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  Make up your mind 决定

  Just take small sips小口喝就好

  What a nuisance真麻烦

  Keep your chin up!抬起你的头来(保持乐观)

  The dial records very slight variations in pressure.刻度盘显示很微小的压力变化

  Allow sufficient time to get there留出充足的时间好赶过去

  Get rid of 摆脱

  She would never refuse her kids anything她对孩子百依百顺

  Remember those less fortunate than yourselves要记住那些不如你们幸运的人

  Absence makes the heart grow fonder不相见倍思念

  Sob your heart out悲伤的哭泣

  Individual words惯用语

  In the immediate vicinity近在咫尺

  She leaned on the ship’s rail and gazed out to sea.她靠着船上的护栏,凝望着大海

  Get back on the rails东山再起

  How long were you in the queue?你排多长时间队了?

  This is movie that ticks all the boxes. 这是一部适合众人口味的电影

  The meeting has been, without doubt, one of the most useful we have had so far.这无疑是我们迄今为止最有用的一次会议。

  In / Under the circumstances在这种情况下,既然如此

  A couple of minutes几分钟

  The Super Bowl超级碗季后赛

  At the bottom/top of the pile处于无足轻重/举足轻重的地位

  The discovery of new evidence sealed his fate新发现的证据决定了他的命运

  We have been instructed that a decision will not be made before the end of the week我们已获悉周末前不会作出决定

  Don’t judge a look by its cover勿以貌取人

  As far as I can judge, all of them are to blame 依我看,他们都应承担责任

  He turned a deaf ear to the rumours 他对这些谣言置若罔闻

  A huge crowd庞大的人群

  There is a limit to what one person can tolerate.一个人的容忍是有限度的

  The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry这一决定对于钢铁业是一个沉重的打击

  He suddenly looked fierce他突然面露凶相

  Losing in the first round was a shock to the team首轮失利让人大为震惊

  It was her custom to rise early早起是她的习惯

  Without unwritten rules civilized life would be impossible没有不成文的规章,就不会有文明的生活

  The first rule is to make eye contact with your interview 首先是眼睛要直视面试官

  Play by sb’s rules按某人定的规矩行事

  Off the boil不如以前

  On the boil十分活跃、如火如荼

  The technology of modern civilization现代文明的技术

  Don’t mention it (被人道谢时回答)不客气

  Most of the buildings are unfit to live in这些楼房多数不适合居住

  He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong他死不认错

  Her attitude could fairly be described as hostile公平而论,她的态度可以说是怀有敌意

  Beauty cannot be measured by any absolute standard. 美是不可能用任何绝对标准来衡量的

  Negotiating skills谈判技巧

  Full of anger满腔怒火,激动的

  This carpet stains easily这块地毯不耐脏

  Cannot hold a candle to sb/sth 不如…好,比不上…

  God / Heaven forbid但愿不会这样

  Her house is just around the corner她的房子就在附近

  Take your courage in both hands鼓起勇气(做自己害怕的事情)

  She looked highly sceptical她一脸深表怀疑的神色

  This decision could have serious consequence for the industry这项决定可能对该行业造成严重后果

  Almost upon you近在咫尺,即将来临

  The day should be mainly dry with sunny intervals白天大部分时间干燥无雨,间隙有阳光

  You look superb你看起来棒极了

  We pretended(that)nothing had happened 我们假装什么事情也没有发生

  His younger brother is not much of a companion for him他的弟弟和他志趣不太相投

  To gain a high level of competence in English获得高水平的英语能力

  I didn’t want to embarrass him by kissing him in front of his friends我并不想当着他的朋友吻他而使他感到难堪

  A very conceited person极其自命不凡的人

  Confidential document机密文件

  I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it 我提了个建议,但他们不予理会



  I’m not used to eating so much at lunchtime我不习惯午饭吃这么多

  A bomb attack/blast/explosin炸弹爆炸

  Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country她突然逝世,举国上下为之震惊

  Given the failure of the previous plan, this turned out to be a relative success由于前面那个计划失败了,这个计划算是比较成功的

  You should include some examples in your essay你应该在文章里举一些例子

  The smile on her face made it all worthwhile她脸上的笑容是的这一切都非常值得

  By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune她精明投资,积累了一笔财富

  She sighed with relief that it was all over事情总算全都过去了,她轻松地舒了一口气

  We are slaves of the car我们离不开汽车

  The concept that everyone should have equality of opportunity人人应当机会均等的观念

  The president decided to send in the troops总统决定派驻军队

  Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect危难时有她在,对大家的心情有稳定作用

  Our problems have multiplied since last year自去年以来,我们的问题成倍增加

  Do whatever you like你喜欢做什么就做什么吧

  House prices have zoomed up this year今年房屋价格飞涨

  Only a handful of people came只有少数几个人来了

  He relayed the message to his boss他将这个消息转给了他的老板

  I was stupid enough to believe hime我可真够糊涂的,竟然相信他的话

  It was stupid of you to get involved你卷进去了,真是愚蠢

  She was a brilliant public speaker她很擅长在公开场合演讲

  He stared at the diamonds with greedy eyes他眼巴巴地盯着这些钻石

  Don’t upset yourself about it - let’s just forget it ever happened 你别为这事烦恼了,咱们就当它没有发生过

  We are constantly fed gossip and speculation by the media媒体不断给我们灌输流言蜚语和猜测臆想

  I can’t concentrate with all that noise going on吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中注意力

  He felt unsafe and alone他感到既危险又孤单

  A controversial plan 有争议的计划

  Be employed in doing sth从事,忙于(做某事)

