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Resume number:   Updating date:    
Name:   Nationality: China (Mainland)
Current Place: Guangxi Height/Weight:  
Marital Status: Single Age:  
Career Objective and Work experience
Application type: 02
Preferred job title: Secretary/Office Clerk: None 、 Trade: 、 English Translator:
Working life: 0 Title: No title
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a day
Expected salary: ¥1,500--¥2,000 Preferred working place: Guangxi
Work Experience :
Company's name: Vacational College of Guilin Electronic and Technology UniversityBegin and end date: 2010-10-2011-12
Enterprise nature: Governmental agencyIndustry: Agencies / Institutions / Community Groups
Job Title: Teaching Assistant(part time) 
Job description: Help foreign teachers do their job. 
Reasons for leaving: Graduate soon,want to start a full time. 
Educational Background
Name of School: Vacational College of Guilin Electronic and Technology University
Highest Degree: Associate Date of Graduation: 2012-07-01
Name of Major 1: Marketing Name of Major 2:  
Education experience:
Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No
2009-09 2012-07 Vacational College of Guilin Electronic and Technology University Marketing    
Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: perfect
Chinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: normal
Relevant skills and abilities
  I speak fluent English due to the experience of winning several national competitions as follows: National Contest for College Students for 2010 First Prize CCTV Cup speech contest(provincial) for 2009  First Prize Translation Contest in Guangxi Province for 2009 Outstanding Award
Self-recommendation letter
  I`m open minded and confident.And I`m very good at communicating with people.I love working.Though I`ve never worked in an enterprise as an secretary or assistant I`m ready to learn.I`ll be appretiated if you can give me a chance to prove that I can be as good as you want me to.
Work Tel:   Home Tel:  
Mobile Phone:   msn/QQ:  
Email:   Web/Blog:

