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union3 Australia lession 9-10

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union3 Australia lession 9-10

教学设计方案Lesson 9

Step 1: Free talkGet the students to talk about their choices of entertainment and make them understand the aims of the lesson and tell the students that they are going to learn some expressions about making prohibition and warnings. (write prohibition and warnings on the blackboard)Step 2: DialogueSs listen to the dialogue and give brief information about itWho (YangPei, Jackie and their friends Burt and Jeff) /Where (in the Australian bush) /When/What(camping)Step 3 Multiple-choice exercises for listeningSs listen to the dialogue once again and do the following exercises1. What is a good place for camping according to Yang Pei?A. A place by the river with plenty of shade under the trees.B. A place in the cave. C. A place in the bush. (Key: A)2. Why mustn’t Burt smoke while walking around in the bush?A. Because the smoke is terrible. B. Because it could start a bush fire.C. Because smoking is bad for one’s health. (Key: B)3. What may happen when a kangaroo knock on you while you were driving?A. It may damage the car really badly. B. It may hurt you. C. It may follow your car.(Key: A)Check answers with the students, and at the same time get students’ agreements of the following moral lessons.1. The protection of the environment is especially important to us nowadays. If we do not do something to stop polluting the rivers, the sea, the air, and all the things around us, the earth would not fit for us to live in. So let us start right now and let us create a beautiful world for ourselves and for the whole world.2. Some animals may be dangerous to human beings, but they are one of the most necessities in the world, so we must love all the animals. They are our good friends. We are living on the earth happily together. If the animals die out, it will cause the dying out of human being, like the dying out of dinosaur. What’s more, the earth will also be destroyed. what a horrible thing! We must protect our environment and keep the balance of the nature.Step 4 Practice1.Students read the dialogue in pairs paying attention to their pronunciation and intonation, trying to learn the text by heart and deal with any difficulties they may meet while reading with their classmates or by asking the teacher for help. Write the useful expressions on the blackboard for students to pay special attention to and for better understanding of the dialogue. plenty of start a fire put out look out make one’s camp fix up tie…to… take care And then ask the students to summarize the functional sentences and write them on the blackboard.Be careful Look out! Take care Don't do… You mustn't do…2. Ask the students to pick out the imperative sentences from the dialogue1) Don’t throw your cigarette out of the window. Put it out in the ashtray.2) Don’t tie it to that old branch. Tie it to the one on the right.3. Let Ss do Part 2. on P. 13 in pairs and then check it. Emphasize some useful phrases, such as die of/from and get sunburnt 4. Do translation (WB Ex. 3)Keys (Let the students know that there is not only one answer to the translation exercises)1. Please tap the cigarette ash into the ashtray. Don’t tap it on the floor.2. Don’t go too far in the bush, otherwise you may get lost.3. Don’t throw the cigarette end out of the window, otherwise you may start a fire.4. Before you return the car, make sure you clean/wash the dirt off it.5. How about having a camp/going camping next week?6. Some people suggested going beyond the mountain to have a look.7. It is said that here is a valley of death. No one has dared to get into it so far.5. Finish off all the other too WB exercises by asking Ss to do it.KeysEx.1. drive; Where; sure; think; find; for; idea; enjoy; Be; worry; out; damage; if; stay; not; dangerous; slowEx. 2. 1). plenty of 2). fix up 3). put out 5). tie…to 6). die of 7). get sunburntStep 5. Activities Oral workSs make a similar dialogue according to the original one, trying to use all the daily expressions. First they prepare the dialogue in groups .After that ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in the front of classroom. Step 6. consolidationWith the students go through all the functional sentences and useful expressions on the blackboard and ask students to add as many similar sentences as possible.Step 7.Assignment1. Oral work (Recite the dialogue or make a new one)2. Collect as much information as possible about AustraliaPeriod Two:(探究活动) (Some suggested methods in teaching the following reading.1. Digital information. Before class ask Ss to surf on the internet for information about Australia. Ss can be divided into different groups according to different aspects of the country, e.g. natural features --location, climate, population, resources and so on, big cities and economics, history and culture, politics etc. In class Ss exchange their information and ask and answer questions. After class they can write an article about what they are most interested in. 2. Digital learning. Before class the teacher is supposed to get as much information as possible and put it into the computer for Ss to share later. During the class Ss are supposed to write a paper about any aspect about Australia on the computer by referring to any information they can get from the computer or books. They can also ask each other or the teacher questions and answer them by the net. They can also work in pairs or groups if they like. In class the teacher is to help Ss with any problems both in knowledge and in the use of computer. Of course the teacher can give different tasks for different Ss to do in class in order that the papers of the class will be sure to cover all the things about Australia.3. Transferring and developing learned knowledge. Ss have learned some expressions to describe a country, for example, Canada, so they are able to summary the feathers of Australia before class. During the class some of the Ss are supposed to introduce Australia to others and after that they are asked to talk about China following the way of writing about Australia either in groups or in pairs. The more things about China they can add, the better comment they will get. After class the Ss have to hand in their papers either in groups or in pairs. That means that one students only needs to write one or some parts of China and the whole group or pair makes a complete paper. )教材分析Lesson 10 & Lesson 11 ReadingThis period mainly deals with the reading materials about Australia and trains students’ abilities of reading and speaking. Students read the passage about Australia, and then finish the related exercises, enabling the Ss learn about the country’s history, location, population, climate, and resources and describe other countries esp. China in English. During this period Ss are offered the opportunity to talk about their motherland to see how great and beautiful it is and to love it dearly in order that they can now try to study harder than before and do their best.


