My teacher

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My teacher


词汇:l.burst into laughter 2.look back upon 3.born作形容词,表示“天生的” 4.Simple-minded 5.bring… into touch with(这里的into可以与in互换) 6.human beings 7.pity sb. 8.once作连词的用法 struck by… 10.never…until… 11.keep on doing(sth.)与keep doing(sth.) 12.No matter +关系代词/关系副词的用法 13.Owe… to… for praise of语法:主要复习表语的用法,列出了常用的一些连系动词,如:fall,seem,appear,prove,sound,go,remain,make,become和grow。另外,be,get,turn,look,taste,smell等也为连系动词。日常交际用语:l.I wonder if I could… 2.Would/Do you mind if I …? 3.Go ahead. 4.You’d better not. 5.Of course./Yes./Sure./Certainly.在书面表达方面,本单元要求学生具有用英语写请求别人允许自己去干某事的信或要求别人向自己提供某件东西的信的能力。写这两种内容的英文信,都要求措辞婉转、礼貌,忌用命令式的语气。




1.born(adj.) 相当于destined to be, 意为天生的,生来的,在句中可作定语和表语。如:

George was a born leader. 乔治是天生的领袖。

No one is a born slave. 没有人生来就是奴隶。

All men are born the same, and equal. 所有人出生时都是一样的,都是平等的。


We were struck by the professor’s speech.教授的演讲给我们留下深刻印象。

Everyone was struck with its beauty.它的美丽给大家留下深刻印象。

How does the plan strike you?你对计划的印象如何?

3.短语动词get back相当于return to a former condition,or to a point formerly reached,意为恢复,回复到。如:

He has got his strength back after his illness.他病后体力已经恢复了。

The student was glad to get back to his books after a vacation that had seemed too long.在似乎过于漫长的假期后学生乐于回到书本上来。

get back还可作“回来”(come back),“后退”(move backwards or away),“收回”(gain)解。如:

I never lend books; it’s difficult to get them back.我从不把书借出,很难讨回书。

Get back! The roof is falling!往后退!屋顶要塌了!

He has just got back from his long journey.他长途旅行后已回来。


This was a demanding job, but he didn’t refuse it.这是一件费事的工作,但他并未拒绝。

We have to look after the demanding boy.我们不得不照顾那个难对付的孩子。

5.owe(v.)原作“欠钱”,“欠债”解,引申作“欠情”,“感恩”,“感激”,“归功于”解。owe sb.这一结构表示欠某人某物。如:

I own 50 dollars to him. (= I owed him 50 dollars. )  我欠他50美元。

We own a great deal to our parents and teachers.我们应对父母和老师感恩戴德。

I own my knowledge of English to my father. (= I own thanks to my father for the knowledge of English.)我的英语知识是父亲教给我的。

6.短语动词keep on + v-ing相当于continue + to-v/v-ing意为“继续”,“不顾困难而坚持下去或坚持做某事”。如:

Although it started raining, they kept on working.虽然开始下雨了,他们仍继续坚持工作。

The teacher kept on asking the students questions until the bell rang.老师不断向学生提问,直到铃响。

keep doing sth.和keep on doing sth.意义及用法相同,但后者更强调决心和重要性。如:

He kept coughing all morning.他整个上午不停地咳嗽。

He kept on phoning me, but I really didn’t want to talk to him.他不断给我打电话,但我实在不想和他说话。

keep或keep on后跟表示动作的-ing形式,不可接动词不定式或表示静止状态的-ing形式,不能说He kept on to talk. 也不能说They kept on sitting. well as意为和,同;不但……而且。如果主语是单数,后面有as well as引起的短语,谓语动词仍用单数。如:

On Sundays, his landlady provided dinners as well as breakfast.星期日,房东供应他正餐和早餐。

Lily as well as Lucy was at home.莉莉和露西都在家里。

as well as还可作“不但……而且”解,相当于not only…but also,但前者强调句子重心在as well as前,后者强调重心在but also后。如:

We students of English should study Chinese as well as English. ( =We students of English should study not only English but also Chinese. ) 我们学英语的学生不但要学英语,还要学汉语。

It is important for you as well as for me.它对你和对我同样重要。

8.短语go crazy意为发狂,发傻,发疯。go(link-v.)表示“变为”,后跟形容词,有时跟过去分词等。如:

Your hair has gone quite white.你的头发全白了。

She went pale at the news.听见这消息她脸色变苍白。

The children must not go hungry.孩子们不应该挨饿。

Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather.热天里的水果很快腐烂。

All the men here go armed.这里所有的人武装起来。


He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。

My dreams came true at last.我的梦想终于实现了。

Its getting warmer and warmer in spring.春天里天气越来越暖和。


1.课文中struggling in…是现在分词短语作原因状语,相当于:As I struggled in…。如:

Being old enough to learn to read and write, she was sent to a nearby primary school.由于她年龄大得可以学读书写字了,她被送往附近的小学上学。

Not knowing how to find the place, I went to ask a policeman.由于不知道如何找到地方,我去问警察。

struggle (v./n.)意为奋斗,斗争;挣扎(着走)等。如:

He struggled in the dark, without advice, without encouragement.他在黑暗中奋力挣扎,无人给他指教或鼓励。

A bird was caught in the net and was struggling to get free.一只鸟被捕落网,正挣扎着试图得到自由。

He tried to escape but his struggles were useless.他试图逃跑,但他的挣扎是徒劳的。

5.表语  连系动词加表语构成复合谓语。表语通常说明主语的身份、特征、状态等。表语通常由下列词类表示。


Lei Feng remains a hero in our minds.雷锋仍然是我们心目中的英雄。

This is someone else’s coat. It’s not mine.这是别人的外套,不是我的。


Her mother died when she was eight years old.她八岁时母亲去世。

My speech was ill-formed and not pleasant to hear.我的话很不规范,很不好听。

Please keep quiet! I’ve something important to tell you.请保持安静!我有要事告诉你。


Two and two is four.二加二等于四。

Bill is always the first to arrive.比尔总是第一个到。


To see is to believe. (或Seeing is believing. ) 眼见为实。

One of the first things Annie did was to teach me how to play.在安妮最先做的事情中,有一件事就是教我怎么玩耍。

I must have appeared to them to be simple.对他们来说我准是一个头脑简单的人。

The greatest difficulty was finding a job for Tom.最大的困难是为汤姆找工作。


I’m afraid I must be off now.恐怕我得走了。

He has been away on a long trip.他离家去长途旅行。


Annie was among the first to realize it.安妮是最先认识到这一点的人中的一个。

How long has Bill been in bed? 比尔卧床休息多久了?


The classroom is three times the size of the bedroom.教室有卧室的三倍大。

He was on his way to a lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked for direction.他在去听课的路上被一名游客拦住问路。


Another good reason for taking a part-time job is that employers usually perfer to hire someone who has already some work experience.打零工还有另一个很好的理由,这就是雇主通常喜欢雇佣有些工作经验的人。

6.连系动词  连系动词除be外,通常还有下面三类:


He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。

You will grow stronger each time.你每次都会变得更强壮。

2)表示处于、保持某种状态,有stay,remain,keep,turn out,prove,stand等。如:

Although he has made great achievements, he remains modest.虽然他取得巨大成功,仍保持谦虚。

I’m sorry for the mistake. I stand corrected.很抱歉我犯了错误。我将被指正。

The temperature has stayed hot this week.本周气温保持炎热。

I hope it will turn out better.我希望情况会好些。


The fish soup tasted delicious.鱼汤尝起来很可口。

The flowers smell sweet.花闻起来香。

She always seemed well pleased,happy and contented.她似乎总是高兴,愉快和满足。




Lei Feng remains a hero in our minds.雷锋仍然是我们心目中的英雄。

This is someone else’s coat. It’s not mine.这是别人的外套,不是我的。


Her mother died when she was eight years old.她八岁时母亲去世。

My speech was ill-formed and not pleasant to hear.我的话很不规范,很不好听。

Please keep quiet! I’ve something important to tell you.请保持安静!我有要事告诉你。


Two and two is four.二加二等于四。

Bill is always the first to arrive.比尔总是第一个到。


To see is to believe. (或Seeing is believing. ) 眼见为实。

One of the first things Annie did was to teach me how to play.在安妮最先做的事情中,有一件事就是教我怎么玩耍。

I must have appeared to them to be simple.对他们来说我准是一个头脑简单的人。

The greatest difficulty was finding a job for Tom.最大的困难是为汤姆找工作。


I’m afraid I must be off now.恐怕我得走了。

He has been away on a long trip.他离家去长途旅行。


Annie was among the first to realize it.安妮是最先认识到这一点的人中的一个。

How long has Bill been in bed? 比尔卧床休息多久了?


