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学习雷锋中英文演讲稿 1











Good morning my dear teachers and students.

The theme of my speech today is “Learning from Lei Feng, Create a new style in our school”.

In this March with warm wind and spring sunshine, we enjoy the nice charity of nature, but we have not forgotten the value of this month. It is to commemorate a warrior. An ordinary soldier who has a great influence on us. A dedicated soldier who serves the people and even sacrifices his own interests, but never seeks reward, A soldier whose spirit is always in our hearts, who has always inspired us to advance bravely. His name is Lei Feng.

March is Lei Fengs activity month.In the campus where we live, there are also many small Lei Feng. When the love donation is coming many little hands stretched out .When someone is sick, they are well taken care of by teachers and classmates. In fact, there are countless examples of students caring for each other and helping each other. We can see good things everywhere in our school.The selfless spirit of Leifeng is shinning on the campus.

I remember when I was very young, My parents told me many stories about Lei Feng. This make me set up a mind to learn from Leifeng at that time.But today when I grow up , I admire him even more. His spirit of the nail is the main power of my learning hard and climbing the top of knowledge.

If you were a drop of water, did you moisten an inch of land? If you were a ray of sunshine, did you light up the darkness? If you were a grain, did you feed a life? If you are a small screw, did you always stick to your post?

I sincerely hope that all of us will take this statement as our goal. Making contribution to your family, to your class, to our school and society.Let the spirit of Leifeng be your guidepost of your life.

So much for my speech today ,thank you!

学习雷锋中英文演讲稿 2








Dear teachers and classmates

Good morning!

Today, my speech topic is "Lei Feng is Right beside Us"! Lei Feng is a well-known name that has made extraordinary achievements in the short 22 spring and autumn seasons; Becoming a role model for everyone to learn from, it has repeatedly integrated into our lives with the footsteps of spring, bringing a noble and warm atmosphere to our spirit; His actions make us constantly remember him, and his dedication makes us constantly learn from him.

Nowadays, "Learn from Lei Feng, create a new atmosphere, and take action" has become a beautiful scenery in our school. This requires us all to always make an appointment with Lei Feng, promote the spirit of Lei Feng, and consciously strive to be the little Lei Feng of the new era. Once, shortly after class, Fan Jinling vomited due to discomfort. Suddenly, a strange smell filled the entire classroom. Sitting nearby, classmates covered their noses and walked out of the classroom. Some even kept coaxing, "Im so nauseous. Im so big, I dont even go to the bathroom when I vomit." Some even said, "What should I do if I make the classroom so smelly?" But Without a word, Fan Jinling silently handed him the water from his kettle to rinse his mouth and asked with concern, "What do you think? Do you need to report it to your parents?" Fan Jinling shook her head. Next Carrying a broom, I went downstairs to sweep some sand and covered the vomit. Then he was not afraid of dirt or smell, and swept the vomit and sand into the bucket. Finally, he went to the bathroom to get a mop and wiped the floor clean. Classmates see After carefully cleaning up the dirt, everyone stopped making noise and some even started helping. Afterwards, some classmates asked, "How dirty and smelly those dirty things are! Youre so foolish, are you the only one to clean them?" After hearing this, he said without hesitation, "Didnt we say we should learn from Lei Feng to do good deeds? To do good deeds, we should start with small things. Moreover, when Uncle Lei Feng does good deeds, he is never afraid of dirt or smell!"!

Classmates, Comrade Lei Feng once said, "Human life is limited, but serving the people is infinite. I want to devote my limited life to serving the people infinitely!" Civilization accompanies us, reflected in our "hands up and feet down".

Classmates, it is the beautiful season of "March in the sunny spring, spring returns to the earth". Lets start with small things around us - pick up a piece of paper scraps on the ground, you are a clean and environmentally friendly little guard; Helping classmates in need around you makes you a compassionate person; Cherish every minute, study diligently, and you are a small model who loves to learn; When you greet your teacher and parents, you are a polite and good child! All of this is a concrete manifestation of Lei Fengs spirit. Lets be on a beautiful campus, always bathed in the spring breeze of Lei Fengs spirit! My speech ends here, thank you all!

学习雷锋中英文演讲稿 3







Dear teachers and classmates

Lei Feng, a great warrior and a revered role model. Is Lei Fengs spirit outdated? No, the spirit of Lei Feng will never go out of style. Giving is always happier than taking. When we sincerely extend our hands to help others, when we embrace others with a kind heart, we are happy and happy. The spirit of Lei Feng is a great love on earth. Love is a common spiritual orientation of humanity. Nowadays, we are striving to build a harmonious society and need to vigorously promote the spirit of Lei Feng. Our motherland will become younger due to the injection of the spirit of Lei Feng. Holding high the torch of serving society will surely make our society more united and harmonious among people. I firmly believe that the spirit of Lei Feng will be carried forward and radiate even more brilliant brilliance in the new generation!

"The red heart is shining with glory, and the red star is shining with warmth. The red star is the heart of our workers and peasants, and the glory of the Party shines through thousands of generations..." Over the past 91 years, the Party has led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in their arduous struggle, overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, and achieved great achievements. Today, there are many tall buildings in the city, traffic is busy, the economy is developing rapidly, and the motherland is prosperous and prosperous. The CPC - our mother, is she who has led us all the way, and she has led the New China to the world stage. Her body is shining with the glory of truth, showing faith and ideals. She has told us with all her actions: everything to serve the people As the young generation of the 21st century, we have a long way to go in the future. We will follow your steps, move in the right direction and contribute our own strength to Chinas construction.

We are the blooming flowers, the rising sun, and the main force of Chinas strength. Our efforts today are the hope for tomorrow. Let us use a hundred times our efforts to acquire knowledge and skills, and create the glory of our motherland with our strong hands.

Thank you all!

学习雷锋中英文演讲稿 4



















Dear teachers and classmates

Hello everyone!

The Memorial Day for Learning from Lei Feng has ushered in a new wave of learning from the spirit of Lei Feng throughout the country. The name Lei Feng has accompanied us through more than forty years of ups and downs. Every March, accompanied by the gentle spring breeze, it repeatedly blows into the hearts of all Lei Feng people.

March is warm, because it is the growth of hope; March is also passionate, because it is a battle before the germination of life; March is even longer, because it witnesses a great communist warrior named Lei Feng, who is ordinary but always thinks for the people throughout his life.

Lei Fengs every detail has forever been recorded in the great history of the Chinese nation, firmly imprinted in the hearts of millions of Chinese people, and become our eternal role model.

It cannot become a spirit, I am not inferior, and you dont have to be discouraged, because everyone knows that Lei Feng is unique, and the spirit of Lei Feng is unprecedented.

It is precisely because of the preciousness of the spirit of Lei Feng that it has a dazzling brilliance;

It is precisely because we look up to Lei Feng that we regard him as a role model and learn from him;

If life is seen as the four seasons of the year, Lei Feng undoubtedly left all his brilliance in the spring of his life;

In the xx spring after leaving Lei Feng, our country and our nation did not lose a spirit because of losing Lei Feng. On the contrary, in each bright spring, young faces carried Lei Fengs smiling face, holding up Lei Fengs spirit with both hands;

On the muddy rural road in the remote countryside, young female college students walked by. Accompanied by the surprised gaze of the students, she walked into the leaking classroom, lighting a candle of hope for those who yearn for knowledge;

In each poverty alleviation remittance form, we looked at the names without leaving any addresses;

Amidst the raging fire and thick smoke, the young life speaks with blood and life of loyalty.

In the rapids of floods, we saw Gao Jiancheng and Li Xiangqun, as well as the precious figures who sacrificed their youth to save the lives of others;

On the days of SARSs aggressive behavior, we saw a pair of fearless eyes!

For decades, regardless of the vicissitudes of the times and the ups and downs of social trends, the spirit of Lei Feng has become an eternal theme that has been sung by more and more people for a long time. It is because of its spirit of dedication to "devote limited life to infinite service for the people", which can cross the rivers and seas of human vicissitudes, cross the profound time and space of history, and remain fresh and timeless.

Lets take action and let the spirit of Lei Feng last forever!

学习雷锋中英文演讲稿 5







Dear teachers and classmates

Hello everyone!

March is also the traditional civilization month for us to learn from Lei Feng. Decades have passed, and under the illumination of the spirit of Lei Feng, generations of teenagers are practicing their own life values.

Lei Fengs spirit is great, but not unattainable, ordinary, but not trivial; Sacred, but not cannibalistic. When the interests of the motherland are lost, Lei Fengs stand up. When the people encounter difficulties, Lei Fengs lend their all to help. When personal interests and peoples interests cannot be unified, Lei Fengs do not hesitate to sacrifice everything, even their lives. Can you still say that Lei Feng has already left us?

No! No! Never again, Lei Fengs blood of selfless dedication will spread throughout the country, and his spirit will always encourage us to move forward. We will also compose a magnificent hymn to Lei Feng!

学习雷锋中英文演讲稿 6












Dear leaders, teachers, and dear classmates

Good morning everyone!

The topic of my speech today is "Inheriting the Spirit of Lei Feng from Generation to Generation.".

"Learn from Lei Feng as a good role model, be loyal to the revolution and the party." I remember that we knew how to sing this song when we were very young, but at that time we didnt quite understand the meaning of the lyrics. Now I am loyal and understand why Lei Feng has been sung by people for decades, and he will always be active in the hearts of us Chinese people!

"If you are a drop of water, have you nourished an inch of land? If you are a ray of sunshine, have you illuminated a bit of darkness? If you are a grain, have you nurtured useful life? If you are the smallest screw, will you always hold onto your position in life..." Every time I think of Lei Feng, I think of this paragraph, because it is something Uncle Lei Feng often says, It is also a reflection of his real life. Although Uncle Lei Feng has left us far away, his words have always been imprinted in my heart.

Uncle Lei Feng is very frugal. He dares and dares a pair of socks, wears them again and again, and has always been reluctant to throw them away. Our lives are now affluent, even though we dont have to wear patched socks like him, we still need a frugal spirit. In daily life, we should not spend change recklessly; No need to draft on white paper; Pencil cannot be thrown away with a half cut; Eat less snacks, cherish every drop of water, every kilowatt hour of electricity... Every little thing around me has left me with opportunities to save.

Uncle Lei Feng is also particularly helpful. He sees helping others as a way to enjoy happiness. I think as a third grade elementary school student, the prerequisite for helping others is to do ones own things. Think about it, if a person cant even do their own things well, how can they help others? Firstly, we should frequently do small things such as making the bed, making blankets, tidying up backpacks, and washing socks. In addition, when classmates are sick, we should send warm greetings and good wishes from parents on their birthdays. I believe these are all concrete manifestations of my spirit of helping others on my journey of growth.

As members of the Young Pioneers, we must learn from Uncle Lei Feng through practical actions. "You are happy, so I am happy" should become the idea of each of us, because helping others is happy, it brings you satisfaction and pride. Even if you dont leave a name, you will still receive double happiness, which others cannot experience.

We should also start with every small thing in our daily lives to learn from Lei Feng, making the sunshine of March brighter, making people around us happier, passing down Lei Fengs spirit from generation to generation, and living in the hearts of each and every one of us!

My speech is over, thank you all!

学习雷锋中英文演讲稿 7










Hello everyone.

Friends, when you enjoy the family, eat Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) with your family, and feel the happiness of the festival, have you ever thought that some people who need help are surrounded by loneliness, and they need the warmth of society

The 15th day of the first month coincides with the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival), which coincides with the "3.5" learning from Lei Feng. On the day before the festival, the school and community organized a warmth delivery activity. Early in the morning, the teachers and more than twenty of our students arrived at the destination of the activity - Xiangchun Road Street Office. Here, we will make our own Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) and give it to the elderly from door to door, so that they can have a happy and lively Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival in advance. Looking at the round and full rice dumpling in the pot, I was filled with a sense of satisfaction and pride. The collective strength was really huge. Soon, we made nearly 20 bowls of Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival), and sent these "love Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival)" to more than 10 elderly families in the community.

We first arrived at the home of an old lady. The room was very dark, and there was an old lady lying on the bed. She could no longer get out of bed to walk, and her face was covered with Tang Yis face as time passed by. Seeing so many people coming to see her together, she also sent Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival). The old mans eyes flashed with tears and said excitedly, "Thank you, thank you!" I picked up a Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) from the bowl, blew it on my mouth, and fed it to the grandmother. She nodded, saying, "rice dumpling is delicious, thank you, and let me feel the care of my family..."

I think: a small bowl of Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) is nothing, but it is very warm and moved in the old mans heart. Actually, helping others is not difficult. A single sentence can warm the hearts of these elderly people. Watching the elderly mans tears of excitement, I suddenly felt the joy of helping others. It turned out that Uncle Lei Feng was not so deified either. He just tried his best to help the people around him more, and doing every ordinary thing well is great!

Thank you to the school for organizing this event, which made me feel the great love in the world. I want to learn from Uncle Lei Feng, strive to become a successor of Lei Feng, and make the world full of love!

学习雷锋中英文演讲稿 8














Teachers and classmates:

Hello everyone!

I am xxx. The topic of my speech under the national flag today is "The Eternal Spirit of Lei Feng".

What would you think if someone lent you an umbrella when you had nowhere to hide in the heavy rain?

If you suddenly fall while riding a bike and someone helps you, what would you think?

What would you think if you lost your key and someone picked it up and returned it to you?

When countless coincidences and accidents happen to me, if someone helps me, I feel its warmth. A stranger who can take the initiative to show care and help others, I think he is Lei Feng.

Although Lei Feng only lived for a short time at the age of 22, his helpful thoughts and actions have remained in the world. When we face the turbulent tide of materialism in the 21st century, the spirit of Lei Feng is still a clear spring slowly flowing through our hearts.

Yes, I dont know where it started, but our hot hearts began to become indifferent: the old man fell and no one helped him; Something fell and no one returned it; Some enthusiastic people in society, upon closer inspection, turned out to be all scammers. Is China still the traditional country of etiquette? When we feel heartbroken about everything, have we ever thought about what I can do to change it all?

Learning from Lei Feng and inheriting his spirit is actually very simple. We just need to start with small things around us: when we see garbage on the ground, we take the initiative to pick it up; Proactively give up seats to the elderly and pregnant women on the bus; If a classmate is injured, even if you help him to the medical room; Picking up something that someone else has dropped on campus and taking the initiative to hand it over to the moral education department is within our capabilities. I believe everyone can do it well!

Being a Chinese is not only about having yellow skin and black eyes, but more importantly, it embodies the excellent traditions of the Chinese nation in our blood. We long for a harmonious and beautiful society, so lets start from ourselves, from small things, and learn from Uncle Lei Feng.

Although Lei Feng has left us far away, his spirit will never fade away because of us.

学习雷锋中英文演讲稿 9






Dear students and teachers

Good morning

We will enter March in two days. This is a month where the cold is dispelled by warmth, and it is a season where snowflakes are melted by sunlight. The flame of Lei Fengs spirit is about to ignite in March.

Lets carefully search for the footprints left by Uncle Lei Feng: on campus, as an off campus counselor, he passionately tells heroic stories to the team members; On the train, not afraid of dirt or fatigue, he rolled up his sleeves and cleaned the carriage with the conductor; On a rainy night, kind-hearted he used his not majestic body to shield the elderly woman on the journey from the wind and rain; In the ward, kind-hearted he quietly left the Mid Autumn Festival mooncakes he couldnt bear to eat for his hospitalized comrades... Uncle Lei Feng will always be our role model. The spirit of Lei Feng shines brightly and is also within reach: when you see that the faucet is not tightly turned off, take the initiative to tighten it, and we are the "energy-saving little Lei Feng"; Seeing a piece of paper lying quietly on the ground and actively bending down to pick it up, we are the "environmentally friendly little Lei Feng"; When we see classmates in difficult families facing difficulties and take the initiative to lend them a hand, we are called "Loving Little Lei Feng"; Seeing the hardworking figure of the teacher in the office and taking the initiative to hand over a cup of hot tea, we are "polite little Lei Feng"... Uncle Lei Fengs diary once clearly wrote: "Only by putting a drop of water into the sea can one never dry, and only by integrating oneself with the collective can one have strength.". Strength comes from unity, wisdom from labor, action from thought, and honor from the collective. As the spring breeze of March approaches, let us forge one new era after another of "Lei Feng" with warm greetings, sweet smiles, and noble behavior.

学习雷锋中英文演讲稿 10











Dear teachers and classmates

Hello everyone!

In daily life, we need the spirit of Lei Feng. Only by promoting the spirit of helping others and being kind to them can we receive help and respect from others, and feel true happiness in sincere interaction.

In more parts of the world, Lei Feng is admired and learned by people of different skin colors. The spirit of Lei Feng has become the most precious spiritual wealth of humanity with its power that transcends time and space. An American businessman said, "We should promote the spirit of Lei Feng to the whole world.". We should learn from Lei Fengs attitude towards our career, his spirit of perseverance in learning, and his qualities of caring for, loving, supporting, and understanding others.

There are also many examples of "Lei Feng" in our fifth grade. For example, class monitor xxx always takes the initiative to come to Teacher Zhangs office before each class, hand in homework, and report on the progress of homework submission, reducing the teachers workload. Xxx students should send their art books and teaching aids to each art class in a timely manner before class, and after class, they should be very responsible in collecting them. The teachers all like these "little Lei Feng" very much.

XXX not only studies diligently and achieves excellent results, but also has noble character. He shows filial piety to his elders at home, listens to his parents, and often helps his family with tasks. He respects teachers, cares for his classmates, and takes the initiative to help his classmates solve problems at school. The teacher and classmates praised him, "He really looks like a little Lei Feng!"

Also, xxx is always the first student to step forward and do things for others when they are in difficulty and need help, without getting tired or complaining. She is the living Lei Feng around us.

There are still many examples of "living Lei Feng" in our class. Classmates, lets take action and strive to be the Little Lei Feng of the 21st century!

Thank you all!

