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科目 英语年级 初三文件 middle3 unit21.1.doc标题 shopping章节 第二十一单元关键词 内容 一、教法建议【 抛砖引玉 】 单元双基学习目标Ⅰ. 词汇学习bit , size , suit , dollar , perhaps , retell , dinner , pardon , brush , simple , finger , be worn out , dark blue suit , either… or light green dress , the following week , a bit , think about , sell out , never mind , so … that , be busy doing , on and on , just a moment , in surprise , fall overⅡ. 句型学习My shoes are worn out . How much does it cost ? They were either too big or too small . The suit was so expensive that he could not buy it . Ⅲ . 语法学习1. 过去完成时2. 由 so… that … 引导的表示结果的状语从句。【 指点迷津 】单元重点词汇点拨1 . pair 一对;一双I need a pair of shoes . The children came in pairs . 〖 点拨 〗pair可作量词连接可数名词和不可数名词,如:a pair of glasses 一幅眼睛。two pairs of paper两张纸。 a pair of new shoes 一双新鞋。in pairs 成双,成对。2 . size 尺寸;大小What size shoes do you wear ? This book ( house ) is the same size as that . 〖 点拨 〗medium - sized 中号 ( 型 ) 的,large - sized 大号 ( 型 ) 的。the same size as …同…一样大。3 . bit 一点儿;小片Have you a little bit of bread ? 〖 点拨 〗 a bit 用于形容词前,指“有点,相当”,a bit of 用于名词前,表示一点点。not a bit 一点也不,而 not a little 相当于 very。4 . suit 一套 ( 衣服 ) ;西服Father bought him a suit of new clothes . His new suit doesn\'t fit well . 〖 点拨 〗 suit 还可作动词用表示: ( 衣服、颜色等 ) 合身、适合,如:The new dress suits you very well . 5 . name 1 ) 命名;名叫;说出……名字 I know a girl named Joan . Can you name all the flowers in the garden ? 2 ) 名字,姓名,名称Her name is Mary . 〖 点拨 〗name sb . sth 给某人起名叫……。Someone named … 名叫……的一个人。6 . for 因为 ( 连词 ) I asked her to stay to tea , for I had something to tell her . We must start early for we have a long way to go . 〖 点拨 〗for 常引导补充说明的理由原因。不能回答 why 提出的问题。7 . dollar 美元Dollar is a unit of money used in the U . S . A , Canada , and some other countries . 〖 点拨 〗dollar 前有数词修饰时,dollar 须加 -s。8 . perhaps 可能;也许 Perhaps he will be there , but perhaps he won\'t . Perhaps she wasn\'t angry with you . 〖 点拨 〗perhaps 也许,是“也许如此,也许不如此”的意思。语气很委婉、相当于 maybe。9 . retell 重述;重讲The children are asked to retell the story . 〖 点拨 〗retell 是由动词 tell 加前缀 re - 构成,前缀 re - 表示“又、再、重”。如:rewrite 重写。10 . dinner 正餐;宴会 It\'s time for dinner . I\'m busy cooking dinner . Shall we give a dinner for her birthday ? 〖 点拨 〗表示“吃饭”的动词,英国人一般用 have , 美国人用 eat , dinner 前加冠词表示一顿一顿的饭食,不用冠词时,通常表示吃饭这件事。 11 . pardon 原谅;宽恕;对不起 Pardon me for being late .  Please pardon me for waking you . I beg your pardon . I don\'t know this was your seat . 〖 点拨 〗I beg your pardon . = Beg your pardon . = Pardon . 读升调时,意思是“请再说一遍”。读降调时,意思是“请原谅,对不起”。 pardon sb . for ……原谅某人……12 . dirty 脏的 My dress is getting dirty . Wash your dirty face ( hands ) . 13 . brush 1 ) 刷;擦 ( 动词 ) 2 ) 刷子 ( 名词 ) Brush your teeth every morning . 〖 点拨 〗a tooth brush 牙刷 / a clothes brush 衣刷 a writing brush 毛笔14 . simple 简单的;简易的;简朴的 The book is written in simple English . The old man lived a simple life . 〖 点拨 〗live a simple life 过朴素的生活16 . finger 手指We use our fingers to feel and pick up things . 〖 点拨 〗大姆指:thumb , the forefinger 食指 , the middle finger 中指, the ring finger 无名指, the little finger 小指 。单元词组思维运用1 . wear out 穿坏;穿旧;用尽, ( 使 ) 精疲力尽I have worn my shoes out , I must get another pair . We were worn out after climbing the mountain . 2 . a pair of 一对;一双;一副My sister gave me a pair of new shoes . He wears a pair of glasses . a pair of socks 一双短袜 / a pair of trousers 一条裤子3 . at the moment 此刻Mrs Green is working in the garden at the moment . 4 . just a moment 等一会儿Just a moment , she is coming . 请稍等片刻,她就来。5 . a bit 有点 ( = a little ) He was a bit angry . Please wait a bit .  I\'m not a bit hungry . He knows a bit of English . 6 . the last time 上次,最后一次The last time I saw him was last week . When I saw him the last time , he was quite well . 7 . never mind 不要紧;没关系—— Let me carry the box for you . —— Never mind , It isn\'t heavy . I can do it myself .  —— I forgot to bring your book . —— Never mind about that , I\'ll get it back tomorrow . 