture than its charming sceneries.

  Dongba Culture is of a religious nature and make up the most important component of the ancient Naxi culture.

  However, before the form of the Dongba Culture, the Naxi people in Lijiang followed the native religion of sorcery. During the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, a series of the other cultures, such as the Tibetan Bon Religion, Buddhism and Taoism, were introduced into this region, affecting the native religion. Along with the impact and blending among these various cultures, the new Dongba Religion was founded. The Dongba Culture is said to been passed on by the Dongbas who were sages that

  integrated song, dance, the classics, history, painting and medicine. They enjoyed a high social position within the Naxi group because they were considered as mediums between humans, gods and ghosts, as well as are able to remove disasters and guarantee good fortunes. At present, there are no more than 30 Dongbas living in Lijiang, so it is a memorable experience for travelers to visit these Dongbas.

  Dongba Characters

  The immense Dongba Culture consists of its writings, scriptures, paintings, dance and music. Amongst them, the Dongba characters are not surprisingly the soul of the Dongba Culture. Enjoying a history of over 1,000 years, it is still used by a few Naxi people even

  now. At first, the Dongba character was just a kind of hieroglyphic recorded on wood and stone. Later, with the use of paper, the use of characters gained popularity and gained its formal name. As a rare cultural treasure for all mankind, the Dongba character is the only existing hieroglyphic in China and praised to be the 'Living Fossil' showing the characters' origin and development of human society.

  Dongba Scriptures

  All Dongba scriptures were written in the picture-like characters, so they are not

  interpretable by ordinary folk. However, under the help of the Dongbas, some scriptures were translated into Mandarin and shown to readers at the end of the last century. These scriptures contain almost all aspects of the Naxi people, ranging from the nation's legends and history to traditional dancing and music. Now, these Dongba scriptures are kept in many countries other than China, such as the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Britain, France, Germany and Austria.

  Dongba Paintings

  Traditionally, the exquisite and colorful Dongba paintings completely reveal the beliefs and good wishes of the Naxi people. Some of them are drawn to depict the daily lives of locals. The most famous Dongba painting is the Painting of Sacred Road to Heaven which is approximately 14 meters long and 0.26 meters wide. This painting tells the story of how the dying man's soul is released from suffering. Vivid scenes describe how he passes into Hell, the human world, the natural heaven and finally Heaven. Nowadays, local artisans have created a series of modern Dongba paintings that retain the essence of those from more traditional times.

  Dongba Dance and Music

  The same to the other minorities, dance and music play vital roles in the Naxi people's daily life. The classical Naxi dance is the Dongba dance which is a kind of religious dance being played in the sacrifice events. However, most of these dancing show the locals' fight against the natural world and the forces of evil. There are about 60 kinds of dance

  recorded in two Dongba scriptures, including animal dance, sword and bow dance as well as the God dance. In fact, most of dance movements prefer to imitate animals, such as tiger, elephant, frog, monkey and eagle.

  In the sacrifice events of Dongba Religion, the dance is usually accompanied with the Dongba music (also the Naxi Ancient Music). The content of these music is mainly derived from the scriptures and widely singing by the Naxi people. The used instruments include ring, drum, gong and cymbal, producing simple but impressive rhythm. Fortunately, when

  come to Lijiang, traveler can enjoy the Dongba dance and music shows in the Dongba Palace and Naxi Concert Hall.Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the "Roof of the World". It is impressive because of its scenery and lush vegetation.

  Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere; Tiger Leaping Gorge; the world - famous grand canyon; Lugu Lake, the cultural cradle of the "Matriarchy" of the Yongning Mosuo people in Ninglang. Lijiang Town is officially called "Dayan Town"—— "Dayan" literally means a "great inkstab", a graphic description of the town’s location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China.

  The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the "Dong Ba Culture" seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique.

  All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China. Notes:


  Spruce meadow, elevation 3240 meters, dialect called "swim noon pavilion" or "double" aka jinxiu valley, located in the jade dragon snow mountain and mountain in the mountains of wellknown, in the snowy mountains and to the right of the main peak.

