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八上英语第四单元短语 篇1

Unit4 What’s the best movie theater?

movie theater电影院 close to…离……近 clothes store服装店 in town在镇上

so far到目前为止 10 minutes by bus坐公共汽车10分钟的路程 talent show才艺表演

in common共同;共有 around the world世界各地;全世界 more and more……越来越……

and so on等等 all kinds of……各种各样的 be up to是……的职责;由……决定

not everybody并不是每个人 make up编造(故事、谎言等) play a role in…在……方面发挥作用/有影响

for example例如 take…seriously认真对待 give sb. sth.给某人某物 come true(梦想、希望)实现;达到

Can I ask you some…?我能问你一些……吗?

How do you like…?你认为……怎么样?

Thanks for doing sth.因做某事而感谢。

What do you think of…?你认为……怎么样?

much+ adj./adv.的比较级 ……得多

watch sb. do sth.观看某人做某事

play a role in doing sth.发挥做某事是作用/在做某事方面扮演重要的角色

one of+可数名词的复数 ……之一



good cheap popular comfortably bad

1. Dumpling House is _____________ restaurant in the city. You can get a big plate of dumplings for only five yuan.

2. Spring Park is ________________ place in the city on weekends. Many families go there with their young children. Lots of old people like to take walks there , too.

3. You can rest _______________ at Flower Hotel. Their rooms are clean and big.

4. 109.9 FM plays _______________music . The songs are always boring and too loud.

5. PEPHigh School is ________________ in this town. They have big classrooms, fantastic teachers and an excellent sports center.


1. We went to the __________(bad) restaurant in town last night. The menu had only 10dishes and the service was not good at all.

2. Blue Moon is ______________(good), but Miler’s is _____________(good ) in town.

3. The Big Screen is _________________(expensive) than most cinemas, but Cinema City is ____________(expensive).

4. Movie City has the __________ (bad) service, but we can sit the_______________ (comfortably)there.

5. Johnny Dep acted the _________________(good) in that movie. He’s much ____________(good) than other actors at finding the ________________(interesting) role.

八上英语第四单元短语 篇2

1. have free tie有空闲时间

2. allw sb. t d sth. 允许某人做某事

3. hang ut with sb. 与某人闲逛

4. after-schl classes课外活动课

5. get int a fight w ith sb. 与某人吵架/打架

6. until idnight直到半夜

7. tal t sb. 与某人交谈

8. t an太多

9. stud t uch学得过多

10. get enugh sleep有足够的睡眠

11. write sb. a letter给某人写信

12. call sb. up打电话给某人

13. surprise sb. 令某人惊讶

14. l thrugh翻看

15. be angr with sb. 生某人的气

16. a big deal重要的事

17. wr ut成功地发展;解决

18. get n with不 11睦相处;关系良:

19. fight a lt经常吵架/打架

20. hang ver笼罩

21. refuse t d sth. 拒绝做某事

22. ffer t d sth. 主动提出做某事

23. s that以便

24. ind sb. ding sth. 介意某人做某事

25. all the tie一直

26. in future今后

27. ae sb. angr使某人生气

28. wrr abut sth. 担心某事

29. cp ne’ s hewr抄袭某人的作业

30. be neself做自己

31. fail ebers

32. spend tie alne独自消磨时光

33. give sb. pressure给某人施压

34. have a fight w ith sb. 与某人吵架

35. cpete w ith sb. 与某人竞争

36. free tie activities业余活动

37. get better grades取得更好的成绩

38. give ne’ s pinin提出某人的观点

39. learn exa sills学习应试技巧

40. practice sprts体育训练

41. cause stress造成压力

42. cut ut删除