8 . in surprise 惊奇地He looked at me in surprise with his mouth open . 说明:to one\'s surprise使某人感到惊奇的是……如:To my surprise , the little girl can carry such a heavy box . 使我惊奇的是,那个小女孩竟能搬动那么重的箱子。9 . much too 实在太;过于You are much too kind to me . 辨析:much too 与 too much 不同。too much 是“太多…”的意思,用在不可数名词前面,可作主语,作表语,作宾语。much修饰形容词和副词。如:It\'s much too cold . 天气实在太冷。( much 是程度副词,修饰 too,加强语气 ) We\'ve had too much rain lately . 最近我们这里的雨下得太多了。 ( much 是修饰 rain 的形容词,又被 too 修饰 ) 10 . think about 思考;思虑;回想What are you thinking about ? They are thinking about leaving tomorrow . 11 . sell out 售完The old woman has sold out all the eggs . 12 . so…that… 如此……以致于……His shoes were so dirty that he must brush them . 13 . be busy (in)doing… = be busy with + n . 忙于做某事He was busy (in)getting ready for his journey . = He is busy with the journey .14 . fall over 摔倒It\'s easy for you to fall over when you walk on the ice .  15 . on and on 继续;不断We walked on and on . The old woman talked on and on . 二、学海导航【 学法指要 】 单元难点疑点思路明晰1 . Can\'t they be mended ? 难道它们 ( 鞋子 ) 不能修吗 ? 以否定形式提问的疑问句叫否定疑问句。这种疑问句包括一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的结构。句中的 not 可以和有关的 be、have 以及助动词、情态动词结合,构成 - n\'t 形式放在主语之前。一般否定疑问句往往表示怀疑、惊讶、责备等意义,实质上它具有强烈的“肯定”意味。如上述的例句,问话者的心中是相信它肯定能修。又如:Can\'t you ( really ) ride a bicycle ? Haven\'t you forgotten something ? 难道你们没忘记什么吗 ?2 . They were so pleased to see each other that they forgot everything else . 他们彼此见面,格外高兴,把所有的事都忘了。①so…that 意思是“如此……以致。”so 修饰它后面的形容词或副词,that 后面通常是表示结果的状语从句。又如:It was so dark that he couldn\'t see anything . ( so 后接形容词 ) The teacher spoke so fast that I couldn\'t follow him . ( so 后接副词 ) ②在这种意义的结构中,如果结果状语从句是否定式,可换成“too … to”的结构。如果结果状语从句是肯定形式,可以换成“…enough to…”的结构。如:He was so weak that he could not walk . = He was too weak to walk . ③注意:so … that 与 so that 有区别。so that 引导目的状语从句,经常和 may , can , could , should , will , would 等情态动词连用。是“以便;为的是”之意,如:Speak clearly so that we may understand you . 3 . My shoes are worn out . 我的鞋穿破了。( 1 ) worn out 是过去分词短语,在句中作表语。( 2 ) wear out “穿破;磨破;用坏”。例如:Usually , children wear out their toys very quickly . That machine was worn out last year . Who wore out that bike ? 4 . I\'m looking for a pair of black shoes . 我想买一双黑色的皮鞋。looking for 在此表达购物人在购物时“寻找”所购物品的状态。5 . What size do you want ? Size eight . 你要多大的码子 ? 8号的。size “尺寸;大小”。例如:It is about the size of an egg . This book is the same size as that one . 这本书同那本书一样大小。6 . I\'m afraid we haven\'t got any black shoes in that size at the moment . 恐怕现在我们还没有那个码子的黑皮鞋。in that size “那个尺寸的”,在句中作定语,修饰 shoes。介词 in 常用来表示尺寸大小及量度单位。 7 . How much do they cost ? ( 他们 ) 鞋子要多少钱 ? ( 1 ) 询问价格时,通常还说:How much are they ? How much is it ? ( 2 ) cost , take 及 spend 都可表达“花费”之意,但用法不同。cost 可用来表示花费钱财及时间,但需要用表示事物或行为的词或短语作主语。例如: The pair of shoes cost me 80 yuan .Doing this work will cost them a week . take 常用来表示花费时间,它的主语通常是动词不定式。例如:It took me half an hour to work out the maths problem . spend 同 cost 一样,可表示花费钱财及时间,但需要用表示人物的名词或代词作主语。I spend about half an hour ( in ) reading English every morning . 8 . I don\'t think I\'ll take it . 我想我不会买它。( 1 ) I don\'t think……是在否定对方意见或拒绝对方时委婉地表达自己意见的常用语。而不说:I think I won\'t take it . 例如:I don\'t think that he\'ll be able to arrive here by two o\'clock . ( 2 ) I\'ll take it 在句中作 think 的宾语,意为:“我买了”。也可说:I\'ll get ( have ) it . 在具体购买某物品时,一般不说 I\'ll buy it . 9 . A young man named John had just left school for the last time . 一句叫约翰的青年刚刚从学校毕业。( 1 ) named John 是过去分词短语,修饰 a young man 作定语。( 2 ) had left 是过去完成时。( 3 ) leave school for the last time“最后一次离学校” ( 在此指毕业 ) for the last time “作为最后一次”,for the first time “作为第一次”。例如:He did his work quite well for the first time . 10 . He was going to start work the following week . 他准备在下个星期开始工作。the following week = the next week , the following 意为“紧随着的,接之而来的”。the following morning 第二天早晨the following month 第二个月;下个月the following questions 下面的问题11 . There was quite a nice shop near his home . 他家附近有一个相当漂亮的商店。quite 是副词,不是形容词,所以不能说 a quite nice shop。