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  1. I can't go skating with you, for I've been busy ___ (do) my lessons.

  2. The big department store is said __ _(destroy) in a fire a few months ago.

  3. It's no use ______ (try) to learn English by reciting grammatical rules only.

  4. We were ______ (surprise) to find that few of the students did the experiment well.

  5. Most of the people _______ (invite)to the party didn’t turn up because of the heavy rain.

  6. _____ (Walk) along the street, I found many crowded with people.

  7. His words left me _____ _(wonder)his real purpose.

  8.The doctor insisted ______ (operate) on the patient without delay.

  9. I advise you _____ _(think) carefully before ___ (make) the decision.

  10. With so many friends ______ _(support) us, we are sure (finish) the work ahead of time.

  11. This kind of machine is used to ______ (cut) paper with.

  12. Look! The old lady is still standing by the school gate. She seems ___ ___(wait) for somebody there.

  13. ____ __(give) another chance, we'll do it much better.

  14. When _____ _(heat) ,ice can be changed into water.

  15. ---Who is the man ______ _(talk) to our headmaster ?

  --- A professor (pay) a visit to school from Beijing University.

  16. The old scientist left all of a sudden, (leave) the project unfinished.

  17. ( admit) what she had achieved, I still think she had a long way to go.

  18. Why ( not wait ) for a couple of days? We’ll look into the matter in no time.

  19. The soldiers got off the truck and moved the ( fall) tree away from the highway.

  20. The ( die) man was immediately taken to the hospital.

  21. All the boys are looking forward to ( go) forward ( feel) the lovely animal.

  22. I lost my way in complete darkness and , ( make) matters worse, it began to rain.

  23. The bird was lucky and it just missed (shoot).

  24. He always prefers ( start) early rather than ( leave ) everything to the last minute.

  25. The little boy was made ( apologize) to the woman whose window he had broken the day before yesterday.

  26. While shopping women sometimes can______(persuade) into buying more clothes than is necessary.

  27. —What made Jane so upset?

  —______ (lose) the ring her husband bought her for her birthday.

  28. Mr. Read made up his mind to devote all he had ____ __(set) up some schools for children.

  29. You can hardly imagine the difficult woman had _____ _ (bring) up her children.

  30. She can't help ______ (clean) the house because she is busy making a cake.

  31. Tom is very busy with the new novel, It is said _____ _( publish) in half a year.

  32. Once your business becomes international. ______ (fly) constantly will be part of your life.

  33. Do you think it of any use ______ ( argue) with him any more? We are wasting ______(try) to persuade him to give up the idea.

  34. —Look! Alice's dress has become loose. She seems ___ ___ (lose) weight.

  —It's unbelievable! She was a little heavier than me last year.

  35. Mary's _____ _ (not do ) her homework made the teacher angry.

  36. ______ (find) a job in such a big company has always been beyond his wild dream.

  37. --- Maybe you’ve forgotten (post) my letter.

  --- How could I ? I remember (put) the letter into the letter box.

  38. It was careless of you ( leave) your bike unlocked outside all night.

  39. There are many interesting books ( choose) from, but I’m at a loss which to borrow.

  40. I’m going to Beijing. Do you have anything ( take) to your parents ?

  41. _____ (enter) the room, the messenger collapsed, his face ___ __ (cover) with sweat.

  42. The speaker said he would confine himself to______ (try)____ (answer) only four questions.

  43. By selling council houses, we are able to devote more money to _____ (build) fresh properties.

  44. Retraining home demand is the key to ( increase) our exports.

  45. ____ _(tell) how much the house would cost, they decided__ ___(give up) their plan of ______( buy ) it.

  46. Potatoes should ( wash) before ( peel) .

  47. It might be better ( try ) (discuss) it in his own language , as he isn’t used to ( speak) English yet.

  48. I doesn’t like ( tell) what ( do).

  49. (overhear) part of their conversation, I thought it best ( remain) (hide) until after they ( leave).

  50. Although few people really want ( be) leaders themselves, nearly all people enjoy

  ( criticize) their leaders.

  51. If you couldn’t get anything ( open) the beer bottle with, why not ( try) ( open) it with your teeth?

  52. I can hardly stand ( hear) a piano ( play) so badly.

  53. He was caught ( open) her letters. Francy warned him ( do )a thing like that.

  54. ( promise) ( give) her an expensive gift for her birthday , I can’t go back on my word.

  55. While ( drive) at a high speed on a ( desert) highway, she saw two deer

  ( leap ) in front of her car.

  56. Your hair needs ( cut). You’d better ( have ) it ( do) tomorrow----unless you’d like me ( have) a go at it for you.

  57. Do you feel like ( dine) out or would you rather ( have) dinner at home ? I’d like ( go) out. I always enjoy ( have) dinner in a restaurant.