教学设计方案Lesson 10

Preparation: Get the Ss collect any information about Australia from the net before class.Step 1 Warming-up exercisePresent the National Flag of Australia and make Ss know about the aims of the periodStep 2 Fast ReadingLesson 101. Pre-reading questions1). Where did the first Australians come from? (Asia)2). What did Kooris use for hunting? (A curiously shaped piece of wood)3). How many languages were once spoken in Australia? ( more than 250) For the first time, Ss read the passage and give answers to these questions.2. For the second time, Ss read the text and tell the topic sentence of each paragraph and sum up the topic and the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph.1  The earliest settlers –aborigines. The first people who settled in Australia came form Asia about 53,000 years ago. They are called Kooris today.Paragraph.2  Way of life. Kooris developed a suitable way of life to live in this country. Paragraph.3  Population. The Kooris’ population was reducing because of the arriving of foreign settlers.Paragraph.4  Education. Kooris were treated badly by the white people.Paragraph.5  Languages. Most of the Kooris’ languages have disappeared.Paragraph.6  The date when Kooris were made citizens. Kooris were made citizens of Australia 53,ooo years after arriving in the country.3. For the third time, Ss read the text and finish Part3. Note making on P. 15 Part.3  1). First people arrived in Australia (date):   53,0000 years ago      2). Age of earliest cave paintings:   20,000years ago      3). Food:   animals, birds, fish, roots, nuts, wild fruit.      4). Tools:   fishing nets, shaped piece of wood      5). Special skills:   finding underground springs      6). Past Koori population:   3000,000 million      7). Percentage of past population of Australia:   1000 %      8). Percentage of present population of Australia:   a little over 1 %      9). Causes of death:   diseases, killing      10). Past number of Koori languages:   over 250      11). Kooris made citizens of Australia (date):   1967Next, talk about the discovery of Australia according to the following hintage of earliest cave paintings/ food/tools/special skills/past Koori population/percentage of past population of Australia/causes of death/past number of Koori languages/the date when Kooris made citizens of Australia4. Consolidation reading comprehension exercise for lesson 101). This text mainly talks about the _________.A. special plants and animals in AustraliaB. natural discoveries in AustraliaC. Kooris and their life       D. Kooris’ discovering ability2). According to the text, the first people arrived in Australia by ________.A. sea    B. land   C. air    D. swimming3). What does faith mean?A. fate   B. rail   C. force   D. developed4). According to the text, the first people arrived in Australia by_________.A. clever   b. lazy   C, humorous   D. developed5). Kooris quite depended on ________.A. farming and hunting    B. nature   C. the white people       D. the government6). What does “curiously” mean?A. badly   B. carefully   C. strangely   D. interestingly7). Many Kooris were killed by ______which was brought to Australia by foreign settlers.A. the law   B. the idea   C. the disease   D. the prejudice(偏见)8). According to the text, to “make up ” is to ______.    A. amount to   B. pretend   C. put together   D. produce9). According to the text, Kooris were treated______ in Australia.    A. equally   B. specially   C. kindly   D. unfairly10). Te fact that school lessons were only held in English indicates that______.    A. Kooris are developing very fast.       B. Kooris are living a poor life    C. Kooris couldn’t develop their culture.    D. Kooris are better educated11). The first people arriving in Australia might be from______.    A. Europe   B. Africa   C. Asia   D. America12). “Aborigines” means _______.    A. the oldest races on the earthB. a strong system of society    C. the first people of a countryD. a group of strong people13). Their spiritual faith and gods were very important to them. This means _____.    A. they strongly believed in their spiritual faith and gods    B. they didn’t develop a civilization of their own    C. they wanted to be the most important race on the earth    D. they thought they were very important citizens(Keys: CBDAB CCADC CCA)

union3 Australia lession 9-10