  The company has a long tradition of fine design 这家公司的优秀设计历史悠久

  They found him lying unconscious on the floor他们发现他晕倒在地板上

  He asked to be put under police protection他请求警方保护

  We’d like as many people as possible to attend我们希望出息的人越多越好

  I have some urgent business to attend to我有些紧急事要处理

  Patience is not one of her virtues, I’m afraid恐怕他没有耐心

  After his divorce,he let himself go to seed离婚后,他自暴自弃

  Buying a house can be a very tiresome business买房子有时是件很麻烦的事情

  An unhappy coincidence不幸的巧合

  Choose whichever brand you prefer挑选你喜欢的那个品牌

  A systematic approach to solving the problem系统地解决问题的办法

  She’s very modest about her success 她对自己的成功非常谦虚

  The plan is designed to motivate employees to work more efficiently这个计划旨在促使员工更加卓有成效地工作

  She had the advantage of a good education她具有良好教育的有利条件

  My parents used to punish me by not letting me watch TV过去我父母常以不让我看电视来惩罚我

  It’s reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen有理由认为,他事先就知道会发生这样的事

  Despite her problems,she carried on working as usually尽管她有困难,他照样继续工作

  We collected money in behalf of the homeless我们为帮助无家可归者而募捐

  On behalf of the department I would like to thank you all 我谨代表全系感谢大家

  What a coincidence! I wasn’t expecting to see you here真巧!我没料到会在这里见到你

  We were poor but we never got into debt我们穷是穷,但从不负债

  What‘s the worst thing that could happen?情况最坏会是怎样?

  Fasten your seatbelts,please请系好安全带

  He made it plain that we should leave他明确表示要我们离开

  Can you give a more precise definition of the word你能给这个词下个更明确的定义吗?

  Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow你最晚明天能给我一个确定的答复吗?

  He needs all the support and encouragement he can get他需要所能得到的一切支持和鼓励

  His recreations include golf, football and shooting他的娱乐活动包括高尔夫、踢足球和射击

  The label on the box said:“Fragile, Handle with care“箱子上的标签写着“易碎品 小心轻放”

  The book is well organized in terms of plot这本书的故事布局十分严谨

  The hills were shrouded in mist 这些小山笼罩在薄雾之中

  She is always polite and considerate towards her employees她对待雇员总是客客气气,关心体谅

  The two communities live together in peace这两个社区和平相处

  We had to stop for breath before we got to the top我们不得不喘口气,然后再登山顶

  Fluency in French is required for this job这个工作要求法语熟练自如

  Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes建议驾车者另寻其他路线

  Our speaker today needs no introduction我们今天的发言人就不必介绍了

  We aim to maintain high standards of customer care我们的宗旨是始终以高标准为顾客服务

  Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident警方呼吁这起事故的目击者出来作证

  Ministers should be more attentive to the needs of families部长们应该更关怀家庭的需要

  The possibility are endless存在无限的可能性

  An essay on the causes of the First World War关于第一次世界大战起因的文章

  An aggressive advertising campaign 一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动

  The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions任何前科法官都将予以考虑

  I couldn’t believe it when I heard the news, I’d only seen him the previous day听到这个消息时,我不敢相信,我就在前一天还见到过他.

  He fought the illness with courage and determination他勇敢顽强地与疾病作斗争

  What criterion are used for assessing a student’s ability?用什么标准来评定一个学生的能力?

  It was a tough decision to make那是个很难做的决定

  The hat is part of the school uniform帽子是校服的一部分

  Try not to scratch尽量别挠

  Quit playing the fool and get some work done别再装傻了,干点实事吧

  Hers was a classic tale of rags to riches她的经历是从赤贫到富有的一个典型例子

  His role has always been ambiguous他的角色一直不明确

  The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies国家有义务保护本国公民不受外敌侵犯

  It was just a casual remark - I wasn’t really serious 我只是随便说说,并不当真

  Just out of interest, how much did it cost?我只是好奇问问,这个花了多少钱?

  The athletes trained at altitude in Mexico Ctiy田径运动员在海拔高的墨西哥城受训

  The books aims to cover all aspects of city life这本书旨在涵盖城市生活的各个方面

  We’ve all had a splendid time我们大家都玩的开心

  I’m taking the first tentative steps towards fitness我试探性地开始实施健身计划

  She’s been deliberately ignoring him all day她故意整天都不理他

  Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions我们每个人都必须对自己的行为负责

  He went down on one knee and asked her to marry him他单膝跪下向她求婚

  The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身份

  Age and experience will be determining factors in our choice of candidate年龄和经验是我们选择候选人的决定因素

  I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant当时我只是从小镇出来的小女孩,自觉十分渺小

  She knew that,whatever she decided, her family was right behind her她知道无论她做出什么决定,她的家人肯定会支持她的

  True education does not consist in simply being taught facts真正的教育并不于仅仅讲授事实

  She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition她很聪明,但缺乏远大志向

  The new design will eventually replace all existing models新的设计最终将会取代全部现有的型号

  His assessment of the situation他对形势的看法

  To take sb’s temperature 量体温

  Such changes have not been since the invention of the printing press自从发明了印刷机,这种变革还没有出现过

  Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects压力可能严重所害你的健康,锻炼则可以减轻这些所害

  Nothing ever happens here这儿从未发生过任何事情

  They took active steps to prevent the spread of the disease我们才去积极措施,防止疾病蔓延

  Compromise is an inevitable part of life妥协是生活不可避免的一部分

  The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel出国旅行必须持有护照