又如:That\'s quite a long time . 12 . The shop was quite new , for it had opened only the week before . 这家商店很新,因为他是上个星期才开业的。 句中的 for 是并列连词,后面接一个句子,它用来说明理由,只是一种解释和补充说明。语气比 because 轻得多。because 用来申述原因,往往表示事物的因果关系,所以在答复 why 的时候,必须用 because , 不可用 for。请比较下面的句子,体会句子的语气。I\'ll be back at about ten o\'clock , for I want to pay a visit to a good friend of mine . 我大约10点钟回来,因为我要拜访一个好友。( 此句的重点是何时回来,for 后面的意思只是一个补充说明。 ) He was late for school this morning because he went to bed late last night . ( “为什么”迟到 ? because 后面道出了原因。 ) A:Tell me why you haven\'t finished your homework . B:Because I was badly ill yesterday evening . 因为我昨晚病得厉害。( 显然,上面的句子只能用 because 回答,而不能 for。 )  13 . But none of them were the right size . 意译:但它们没一双合脚。( 直译:但它们都不是合适的码子。 )  14 . They were either too big or too small . 他们不是太大就是太小。( 1 ) either…or… 是关联连词。“或者……或者……”。例如:Come either today or tomorrow . 要么今天来,要么明天来。Either you or he is right . 不是你对,就是他对。 ( 直译:或者你对,或者他对。 ) 注意:当 either…or…连接的是两个主语时,动词的形式要和 or 后面的主语保持一致。比较:Either he or you are right . 要么他对,要么你对。( 2 ) 我们学过的关联连词还有 neither…nor…,not only…but also…,both…and…,它们都用来连接句中两个平行的描述对象。 15 . …and then went to look at himself in a mirror . …然后走过去照照镜子。look in a mirror , look in the mirror“照镜子”,口语中可用 glass 代替 mirror。16 . It looks great . 这套服装看起来非常清爽。great 常在口语中使用,表示赞美、欢愉的心情。又如:Shall we have a party tonight ? That\'s great ! 我们今晚开晚会吗 ? 太棒了 ! 17 . Have you got anything cheaper ? 你们有便宜一些的衣服 ( 卖 ) 吗 ? anything 是不定代词,形容词修饰不定代词时,须后置。又如:I\'ve something important to tell you . 我有些重要的事要告诉你。The story is nothing interesting . 这故事毫无意思。18 . That\'s the cheapest suit we have , I\'m afraid . 那是我们最便宜的西服,我想。( 1 ) we have 修饰 suit,是定语从句。( 2 ) I\'m afraid 相当于汉语的“恐怕”之意,用以表达委婉的说话语气19 . They were so pleased to see each other that they forgot everything else . 他们彼此见面,分外高兴,把所有的事情都忘了。( 1 ) so…that…“如此……以至……”,so修饰它后面的形容词或副词,that 引出一个表结果的状语从句。例如:The rain was so heavy that I had to stay at home . He got up so late that he was late for school . ( 2 ) pleased 是形容词,意为 glad , pleased 多用于书面语或正式场合。glad 多用于口语,语气比较随便。例如:Are you Miss Green ? Pleased to meet you . Glad to see you . Are you any better today ? 很高兴见到你,今天好些吗 ? ( 3 ) so…that…还可引出表目的状语从句。这就要求我们从句子本身的内在含意来判断。比较下面的句子。He got up so early that he could catch the early bus . ( 表目的 ) He got up so early that he caught the early bus . ( 表结果 ) 20 . Haven\'t you forgotten something ? 你们难道没忘了什么吗 ? 此句比 You have forgotten something . 语气更为强烈。而不是一般的提问,所以不用 anything 。下面两句都有强烈的“肯定”意味。Don\'t you see he is here ? Didn\'t I tell you about this yesterday ? 21 . John turned round and looked at him in surprise . 约翰转过身来,惊奇地望着他。( 1 ) round 作形容词时,意为“圆的”。作副词或介词时,意为“循环地”,“围绕”。句中的 round 修饰动词 turn,是副词。请注意 round 在下列句子中的词性。He has a round face . ( 形容词 ) 他长着一副圆脸。You can see a round table in the middle of the room . ( 形容词 ) Don\'t look round . The class has begun . ( 副词 ) The moon travels round the earth . ( 介词 ) ( 2 ) in surprise 是介词短语,修饰句中的 looked , 作状语。surprise 除了作名词外,还可作及物动词。surprised 相当于一个形容词,表明主语的状态。例如:His visit was a surprise to me . 他的访问出乎我意料之外。He shouted in surprise when he heard the bed news . What he said surprised us very much . 22 . “Pardon ? ”he said . “什么 ? ”他问道。pardon 一词的原意是“宽恕”,“原谅”。在口语中,当听话人没听清或不明白对方的讲话时,常说“pardon ? ”用以请求对方再把原话说一遍。— The telephone number is 355708 . 电话号码是355708。— Pardon ? Wait a moment . I\'ll write it down . 什么 ? ( 或:再说一遍好吗 ? ) 等一下,我把它记下来。23 . That was nearly the cheapest jacket in town . 这夹克几乎是城里最便宜的夹克了。这句话颇具幽默感,如果没付钱,当然是“最便宜的了”。但毕竟不是事实,所以句中的动词用 was,而不用 is。24 . 表示时间的 for , since , from , during 和 ago 的异同for ①用来表示某动作或情况持续了多长时间,既可指过去,也可以指现在和将来。I once studied French for three years . ( 指过去时间 ) That house has been empty for six weeks . ( 指现在时间 ) Our teacher will be away for the next ten days . 我们的老师从现在起将要离开十天。 ( 指将来 ) ②如果 for 表示的一段时间一直持续到现在为止,就要和现在完成时连用,不能用现在一般时。如:I\'ve known her for a long time . 我认识她已经好长时间了。 ( 不能说 I know her… ) 这种用法的 for 可用 since + 行动开始的那一时间来代替。如:He has worked here since this time last year . 