范文网 > 资料大全 > 综合资料 > 庆六一儿童节的英语作文


画青笺ぶ 分享 更新时间:



Today is "61" children's day, which is our children's own festival.

My mother ordered a pair of skates online for me very early.

My mother said it would arrive soon, but I waited for several days and didn't see the shadow of my express uncle. However, at noon on children's day, I saw a green van coming to my house. I thought: is my skates here? I'm looking forward to it!

After a while, I didn't expect the car to really stop at my door. Uncle express took out a big parcel. After my mother signed for it, I rushed to the living room with the big bag in my arms. I can't wait to open the package. WOW! A new pair of skates was displayed in front of me and became my "61" gift. I'm so happy! Because I finally have my own pair of skates. This "61" children's day, I am very happy, because today I received my favorite gift.

