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1.Dealing with Expenses

0 Most companies use forms or spreadsheets to process travel and entertainment

00 expenses claims. As a result, it can be difficult to control over spending across the

34 organisation, and unfortunately when data often needs to be processed again and entered

35 into the firm's other such accounting systems. One solution is an automated expenses

36 management system. But if there are various measures you can implement to make

37 your existing procedures more efficient. Firstly, try ensure that all expenses claims are

38 independently been authorised. Who approves senior managers' claims, for example?

39 Don't waste time for reviewing all expenses claims; only look in detail at a sample, but

40 regularly up date the firm's expenses policy, and query with all claims that fall outside it. You

41 should also avoid duplicating effort; if line managers check expenses, there is little point

42 in the accounts department are doing so. You could try to cut down on cash advances and

43 corporate credit cards; making staff to use their own credit cards encourages them

44 to submit claims on time. It is also a good idea to identify and remind staff who do not

45 submit or approve claims promptly. Finally, aim to recharge every expenses to customers where your business model allows.

《Dealing with Expenses》,处理花费。




37题,try在这里从意思上和用法上都不通。没有尝试的意思,就是要确保(ensure),而且就算要用try,后面也不能直接跟ensure,好歹用个try to,可惜BEC里没有这种改法。只能把try去掉。

38题,前面有了谓语动词are,后面冒出一个been,这是什么用法,直接用are authorised,表示被授权。

39题,waste time doing,把时间浪费在什么上面,固定搭配,for多余。



42题,谓语动词重复。There is little point in doing so,做什么没有意义,常见的说法,are是多余的。

43题,make sb. do sth. 固定搭配,to多余



是every four minutes这样的用法,所以去掉


2.The Career Forum

0 If you work in the city centre then a visit to the Career Forum, is the

00 city's most successful recruitment exhibition, will give you the information

34 you need to determine whether you are making up the most of yourself.

35 Currently, there are advertising many new vacancies on the job market.

36 With good skills and a healthy work record in greater demand than ever, it is

37 the ideal time to ensure that your career is being on the right track. The Career

38 Forum has been responsible for helping many thousands of the people

39 improve their job potential, and it can do something the same for you.

40 Some of the best jobs in town never reach out the advertising pages, so

41 to be considered for one of these top jobs as they become available,

42 you will need to make closely contact with the employers' agents. The Career

43 Forum is making the perfect opportunity. It is set in an informal atmosphere

44 and there is no pressure put; you can choose which agents you talk to.

45 So if you are looking for a new job, come and join us at the Career Forum.

《The Career Forum》,职业论坛。这篇文章其实是一则广告,为这个什么职业论坛做宣传的。

34题,make the most of yourself,固定说法。貌似爱默生的名言:Make the most of yourself,for that is all there is of you。这里UP是多余的。

35题,advertising在这里明显多余。很完整的句子,there主语,are谓语,many new vacancies是宾语,没有多余的位置给advertising。


37题,be on the right track,在正确的轨道上。Being多余。


39题,do the same for you,固定的说法,为你做同样的。something是多余的。

40题,reach out是伸出援助之手的意思,在这个句子里不是这个意思,只是说好的工作从未到达广告页,所以去掉out。


42题,make contact with,如果要用也是用close,不能用closely,去掉






在中文里,我们可以把"虽然""但是"放在一起,也可以将"因为""所以"放在一起,而在英语中,我们用了although/though就不可以用but (但是可以用yet),用了because/since/as就不可以用so。另外。在句子中一般不可以同时出现以下的词语: how与well , only与hardly ,serve与for ,reach与at/in ,rise与up ,most与best , must与have to ,another与other(s) ,marry与 with ,repeat与again (但可以与again and again连用),return 与 back等等。

例如: How do you get on well with the staff. (这句话中,well实际上回答了how, 所以well是多余的。又如serve for our customs 中for也是多余的,因为serve是及物动词,本身已经含有for的意思,再用for就造成了意思上的重复。)



例如:Their backgrounds are vary from arts to sciences (vary是动词,因此,are是多余的。又如:But Garrard is going to be relax. 一句,relax是动词,be是多余的。 又如:Rather than waste of time in traffic jams.中的of 是多余的,因为waste是及物动词;又如:...,where executives fly them in and out the same day. 中them是多余的,因为fly是不及物动词。)

又如:In addition to have formal lessons, participants have the opportunity to learn in social situations with trainers and fellow students. (In addition to中to是介词,后面要接上名词或动名词,不可以接上动词原形。所以应该去掉have )

宾语从句中that与what或that 与if / whether的同时出现

在宾语从句中,我们不可以用两个连词来连接同一个句子。出题者往往会在宾语从句中同时使用that和what或that和if / whether来考查学生是否掌握好基本的语法知识。

例如:It really doesn’t matter that what we pay for an investment. (在这句话中就同时用了两个连词。我们知道,pay是一个及物动词,要求接上宾语,what在这里充当pay的宾语,而that仅仅是起到连接的作用,没有实在的意义,所以 that是多余的。)

