范文网 > 教案大全 > 英语教案 > 七年级英语下人教新课标Unit6It’sraining教案


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section a

一 、教学目标:


1、 new words :

weather, rain, snow,windy, cloudy, sunny, bad, terrible, pretty .

2、how is the weather?

how is it going?

二.能力目标: talk about weather and present one’s ideas.



二教学步骤 :

step 1 warming up :

listen, learn and sing a song together (rai n , rain go away)

step 2 :new les son :

free talk : talk about some different places by trying to present different kinds of weather there.


help the students learn the words about weather, then introduce the conversation: a:how is the weather?

b:what is heshe doing?

step4: pair work:

show the students some pictures, ask them to practice the conversation in pairs.


t alk about different kinds of weather, then make conversations with different weather w ords.

step 5.pract ice:

match the words with the pictures.

ste p6. listening (listen two times )

listen and write the city names.

step 7.listening and practice

listen and nu mber the pictures then ask the students to make conversations in pairs.

step 8 new conversations:

a:what is… doing?

b:heshe is ….

a:what is the weather like?

b:it is….

ste p 9 do it by yourself:

1.ask the students to give a weather repo rt in pairsgroups, ask seve ral of them to present in front of the class .

2.m ake dialogues by using telephone to get information about weather in different places.

step 10 exercises:

ask the students to do some exercises to consolidate what they have learned.

step 11speaking

as k the students to giv e a brief introduction to their o wn hometown.

step 12 sum up

step 13. homework:


