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1. 表转折:

but, however, yet, in fact, on the other hand;

A, but B: 否定A而肯定B,则A,B两部分内容是相反的。

例如:Computerized data storage and electronic mail were to have heralded the paper less office. But, contrary to expectations, paper consumption throughout the world shows no sign of abating .

解释:paper less 表示负向,则but后no sign of abating 表示正向,所以abating是表示负向的词。


练习:The marginal costs of generating electricity from nuclear energy may be tiny, but , as the technology now stands, huge and uncertain costs are involved in building the power stations, dealing with spent fuel, and decommissioning.

2. 表让步:

(1)although:although A, B:尽管有A,B还是出现了(A,B互不影响)若A是正,那B就是负的。

例如:Although the world regards Asia as the focus of an economic and industrial miracle, without adequate supplies of food, Lampe says, chaos could easily result in many countries.



A. although:虽然,尽管

B. as long as:只要

C. whereas, but:表转折


E. n. 表一段时间

例如:While ducks offer many advantages over hens, they must be given greater quality of food, especially if regular eggs are desired.



例如:Albeit true but not now.

3. 表并列:A and B

A...and B...

(1) 并列双方性质相同;

(2) 当A、B都比较复杂时,应该从最后一项找起,根据B的形式到前文找到A

例如:The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the noise of the taxicabs, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds.

解释:此句话中共有四个and ,第一个and 并列of 结构,第二个and 并列fumes和toxic,第三个and并列taxicabs, lorries 和buses, 第四个and并列full of …, torn by… 和thronged…

4 表递进:没有转折的意思,后项承接上文。

A furthermore B

A moreover B

A besides B

A为正向,B 仍为正向。

5 表顺序或过程:

(1) first, then, next, later on, finally

(2) 1st, 2nd, 3rd…

(3) in the first place, in the second place…



英国一家名为This is Money的网站联合一家汽车网站对世界各国的油价分析对比后选出全球油价的十个国家,委内瑞拉以每升8便士(合人民币0.8元)的价格连续第二年居首,居民月度油费支出占月收入的2.73%。其余9个国家汽油价格由低到高分别为埃及、沙特阿拉伯、卡塔尔、巴林、利比亚、土库曼斯坦、科威特、阿尔及利亚以及伊朗。除油价以外,此次评选还对各国居民油费开支占月收入的比重进行了调查分析。结果显示,有些国家虽然油价很低,但因为居民收入普遍偏低,油费支出占月收入的比例却很高。比如,土库曼斯坦的油价仅为每升17便士,每月的油费支出约为21英镑(约合人民币212元),但因为平均月收入仅有115英镑左右,所以油费支出占到了月收入的17.79%。如果按此标准计算,卡塔尔应该为世界上油价水平的国家。《福布斯》杂志将卡塔尔称为世界上最富有的国家,其国民每月的税后收入达3665英镑(约合人民币37014元),而卡塔尔的油价仅为每升12便士,月度油费支出只占月收入的0.4%。

Petrol prices in Britain remain a consistent sore talking point for motorists - it’s not surprising considering costs have almost doubled in the last 10 years.

According to AA figures, the average litre of unleaded in Britain in August 2002 was 74.8p. This has rocketed to 135.52p this month. At the same time, Brent Crude oil prices have risen from an average of $28 to more than $113 now.

It is clear that car owners in Britain have some of the most expensive costs when it comes to filling up their motor. But what about the flipside – which countries have the cheapest unleaded?

In the second exclusive annual cheapest petrol worldwide report by This is Money, alongside new and used car website Evans Halshaw, we reveal just how cheap it is to fill up a car in other areas around the world.

We also compare petrol prices to wages in each country mentioned – and reveal that one country spends just 0.4 percent of disposable income on petrol, while another sees motorists spend almost 20 percent of their income on filling up their car, despite the cheap fuel costs.

Venezuela has taken the crown for the cheapest petrol in the world for the second year running in our annual report.

Those that live in the country see cheap petrol as a birthright. An increase in prices at the pump in the late 1980s resulted in riots in Caracas and ultimately current president Hugo Chavez’s political rise.

It is so cheap in the country that petrol smuggling is thought to be a bigger business than drug smuggling – with neighbours such as Colombia paying more than 40 times the price for petrol, you can see why.

According to the statistics however, the average citizen’s income after tax is £354.48. This means that on average, 2.73 percent of wages are spent on filling up the motor.

