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objective: banking industry

education background

2005.9~2009.6 shanghai institute of foreign trade (sift) shanghai, china

l bachelor of arts degree in law (b.a.), expected 2009

major courses: international economic law, international finance, accounting, marketing etc

professional experience

2008.1~2008.2 bank of china, shanghai zhengda branch

w good working knowledge of banking practice, communicating with customers

2007.7~2007.8 united securities co., ltd, shanghai west changjiang road sales department

w learned skills in market analyzing and professional sales techniques

w successfully developed some potential customers for the company

2006.9~2007.4 daylight (china) co., ltd

w established a work team and led discussion in meetings when needed

w mastered knowledge of the products and finally rank 2nd among the entire community

2006.7~2006.8 shanghai horizon market research co., ltd

w successfully arranged and conducted phone and indoor interviews across the city

w worked with different teams and finished questionnaires seriously

extracurricular activities

2006.9~2008.6 human resources services company of sift

totally provided 20 positions for schoolmates; invited 8 enterprises to take part in annual school recruitment; established the original human resources database

2007.7~2007.8 summer special olympic games in 2007

charity sale in yu garden bilingually and promote sales of items successfully

2006.9~2007.6 english club

coordinated affairs of the society including raising funds from corporate sponsors for our society; organized english corner, educational lectures and outdoor practice

2006.3~2006.12 students’ entrepreneurship center (marketing department)

researched materials of competition, government policies, social factor concerning starting one’s own business; focused on marketing plans

honors and scholarships

academic:national scholarship, 1st scholarship(once, 1 student/semester)in 2007-2008

scholarship for outstanding students, 3rd scholarship(twice, top 10%)in 2006-2007

excellent individual of summer practice and 2nd place for social articles in 2006-2007

social: excellent marketing manager in human resources services company of sift

excellent individual of honor of work for study in 2006-2007

excellent representative in sports, law school in 2007-2008

certificates and skills

language: the intermediate certification of oral (verbal) interpretation of shanghai

cet-6: 525

computer: certification of middle-level skills of computer operation of shanghai





目标也就是求职要求。你在求职的时候,一般雇主都想知道你的职业规划。这有助于他们了解你是否是此职位的`最佳人选。在你简历的开头你需要写上"Objective",然后简短地写下你的求职要求,例如"To work in a dynamic marketing department."会让人感觉你是个喜欢挑战、充满活力的人。


职责就是分配的任务,而成就是你取得的成绩--你努力后的成果。雇主们都想知道你过去的工作职责是什么,他们对你曾经取得的成绩更感兴趣。因此你在描述过去的工作时,那就稍作渲染一番吧!比如说:你过去的一项职责是人员安排,而你解决了一个很大的问题。你就可以写:"Solved scheduling conflict."(解决过人员配置冲突)


因为要在有限的篇幅内表达尽可能多的内容,所以在书写简历时,你可以使用缩写或是省略语。你可以略去句子的主语(比如,I,my manager),物主代词(my/mine,his/hers)甚至有时候可以省略冠词(the,a)。如果你想在一句话中列出一项以上的成绩,你可以用分号来代替"and".比如:"I led an important project and my manager gave me an award"就可以写成"Led key project; awarded by manager."


行为动词表示某个特定动作,例如:solved,managed,initiated,accomplished,而am,was,have和had之类是被动动词。在简历中使用行为动词,会让你看起来像一个目标明确、充满活力的人,而这样的人正是绝佳的招聘对象。比如:"Managed a team of 20 employees"听起来就要比"Was in charge of 20 employees."更为有力。