他从去年这时候起就在这里工作。③当我们说的是过去某个时刻时,我们要用 for 和过去完成时来表示一直持续到那个时刻的一段时间。如:When she arrived , I had been waiting for two hours . 当她到达的时候,我已经等了两小时了。from ①我们说某动作或情况从什么时候开始,什么时候结束时,就用 from…to… 或 from…till / until 的结构。如:I was asleep from three to six . ( = for three hours ) 我从三点到六点在睡觉。 ( 我曾睡了三小时 ) ②当我们不说出动作或情况是什么时候结束时,也用 from 一词。如:We had to begin our work from six in the morning . from 也可用于地点。如:Where do you come from ? since ①只用于时间而不用于地点,意指“从那时起到说话的时刻。”它常常和现在完成时或过去完成时连用。如:What have you been doing since this morning ? It has been raining since two o\'clock . It was now six and he was tired because he had worked since dawn . 注意 since 与 from 的区别,I was there from three o\'clock , but nobody came . 我从三点钟起一直在那儿,但没有人来过。 ( 不能说……since three o\'clock ) I \'ve been there since three o\'clock , but nobody\'s come yet . 我从三点钟起一直在那儿,但没有人来过。( 此句不能说 ……from three o\'clock ) ②在“It is + 时间词语 + since”中,since 可以和现在时态或过去时连用。It\'s a long time since the last meeting . It was ages since my last meal , and I was very hungry . 注意 since 与 for 的区别:当 for 和 since 都用在现在完成时句子中时,这两个词很容易搞混。记住:for 表示什么事情延续了多长时间。since 则表示这件事是从什么时候开始的。试比较:for three days since Tuesdayduring①用于已知的一段时间,即为大家所熟知的节日名称,如:Christmas ( 圣诞节 ) ,或者已经限定的时候或阶段。如:during the years 1980 — 1990 在1980年1990年期间②行动可以持续整个时期或只发生在这个时期的某一时刻。如:It rained all Monday but stopped raining during the night . 星期一整天下雨,但夜里雨停了。 ( 在某一时刻 ) He was ill for a week , and during that week he ate nothing . during 与 for 的区别:during 表示什么时间发生了什么事。for 表示这件事持续了多长时间。There was a storm during the night ; it rained for three or four hours . 夜里暴风雨大作,雨一直下了三四个小时。My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer . 我父亲在夏天住了六个月医院。ago 不用来表示动作和情况的持续时间,也不用来表示动作是什么时候开始的。ago 只表示过去的事情是什么时候发生的。但我们用的是从现在往过去追溯的“倒数法”,而不说出具体日期。ago 要和过去时态连用。如:I saw him three days ago . 我三天前看见他的。 ( 从现在起倒数的三天 ) I caught this cold two weeks ago . 注意ago 是“自今…之前”,before 是“自过去…之前。”25 . either … or 与 neither … nor 和 both … and 的区分①either … or … ( 或者…或者… ) ,neither … nor … ( 既不…也不… ) ,这是两组表示选择的关联连词,均用来连接两个在语法功能上相同,在结构上相称的并列成分。当它们连接并列主语时,谓语动词的人称和数量常与最邻近的主语 ( 即 or 或 nor 后面的名词 ) 保持一致。如:Either you or she is correct ( right ) . 或者你对,或者她对 ( 不是你对,就是她对 ) 。②either … or 连接两个或两个以上的分句或并列成分,提供两种或两种以上的可能性。如:Come either today or tomorrow . ③neither 或 nor 单独使用时,后面所接句子的主语和谓语要倒装。如:You don\'t know his address , neither do I . both … and 表示“两者都”,“既……又……”,是 neither … nor 的反义词组。试比较:It was both cold and wet . It is neither cold and hot . Both John and Mary were there . 25 .购物时的交际用语( 1 ) 售货员招呼顾客,提供服务时的用语:What can I do for you ? / Can I help you ? ( 2 ) 顾客表示想买什么时的用语:I\'d like to buy / get… 我想买…… / I want… 我要……/ I\'m looking for…我在找……/ May I have a look at… ? 我可以看看……吗 ? / Have you got… ? 你 ( 们 ) 有……吗 ? ( 3 ) 谈论尺寸、大小、颜色、价格时的用语:What size / colour / kind do you want ? I\'m afraid we haven\'t got…,but we\'ve got… Do you have any other kind / size / colour ? How much / many…do you want ?What about…… ? That pair looks nice . May / Can I try it / them on ? Try on , please . How much is it ? / How much does it cost ? That\'s a bit / too expensive . It\'s too expensive . I don\'t think I\'ll take it . Have you got anything cheaper ? That\'s cheap / fine / nice . I\'ll have / take it . 【 妙文赏析 】Doctor\'s AdviceOnce an old man went to the hospital to see a doctor . After having examined him carefully , the doctor said , “It\'s useless for you to take any medicine because no medicine will help you . You\'d better have a good rest . Go to stay in a quiet country place for a month , go to bed early , drink some milk , walk a lot and smoke only one cigar a day . ”“Thank you very much , ”said the old gentleman , “I shall do everything you say . ”Two weeks later , the old man came to the doctor again . “How are you ? ”said the doctor , “I\'m very pleased to meet you . You look much happier . ”“Oh , doctor , ”said the old man , “I feel quite well now . I had a good rest . I went to bed early . I drank much milk . I walked a lot . Your advice certainly helped me . However , you told me to smoke one cigar a day . One cigar a day almost killed me at first . It\'s no joke to start smoking at my age , you know . ”【 思维体操 】下面是与购物有关的三个谜语,请猜一猜。1 . Mary\'s mother asked her to buy something . She said , “The thing is a five - letter word . Its first letter is in paint and also in draw . Its second is in peace but never in war . Its third is in up but not in down . It fourth is in village but not in town . Its fifth is in dress but not in suit . The whole is a most delicious fruit . ”Mary thought for a minute , then she knew what her mother wanted her to buy . What is it ? 2 . Mary asked her mother how many she needed to buy . Her mother said . “The number is between one and ten . If you double the number , the result will be the same as if you added two to it . What is the number ? ”3 . Two women went shopping . One spent ten dollars more than the other , and together they spent forty dollars . How much money did each of them spend ? 答案:1 . apple 2 . two 3 . One spent fifteen dollars and the other spent twenty - five dollars . 三、智能显示【 心中有数 】单元语法发散思维过去完成时态过去完成时由“助动词 had ( 用于各种人称和数 ) + 过去分词”构成。主要表示在过去某一时刻或某一动作之前就已经完成或发生的动作或存在的状态。这个时态常用 by 或 before 等引出过去的某一时刻,也常用状语从句或上下文表示过去的某一动作。其句型结构简见下表:动词 be动词 do肯定式By then I had been there .By nine o\'clock last night she had done the work .否定式By then he had not yet been there . By nine o\'clock last night I had not yet done the work .疑问式Had they been there by then ? Had you done the work by nine o\'clock last night ?基本用法:在过去某一时刻或某一动作之前已经完成或发生的动作或存在的情况。如:I had learned 1000 English words by the end of last term . 在上学期结束时,我已学了一千个英语单词。They still hadn\'t finished the work by Friday . 表示某个动作或状态一直延续到过去某一时刻。It had snowed for an hour when the train arrived . The old man died when the doctor arrived . ( 即老人的死是在医生到达的时候,或者刚刚到达之后 ) The old man had died when the doctor arrived . ( 即医生到达时,老人已死了 ) 叙述比过去情况更早的动作或状态。I found the watch I had lost . 【 动手动脑 】单元能力立体检测Ⅰ . 词汇:用所给单词的适应形式填空:1 . ______ ( luck ) , he didn\'t hurt badly . 2 . The ______ ( forty ) room is mine . 3 . Jack can jump ______ ( far ) than Jim . 4 . The door bell was ringing while he fell ______ ( sleep ) . 5 . The old man has been ______ ( die ) for half a year . Ⅱ . 选择填空1 . My father was busy ______ the car for his son . A . to mend B . mend C . mends D . mending2 . There are nine _______ students in their school . A . hundred B . hundreds C . hundred of D . hundreds of3 . None of you read _______ . A . carefully enough B . careful enough C . enough carefully D . enough careful4 . Kate\' sweater ______ , please buy a new one for her . A . was worn out B . were worn out C . worn out D . have worn out5 . ______ do you play basket - ball ? ______ Once a week . A . How long B . How often C . When D . How many times6 . My mother told me _______ in the river . A . not to swim B . to not swim C . not swim D . don\'t swim7 . How much did you ______ on that bike ? A . take B . pay C . cost D . spend 8 . Most people in the world like eating cakes ______ their birthday . A . at B . in C . on D . from9 . How far is your school to the sttion ? A . Very soon . B . On foot . C . Ten minutes . D . Two kilometres . 10 . How long have you _______ Beijing ? A . been to B . gone to C . come to D . been inⅢ . 完成对话A . Excuse me ! Could you tell me the ( 1 ) to the post office ? B . Certainly , Go down this street and ( 2 ) the third turning ( 3 ) the left . Then walk on ( 4 ) you reach the end . You will find it . A . How long will it ( 5 ) to get there ? B . I think it\'s about twenty minutes\' walk . A . Thank you very much . B . Not ( 6 ) ( 7 ) . It\'s a ( 8 ) . 答案:Ⅰ 1 . luckily 2 . fortieth 3 . further 4 . asleep 5 . dead Ⅱ . 1 . D 2 . A 3 . A 4 . A 5 . B 6 . A 7 . B 8 . C 9 . D 10 . D Ⅲ . 1 . way 2 . take 3 . on 4 . until 5 . take 6 . at 7 . all 8 . pleasure【 创新园地 】同学们在日常生活中你的衣物及日用品是家人代购呢,还是你或者你和你的同学亲自到商场去挑选呢 ? 