The classroom is three times the size of the bedroom.教室有卧室的三倍大。

He was on his way to a lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked for direction.他在去听课的路上被一名游客拦住问路。


Another good reason for taking a part-time job is that employers usually perfer to hire  someone who has already some work experience.打零工还有另一个很好的理由,这就是雇主通常喜欢雇佣有些工作经验的人。




He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。

You will grow stronger each time.你每次都会变得更强壮。

2)表示处于、保持某种状态,有stay,remain,keep,turn out,prove,stand等。如:

Although he has made great achievements, he remains modest.虽然他取得巨大成功,仍保持谦虚。

I’m sorry for the mistake. I stand corrected.很抱歉我犯了错误。我将被指正。

The temperature has stayed hot this week.本周气温保持炎热。

I hope it will turn out better.我希望情况会好些。


The fish soup tasted delicious.鱼汤尝起来很可口。

The flowers smell sweet.花闻起来香。

She always seemed well pleased,happy and contented.她似乎总是高兴,愉快和满足。


词汇:l.burst into laughter 2.look back upon 3.born作形容词,表示“天生的” 4.Simple-minded 5.bring… into touch with(这里的into可以与in互换) 6.human beings 7.pity sb. 8.once作连词的用法 struck by… 10.never…until… 11.keep on doing(sth.)与keep doing(sth.) 12.No matter +关系代词/关系副词的用法 13.Owe… to… for praise of语法:主要复习表语的用法,列出了常用的一些连系动词,如:fall,seem,appear,prove,sound,go,remain,make,become和grow。另外,be,get,turn,look,taste,smell等也为连系动词。日常交际用语:l.I wonder if I could… 2.Would/Do you mind if I …? 3.Go ahead. 4.You’d better not. 5.Of course./Yes./Sure./Certainly.在书面表达方面,本单元要求学生具有用英语写请求别人允许自己去干某事的信或要求别人向自己提供某件东西的信的能力。写这两种内容的英文信,都要求措辞婉转、礼貌,忌用命令式的语气。




1.born(adj.) 相当于destined to be, 意为天生的,生来的,在句中可作定语和表语。如:

George was a born leader. 乔治是天生的领袖。

No one is a born slave. 没有人生来就是奴隶。

All men are born the same, and equal. 所有人出生时都是一样的,都是平等的。


We were struck by the professor’s speech.教授的演讲给我们留下深刻印象。

Everyone was struck with its beauty.它的美丽给大家留下深刻印象。

How does the plan strike you?你对计划的印象如何?

3.短语动词get back相当于return to a former condition,or to a point formerly reached,意为恢复,回复到。如:

He has got his strength back after his illness.他病后体力已经恢复了。

The student was glad to get back to his books after a vacation that had seemed too long.在似乎过于漫长的假期后学生乐于回到书本上来。

get back还可作“回来”(come back),“后退”(move backwards or away),“收回”(gain)解。如:

I never lend books; it’s difficult to get them back.我从不把书借出,很难讨回书。

Get back! The roof is falling!往后退!屋顶要塌了!

He has just got back from his long journey.他长途旅行后已回来。


This was a demanding job, but he didn’t refuse it.这是一件费事的工作,但他并未拒绝。

We have to look after the demanding boy.我们不得不照顾那个难对付的孩子。

5.owe(v.)原作“欠钱”,“欠债”解,引申作“欠情”,“感恩”,“感激”,“归功于”解。owe sb.这一结构表示欠某人某物。如:

I own 50 dollars to him. (= I owed him 50 dollars. )  我欠他50美元。

We own a great deal to our parents and teachers.我们应对父母和老师感恩戴德。

I own my knowledge of English to my father. (= I own thanks to my father for the knowledge of English.)我的英语知识是父亲教给我的。

6.短语动词keep on + v-ing相当于continue + to-v/v-ing意为“继续”,“不顾困难而坚持下去或坚持做某事”。如:

Although it started raining, they kept on working.虽然开始下雨了,他们仍继续坚持工作。

The teacher kept on asking the students questions until the bell rang.老师不断向学生提问,直到铃响。

keep doing sth.和keep on doing sth.意义及用法相同,但后者更强调决心和重要性。如:

He kept coughing all morning.他整个上午不停地咳嗽。

He kept on phoning me, but I really didn’t want to talk to him.他不断给我打电话,但我实在不想和他说话。

keep或keep on后跟表示动作的-ing形式,不可接动词不定式或表示静止状态的-ing形式,不能说He kept on to talk. 也不能说They kept on sitting. well as意为和,同;不但……而且。如果主语是单数,后面有as well as引起的短语,谓语动词仍用单数。如:

On Sundays, his landlady provided dinners as well as breakfast.星期日,房东供应他正餐和早餐。

Lily as well as Lucy was at home.莉莉和露西都在家里。

as well as还可作“不但……而且”解,相当于not only…but also,但前者强调句子重心在as well as前,后者强调重心在but also后。如:

We students of English should study Chinese as well as English. ( =We students of English should study not only English but also Chinese. ) 我们学英语的学生不但要学英语,还要学汉语。