This is cheap compared to some of the countries we revealed have the highest petrol costs in the world.

In Norway, where the price of unleaded is the most expensive 164p a litre (April 2012) the average person spends 7.4 percent of their wage to fill up their tank.

There is no doubt that Venezuelans have it good when it comes to petrol prices and how much they spend on filling up their cars, but it’s oil-rich nations in the Middle East that benefit from not only low petrol costs, but high wages as well.

Topping the list is Qatar, where the average person spends 0.4 percent of their wage on unleaded petrol. Saudi Arabia is not far behind with 0.98 percent, while Kuwait (1.2 percent) and Bahrain (1.81 percent) also beat Venezuela.

Qatar pays some of the highest wages in the world. The country, which will host the football World Cup in 2022, has a population of roughly 1.7million.

According to Forbes Magazine, it is the richest nation in the world. The research has found the average take home pay after tax is a mammoth £3,664.92 monthly, while the average petrol price is 12p a litre.

If you compare that to Britain in our April 2012 petrol survey, the average litre of petrol was 142p and average monthly salary after tax £1,660.52. This meant 10.3 percent of wages is spent on filling up the tank.

It’s not all plain sailing for countries with cheap petrol however. Turkmenistan has an average petrol price of 17p, putting it seventh of our list of cheap petrol.

However, this equates to a monthly bill of £20.53 to fill up a motor – and with the average monthly wage before income sitting at £115.42, it means 17.79 percent of wages are spent on petrol.

This is easily the highest figure in the list and to put it into perspective, of the countries that made up the top ten expensive places for fuel, only three have higher percentage of income going on fuel bills.

These are Eritrea (61.1 percent),Turkey (34.2 percent) and Greece (25.4 percent).

10. Iran

Price per litre: 21p Monthly cost: £25.36

Income (after tax): £388.68 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 6.53 percent

9. Algeria

Price per litre: 17p Monthly cost: £20.53

Income (after tax): £173.26 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 11.85 percent

8. Kuwait

Price per litre: 17p Monthly cost: £20.53

Income (after tax): £1,703.98 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 1.2 percent

7. Turkmenistan

Price per litre: 17p Monthly cost: £20.53

Income (after tax): £115.42 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 17.79 percent

6. Libya

Price per litre: 15p Monthly cost: £18.12

Income (after tax): £544.94 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 3.32 percent

5. Bahrain

Price per litre: 15p Monthly cost: £18.12

Income (after tax): £998.19 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 1.81 percent

4. Qatar

Price per litre: 12p Monthly cost: £14.49

Income (after tax): £3,664.92 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 0.40 percent

3. Saudi Arabia

Price per litre: 10p Monthly cost: £12.08

Income (after tax): £1,234.78 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 0.98 percent

2. Egypt

Price per litre: 9p Monthly cost: £10.87

Income (after tax): £247.35 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 4.39 percent

1. Venezuela

Price per litre: 8p Monthly cost: £9.66

Income (after tax): £354.48 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 2.73 percent


When Bradley Wiggins goes for gold tomorrow afternoon in the men's cycling time trial the Tour de France champion could be forgiven for checking the crowd nervously for the face of the prime minister, who is starting to get a reputation as a bit of a jinx.

So far both Wiggins' cycling colleague Mark Cavendish and Olympic poster boy Tom Daley have been denied medals by what has been dubbed the "Curse of Cameron".

The prime minister was present at the trackside when Cavendish failed to win Team GB's first Gold of the Games as expected.

And he was in the stands when Daley and his partner Peter Waterfield came an agonising fourth in the synchronized diving.

The curse is not restricted to the Olympics. A few weeks ago Cameron was at Wimbledon to see Andy Murray let slip a lead against Roger Federer in the tennis.

Fortunately for Britain's male gymnasts however the prime minister stayed away from the North Greenwich Arena last night where they won the country's first medal in the event for 100 years.

Although suspicions were raised that Cameron had peeked his head round the door after the team's medal was downgraded from silver to bronze.

Nerves may also be frayed in the Team GB beach volleyball camp, as the event is taking place in Horse Guards Parade next door to Cameron's Downing Street home.

Yesterday, when asked, No.10 admitted that Cameron probably "had a peek" at the event.

The British hopefuls must be crossing their fingers that the curtains are drawn during their matches.