  Legend spruce flooring is the first a pair of lovers in the naxi double suicide. Reportedly naxi double takes is open from row, and they love love life, like the flower of the bee is destroyed by feudal marriage monogamy avulsion, they love life freedom, make both spruce meadow on the double. So June torch festival time, fall in the near longshan village of young men and women, prepare the sign open beauty and in row of the paper men, came to spruce meadow festivals the first pair of double fathers. Office along the snow mountain about 25 kilometers, the north has entered an open alpine grassland, here is the gansu haizi. Haizi is a natural meadow pasture, gently topography ups and downs, scattered on the vast meadow hits the low pine trees. Stretches of grassland, the vegetation covering, yak or concealed or now, each display "wind grass low now cattle and sheep" highland pasture.

  After transforming the spruce meadow cableway use meet the quality standard of the current European cableway 8 people to take off the hanging box cableway. Spruce meadow cableway of passenger transport fare from 20 yuan per time is adjusted for times up 30 yuan, down 25 yuan per person. After the fare adjustment, the company shall will uplink ticket prices improve part 6 yuan each time, downward fare increase part 3 yuan to lijiang, fiscal, specially used for lijiang jade dragon snow mountain scenic area tourist resources and the protection of the ecological environment.

  Spruce meadow in white river hill climbing is built on the traffic by cable car, only ten minutes to send you to the cable car station, and then along the forest of auxiliary plank road, or on the local yi stockade of lijiang pony girl rent, can reach another crazy - spruce meadow of jade dragon snow mountain.


  Jade water village is located in lijiang white sands, facing the beautiful lijiang dam, back against the magnificent jade dragon snow mountain. Is the naxi dongba teaches. Is a systematic and comprehensive, vivid display of naxi culture tourist destination, is the source of the ancient city of drainage is one of the cradles of the naxi culture.

  God springs within the village green pure and clear ripples are transparent, flows along down, the formation of the famous dragon organ "dragon waterfall" play ", "to send the dragon waterfall" "dragon Triassic water". The "three fold water" in the naxi culture system has an important symbolic significance, from the naxi water springs, building structure, to the banquet, clothing throughout the "dragon Triassic water" culture connotation. Jade water village is the naxi dongba holy land in the central region is the roots of the ancient city of lijiang. The nature conservancy will jade water village is specified as base of dongba culture inheritance and baisha fine music inheritance and base the inheritance of dance, naxi ethnic ancient culture mining, sorting, inheritance, research, display, etc.

  Jade water village dongba culture inheritance base, retain the naxi traditional style of of primitive simplicity, hand in photograph reflect with the beautiful natural landscape, truly reflects the "harmonious development of man and nature" of the naxi traditional idea, the essence of dongba culture. Now there are three famous dongba master host daily affairs, several dongba student, studying in jade water village dongba scripture, dongba dance and dongba sacrificial ceremonies, dongba art, etc. Lunar calendar March 5, the naxi areas of dongba gathered at the jade water village, the dongba Mr Luo temple held the annual dongba ROM will. Baisha fine music is music of the naxi ancestors created a miracle.

  Baisha fine lijiang dongjing music, is the double wall of ancient naxi music. The original Chinese musicians association chairman lu ji also heartfelt praise baisha fine music is a "living fossil music". Jade water village is seven star cross-country challenge match point in 2001. In 2002, lijiang dongba culture international tourism festival held in jade water village. In June 2003, jade water village through the ISO9000/14000 international quality/environmental system certification.

  Jade water village has many rich national and local characteristics of landscape, such as the dragon Triassic water waterfalls, salmon farming ecological sightseeing, ancient trees and biggest jade dragon mountain springs, dongba god gallery, dongba ancestor temple, meat stone stone pavilion, dongba art gallery, baisha fine music show, naxi ancient and traditional life show, dongba hurrying activities, traditional sacrificial field, display, naxi dongba dance waterwheel, millstones, water mills, alpine meadow landscape, etc.

