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Evaluating the performance of the board

Few employees escape the annual or twice-yearly performance review. (0) .....G......The answer is not a great number. And the smaller the company, the fewer checks there are on how well the directors are doing. Some of the largest companies formally assess the performance of their board, but very few new or growing companies have managed to get round to establishing any such procedure.

Many business experts believe, however, that it is important for all companies to review the performance of the board. (8) .............Another reason is that the board itself needs information on how well it is doing, just as much as other employees do. For the chief executive, appraisal of some sort is absolutely essential for his or her own sake and for the good of the company. Indeed, many of those who have reached this level remark on how lonely the job of chief executive is and how few opportunities they get to discuss issues relating to it.

There is some evidence to show that once smaller companies put a board appraisal process in place, they find this process relatively easy to operate. (9) .............Their counterparts in larger organisations, however, are often afraid that appraisals could be a challenge to their status.

So, how should companies assess their board? (10) .............At a very basic level,this could simply mean getting all the directors to write down what they have achieved and how they can improve on it. At the other end of the scale is the full '360-degree' appraisal. Here, each director is appraised in a systematic manner by a combination of the chairman and fellow directors.

In the largest companies there are many methods for assessing the board. A number of such companies have self-assessment schemes. The chairman may meet each board member individually to ask how things are going, in a fairly informal way. The whole board might also meet to talk about its progress in open session. (11).............These might ask for people's opinions on the board's main tasks or on how well the committees are working.

Research indicates there has been some improvement in the way the appraisal of board members is conducted. (12) .............The chairman will have been involved directly or indirectly in the appraisal of all members of the board. Whose job is it, then, to appraise the chairman?

A It is often the case that the directors of such companies are even happy to receive criticism, as this can prevent them from making basic mistakes.

B The rest of the workforce sees it as unfair if the directors are the only members of the company to escape appraisal.

C These are encouraging as they put a limit on the power of the chairman to assess fellow directors.

D Alternatively, questionnaires might be distributed to directors, forming the basis for future discussion.

E One issue remains, however, when all the others have been dealt with.

F It is generally agreed that it is the chairman's responsibility to ensure the regular appraisal of each member of the board.

G However, one wonders how many companies have in place a formal appraisal process for their board of directors.

《Evaluating the performance of the board》,评估董事局的表现。众所周知一个公司里面是经常对员工的表现进行评估的,那么谁又来评估董事局的表现呢?这篇文章讲了对董事局表现进行评估的重要性和一些方法。

第八题,前面说对董事局的表现进行评估是很重要的。空格后面的句子中有another reason,可见这个第八空应该填入对董事局表现进行评估原因的句子。B符合这一特点,为什么要进行评估,因为“如果决策层是公司唯一逃避评估的成员的话,其他的员工会视之为不公平。”

第九题,前面说小公司会发现这种评估过程更容易操作。空格后面一个however,说大公司的决策层会认为评估是对他们地位的一种挑战。可见这个空格应该填入表示小公司愿意接受评估的句子。A符合这一特点:通常这些公司的决策层会很乐意接受批评,因为这可以防止他们犯错误。这里的such companies是个暗示,可以和前面的smaller companies对应上。


第十一题。第五段依然是讲评估的方法,具体的过程。空格的前面说主席可以单独会见董事局的每一个成员,或者是集体在一起谈话。空格后面说这些可以询问人们关于董事局主要任务以及委员会的工作进展情况的意见。ask for people’s opinion是个关键点,什么可以询问人们的观点?调查。选D,questionnaires是个关键的暗示:或者,也许可以给经理们分发调查问卷,形成未来讨论的基础。

第十二题,这一空前面说有调查显示对董事局成员进行评估的方法有所改善。空格后面来了一个疑问,提出没有人评估主席。可见第十二题有转折的意思,选E,有关键的连词however,而且E的one issue remains,正好对应最后一段最后一句话的一个问题。内容上也吻合。



We manage our own careers now. So knowing how to brand and position yourself in the market as 'Me plc' at different stages of your working life is becoming an increasingly vital skill. At least that is what image expert Mary Spillane believes. 'Employment as we know it is decreasing. Jobs don't exist, work exists. In the next decade most of us will be suppliers, not staff. We will have clients not bosses. If you are under 30, you probably know that there is only one firm to join for life: Me plc. It promotes you and your potential to others.'

'We're working in multi-national, multicultural, multi-corporate teams and it's important to understand the implications of this. We need to create a personal brand that is unique, but complements the brand of the corporation we are working for. You have to find a way to do it so that you are not just a typical employee,' advises Spillane. 'You have to decide what central values you want to project, and also what may need to alter from situation to situation.'