希望你踏入社会,了解生活,用简单的英文叙述你的一次购物经历。注意:你在商场看到的是Bob和Don的购物情况。 创新园地答案:Bob and Don wanted to buy some new clothes , so they went shopping together . First , they went to the men\'s department to see the suits that were on sale . The salesman helped them find the right size and they each tried on several suits . Bob found a light gray suit and bought it . Don finally selected a blue suit . The boys also bought two pairs of pants because they were not too expensive . Next , they went to the shoe department . The clerk measured their feet and brought each of them several pairs of shoes to try on . It didn\'t take them very long to get their shoes . They didn\'t really need socks , but these were on sale , too , and they decided to buy several pairs . 【 同步题库 】Unit 21Ⅰ . 单项填空1 . — Do you speak either French or Russian ? — I\'m sorry , I don\'t speak ______ . A . either B . neither C . too D . both2 . He sat in the car with a policeman on _______ side of him . A . each a B . both C . every D . either 3 . I don\'t like the black - and - white TV set . I\'d like to have it _______ . A . sell B . to be sold C . sold D . selling 4 . He was much pleased _______ the good news . A . at B . with C . on D . to5 . He didn\'t want to _______ in his studies . A . fall before B . fall behind C . fall beside D . fall fater 6 . We don\'t know _______ to ask questions . A . who B . whose C . what D . which7 . He can\'t decide _______ to buy . A . what size of shoes B . how large of shoesC . how much size D . how many size of shoes8 . We are not sure ______ he will be here in time . A . what B . when C . where D . if9 . He taught me ______ to write an English letter . A . what B . whether C . which D . how10 . Which suit of trousers are _______ your size ? A . on B . at C . to D . in11 . She was busy _______ her bike when I came in . A . to brush B . brushes C . brushing D . brushed12 . Why did you ______ out this pair of shoes again ? A . worn B . wear C . wearing D . put13 . If you buy shoes , you\'d better _______ them on first . A . walk B . look C . wear D . try14 . He doesn\'t know ______ to do this evening . A . where B . how C . what D . why15 . I\'d better buy a new pair of shoes because _______ worn out . A . it is B . this is C . that is D . they are16 . He asked whether ______ begin at nine . A . the meeting would B . would the meetingC . will the meeting D . the meeting will17 . After we have done our homework , we _______ to bed . A . went B . go C . have gone D . had gone18 . She has fallen ill _______ . A . a week ago B . for week C . since last week D . of a week 19 . He _______ Shanghai for a meeting . A . has gone to B . has been to C . went D . had gone20 . Have you ______ the story about Liu Hu Lan ? A . heard B . heard C . listened D . listen toⅡ . 在改写后的句子空白处填入一个适当的英语单词,使句意合乎要求或与原文相符1 . What size shoes do you wear ? What ______ ______ ______ you shoes ?  2 . A young man named John had just left school for the last time .  A young man ______ ______ John had just leave school for the last time . 3 . I haven\'t seen you for months . I saw you ______ ______ . 4 . The box is so heavy that he can\'t move it . The box is ______ ______ for him _______ _______ . 5 . The old woman was so angry that she could say nothing .  The old woman was ______ angry to say _______ . 6 . What\'s the price ( 价格 ) of your sweater ? How _______ does your sweater _______ ? 7 . She got up too late to catch the early train . She got up ______ late ______ she ______ catch the early train .  Ⅲ . 补全对话下面是一段对话,请在每个空白填入一个适当的英语单词,使对话意思完整。A:What can I do for you ? B:I\'m ( 1 ) for a pair of black shoes . A: ( 2 ) size do you want ? B:Size five .  A:I\'m ( 3 ) we haven\'t got any black shoes in that size at the moment . But we\'ve got some brown ( 4 ) .  B:Hmm . Have you got any ( 5 ) kind ? A:What about those shoes ( 6 ) there . B:Well , that ( 7 ) looks nice . How much do they ( 8 ) ?  