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例题1:Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960’s portrayed him as ______ thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like.

A. an adventurous

B. a doctrinaire

C. an eclectic

D. a judicious

E. a cynical

【解析】简化句子,句子的主干是historians of the 1960’s portrayed him as ______ thinker,然后找出句子的逻辑关系。此题可以从两个方面的逻辑入手,一是从Far from体现的转折关系入手,空格应该体现和skeptical but enlightened的含义相反的意思,故a doctrinaire符合要求;一是从eager to…入手,这是对主干内容的补充说明,空格应该体现“渴望给年轻人灌输政治正统思想”的意思,答案仍然是“教条主义者”。

例题2:Before 1500 North America was inhabited by more than 300 cultural groups, each with different customs, social structures, world views, and languages; such diversity _______the existence of a single Native American culture.

(A) complements

(B) implies

(C) reiterates

(D) argues against

(E) explains away

【解析】这是一个由冒号连接的并列句,冒号是表示同义重复:冒号前面都是在强调 different, such diversity 也是对应前面的different。 而空格后面却出现了a single Native American culture,前后是不一致的,所以此时的冒号作用就没有了,所以D只有能联系前面的such diversity 和后面的a single









1. Exposure to low-intensity gamma radiation slows the rate of growth of the spoilage microorganisms in food in much the same way that the low heat used in pasteurization ___ the spoilage action of the microorganisms in milk.

(A) precludes

(B) initiates

(C) inhibits

(D) isolates

(E) purifies

2. The labor union and the company’s management, despite their long history of unfailingly acerbic disagreement on nearly every issue, have nevertheless reached an unexpectedly ___ , albeit still tentative, agreement on next year’s contract.

(A) swift

(B) onerous

(C) hesitant

(D) reluctant

(E) conclusive

3. Roman historians who study the period 30 B.C. to A.D. 180 can ___ the “Augustan Peace” only by failing to recognize that this peace in many respects resembled that of death.

(A) decry

(B) applaud

(C) ridicule

(D) demand

(E) disprove

4. She writes across generational lines, making the past so ___ that our belief that the present is the true locus of experience is undermined.

(A) complex

(B) distant

(C) vivid

(D) mysterious

(E) mundane

5. Because they had expected the spacecraft Voyager 2 to be able to gather data only about the planets Jupiter and Saturn, scientists were ___ the wealth of information it sent back from Neptune 12 years after leaving Earth.

(A) anxious for

(B) confident in

(C) thrilled about

(D) keen on

(E) elated by

(F) eager for

6. Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything more than a ___ solution to the company’s financial woes.

(A) complete

(B) fleeting

(C) momentary

(D) premature

(E) trivial

(F) total

7. The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous that he criticized Dickens’ Oliver Twist for making the characters in the thieves’ kitchen so ___ .

(A) threatening

(B) riveting

(C) fascinating

(D) conniving

(E) fearsome

(F) irritating

8. Nature’s energy efficiency often ___ human technology: despite the intensity of the light fireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light-producing systems whose efficiency ___ the firefly’s system.

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A outstrips

D stimulates

B inhibits

E rivals

C determines

F reproduce

9. Hampshire’s assertions, far from showing that we can ___ the ancient puzzles about objectivity, reveal the issue to be even more ___ than we had thought.

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A admire

D elusive

B dismiss

E relevant

C adapt

F unconventional


1. Exposure to low-intensity gamma radiation slows the rate of growth of the spoilage microorganisms in food in much the same way that the low heat used in pasteurization ___ the spoilage action of the microorganisms in milk.

(A) precludes

(B) initiates

(C) inhibits

(D) isolates

(E) purifies



in the same way 提示我们前后两个动作是同类型的。

preclude 预防,排除;

initiate 开始,入门指导,接纳…为会员;

inhibit 禁止,限制;

isolate 使孤立、隔绝,分离、离析;

purify 净化,(宗教)洗刷…的罪恶。


巴氏杀菌法 [pasteurization]

医学, 生物与生物学

对物质的局部灭菌法,尤其指用加热来消灭微生物而不破坏物质的化学成分的方法,在牛奶或其他饮料杀菌时常用到这种方法。首创者是巴斯德,并以其姓氏命名。牛奶的巴氏杀菌法要求温度达到63℃(145℉),杀菌时间在30分钟以上,或在更高温下加热,时间稍短。这一方法可以杀死任何致病微生物(主要是结核分枝杆菌),以及能导致食物腐败的微生物。参阅食品保藏(food preservation)。


2. The labor union and the company’s management, despite their long history of unfailinglyacerbic disagreement on nearly every issue, have nevertheless reached an unexpectedly ___ , albeit still tentative, agreement on next year’s contract.

