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Resume number:408905202Updating date:2012-06-03 22:57:18

Name:Mr. jackNationality:China (Mainland)

Current Place:GuangzhouHeight/Weight:178 cm?75 kg

Marital Status:SingleAge:27 years

Career Objective

Application type:Jobseeker

Preferred job title:Marketing/Sales: Sales manager 、 Computer Software: senior key acount manager 、 Project Manager/Supervisor: Project manager

Working life:3Title:Senior title

Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In two weeks

Expected salary:¥5,000--¥8,000Preferred working place:Guangzhou Shenzhen Zhuhai

Work experience

Company's name:DELL(CHINA)Computer company CO.,LTDBegin and end date: 2007-06-2012-06Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry:Job Title:Inside sales managerJob description:Assist the manager to open a good market to sale IT Sulotion in TAIWAN.Maintain key Account customer and offer IT Solution to customer.Reasons for leaving:Company's name:CHINA LUO YANG GLASS GROUP CO.,LTDBegin and end date: 2006-06-2007-06Enterprise nature:State-owned enterprisesIndustry: Petroleum/Chemical Industry/Minerals/GeologyJob Title:Sales EngineerJob description:assist the manager to open a good market to sale Glass in Southeast China.Reasons for leaving:

Educational Background

Name of School:LuoYang Teachers College

Highest Degree:BachelorDate of Graduation:2007-06-01

Name of Major 1:EducationName of Major 2:Administrative management

Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No2003-092007-06LuoYang Teachers CollegeeducationBachelorCN41020520078307112008-052008-09DELL(CHINA)Computer company CO.,LTDIT SolutionIT Bronze certificateCN701430

Language Ability

Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:normal

Chinese level:normalCantonese Level:normal

Relevant skills and abilities

1. 3+ years IT related sales experiance. preferably have experience in major account selling

2. Can learn quickly.

3.Good organization and presentation skills, including written English.

4.Good interpersonal communication and negotiating skills.

5.Ability to work in a multitasking environment and meet deadlines.

Self-recommendation letter

a energetic, adaptable and able man, is cooperative . and honest to others





(1)Never market yourself as a"superman". (千万别把你自己包装成超人)很多求职者因性格保守而不敢尝试非传统的求职方式(比如和面试官的丈母娘搞好关系等),但他们在鼓吹自己"无所不能"(capable of everything)时却毫不吝惜笔墨,不惜夸大自己的管理、协调、规划和领导力才能(talents and skills in management, coordination, planning and leadership)。事实上,不是谁都能成为职场"万金油"(jack-of-all-trades),太多的空话(big words)会影响简历的可信度(credibility),让你得不偿失。

(2)Make your CV concise but not simple. (简历要简洁但不简陋)很多人认为简历的最佳长度是一页纸,但这并不是百分之百正确(this is not a 100% rule)。如果你在很多领域拥有丰富的工作经验,而且对你申请这份工作很有帮助,那就别吝于在简历中提供充足的信息。不要提供一份列出之前任职公司、职位和服务年限的"流水清单"(a laundry list of company name, job title and service length),就为了把所有内容压缩到一页纸以内,那不值得。你的简历应该文风简洁,但内容并不简陋(make your CV concise in language, but not simple and weak in contents)——把身高一米八的高个儿模特塞进童装里,这并不舒服,不是吗?(it won’t be comfortable to put a 180cm-tall model into a children’s wear)

(3)Give up the time order when necessary. (勇于放弃时间顺序)按时间顺序叙述在简历写作中很常见,但有时你需要打破常规(break the rules)。例如,一名工程专业毕业生(an engineer-majored student)希望申请英语教师职位(a position of English teacher),那么在英语教学方面的实习或兼职经历(intern/part-time experience in English teaching)以及各类英语证书和奖项(English-related certification and prizes)就必须放在简历的最前面,而教育背景和其他信息(education background and other information)都可以放在后面。有时候这个小把戏能让你的简历避免被丢入废纸篓的命运。(Sometimes the small trick could save your CV from the fate of litter bin.)

(4)Optimize your CV with key words for web searching.(利用网页搜索关键词优化简历)如果HR用"高级项目经理"(senior project manager)作为关键词在线搜索合适的候选人(right candidate),他可能会键入以下关键词:五年项目工作经验(five-year project experience);本科学历(BA degree);英文流利(fluent English)。为了让你的简历在搜索首页名列前茅(appear on the top of searching list),你最好在简历开头部分总结自身优势(summarize your strength in the beginning of CV),提供项目实施细节(project implementation details)和你在其中扮演的角色(your roles in it),别忘了标亮"关键词"(highlight the keywords),因为大部分HR只会花15秒去浏览一份简历。

(5)Customize your CV for different jobs. (根据不同职位量身定制简历)世上没有能治愈所有疾病的万灵丹(a cure-all medicine),同理,以不变应万变的简历(an all-purpose CV)并不存在。针对不同职位的需求量身修改你的简历,别偷懒!(Don’t be lazy)。