Many people only remember Mary Spillane for the years she spent running a cosmetics company, but she actually has masters degrees in information science and politics. She used to hide that hard-hitting side, but is now eager to show it and forget about cosmetics. 'Now that I'm working in the boardrooms of major plcs and global companies, I'm playing up my degrees and management background so that the image side is seen only as an addition to the value side,' says Spillane.

Some contracts take longer than others. 'The City law firms I'm currently working for are really difficult because they don't have any idea of what their brand should be, and are still very traditional even when talking about becoming modern. I'm showing them how to do everything from changing their reception areas -which tend to be very off-putting with their high-fronted reception desks - to how to make small talk that is less formal and rigid. Companies rebrand themselves all the time, spending millions on new office interiors and so on. But without an underlying change of attitudes, it can prove an empty exercise.'

She argues that for individuals too, there must be more than a surface change, as rebranding goes deeper than a mere change of wardrobe. Beyond advice on appearance, she tells clients, 'Remind yourself of what you are selling: the personal values that comprise your brand. Learn to present yourself in a way that will project what you want to deliver. Lifelong learning is essential, together with the sort of discovery and adventure that promote personal growth. Always have an up-to-the-minute CV ready to print out, refreshing it every few months with your most recent achievements, just to remind others of your brand value.'

She believes it is essential that you understand both your public self and your private self, as well as your blind spots and your potential, in order to create an effective brand. The public self is the image you project to the world, the private self is what you know about yourself but others don't, arid blind spots are those things that others see about you but you can't see for yourself. By deciding what image you want other people to see, emphasising more of your private self and sorting out a few blind spots, you will increase not only your potential to influence others, but also your self-esteem and self-confidence.'

13 In the first paragraph, Mary Spillane says people should learn how to market themselves because

A it encourages companies to give them a job for life.

B in the future it will be a company requirement.

C in many careers it is becoming difficult to succeed.

D it will help them adapt to developments in the job market.

14 Spillane says that, when creating a personal brand, it is important to

A change things depending on the circumstances.

B decide what image people would like you to present.

C make sure that colleagues feel at ease with your image.

D follow the example of someone in the company you work for.

15 What do we learn about Spillane in the third paragraph?

A She is embarrassed about her career with a cosmetics company.

B She doesn't like talking about her academic background.

C She has qualifications many people are unaware of.

D She worries about how other people see her.

16 Which problem does Spillane refer to when talking about the companies she is presently working with?

A They find it difficult to accept her ideas.

B They are unaware of how to rebrand themselves.

C They don't want to spend large amounts of money.

D They are unwilling to modernise their work environment.

17 When advising people on rebranding themselves, Spillane tells them to

A attend courses to gain specialist skills.

B update regularly their written proof of what they can do.

C try out different ways of presenting themselves to others.

D remember that what they look like is the most important point.

18 Spillane says that, in order to rebrand yourself successfully, it is important to

A ask for other people's opinions about your image.

B feel confident about what you are trying to achieve.

C learn how to make use of all aspects of your character.

D model yourself on people with a certain amount of influence.

《How to market yourself》,怎样开发你自己。这篇文章主要是一个专家(Mary Spillane)对个人在职业生涯中的一些建议,包括怎么定位、怎样正确认识自己等等。很实用很中肯的一篇文章。看来这国外的专家并不也是夸夸其谈之辈啊。

13题,问第一段Mary Spillane认为人们应该学会开发他们自己的原因是什么。第一段里这个专家认为就业机会在减少,job不存在了,存在的是work,在未来十年所有人都将成为才华和能力的提供者(supplier),而不是员工(staff),老板将变成自己的客户。从专家的这段话可以看出她认为人们应该学会开发自己的原因是适应就业市场的发展,也就是D答案所说的。A在原文没有提到,B的理解有误,原文说there is only one firm to join for life: Me plc。生活中只有一个值得加入的公司:自我公司。这句的意思还是说人们要学会开发自己,而不是将来有公司需要。C在原文中也没有提到。

14题,问在创造个人品牌的时候,很重要的是什么。答案是第二段的最后一句:You have to decide what central values you want to project, and also what may need to alter from situation to situation.你必须决定自己要建立的中心价值什么,同时还有哪些是需要随着环境的改变而改变的。A的表述正确,根据环境来改变事情。B不对,不是说决定人们想要你呈现的形象,而是自己决定自己想要建立的中心价值。C、D在原文都没有提到。