又如:They understand that if the really price of not training is the company failing behind as a result. (在这句话中同时使用了两个连词that和if ,根据句子的意思,我们可以判断出不含有"是否"之意,所以句中的if是多余的。)


抽象名词被可数化主要是指在不可数名词的前面用了不定冠词a 或an ,使不可数名词被当作可数名词使用。这主要考查考生对词性的把握能力。这类题目的解决方法就是平时学习过程中多注意积累,有些名词,如bread , paper , chalk在中文里是可数的,但是在英文里是比可数的。当然,对于一个不熟悉的名词,在考试中就只有通过逻辑来判断了。

例如:A poor financial management is one of the main reasons why business fails . (management是一个抽象名词,所以它属于不可数名词,前面的a是多余的)

又如:If you would like to receive a further information on working overseas, please do not hesitate to contact us. (information是不可数名词,不可以用a修饰,所以a是多余的。)


这类词的考查主要集中在含有"极端"意义或绝对概念的形容词或副词上,也就是本身含有"最"的意义的形容词或副词,如:comparative , relative , absolute , entire , excellent , perfect , total , through , utter , whole , complete , full , empty等,这些词语都没有比较等级,所以前面不可以用more , most来修饰这些词语。

例如:He is the most excellent worker of the company . (这句话中的excellent 已经含有"最"的意义,不需要再用most来修饰,所以most是多余的。)



例如:This experience which will also give you a chance to widen your outlook on life, encounter cultural differences and develop new skills. (在这个句子中,主语是this experience,谓语是give,后面的是give的宾语。所以,句子不缺少语法成分,which是多余的。)

又如:Staying with a host family that gives participants even more time to practise English. (在这个句子中,用了动名词做主语,谓语动词是give,后面的其它是宾语成分。句子主谓宾成分都不残缺,所以that是多余的,应该删去。)


商务英语考试中,短文改错题,是很多考生都很头疼的题目,今天,小编就给大家带来关于这种题型的考试指导,希望能够对大家有所帮助!  一、考试要点  对语法知识的考查  对常用词汇用法的考查  对习惯性搭配的词组的考查  对句子意思把握能力的考查  二、考点要求  掌握一定的语法知识,具备分析句子成分的能力  通过全文,准确把握句子意思的能力  识记常用词汇的基本用法  识记习惯搭配的词组及句型结构  掌握常见错误类型  牢记Tips中的提示  三、考题特点  这一部分一般是一篇150-200字的短文,要求学生找出短文中的错误,文章一般被拆分为14-15行,其中前面的两行用来做示范用,会有一个是正确,一个是错误。在剩下的标号为34-45 的12个小题中,一般会有1-3个是正确的,其它都是有错误的。通常情况下,出现4个或4个以上正确是比较少的。所以考生在做完后出现4个或4个以上正确选项的时候应该再进行检查,确保没有其它错误存在。  就其形式来看,BEC短文改错中只有多词和正确两种。多词常表现在出现多余的冠词,介词,副词,连词,代词等等。也就是说,多词多表现在虚词多余。这些词出现后会造成句子语法上错误或逻辑意义上不通。语法上的错误通常表现在词性的误用,代词的重复,泛指与特指的误用,时态不正确,对立性词语同时出现等等。对于动词的考查,多出现在那些可以接从句又可以用于复合结构的词,出题者通常是通过两种句式的混用来达到测试考生分析句子能力的目的。  四、与四六级改错题的比较  1.错误种类不同  四六级中有多词,漏词,错词和正确四种类型;而在BEC中却只有多词和正确两种类型。多词又可以分为语法成分上多词和逻辑意义上多词两种。在BEC短文改错中是不存在漏词现象的,这一点与四六级有所不同,考生要特别注意。这也造成了在改正方法上与四六级有所不同。  2.改正方法不同  四六级中的改正方法是:多词删去,漏词补上,错词更正,正确打钩;而在BEC中却有很大的不同,对于多词只要求你找出来就可以,不要求进行改正。对于多余的单词要在答题卡上用大写字母标出,对于正确的也要用大写字母写上CORRECT,而不是打上钩。由于在BEC短文改错中不存在漏词的现象,所以有些题目按四六级要求有两种改法,但在BEC中却只有一种改法。对于这样的题目,考生要特别注意,做题时务必做到符合考试要求。在下一节中会谈到这种类型的题目,这里就不重复了。  3.难度系数不同  四六级的考题中基本上是生活方面的基本用词,广大考生都比较熟悉,而在BEC中会出现不少的专业术语,因此,不掌握好商务英语词汇对解题会有较大的困难,有时候还涉及到对生词词性的判断,如及物与不及物,可数与不可数等。所以,从这种意义上说,BEC的短文改错要比四六级的短文改错难。但是,由于BEC短文改错中只有多词和正确两种类型,而没有漏词现象,再加上BEC中只要求你找出多余的单词即可,而不像四六级那样要求你补上漏词,改正错词。所以,从这个意义上说,BEC难度似乎要小一些。

