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What is your favourite sport-Lesson

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What is your favourite sport-Lesson 77

Lesson 77 教学设计示例(一)

一、教学内容1.词汇(略)。2.句型:1)Catch the ball!2)Don’t worry. 3)I’m not good at basketball. 4)You can pass the ball like this.3.复习祈使句的否定式。二、教具录音机;一个篮球;与本课所列各项运动相关的图片。三、课堂教学设计1.值日生报告。教师与学生通过问答形式复习表示打招呼、问候、相互介绍的日常用语。2.打开书学生看图。利用图片和问答形式引出本课生词。这几张图,也可作为上个单元中重点句型的复习来使用。例如教师可以问:T:What can you see in the picture?How many boys/trees can you see in the picture?或:How many cars can you see in the picture?(要求学生用:I can’t see any.来回答)3.教师利用手中篮球,请一个男同学到前面来,通过传、接球演示,引出以下对话:T:Come on,×××!Catch the ball!(将球传过去)传递一、两个来回后,教师故意没有接住:T:Ouch!启发学生说出:S:Sorry!Mr×××.Are you OK?T:Yes,I’m fine.Don’t worry.4.再请一位不大会打篮球的女同学到前面来。这位女同学会面露难色。启发她说出:S:I’m sorry.I’m not good at basketball.教师提问:T:Then what’s your favourite sport?S:(根据刚才教师出示的各种图片,选其一)I like swimming/ping-pong/volleyball…5.放课文第1部分录音,学生跟读数遍,分小组练习。数分钟后,请两组同学到前面表演(注意提示学生传递球时注意周围同学或公物,如教室地方小,完全可以到室外演练)。6.指导学生做本课第2部分练习。7.指导学生做书后练习册习题。8.布置作业1)抄写生词;2)练习朗读本课对话;3)完成练习册习题。



Lesson 77 教学设计示例(二)

● 教学目标:1.复习句型: What is your favourite…? My favourite …is …2. 祈使句的初步用法。3.简单谈谈你所喜爱的运动。● 教学用具:录音机,投影仪,图片,微机及相应媒体资料等。适当也可准备一些球类,如:乒乓球、足球、篮球等。可随意准备一些小的物品,备用。● 教学步骤:Step 1  Revision本节课的Duty Report可让值日生汇报完必说的内容后,让同学们自由提问,或值日生向全班同学提问。如:Would you like to answer my questions? What is your favourite food? My favourite food is … What about your favourite sport? My favourite sport is…等, 利用值日生的每日工作很自然的引出本节课的话题。Step 2  Read and act一、学课文1.利用媒体资料学习第一段对话的第一部分。[见媒体资料1-20-1]2.让一名同学与老师一起模仿第一段对话的第一部分。老师可用一小物品砸一同学的头(注意别太重)。二、学单词。1. 利用发音规律教单词: sport  pass  easy 2. 利用构词法和实物教单词: basket+ball=basketballStep 3  Presentation三、学习第一段对话的第二部分。 由老师和同学一起演示对话的第二部分(可事先准备)。老师可拿一篮球,以边变换自己所站的位置,边自问自答说:What’s your favourite sport? My favourite sport is basketball. 换一乒乓球再说:What’s your favourite sport? My favourite sport is ping-pong. 和一同学配合做一动作,老师把篮球递给同学,说:Catch! 同学没接住后说:I’m not good at basketball. I don’t like it very much. It’s hard. It’s not easy. 同学拿出一乒乓球说:I’m good at ping-pong. I like it very much. It’s easy. You can pass the ball like this. 老师说:Is it easy? OK. Let me try.老师找一部分同学练习这几句话,再在小组中练习直至练熟。听录音,并当堂背诵。Step 4 practice两人小组或三人小组练习编对话,运用以上所学句型。Step 5 Ask and Answer看77课第二部分。请看图:What’s the boy doing? He is swimming. What’s your favourite sport? My favourite sport is …以两人小组或三人小组为单位,练习以上句型。每小组着重描述一、两种体育运动。简单说说为什么喜欢这项体育运动。 Step 6 Consolidation1. Most of the boys like playing and watching f_____________(足球).2. Ling Tao doesn’t like playing b____________ (篮球).3. What’s your f____________(最喜爱的)sport? Roller-skating.4. I can read very well, because it’s e_______(容易的).5. Winter is very long near, and we can s_________(滑雪) and s_________(滑冰).6. 她语文学得很好。She ______ _______ _______ Chinese.Keys: football  basketball  favourite  easy  skiing  skate  is good at

Blackboard Handwriting

Unit 20   What’s your favourite sport?