16题,问Spillane指出了现在工作公司的什么问题。答案是第四段的这么一句:they don't have any idea of what their brand should be, and are still very traditional even when talking about becoming modern.对于自己的品牌应该是怎么样的他们没有任何概念,同时在谈到变得现代时依然很传统。这一段是讲这个公司在转变时的一些问题,他们投入了巨大的财力想重新树立自己的品牌,但是没有一个深层次的态度的转变,是很难有实效的。答案是B,不知如何重新树立自己的品牌。A不对,没有说不愿意接受,C不对,公司投入巨大,D不对,不是不愿意现代化,而是不知道怎么现代化,说要现代化还是显得很传统。

17题,问对于想要重新树立自己品牌的个人,Spillane的建议是什么。答案是第五段的最后一句:Always have an up-to-the-minute CV ready to print out, refreshing it every few months with your most recent achievements时刻要有一个准备打印的最新的简历,每隔几个月用你最新的成绩来更新一次。总结起来就是B选项所说的“固定更新关于自己能做什么的书面证明”。

18题,问为了能成功的重新树立自己的个人品牌,很重要的是什么。最后一段强调了人应该了解自己的几个方面:公我(public self)、私我(private self)、盲点和潜力,并且分别介绍了四种方面的含义。答案是这么一句,需要提炼总结:By deciding what image you want other people to see, emphasising more of your private self and sorting out a few blind spots。更多的强调私我,并且挑选出一些盲点。总结起来就是B所说的:学会怎样全面利用自己性格的各个方面。

理解一下D选项一个词组的含义:model yourself on(after) somebody:to try to be like someone else because you admire them最后说点不是题外话的题外话。


1、jobs don't exist, work exists. In the next decade most of us will be suppliers, not staff. We will have clients not bosses.


2、You have to decide what central values you want to project, and also what may need to alter from situation to situation.


3、Remind yourself of what you are selling: the personal values that comprise your brand. Learn to present yourself in a way that will project what you want to deliver.



1 the contact between coach and employee not solving all difficulties at work

2 the discussion of how certain situations could be better handled if they occur again

3 a coach encouraging an employee to apply what has been taught to routine work situations

4 coaching providing new interest to individuals who are unhappy in their current positions

5 coaching providing a supportive environment to discuss performance

6 employees being asked to analyse themselves and practise greater self-awareness

7 coaching enabling a company to respond rapidly to a lack of expertise in a certain area



Coaching involves two or more people sitting down together to talk through issues that have come up recently at work, and analysing how they were managed and how they might be dealt with more effectively on subsequent occasions. Coaching thus transfers skills and information from one person to another in an on-the-job situation so that the work experience of the coach is used to advise and guide the individual being coached. It also allows successes and failures to be evaluated in a non-threatening atmosphere.


Coaching means influencing the learner's personal development, for example his or her confidence and ambition. It can take place any time during an individual's career. Coaching is intended to assist individuals to function more effectively, and it is a powerful learning model. It begins where skills-based training ends, and helps individuals to use formally learnt knowledge in day-to-day work and management situations. Individuals being coached are in a demanding situation with their coach, which requires them to consider their own behaviour and question their reasons for doing things.


The coach professionally assists the career development of another individual, outside the normal manager/subordinate relationship. In theory, the coaching relationship should provide answers to every problem, but in practice it falls short of this. However, it can provide a space for discussion and feedback on topics such as people management and skills, behaviour patterns, confidence-building and time management. Through coaching, an organisation can meet skills shortages, discuss targets and indicate how employees should deal with challenging situations, all at short notice.


Effective coaches are usually those who get satisfaction from the success of others and who give time to the coaching role. Giving people coaching responsibilities can support their development, either by encouraging management potential through small-scale one-to-one assignments, or by providing added job satisfaction to managers who feel they are stuck in their present jobs. A coach is also a confidential adviser, accustomed to developing positive and effective approaches to complex management, organisational and change problems.


第一题,教练和员工之间的接触不能解决工作中的所有困难。答案是C段的这么一句:In theory, the coaching relationship should provide answers to every problem, but in practice it falls short of this.理论上,培训可以提供所有问题的答案。但是实践中达不到这样。Fall short of是关键词。

第二题,讨论某些情况如果再度出现的话怎么样可以处理的更好。答案是A段的这么一句:analysing how they were managed and how they might be dealt with more effectively on subsequent occasions.分析应该如何进行处理并且在接下来的情况下怎样可以处理的更有效。这里的dealt with more effectively对应于题干中的better handled,on subsequent occasions.也就是occur again。

第三题,教练鼓励员工将所学应用到日常的工作中。答案是B段的这么一句:helps individuals to use formally learnt knowledge in day-to-day work and management situations.帮助个人将学到的正式知识用在日常工作和管理情况下。这里的day-to-day work and management situations就是题干中的routine work situations,what has been taught也就是formally learnt knowledge。