(A) swift

(B) onerous

(C) hesitant

(D) reluctant

(E) conclusive



despite / nevertheless / albeit 都是最典型的让步关系指示词,句中出现了两层让步,分别是:

1) despite 一直争斗 nevertheless 达成了共识;

2) 快 albeit 试探性的。

acerbic 严厉的,尖刻的;

swift 快;

onerous 艰巨的,繁重的,(法律)承担过重义务的;

hesitant 迟疑的,踌躇的;

conclusive 决定性的,令人信服的,确凿的,终结的,结论的。

3. Roman historians who study the period 30 B.C. to A.D. 180 can ___ the “Augustan Peace” only by failing to recognize that this peace in many respects resembled that of death.

(A) decry

(B) applaud

(C) ridicule

(D) demand

(E) disprove

翻译:公元前30年到公元180年的罗马,(尽管)史称“罗马和平时期”, (但)这种所谓的和平很多时候更像是“死的寂静”,只有忽略这一点的史家才会为之称道。


注意 only 提示的感情色彩,本句中的 only 意味着——任谁也不该、也不会。

by 表示方式手段。

in respect of sth. 就某方面而言,in many respect 很大程度上;

decry 公开谴责…以贬损其价值;

disprove 驳斥。

……这元首制由起初实施的二百年,被传统认为罗马和平时期。在此期间,整个帝国的凝聚力在城市生活、经济链、共同的文化、法治和宗教规范下变得越来越强大。在城市的暴动不常发生;即使发生了,它们都会被“无情而迅速地”平定;在不列巅尼亚和高卢的叛乱就是其中的例子。犹太罗马战争在公元后“一世纪”爆发,持续了六十年,最后在 “第二世纪”的上半段平息;这场是罗马惟一一场用了很长的时间和极其暴力的手段平定的一场叛乱。




4. She writes across generational lines, making the past so ___ that our belief that the present is the true locus of experience is undermined.

(A) complex

(B) distant

(C) vivid

(D) mysterious

(E) mundane




5. Because they had expected the spacecraft Voyager 2 to be able to gather data only about the planets Jupiter and Saturn, scientists were ___ the wealth of information it sent back from Neptune 12 years after leaving Earth.

(A) anxious for

(B) confident in

(C) thrilled about

(D) keen on

(E) elated by

(F) eager for




wealth of 大量,丰富;

confident 确定的,自信的,大胆狂妄的;

thrill 使人兴奋或激动;

be keen on 喜爱(人/事物),热衷于,对…充满热情;

elate 使…高兴或骄傲。

旅行者号 [Voyager]




6. Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything more than a ___ solution to the company’s financial woes.

(A) complete

(B) fleeting

(C) momentary

(D) premature

(E) trivial

(F) total



nothing more than 仅仅,只不过;

anything more than 可以认为是 not (...) anything more than,相当于“不仅是,不仅限于…”

7. The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so dangerousthat he criticized Dickens’ Oliver Twist for making the characters in the thieves’ kitchen so___ .

(A) threatening

(B) riveting

(C) fascinating

(D) conniving

(E) fearsome

(F) irritating



so ... that ... 因果关系。

cult 狂热崇拜;

thieves' kitchen 贼窝(缺乏信源);

8. Nature’s energy efficiency often ___ human technology: despite the intensity of the lightfireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light-producing systems whose efficiency ___ the firefly’s system.

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A outstrips

D stimulates

B inhibits

E rivals

C determines

F reproduce




9. Hampshire’s assertions, far from showing that we can ___ the ancient puzzles aboutobjectivity, reveal the issue to be even more ___ than we had thought.

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A admire

D elusive

B dismiss

E relevant

C adapt

F unconventional



far from 引导了一种对比关系,两个空的选项,有一种相反或相对的意味。



1. There is some ___ the fact that the author of a book as sensitive and informed as Indian Artisans did not develop her interest in Native American art until adulthood, for she grew up in a region rich in American Indian culture.

(A) irony in

(B) satisfaction in

(C) doubt about

(D) concern about

(E) presumptuousness in

2. Rumors, embroidered with detail, live on for years, neither denied nor confirmed, until they become accepted as fact even among people not known for their ___ .

(A) insight

(B) obstinacy

(C) introspection

(D) tolerance

(E) credulity

3. Sponsors of the bill were ___ because there was no opposition to it within the legislature until after the measure had been signed into law.

(A) unreliable

(B) well-intentioned

(C) persistent

(D) relieved

(E) detained

4. A common argument claims that in folk art, the artist’s subordination of technical mastery to intense feeling ___ the direct communication of emotion to the viewer.

(A) facilitates

(B) averts

(C) neutralizes

(D) implies

(E) represses

5. Always circumspect, she was reluctant to make judgments, but once arriving at a conclusion , she was ___ in its defense.

