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The missing necklace Lesson 67

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The missing necklace Lesson 67

Lesson 67

1. Revision

Retelling the story "Who stole the necklace?"

2. Lead--in

T: Miss Green has been robbed of a necklace and she also lost her parrot. Who stole them?

3. Preparation

(1) Listen to tape

Question: Who stole the necklace?

(2) Read after the tape

(3) Go through the dialogue and deal with the dialogue.

4. Read and learn

Read the sentences and explain the Attributive Clause,

5. Practice

(1) Make some sentences using The Attributive Clause

(2) Deal with Part 3 Complete the sentences.

Answer: that/which 2 that/which 3 who/that 4.which/that 5. which/that 6. which/that 7.who/that 8. who/what 9.who/that 10.which/that

(3) Do Ex 1-3

6. Consolidation

Translate the following into English.

7. Conclusion

The Attributive Clause

Is that parrot that you’re looking for.

The boy who is wearing the black jacket is very clever.

The missing necklace Lesson 67
