范文网 >教案大全 >英语教案 >八年级上册Unit7SectionB1a-1e教学设计与反思


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Step 1 lead in

T: Hello! Boys and girls. Look at this girl! Who is it?

S1: Is it your daughter?

T: Yes, you are so clever. She studies in Nanchang. What does she want to be? Guess!

S2: Does she want to be a teacher?

T: No, she doesn’t.

S3: Does she want to be a doctor?

T: No, she doesn’t. Look! She wants to be an astronaut. (板书新单词)


Step 2 Presentation

T: Where will she live? She will live in a space station. (出示图片,板书新单词)How will she get to the space? She will take a rocket.(出示图片,板书新单词) Where will she live? She will live in an apartment.(出示图片,板书新单词)

T:  Can you name more words of jobs, transportation, and places to live? Work in groups,write as many words as you can. I’ll give only one minute. (1分钟后,展示两组学生写的单词,学生完成1a and 1b)

T: Now I’d like you to predict your life in the future. You may predict like this:

I will be a(n)…I will go to work by… I will live in/ at…

First please think about it for one minute.

S4: I will be a scientist. I will go to work by car. I will live in Beijing.

S5: I will be a pilot. I will go to work by plane. I will live in Shanghai.

S6: …

【设计意图与反思】此环节借助图片,导入了本节课的新单词 space station,rocket和apartment,又导入了目标语言和话题,然后学生头脑风暴说出职业、交通和居住地点的单词,接下来用这些单词和导入的句型预测自己的未来生活,也为听力做好铺垫。 各环节层层递进,衔接紧密,过渡自然。

Step 3 Listening

T: Very good. Now Alexis is interviewing Joe about his life now , ten years ago and in ten years. Let’s listen and know about it. Before listening, you can guess the answer first. (播放两遍录音,核对答案)

T: Now Listen each conversation again, and choose the correct answers. (每听一段,设计两个单选题,教学生学会听前预测,录音放一遍, 核对答案)

T: OK!  Please look at 1d. Now please read the sentences and the words in the chart. You can fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box first. Then I’ll play the tape again to check your answers.( 录音放一遍, 核对答案)

T:Now please read the conversation after the tape. (教师播放录音,学生跟读)

T: Please retell Joe’s life.( 叫三个学生分别复述Joe现在、十年前和十年后的生活,然后全班同学连起来一起复述)


Step 4 Pair-work

T: Now work in pairs and talk about Joe’s life now, 10 years ago and 10 years from now. I’ll ask some pairs to act them out.

Step 5 Interview

T: Now I’d like you to interview one of your friends about his or her life now, 10 years ago and in 10 years. Then I’ll ask some students to report in front of the class. I’ll give you 5 minutes. You can use these sentences to interview your friends.

What did you do 10 years ago?

How did you go …?

Where did you live?

What do you do now?

How do you go to school?

Where do you live?

What will you do in 10 years?

How will you go to work?

Where will you live?


Step 6 Summary

从单词、句型上小结本节课内容,并对学生进行思想教育Yesterday is a history.

Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, so we call it present. 回首过去,珍惜今天,展望未来。

Step 7 Homework

1. Retell the conversations in 1c.

2. Write down the report about your friend’s life now, 10 years ago and in 1o years on the exercise books.

