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  be held

  2. raise一般指日常生活中的事物上升 rise则说明一些自然现象的升起

  raise是及物动词(=n.) rise是不及物动词(+介)(不用于被动)

  3. join 参加组织或加入某人 e.g. join the army join the singing group join us

  join in=take part in参加活动 e.g. take an active part in 积极参加

  attend 出席(正式)e.g. attend the meeting,attend school,attend a lecture

  enter for 报名参加 e.g. enter for events

  4. 就近原则either…or, or, neither…nor, not only…but also,whether…or;not…but

  就远原则as well as;(together/along)with;except; besides;but;including;in addition to;rather than

  5. Solution-solve

  6. Be familiar with sth. Be familiar to sb. 熟悉

  7. electric这是一条电热毯。(不能说电子热毯,电学热毯)


  electronic equipment- 电子设备


  electrical appliances- 家用电器

  8. 修饰可数名词:a number of

  修饰不可数名词:an amount of ,a great deal of

  两者都可以修饰:enough, plenty of, a lot of/lots of

  9. 情态动词(直接加原形v.)否定 直接在后面加not 可用作疑问词,反义疑问同理

  实意动词(加to do,doing,n.等)否定疑问需用助动词,反义疑问同理

  10. prep\v不影响翻译疑问句,eg: dislike\without\fail

  初中阶段这些影响:no, nothing, never, hardly, few, little,seldom ,hardly ,rarely

  所有祈使句全用will you let’s用shall we

  11. Two thirds 三分之二

  1/4 1/2 3/4 优先用 a quarter 、a half 、three quarters

  12. Late晚了的 later晚些的

  13. advice是advise的名词形式,advise是advice的动词形式

  14. make of 用……做成(能看出原材料)

  make from 用……做成(看不出原材料)make up 由……构成

  15. job 是可数名词,work 只有当“工厂或著作”讲时才加s


  1、There is a flowers garden behind my house.

  2、I think we will make a friend with each other.

  3、I went to New York by his car.

  4、Make yourself home.

  5、We like both this little boy.

  6、The twins are very alike.

  7、Please tell me where the shoes shop is.

  8、Look. Here comes he.

  9、Shanghai is bigger than any other cities in China.

  10、My parents were very pleased at me.

  1、There is a flower garden behind my house.


  2、I think we will make a friend with each other.

  a friend改成friends, make friends 交朋友。

  3、I went to New York by his car.

  by改成in by加交通工具时,中间不能有任何介词,in one's car 坐某人的车。

  4、Make yourself home.

  make改成leave, leave有让某人留下的意思。

  5、We like both this little boy.


  6、The twins are very alike.


  7、Please tell me where the shoes shop is.

  鞋店应该是shoe shop, 所以shoes去掉s.

  8、Look. Here comes he.

  应该是Here he comes. 代词作主语时,用部分倒装,不用全倒装。

  9、Shanghai is bigger than any other cities in China.

  any other +单数名词 表示 任何其他的一个。这句话的意思是上海比中国的其它任何一个城市都大。也就是中国最大的城市的意思。

  10、My parents were very pleased at me.

  at 改成with, be pleased with sb. 对某人感到很满意。


  1、She is my older sister.

  2、It's late enough that we can go home now.

  3、I want to know whether you come to my party or not tomorrow.

  4、What he said are right.

  5、The schoolmaster and writer are coming.

  6、This is the room in that the old man lives.

  7、This is the first American film which I've ever seen.

  8、Here are some books, you can choose anyone of these.

  9、I shall drop in you.

  10、Our class is made of twenty girls and twenty one boys.

  1、She is my older sister.

  older改成elder,older是年龄更大的意思,而elder是指年长的,用在brother, sister前面指哥哥,姐姐的意思。

  2、It's late enough that we can go home now.


  3、I want to know whether you come to my party or not tomorrow.

  you will come,明天是将来时,will用在将来时态中。

  4、What he said are right.

  are改成is, 他说的话作主语,谓语动词用单数。

  5、The schoolmaster and writer are coming.

  writer前面加一个the, 后面谓语动词用are,显然是两个人,所以在两个人前面都加定冠词the.

  6、This is the room in that the old man lives.

  that改成which, which引导定语从句是,后面的介词可以提前,that 不可以。

  7、This is the first American film which I've ever seen.

  which改成that, 先行词有序数词,形容词最高级修饰时,应该用关系代词that引导。

  8、Here are some books, you can choose anyone of these.

  any one, 即分开的,合在一起的anyone是任何人的意思,分开的是任何其中的一个。

  9、I shall drop in you.

  in后面加on, drop in on sb. 拜访某人。

  10、Our class is made of twenty girls and twenty one boys.

  made 后面加个up, be made up of 由......组成的意思。

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