(A) uncompromising

(B) nonplussed

(C) obsequious

(D) intransigent

(E) deferential

(F) negligent

6. Congress is having great difficulty developing a consensus on energy policy, primarily because the policy objective of various members of Congress rest on such ___ assumptions.

(A) commonplace

(B) disparate

(C) divergent

(D) fundamental

(E) trite

(F) trivial

7. Regardless of what ___ theories of politics may propound , there is nothing that requires daily politics to be clear, thorough, and consistent - nothing, that is, that requires reality to conform to theory.

(A) systematic

(B) vague

(C) assertive

(D) casual

(E) vicious

(F) tidy

8. Without the psychiatrists promise of confidentiality, trust is ___ and the patients communication limited; even though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious in therapy, moral responsibility sometimes requires a willingness to ___ it.

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A regarded

D sacrifice

B assumed

E examine

C impaired

F uphold

9. Although the feeding activities of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a devastated appearance, these activities seem to be actually ___ to the area , ___ its productivity.

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A beneficial

D encumbering

B detrimental

E redirecting

C superfluous

F enhancing


1. There is some ___ the fact that the author of a book as sensitive and informed as IndianArtisans did not develop her interest in Native American art until adulthood, for she grew up in a region rich in American Indian culture.

(A) irony in

(B) satisfaction in

(C) doubt about

(D) concern about

(E) presumptuousness in



for 因果关系。

concern 担心、焦虑(的原因),重要或使某人感兴趣的事,公司、商行;

presumptuousness 胆大妄为,专横,冒失;

Native American / American Indian 美洲印第安人。

2. Rumors, embroidered with detail, live on for years, neither denied nor confirmed, until theybecome accepted as fact even among people not known for their ___ .

(A) insight

(B) obstinacy

(C) introspection

(D) tolerance

(E) credulity



insight 洞察(力),猛然领悟;

obstinacy 顽固、倔犟(的人或事);

introspection 内省。

3. Sponsors of the bill were ___ because there was no opposition to it within the legislatureuntil after the measure had been signed into law.

(A) unreliable

(B) well-intentioned

(C) persistent

(D) relieved

(E) detained



unreliable 不可靠的,不能信任的;

well-intentioned 善意的;

persistent 坚持不懈的,持久的;

detain 阻止,拘留。

4. A common argument claims that in folk art, the artist’s subordination of technical mastery to intense feeling ___ the direct communication of emotion to the viewer.

(A) facilitates

(B) averts

(C) neutralizes

(D) implies

(E) represses



facilitate 使(某事物)容易或减少困难;

avert 移开(目光、注意力等),避免;

neutralize 使中性化,使无效化,中和;

imply 暗示,包含;

repress 抑制,约束,平息。

5. Always circumspect, she was reluctant to make judgments, but once arriving at a conclusion , she was ___ in its defense.

(A) uncompromising

(B) nonplussed

(C) obsequious

(D) intransigent

(E) deferential

(F) negligent



nonplus 使迷惑;

obsequious 巴结的,卑躬屈膝的;

intransigent 固执己见的(贬);

deferential 顺从的,恭顺的;

negligent 疏忽的,漫不经心的。

6. Congress is having great difficulty developing a consensus on energy policy, primarilybecause the policy objective of various members of Congress rest on such ___ assumptions.

(A) commonplace

(B) disparate

(C) divergent

(D) fundamental

(E) trite

(F) trivial



disparate 迥异的;

divergent 分歧的;

fundamental 基要的;

trite 老套的,平淡无奇的;

trivial 琐碎的,普通的。

7. Regardless of what ___ theories of politics may propound , there is nothing that requires daily politics to be clear, thorough, and consistent - nothing, that is, that requires reality toconform to theory.

(A) systematic

(B) vague

(C) assertive

(D) casual

(E) vicious

(F) tidy



propound 提出,以供讨论或考虑;

systematic 系统的,井然有序的;

vague 模糊的;

assertive 坚定而自信的;

casual 偶然的,临时的,非正式的;

vicious 邪恶的,凶残的;

tidy 排列整齐的,相当大的,可观的。

8. Without the psychiatrists promise of confidentiality, trust is ___ and the patientscommunication limited; even though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious in therapy, moral responsibility sometimes requires a willingness to ___ it.

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A regarded

D sacrifice

B assumed

E examine

C impaired

F uphold



9. Although the feeding activities of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a devastated appearance, these activities seem to be actually ___ to the area , ___ its productivity.

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A beneficial

D encumbering

B detrimental

E redirecting

C superfluous

F enhancing



detrimental 有害的;

superfluous 多余的;

encumber 拖累,妨碍;

redirect 改变方向,改变航线。






