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5. Due to the extraordinary circumstances, British business owners found themselves in a (i)___ position during the second world war, forced to accept interference from the government and to acquiesce to (ii)___ role for labor unions in negotiating the terms and conditions of the employment.

Blank (i)

Blank (i)

A. defensive

D. a traditional

B. dominant

E. an enhanced

C. customary

F. a diminished

选 AE


customary 合乎习俗的,习惯上的


4. Scholarly works on detective stories often begin with (i)___ , suggesting that there is something vaguely wrong with adults who spend their time reading such fiction and certainly something (ii)___ those who devote energy to its analysis.

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A. chronologies

D. awry in

B. apologies

E. astute about

C. synopses

F. courageous about带入自己的好恶,本质上是一种发散思维,专业点好吗?

选 BD


chronology 年代学,年表

apology 道歉,懊悔,辩白,借口,勉强的替代品

synopsis 大纲,概要

vaguely 模糊地,含混地,不明确表达地

awry 歪斜,出错,失误,偏差

astute 敏锐的,精明的

courageous 有勇气的

也许有的同学读这题感觉特别别扭,他们本能地抗拒 apology,因为他们自己就是推理小说迷,从不觉得读和分析这些作品有什么错。对于因为这样的原因选错的同学,我想说,GRE 语文部分考察的是你能不能读懂一段逻辑,分析性写作才让你表达自己的逻辑,所以如果你在语文部分


3. The economic recovery was somewhat lopsided: (i)___ in some of the industries economics while (ii)___ in others of them.

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A. unexpected

D. robust

B. feeble

E. turbulent

C. swift

F. predictable

选 BD


while 引导对比关系。

选项中出现了两对反义词,feeble / robust 以及 unexpected / predictable,强弱对比更符合 lopsided 的设定。

lopsided 不均衡的,不对称的,向一侧倾斜的

unexpected 未料到的,突如其来的

feeble 无力的,弱的

swift (速度、反应等)快的,立即的

robust 健康有力的,精力充沛的,粗壮结实的,粗鲁、喧嚣的,(酒、食物等)醇厚浓烈的

turbulent 流动猛烈而不稳定的,动荡的,失控的

某国地方财政过于依赖卖地,以至于没有吸引力的三四线城市盖了很多卖不出去的房子,于是想出个政策,名叫去库存,可惜新政一出,三四线城市房子还是卖不出去,一二线城市借了东风,市民为获得条件更好的银行贷款合约,不惜离婚买房,想卖的房子没卖出去,不愁卖的房子迎来新一轮大涨价,这种情形也叫 lopsided 。


2. In protoscience times (in the ancient Greece), claims about the physical world were often accepted as true if they are reasonable; experimental verification, if thought necessary at all, was ___ .

A. utilitarian

B. empirical

C. perfunctory

D. inductive

E. egregious

选 C





一般我们习惯把 reasonable 作比较正面的理解,“ 合理的 ” 、“ 符合逻辑的 ”,但本句中它完全不能这样解释。

【AHD】reasonable:being within the bounds of common sense,过得去的,在常理范围内的。

这种所谓合理,是符合常人的预期,不让人意外,而不是符合科学或逻辑的道理。那些 claims 远不是有多科学,比如古希腊人认为组成物质世界的四大元素是风气火土,这跟科学一点都不搭边,所以叫前科学时期 protoscience 。


句中出现了两个 if,第一个比较常规,可以做 “ 如果 ” 讲,第二个比较妖,虽然也是连词,但引导 让步 关系,可替换为 even if / enen though / although,如果没读出让步,基本就回不来了。if 的这种用法,举几个例子:


if (also even if)

(used when admitting that sth may be true or may happen 用於承认某事可能属实或可能发生) although 即使; 纵然; 虽然:

If he said that, he didn't expect you to take it personally.

即使他是那样说的, 他也并不是针对你个人而言的.

ven if you saw him pick up the money, you can't be sure he stole it.

就算你看见是他拾起的钱, 你也不能肯定钱就是他偷的.

(3)at all

常见的 at all 总是搭配否定表述,比如 not at all,但有时 at all 也可以用在肯定的形式中,比如下列释义中的第二种情况:

【Random House Webster's Unabridged】

at all,

a. in the slightest degree: I wasn't surprised at all.

b. for any reason: Why bother at all?

c. in any way: no offense at all.

在 MWC 中,at all 这种用法大概可以归于 “ under any circumstances ” 中。



… experimental verification, if thought necessary at all, was …


… experimental verification, (even)if (it is) thought (to be) necessary at all, was …


utilitarian 有效用的,(时贬)功利的,功利主义的

empirical 经验的,以观察和实验为根据的,经验主义的

perfunctory 例行公事的,敷衍的,马虎的,不热心的

inductive 归纳(法)的,电磁感应的,诱导的,绪论的、初步介绍的

egregious 极坏的,极恶劣的


1. A new television documentary focuses on one of the prime minister’s defining contradiction, portraying her as a woman who cultivated an image of ___ , but who liked to live grandly.

A. irascibility

B. abstemiousness

C. contentiousness

D. surreptitiousness

E. insouciance

选 B


prime minister 首相,总理

cultivate 耕作,培养,陶冶,结交,这些解释都不大适合本题,我认为在本句中做 “刻意经营” 比较恰当,这种用法有时含贬义:


If you cultivate an attitude, image, or skill, you try hard to develop it and make it stronger or better.

He has written eight books and has cultivated the image of an elder statesman.

irascibility 易怒,性情暴躁

abstemiousness (饮食或饮酒)节制,朴素,节俭

contentiousness (人)爱争辩,(事物)惹争议

surreptitiousness 暗中(进行),鬼鬼祟祟,偷偷摸摸

insouciance 无忧无虑,漫不经心,漠不关心

我有个小学同学姓庄名 W,言必称 “怹老人家”,开始同学们都不懂他说的是谁,大概四年级以后逐渐明白了,现在想起来,我还觉得他挺恶心的。