A:Thirty - five yuan . B:Hmm ! That\'s a ( 9 ) expensive . Can I try them ( 10 ) , please ? A:Certainly . Ⅳ . 完形填空A rich man and his wife went into a shop to buy a watch . ( 1 ) of them was very young . They looked at a lot of watches , and after ( 2 ) an hour they found two very beautiful , but they had not ( 3 ) been able to choose ( 4 ) them . One of them was very expensive . and ( 5 ) was quite a lot cheaper . Of course , the shopkeeper wanted to ( 6 ) them the more expensive one , because then he would ( 7 ) more money from ( 8 ) , so he said to the lady . “Oh , go on . ( 9 ) his money . If you don\'t , he will only spend it on his second wife . ”( 10 ) several seconds nobody said a word , and then the lady said angrily , “I\'m his second wife ! ”1 . A . Neither B . Some C . Several D . Both2 . A . two B . one C . it D . half3 . A . already B . yet C . how D . have4 . A . in B . between C . on D . for5 . A . the other B . other C . others D . all6 . A . give B . show C . keep D . sell7 . A . get B . have C . return D . buy8 . A . it B . she C . him D . them9 . A . Cost B . Borrow C . Spend D . Lend10 . A . Before B . At C . Since D . ForⅤ . 阅读理解A . 阅读短文并选择最佳答案Parents !  “Oh do hurry up , Jane ! You\'re going to be late for work again ! ”Mrs Biggs went into her daughter\'s room . Jane was sitting on the edge ( 边 ) of the bed with her head in her hands . “Are you ill or something ? ”“Just tired ( 累 ) . ”“You don\'t get a proper night\'s sleep . that\'s your trouble . You were out late again last night . ”“I was only down at the club . ”Jane answered sleepily on her way to the door . “That place ! You\'re always down there these days . Mrs Stone says……”Jane paused at the door . “Mrs Stone\'s never been inside the place . She just imagines things ! It\'s social club that\'s all . We sit around and talk . Or have a coke and play records . ”“Is that all ? ”Jane went into the bathroom without answering . “This room is in a mess again , ”complained ( 抱怨 ) her mother“Clothes and magazines all over the place . ”She started to tidy them up . Still grumbling ( 发怨言 ) to herself . Jane came back into the room , combing her hair . “Have you washed already ? ”her mother asked . “Someone\'s invited me to a party in London on Saturday night . ”Jane said . “Can I go ? ”“First the club . now parties……”“But can I go , though ? ”“I don\'t know . ”Ask your father Mrs Biggs went out of the room . “Is it the boy who rang last Sunday ? ”she called over her shoulder . “The one with the funny voice ? ” “Funny voice ! ”muttered Jane to herself . “Well , he\'s not her boy friend ! ”1 . It was difficult for Jane to wake up because sheA . had not slept well . B . had not slept enough . C . did not feel well . 2 . Jane spent a lot of time at the club . Her mother did notA . approve . ( 批准 ) B . care . C . object . ( 反对 ) 3 . Jane described the activities at the club . Her motherA . complained . B . did not listen to her . C . did not believe her . 4 . Going to a party in London was somethingA . expensive . B . tiring . C . new .  5 . The passage shows that Mrs BiggsA . disliked her daughter . B . worried about her daughter . C . treated ( 对待 ) her daughter badly . B . 阅读下列短文,根据内容判断正误。正确的在左边括号写T;否则写FFour friends were drinking in a village pub ( 酒店 ) . Their jackets were hanging on the back of their chairs . Suddenly one of them . Jack , shouted that he had lost five pounds . Fred said he was sure nobody there had stolen the money . Tom suggested ( 建议 ) they should all empty their pockets on the table . But the owner of the pub would not let them do that because money all looks the same . Nobody knew what to do . Just then , Jim , at traveller , stood up . He said he would help them find the money . Jim said , “I\'ve found out the cocks are good at catching thieves ( 贼 ) . Let\'s borrow the pub owner\'s cock . ”He put a big