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Dear teacher and classmates

Hello everyone!

I am xxx from Class xx. Thank you for your continuous support. I am very proud to stand here and give a speech.

The content of my speech is to protect the environment. In recent years, although our technology has developed rapidly, our environment has indeed deteriorated and various types of pollution have become increasingly serious. There is a small stream not far from the school. When I entered the school, it was still clear to the bottom, and occasionally some small fish and shrimp swam through it. Over the past two years, I watched the water in that stream become increasingly turbid and eventually dry up. My heart was filled with emotion, and now that stream is only mud and weeds left. I am not the only one who has noticed such a scene. Every time I pass by the dried up creek, I often hear people talking about how clear the creek used to be and how many people gather here after school every day to catch small fish and shrimp. The environment is closely related to our lives. The environment may not necessarily require us, but we do need it. We may not be able to change much, but we can contribute our own efforts to reduce the use of disposable items in our lives, especially plastic bags, which have always been known as white pollution and are difficult to degrade. We also need to reduce the use of disposable chopsticks and other things.

Although we are just ordinary high school students with very limited things to do, we still need to develop the good habit of taking care of the environment. Garbage must be thrown into the trash can. I have seen a few students who bought snacks at the school cafeteria after school and ate them while walking. After they finished eating, they had already walked outside, and then their snack packaging bags were casually thrown on the ground. Such behavior violates the behavioral norms of our high school students and can also lower others' impression of our school, thinking that the students in this school are of low quality, and this school is definitely very bad. Classmates, you are all wearing the uniform of XX school. Your words and actions represent not only yourself, but also our school. Also, if you litter on campus and someone cleans for you, who cleans for you if you litter off campus? It can only pollute the environment over there.

In terms of water resources, although we have sufficient water resources here, it is not a reason for your waste. Saving water resources is also a way to protect the environment. I have seen many students playing with water. Some students fill a glass of water every time they drink it, and then pour it all the next day. This behavior is not worth advocating, and we hope everyone pays more attention to this aspect.

My speech is over, thank you all.


Dear teachers and classmates

Good morning everyone!

Today, the title of my speech is "Protecting the Environment, Starting from Me". Dear classmates, when you step into our garden like campus in the morning light, when you sit in a clean and tidy classroom to study, do you think of the hard work and dedication of your teachers and classmates?

We all aspire to have lush grasslands on campus, to study and play in a clean and tidy environment, and to fall asleep in a comfortable and warm dormitory. But some students do not know how to cherish these beautiful things. Please take a closer look at the campus - the clean white walls have been marked with shoe marks and ball marks; There are traces of graffiti on the desks and chairs; The faucet is on, causing water to run off recklessly; The beautiful lawn and flower bed leave merciless footprints; Plastic bags, packaging boxes, and fruit peel paper scraps were scattered all over the ground. During the lunch and evening break of other students, the loud noise inside and outside the dormitory building shattered this tranquility. How incongruous these phenomena are with our beautiful, civilized, and harmonious campus! We advocate civilization, and we all need to live in a clean, tidy, and beautiful environment. However, why do we always place our hopes for cleaning and maintenance on others? Why always trample on this tranquility and beauty without pity? Why always escape responsibility as a member of the board? Banqiao Middle School is our home, where we will take every step of our lives. Every student is a member of the campus, the owner of this school, and has the obligation and responsibility to maintain the campus environment. This is something we cannot escape, and it is also something we must do.

When enjoying this peaceful and serene paradise, we must guard it and keep its unique vitality and charm forever. Classmates, take immediate action! A piece of paper, we pick it up; A drop of water, we save; A pile of garbage, we clean it, love a small sapling, and protect a small frog. For the sake of our campus, do everything we can. Do not neglect kindness and do not neglect evil. To this end, I appeal to all students on the board: to create a clean and civilized campus, we need you, we need me, and we all need to work together. Let's take positive action! Let's start from now on, from the small things around us, strengthen self-restraint, supervise each other, and strive to be the little guardians of protecting the campus environment. Let's love our campus in Banqiao, make our alma mater green and vibrant forever, and make Banqiao Middle School a paradise for our learning and a beautiful home for us. My speech is over, thank you all!


Dear teachers and classmates

Good morning everyone!

My hometown is in Jieyang, Guangdong. It used to be a beautiful place with beautiful scenery.

But now, the small river has been polluted, why? Because people pour garbage into the small river, making it dirty and smelly.

The roads in my hometown are wide and beautiful, but people who pass by in cars casually throw used plastic bags aside; People buy food in the Snack bar beside the street. Those plastic boxes and bags are thrown on the ground. The beautiful road has become a dirty dump. Flies fly everywhere, and sewage flows everywhere. Such an environment can also spread diseases, and people's lives are not healthy.

People are beginning to understand the importance of environmental protection. We use the weekend time to get up early and clean the streets, pick up the garbage from the river, and our beautiful hometown is back.

Public morality and environmental protection are closely related. I hope everyone has a sense of public morality, starting from around us and working together to protect our living environment!

My speech is over. Thank you all for listening.


Dear teachers and classmates

Good morning everyone!

I am xxxx from Class 11, Grade 5, xxxx Foreign Language School. The topic of my speech today is "Protecting the Environment, Starting from Me".

Everyone knows that saving every drop of water, every piece of paper, and every resource is something we should do. But there are always some people who do not do so. Sometimes they casually throw things on the ground for convenience, and when people see them, they often don't pick them up easily, but instead walk through the garbage like air. Although these garbage are small, do you know how much damage it will cause to the environment as it increases? If every person throws a piece of garbage every day, billions of people in the country will drown a small city in a few months, slowly accumulating and damaging the entire planet.

Although we often damage the environment, do you know how many sheets of paper can be saved in a year if every person in the country saves one sheet of paper per day?

474.5 billion sheets of paper. One year can save 1581666 million trees. How amazing the astronomical number "1581666" is! If we save thousands of grams of water every day, then in a few years, the water we save can become a small river. In a sense, saving resources is equivalent to manufacturing resources.

If we don't protect the environment, all kinds of resources on Earth will gradually deplete; If we do not protect the environment, we humans will gradually perish; If we do not protect the environment, not only humans, but also our beautiful and lovely Earth will slowly perish. Now, let's take good care of the environment, save every drop of water, save every piece of paper, and save every resource. Let's start with the small things around us, take good care of the environment, and cherish it. Let's create a clean and beautiful home together!

My speech is over, thank you all.


Dear teachers and classmates

Hello everyone!

Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility. Regardless of the development of society, humans must acknowledge the fact that nature is the mother of humanity. Every mouthful of air we breathe and every mouthful of water we drink is inseparable from nature. The only thing that humans rely on for survival is the Earth, but we humans are like greedy children who only ask for anything, no matter what the reward is, to the extent that our environment is now scarred. In the long run, it must be ourselves who will be injured. If we don't protect the environment anymore, Mother Nature will be angry, such as a major earthquake. How many people have lost their loved ones and property during this process! Isn't this nature's punishment for humanity?

The events happening around us are as shocking as the small trees on the roadside being broken, the grass being trampled on, the flowers being picked, and other human activities such as indiscriminate logging and uncontrolled mining of mineral resources. That's right. As primary school students, we should start from the side, from the small things, protect plants and trees, do not litter, do not use Disposable product, and do our part. Here, I hope everyone can protect the environment. Only by protecting the Earth can we protect ourselves. There is only one Earth, and I hope everyone loves it!

My speech is over, thank you all!