Lesson 77  

New Words Come on!   Don’t worry!

sport  pass  easy be good at

basketball = basket + ballIt’s easy.

 You can pass the ball like this.

Lesson 77 教学设计示例(三) ● Teaching aims“四会”掌握短语:be good at, play basketball, come on 句子:What’s your favourite sport? 及答语:My favourite sport is…动词:try,pass● Key points 掌握句型:What’s your favourite sport? My favourite sport is…● Difficult points正确使用这些句型和短语。● Teaching methods设定情景(根据Part 1)教学重点句型,然后让学生巩固练习。● Teaching aids录音机、投影仪、微机、课件Lesson 77教学演示.ppt、球。● Teaching proceduresStep 1  Revision1. Morning report.2. Revise the dialogue:T: Hello! My name is… What’s your name?S: My name’s…How are you?T: Fine, thank you. And you?S: I’m fine too.T: Do you like Ping-Pong?S: No, I don’t.T: Let me help you.首先是老师与同学之间的对话,然后同学之间对话。Step 2  Presentation 1.用图片、实物、手势、微机课件(Sport.swf中Words 的情境)教:swimming, skiing, ice skating, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, roller-skating, chess, come on,be good at,play basketball,easy,pass,try。并启发学生用一些动词造句。2.用图片或多媒体展示(Sport.swf中Play的情境,需静音、隐藏文字),教师首先介绍对话的场景(Part 1):This is Ling Feng and this is David. They are playing basketball with some other boys. Ling Feng is not good at basketball. He doesn’t like it very much. His favourite sport is ping-pong. He can pass the ball like this. It’s easy. Can you try it?然后找几名好学生试着介绍这个场景。Step 3 Listening and practice1.让学生听此对话的声音并跟读。2.打开书,两人朗读对话并交换角色,让2~3组同学来表演对话,或与计算机一起扮演角色(Sport.swf中的情境,Play中需适时地控制静音和隐藏文字)。Step 4 Presentation教师叫一名学生回答。T: What’s your favourite sport?       S: My favourite sport is…教师借助板书强调这一句型,并利用图片或多媒体展示歌曲(Sport.swf中song的情境)一边听一边教授sport及涉及的一些词及短语:swimming, skiing, ice skating, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, roller-skating, chess. Step 5  Practice 然后叫几名同学重复练习这一句型,可做Chain drill练习(step 4)。Step 6 Consolidation 听写练习:1. I'm not good at basketball.2. I don't like volleyball very much.3. You can pass the ball like this.4. Let me try it.5. What’s your favourite sport'?先找几个同学说出自己的答案,然后再将正确的答案写在幻灯片上或用微机展示(见Lesson 77教学演示.ppt)。Step 7  Summary让学生总结这一课的重点。Step 8  Workbook完成Ex.l和Ex.2,两人一组谈谈自己及图片中人物喜欢的体育运动。Step 9  Exercises(-)将下列词组译成英语。1.打网球 _____________   2.接住这只球_____________   3.擅长于_____________

4.你最喜欢的运动______   5.像这样传球_____________   6.让我试试___________


Answers: 1. play tennis   2. catch the ball  3. be good at  4. your favourite sport   5. pass the ball like this   6. let me try  7. play chess

(二)用适当的介词填空。1. Let me help you. Do it ________ this. 2. This is a picture ________ my family. 3. Take these bags ________ the room. 4. This is my watch. Please look ________ it for me. 5. How many glasses ________ water can you see? 6. Some children play games ________ the tree 7. I think I’d like a bottle of orange. What ________ you? 8. What’s wrong ________ your computer? Answers: 1. like   2. of   3. to   4. after    5. of   6. under   7. about   8. with Step 10  Homework1.预习下一课。2.表演本课对话。

Writing on blackboard

Lesson 77

I’m not good at basketball.

It’s easy.

What’s your favourite sport?

My favourite sport is…

What is your favourite sport-Lesson