It is important for you as well as for me.它对你和对我同样重要。

8.短语go crazy意为发狂,发傻,发疯。go(link-v.)表示“变为”,后跟形容词,有时跟过去分词等。如:

Your hair has gone quite white.你的头发全白了。

She went pale at the news.听见这消息她脸色变苍白。

The children must not go hungry.孩子们不应该挨饿。

Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather.热天里的水果很快腐烂。

All the men here go armed.这里所有的人武装起来。


He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。

My dreams came true at last.我的梦想终于实现了。

Its getting warmer and warmer in spring.春天里天气越来越暖和。


1.课文中struggling in…是现在分词短语作原因状语,相当于:As I struggled in…。如:

Being old enough to learn to read and write, she was sent to a nearby primary school.由于她年龄大得可以学读书写字了,她被送往附近的小学上学。

Not knowing how to find the place, I went to ask a policeman.由于不知道如何找到地方,我去问警察。

struggle (v./n.)意为奋斗,斗争;挣扎(着走)等。如:

He struggled in the dark, without advice, without encouragement.他在黑暗中奋力挣扎,无人给他指教或鼓励。

A bird was caught in the net and was struggling to get free.一只鸟被捕落网,正挣扎着试图得到自由。

He tried to escape but his struggles were useless.他试图逃跑,但他的挣扎是徒劳的。

5.表语  连系动词加表语构成复合谓语。表语通常说明主语的身份、特征、状态等。表语通常由下列词类表示。


Lei Feng remains a hero in our minds.雷锋仍然是我们心目中的英雄。

This is someone else’s coat. It’s not mine.这是别人的外套,不是我的。


Her mother died when she was eight years old.她八岁时母亲去世。

My speech was ill-formed and not pleasant to hear.我的话很不规范,很不好听。

Please keep quiet! I’ve something important to tell you.请保持安静!我有要事告诉你。


Two and two is four.二加二等于四。

Bill is always the first to arrive.比尔总是第一个到。


To see is to believe. (或Seeing is believing. ) 眼见为实。

One of the first things Annie did was to teach me how to play.在安妮最先做的事情中,有一件事就是教我怎么玩耍。

I must have appeared to them to be simple.对他们来说我准是一个头脑简单的人。

The greatest difficulty was finding a job for Tom.最大的困难是为汤姆找工作。


I’m afraid I must be off now.恐怕我得走了。

He has been away on a long trip.他离家去长途旅行。


Annie was among the first to realize it.安妮是最先认识到这一点的人中的一个。

How long has Bill been in bed? 比尔卧床休息多久了?


The classroom is three times the size of the bedroom.教室有卧室的三倍大。

He was on his way to a lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked for direction.他在去听课的路上被一名游客拦住问路。


Another good reason for taking a part-time job is that employers usually perfer to hire someone who has already some work experience.打零工还有另一个很好的理由,这就是雇主通常喜欢雇佣有些工作经验的人。

6.连系动词  连系动词除be外,通常还有下面三类:


He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。

You will grow stronger each time.你每次都会变得更强壮。

2)表示处于、保持某种状态,有stay,remain,keep,turn out,prove,stand等。如:

Although he has made great achievements, he remains modest.虽然他取得巨大成功,仍保持谦虚。

I’m sorry for the mistake. I stand corrected.很抱歉我犯了错误。我将被指正。

The temperature has stayed hot this week.本周气温保持炎热。

I hope it will turn out better.我希望情况会好些。


The fish soup tasted delicious.鱼汤尝起来很可口。

The flowers smell sweet.花闻起来香。

She always seemed well pleased,happy and contented.她似乎总是高兴,愉快和满足。




Lei Feng remains a hero in our minds.雷锋仍然是我们心目中的英雄。

This is someone else’s coat. It’s not mine.这是别人的外套,不是我的。


Her mother died when she was eight years old.她八岁时母亲去世。

My speech was ill-formed and not pleasant to hear.我的话很不规范,很不好听。

Please keep quiet! I’ve something important to tell you.请保持安静!我有要事告诉你。


Two and two is four.二加二等于四。

Bill is always the first to arrive.比尔总是第一个到。


To see is to believe. (或Seeing is believing. ) 眼见为实。

One of the first things Annie did was to teach me how to play.在安妮最先做的事情中,有一件事就是教我怎么玩耍。

I must have appeared to them to be simple.对他们来说我准是一个头脑简单的人。

The greatest difficulty was finding a job for Tom.最大的困难是为汤姆找工作。


I’m afraid I must be off now.恐怕我得走了。

He has been away on a long trip.他离家去长途旅行。


Annie was among the first to realize it.安妮是最先认识到这一点的人中的一个。

How long has Bill been in bed? 比尔卧床休息多久了?


The classroom is three times the size of the bedroom.教室有卧室的三倍大。

He was on his way to a lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked for direction.他在去听课的路上被一名游客拦住问路。


Another good reason for taking a part-time job is that employers usually perfer to hire  someone who has already some work experience.打零工还有另一个很好的理由,这就是雇主通常喜欢雇佣有些工作经验的人。




He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。

You will grow stronger each time.你每次都会变得更强壮。

2)表示处于、保持某种状态,有stay,remain,keep,turn out,prove,stand等。如:

Although he has made great achievements, he remains modest.虽然他取得巨大成功,仍保持谦虚。

I’m sorry for the mistake. I stand corrected.很抱歉我犯了错误。我将被指正。

The temperature has stayed hot this week.本周气温保持炎热。

I hope it will turn out better.我希望情况会好些。


The fish soup tasted delicious.鱼汤尝起来很可口。

The flowers smell sweet.花闻起来香。

She always seemed well pleased,happy and contented.她似乎总是高兴,愉快和满足。


Lesson 65教学设计方案

StepI:Introduction:Show some pictures of Hellen Keller:

Do you know who the young lady is? She is a famous lady in USA?

StepII.Fast reading:

A:Search for answers ( Give the Ss 1-2 minutes to find out the answers)

1.What was Annie sullivan like?

2.How did Hellen hear the cows on the farm?

B:Reading comprehension:

1. Helen Keller seemed simple-minded ______.

A. after Annie came to stay in her house

B. so she was often made fun of by others

C. because she struggled in a silent, dark world

D. just because she couldn’t hear anything

2.“But this was before Annie Sullivan came to stay.” The underlined word refers to the fact that the writer __________.

A. was struggling in a world of silence and darkness

B. had become deaf and blind at the age of 19

C. could understand why people thought her to be simple-minded

D. must have appeared to be simple

3. Helen Keller came to understand the meaning of the word “water” ___________.

A. in the kitchen     B. in a river

C. at the well        D. in her own house

4. According to Paragraph 3, the following mistakes EXCEPT “_____” can be found in the picture   at the top of the page.

A. Helen was holding a cup, not a jar.

B. Helen and her teacher seemed to be indoors, not at the well.

C. Helen was smiling, not being moved to tears.

D. Annie was holding Helen’s hands, not pumping.

5. Annie put the writer’s hand on her face so that Helen could ____________.

A.know what she looked like

B.connect the movement of her laughing with its meaning

C.laugh in the same way as she did

D.feel how happy she was when teaching Helen

6. What impressed Helen Keller most was Annie’s__________.

A. patienceB. wisdomC. imaginationD. character

7. Annie Sullivan came to Helen’s house ________.

A. in March, 1887        B. in April, 1887

C. in May, 1887          D. when Helen was 19 months old

Keys:1.C   2.A    3.C  4.C    5.B    6.B     7.A

StepIII:Language points:

A.     Read paragraph 2 again and fill in blanks without looking at the book.

But this was before Annie sullivan came to stay. She was a lively young woman with patience and imaginaion. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.

Read paragraph 3 again and fill in blanks without looking at the book.

What a difficult case I must have been to this young teacher! I remember the many times she tried to spell words into my small hand. But neither words nor letters meant anything to me. I thought her finger movements were some kind of game. But at last, on April 5th ,1887, she reached my understanding. About a month after her arrival, she taught me the word “water”. It happened at the well where I was holding a jar while Annie pumped. As the water flowed onto my hand, she kept spelling w-a-t-e-r into my other hand with her fingers. Suddenly I understood!

Read paragraph 4 again and fill in blanks without looking at the book.

It was the first joy I had known for years.I reached out to Annie’s hand.She understood I was begging for new words, for the names of the things I touched.The words----so full of meaning----flew from her hand to mine. Those first words were to change my world.

B.      Focus:

1.About a month after her arrival, she taught me the word “water”. It happened at the well where I was holding a jar while Annie pumped. As the water flowed onto my hand, she kept spelling w-a-t-e-r into my other hand with her fingers. Suddenly I understood!

Keep doing sth.连续,持续做

My parents kept encouraging me to study hard.我父母总是鼓励我好好学习。

Keep on doing sth.继续做某事。(含有固执的意味)

Although it was raining hard ,we kept on working.尽管下着大雨,我们仍不停的干着。

# He caught such a bad cold that he _______all morning.他的感冒如此严重,以至于整个上午都在咳嗽。

A.keep coughing     B. keep  on coughing


2.It was the first joy I had known for years.I reached out to Annie’s hand.She understood I was begging for new words, for the names of the things I touched.The words----so full of meaning----flew from her hand to mine. Those first words were to change my world.

be to do sth.:表预计,表将来。

Those first words were to change my world.最早的这些字注定了要改变我的生活。

be to do sth.还可表示“计划安排”,或“传达命令或解释”

1.He is to stay here till we return. (传达命令或指示)

2.She is to be married next month.(计划安排)

3.The Prime Minister is to make a statement tomorrow. (计划安排)

4. No one is to leave this building without the permission of the police. (传达命令或指示)

# What I am planning to do ________ around the world in a balloon.

A. travelling           B. am to travel

C. to travel            D. is to travel          (答案:D)

3.Next Annie took me by the hand and taught me how to jump. She then immediately spelled the word j-u-m-p for me .

Suddenly somebody took her ______ from behind.

A. by her hair      B. on the hair    C. by the hair     D. on her hair

此题的正确答案是 C( by the hair),表达汉语中拉、握、推、抓某人身体(或衣服)某个部位时,常用结构为take,hold,shake,etc.+ sb.+介词by+定冠词the,身体(或衣服)部位的名称。其中的定冠词不能用物主代词代替。因此,选项A、B、D均为错误选项,应予排除。如:

He came forward and shook me by the hand.他走上去,和我握手。

She seized the thief by the collar.她抓住小偷的衣领。

4.As I look back upon those years,I am struck by Annie’s wisdom.


We were struck by the professor's speech.教授的演讲给我们留下深刻印象。

Everyone was struck with its beauty.它的美丽给大家留下深刻印象。

How does the plan strike you?你对计划的印象如何?

—How does the plan ______ you?


A.move         B.strike  (答案B)

StepIV. Words in context

1. turn in / turn over / turn down / turn up / turn off / turn out / turn ... inside out

(1) Paddy McGowan applied for the job but they ______ him ______ because he didn’t speak German.

(2) The teachers have a busy time at the end of the school year; they have to _______ many reports.

(3) Jessie ______ her pocket ______ to show she hadn’t got any money on her.

(4) Be sure to _________ the lights when you leave the lab.

(5) Though it looked like rain in the morning, it has _______ to be a fine day.

(6) The child had been sleeping face down. His mother ______ him _______ and tucked up the sheets.

(7) I was expecting Johnny at 8:00 sharp, but he did not ______.

2. strike / look back on / reach out / burst into

(8) Louisa ________ her hands for the bouquet of flower I offered her.

(9) All sorts of opportunities will come your way, but you must ______ for them.

(10) When Nick failed to pass IELTS for a third time, he ______ tears like a child.

(11) I like to _________ my high-school days, which were among the happiest in my life.

(12) —How does the plan ______ you?


3. hear / hear about / hear from / hear of

(13) —Did you ______ the party last night?

 —It was a complete failure.

(14) We always ________ planes being delayed because of technical faults or bad weather.

(15) Until we __________ head office we cannot give you a permit.

(16) —Have you _____ Nylon?

—Yes. It’s some kind of synthetic fibre.

(17) They started out to cross the Sahara in a saloon car, and had not been ______ since.

(18) Andrew had _____ that they were going on an expedition to South Africa.

Keys: (1) turned, down (2) turn in  (3) turned, inside out (4) turn off (5) turned out (6) turned, over (7) turn up  (8) reached out  (9) reach out (10 burst into (II) look back on (12) strike (13) hear about   (14) hear about   (15) hear from (16) heard of (17) heard of   (18) heard


Recite the key 3 paragraphs and do dictation the next day.


Lesson 66教学设计方案


Do dictation of the key 3 paragraphs or do a cloze based on the text

StepII:Fast reading

 1. Annie entered an institution to learn braille ___.

A. in 1866            B. in 1876      C. in 1880       D. in 1872

 2. Which of the following is TRUE about braille?

A. It was Annie who invented braille.

B. It is a special writing system for both the blind and the deaf.

C. Blind people can read by touching raised points on paper.

D. Annie helped to develop the writing system.

3. Why did Annie decide to go to stay with Helen?

A. Because she needed a highly paid job.

B. Because she was deaf-blind herself and sympathized with Helen.

C. Because it was the very job she had expected.

D. Because she was deeply moved by the letter from Helen’s dad.

4. Annie did NOT help Helen Keller to _________.

A. understand words    B. read books printed in braille

C. learn how to speak   D. develop the writing system of braille

5. Which is TRUE about the period when Annie worked as Helen’s teacher?

A. The disabled were all well educated.

B. A good many books were printed in braille.

C. Few people realized the hidden strength in blind people.

D. Many deaf-blind children had the chance of being taught to speak like normal people.

6. Annie would praise Helen when she _____.

A. decided to go to college

B. had a very difficult time

C. understood the meaning of words

D. did things as well as a normal person

Keys: 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D

StepIII:Language points:


Paragraph2:This is a kind of ______that blind people can read by _________groups of _______points that are printed on paper. Later, an operation helped her to get ______part of her_______, but she _________at the institution for six years______.

Keys: printing, touching, raised,back, sight,remained, more

Paragraph3:One day a letter from my father _______at the school, _________for a teacher for me. Annie _________this was just the kind of ___________job she wanted.

Keys: arrived, asking, considered, demanding

Paragraph4:Annie was among the first to ________that blind people never know their hidden ________until they are ________like ________human beings. She never ______me; she never praised me _______what I did was as good as that of the best of a ________person.

Keys:realize, strength, treated, normal, pitied, unless, normal.

Paragrph6:My speech was __________and not _________to hear.But I was _______to be able to say words that my family and a few friends could understand. To Annie I ____thanks for this priceless ______of speech. It has helped me to serve others.

Keys: ill-formed, pleasant, delighted, owe, gift.

B:Sentence structure:

1.Two years later, her father disappeared, never to be heard from again.

They started out to cross the Sahara in a saloon car, and had not been ______ since.

A.heard fromB.heard of答案:B

2.To Annie I owe thanks for this pricelss gift of speech.It has helped me to serve others.

# We ________ the discovery of the prismatic (折射) spectrum (光谱) _______ Sir Isaac Newton.

A. devote; toB. thank; for

C. owe; toD. know; about     (答案:C)

3.       She had believed in me. I must always keep on trying to do my best.

C:the-ing form:

1.One day a letter from my father arried at the school,______ a teacher for me.( asking)

2.Annie considered this was just the kind of _______job she wanted.( demanding)

3.This is a kind of ________that blind people can read by________ groups of _______points that are printed on paper. (printing, touching, raised)

4.There she studied the ________of deaf-blind children.( teaching)

5.______ both my hands on her face when she spoke, she let me feel all the movements of her lips and throat.( Putting)

6.She had believed in me.I must always keep on ________to do my best.( trying)

StepIV: Cloze:

Read the article first, and then choose the right answer for each blank.

Helen had no way of knowing that this day, March 3, 1887, would be the most important one in her whole life.

Six months had passed (1) _______ the evening when she had pushed her baby sister off her bed. As he had promised, her father had written to the head of the institution for the blind. And today Miss Anne Sullivan, only twenty years old and just (2) _______ of school, was arriving from Boston to (3) _______ with the Kellers and be Helen’s teacher. (4) _______ course Helen knew nothing about (5) _______ expected arrival. But she had sensed for several days that (6) _______ unusual was going on.

For one thing, she had (7) _______ that one of the rooms upstairs, usually kept closed and smelling musty (发霉的), had been (8) _______ and aired.

Martha Washington’s mother had (9) _______ in there, too, with a broom and dustcloth. And this morning the bed had been (10) _______ with clean sheets. Fresh towels (毛巾) smelling sweet had been (11) _______ on the rack (架子).

In the (12) _______ Martha’s mother was busy (13) _______ extra cooking. (14)_______baked a cake and let Helen lick (舔) the pan. (15) _______ even this treat failed to bring much (16) _____to an anxious, unhappy little girl.

Round and round inside her ( 17) _______ raced the questions she could not put into words.

“Something’s going to (18) _______ . But what? Why can’t I know? Why? Why?”

And because she could get no answers, she was restless and angry and badly behaved (表现不好).

1 A since B afterC before D from

2 A outsideB outC insideD away

3 A playB studyC liveD keep

4 A OnB AtC ForD Of

5 A Miss Anne B Miss Anne’s C Miss Sullivan  D Miss Sullivan’s

6 A somethingB anythingC nothingD everything

7 A promised B agreedC noticedD said

8 A lockedB openedC movedD sold

9 A goneB come C beenD got

10 A made up B made ofC made fromD made in

11 A brokenB washedC usedD placed

12 A bedroom B gardenC kitchen D living room

13 A withB on C about D for

14 A HeB SheC TheyD We

15 A Because B AlthoughC WhateverD But

16 A foodB fortune C moneyD pleasure

17 A handsB headC eyesD mouth

18 A happenB rise C takeD produce

Keys: 1-5:ABCDD      6-10:ACBDA    11-15: DCABD   16-18:DBA

StepVI: Recite the key paragraphs and do dictation the next day.