black pot ( 锅 ) upside ( 颠倒 ) down on the table . Then he put the cock under it . “After I turn off the lights , ”he said , “you must come up one by one and touch the bottom ( 底部 ) of the pot with your right hand . ”When the thief done so , the cock will crow ( 啼 ) . The others did not know whether they should believe him . One by one they went past the table in the dark , but the cock never made a noise . When the light went on , Jim asked everybody to show his right hand . He looked at each hand in turn and then said , “Fred , give the five pounds back to Jack . ”“But the cock never crowed ! ”said Fred . Jim told Ered to look at all the hands . “They\'re all black with soot ( 煤烟 ) except yours . Can you explain why you didn\'t dare touch the pot ? ”Fred\'s face went white . He hung his head . 1 . All of them put the money on the table ? 2 . All the man in the pub didn\'t know what to do except Jim . 3 . Fred didn\'t touch the pot because he was out at that time . 4 . Jim found the thief at last . 5 . Fred was the thief . C . 阅读下列短文,根据其内容选最佳答案,并将其字母在左边的括号内A student once said how useless it was to put advertisements ( 广告 ) in the newspapers . “Last week , ”said he , “I lost my dictionary in a London shop . Because it was a present , I spent twice of its cost in advertising , but didn\'t get it back . ”“How did you write your advertisement ? ”asked one of his classmates . “Here it is . ”said the student , taking out of his pocket a piece of advertisement from a newspaper . His classmate took it and read . “Lost from the City Shop last Sunday evening , an English - French dictionary . The one who finds it will receive ten dollars on leaving it at NO . 10 Water Street . ”“Now , ”said his classmate , “I don\'t think your advertisement can work . The way in which the words are used very important . Let us try for your dictionary again , and if it can\'t bring your dictionary back , I\'ll buy you a new one . ”He then took a piece of paper out of his pocket and wrote , “If the man who was seen to take a dictionary from the City Shop last Sunday evening doesn\'t want to get into trouble , he well return the dictionary to No , 10 Water Street , We know who he is . ”This appeared ( 出现 ) in the newspaper , and on the next morning , the student was surprised when he opened the front door . In the doorway lay at least twelve dictionaries , and his own was among the number . Many of them had notes on them saying that they had been taken by mistake , and begging ( 乞求 ) the loser not to say anything about the matter . 1 . What is an advertisement ? A . A piece of news in the newspaper B . A public noticeC . An idea D . One\'s wish2 . The student once thought advertising was ______ . A . of little use B . of some use C . important D . not important3 . His classmate said that he should ______ . A . buy a new dictionary B . go on looking for his dictionaryC . write another and better advertisement D . tell the police4 . “If it can\'t bring your dictionary back , I\'ll buy you a new one” means that ______ . A . he was quite sure he would get the dictionary backB . he was not sure he would get the dictionary backC . he was rich enough to buy a new dictionary D . he didn\'t know what to do5 . Did the classmate know who had taken the dictionary ? A . Sure . B . Not very sure . C . Not at all . D . Perhaps . 答案:Ⅰ . 1 . A 2 . D 3 . C 4 . A 5 . B 6 . A 7 . A 8 . D 9 . D 10 . D 11 . C 12 . B 13 . D 14 . C 15 . D 16 . A 17 . A 18 . C 19 . A 20 . D Ⅱ . 1 . is the size of 2 . with the name 3 . months ago 4 . too heavy , to move 5 . too , anything 6 . much cost 7 . so , than couldn\'t Ⅲ . 1 . looking 2 . What 3 . afraid 4 . ones 5 . other 6 . over 7 . pair 8 . cost 9 . bit ( little ) 10 . on Ⅳ. 1 . A 2 . D 3 . B 4 . B 5 . A 6 . D 7 . A 8 . D 9 . C 10 . D Ⅴ . A . 1 . b 2 . a 3 . c 4 . c 5 . b B . 1 . F 2 . T 3 . F 4 . T 5 . T C . 1 . B 2 . A 3 . C 4 . A 5 . C