I.Listening text:Listen to the tape 2-3 times and finish filling the blanks. It’s a good way to fix the Ss’s attention on listening.

A new kind of schoolA journalist talks to the Head Teacher of a new kind of school.

(J = Journalist; HT = HeadTeacher)

J:   In what way is your school different from other schools?

HT: Our school is for all children. A few of the children are physically disabled, and some of the others have learning difficulties. We have fast learners and slower learners.

J:   And is yours the only school like this?

HT: That’s correct. Up till now, disabled children and those with learning difficulties were sent to special schools. They grew up in a different world.

J:   What made you decide to start this new school?

HT:  We realized that disabled children had no knowledge of children in ordinary schools. The opposite was also true. We thought it was important that all human beings should grow up together.

J:    Do the slower learners hold up the faster learners?

HT:  No. For some classes, slower and faster learners are separated. In other classes they all work together.

J:How does that work?

HT:Well. The faster learners help the slower learners. That way they become very skilled as teachers. When it’s time for the faster learners to do a task or do their homework, they do it more quickly and better too.

J:What do the children think of the school?

HT:  They all enjoy it. They all end up having lots of friends. They also learn the true meaning of working together.

J:What about the parents?

HT:Some of them doubted whether this school would be successful. So we took them into the classroom and showed them how well the students were working together. That proved to them that our school is a success.

II.ClozeMr. West intended to buy his wife a Christmas present, but he was always very   1    , so he was never able to find time to go to the shops. At last, when it was the week    2    Christmas, and the shops were very crowded, he decided that he could not wait any longer. He worked in an office, and   3   had lunch in a restaurant, but one day he bought some sandwiches, ate them   4   and went out to a big shop near his   5   during his lunch hour.

The shop was full of women, who were also buying     6   during their lunch hour. Mr. West stood   7   at the edge of a crowd of   8   who were pushing forward to try to get to the people who were   9   necklaces and earrings. He tried to move forwards slowly, taking his turn with the others,   10   more and more women were coming into the shop the whole time and pushing selfishly(自私的)   11   him.

After half an hour, he was    12   as far from the people who were selling the necklaces as he had been   13   he came in, and his lunch hour was coming to an end, so he decided to change his   14   of doing things: he put his head down, gave a sudden loud shout and started to push his way towards the front of the crowd as hard as he   15   .

The women around him became very   16   when they saw what he was doing, and began to   17   him. “Why can't you behave (行为) like a   18   ?” they shouted.

“Ladies,” he   19   them, “I have been behaving like a gentleman for the past half hour, and it has got me nowhere, so now I am   20   to behave like a lady!”

1. A. busyB. lazyC. unwillingD. forgetful

[解析]由后文可知是因为忙,而不是因其他原因。  答案:A

2. A. beyondB. around C. beforeD. after


3. A. neverB. seldomC. sometimesD. usually


4. A. slowlyB. quickly C. eagerly D. happily


5. A. carB. houseC. officeD. restaurant  答案:C

6. A. clothesB. sandwiches C. foodD. presents



7. A. politely B. quietly C. alone D. freely

[解析]要和下文联系起来看,起初West还是一派绅士风度。   答案:A

8.A. menB. womenC. children D. strangers

[解析]可根据下文判断。   答案:B

9. A. examining B. choosingC. sellingD. buying

[解析]往卖东西的柜台那边挤。   答案:C

10. A. because B. andC. howeverD. but

[解析]此处的转折为后来他采取粗鲁的行动埋下伏笔。    答案:D

11 .A. pastB. behindC. overD. against

[解析]后来者都到他前面去。    答案:A

12. A. evenB. everC. justD. always    答案:C

13. A. thereB. whereC. asD. when

[解析]本句强调半小时后他仍呆在原来的地方。    答案:D

14. A. ideaB. wayC. measure D. attitude     答案:B

15. A. couldB. would C. didD. had     答案:A

16. A. surprisedB. angry C. afraid     D. nervous      答案:B

17. A. askB. noticeC. scold D. attack



18. A. womanB. ladyC. manD. gentleman

[解析]妇女们责问他为何不像绅士。      答案:D

19. A. answered B. told      C. pleased D. feared   答案:A

20. A. realizingB. admiringC. agreeingD. starting

[解析]最后一段是故事的幽默所在。面对女士们的行为和责问,West反唇相讥:我像绅士一样呆了半个小时,毫无作用,所以现在我要像女士们那样干了。   答案:D




Discuss and write:1. What’s the cause of Helen’s success, herself or her great teacher?2. What’s Annie’s opinon on educating Helen?If you were a teacher, what is the most important method on educating the students?


My teacher