第四题,培训为在现有岗位上不高兴的个人提供了新的兴趣。答案是D段的这么一句:providing added job satisfaction to managers who feel they are stuck in their present jobs。对感觉自己在现有岗位上受困的经理们提供附加的工作满足感。这里的stuck in their present jobs就是题干中的unhappy in their current position,added job satisfaction可以对应于题干中的new interest。

第五题,培训提供了一个有力的、支持性的讨论工作表现的环境。答案是A段的:It also allows successes and failures to be evaluated in a non-threatening atmosphere.它允许成功和失败在一个没有威胁的气氛下被评估。成功和失败也就是performance,supportive environment可以对应于non-threatening atmosphere。

第六题,员工被要求分析他们自己并且培养出更强的自知。有必要理解下self-awareness的含义,不能简单的从中文理解成自我意识,看英文解释:knowledge and understanding of yourself。所以答案是B段的这么一句:requires them to consider their own behaviour and question their reasons for doing things.要求他们考虑自己的行为并且思考这么做的理由。consider their own behaviour可以对应于题干中的analyse themselves,思考这么做的理由也是为了进一步增进对自己的认识。

第七题,培训可以使得公司对某个领域的技术缺失迅速做出反应。答案是C段的最后一句:indicate how employees should deal with challenging situations, all at short notice.指出员工怎样处理有挑战性的情况,在短时间内。At short notice是一接到通知就,短时间内的意思,可以对应这一题的respond rapidly,challenging situations可以指代题干中的a lack of expertise in a certain area.


1 In order to complete a task well, it may not be necessary to deal with every detail.

2 If you have too much to do, you may need toturn down work in the future.

3 Any planning activity needs to take place on a regular basis.

4 You should avoid giving additional time to a particular task.

5 It is possible that some routine tasks do not need to be carried out.

6 If you are overloaded with work, it is important to identify the cause.

7 People at all levels perform time-wasting activities.

Successful Time Management


The secret of avoiding work pressure is thinking ahead. Every day you need to review your progress towards objectives and decide how you can best use the time available to make further progress. You may find this is best done at the start of your working day but some people prefer to have a planning session just before they finish. Whichever you select - and you may need to experiment to find what suits you best-find some way of fitting the activity into your schedule. Never say, 'I don't have time to plan today'.


Managers at all levels occasionally find they have taken on more than they can cope with. This is not a crime, but you must examine the reasons for such a situation and then plan a course of action. Until the problem is resolved, most of your time and energy will go into worrying about the situation and you will feel unmotivated. Think too about how to prevent it happening again. This may require you to be firm and avoid agreeing to more than is realistic.


If a review of your working practices shows that you are too much of a perfectionist, do something about this. Modern definitions of quality refer to Witness for purpose'. If you bear this in mind, you may find it easier to persuade yourself to settle for an acceptable level of quality rather than perfection. When thinking about objectives and planning how to achieve them, consider how thoroughly you need to do something in order to meet your requirements. Unless you have spare time, do not spend extra hours on an activity in an effort to cover absolutely everything.


If your review of a period of time shows that you are spending time on things that are not really necessary or important, then think hard about whether you can afford this time. Many people file unnecessary papers and attend endless, unproductive meetings. Even top managers can be guilty of misdirecting their efforts by supervising subordinates too closely or failing to delegate. If you question the necessity of certain work, you may find it easier to avoid these misdirected efforts and this will better inform your planning in the future.

《Successful Time Management》,成功的时间管理。文章针对怎么利用时间、提高工作效率提出了一些建议。

第一题,为了完成好一个任务,没有必要处理每一个细节。答案是C段的最后一句话,而且这句话同时是第一题和第四题的答案所在:Unless you have spare time, do not spend extra hours on an activity in an effort to cover absolutely everything.除非你有空闲的时间,否则不要在一件事情上花费额外的时间去努力涉及到所有事情。cover absolutely everything可以对应于deal with every detail。

第二题,如果你有很多要做的,也许需要拒绝以后的工作。答案是B段的最后一句,有点绕:This may require you to be firm and avoid agreeing to more than is realistic.这需要你变得坚定,避免答应超出现实的工作。more than is realistic,也就是眼前无法完成的工作,即work in the future。

第三题,任何计划行为都需要建立在一个有规律的基础上。答案在A段。A段整个就是讲的计划的重要性,有计划,才能合理安排时间。中间说有人喜欢在每天开始的时候计划,有人喜欢在结束前。答案是这么一句:you may need to experiment to find what suits you best-find some way of fitting the activity into your schedule.你必须去试验寻找到最适合你的——寻找将这个活动融入到你的时间表的某种方法。要让计划融入进你的时间表,也就是说计划要成为你的日程的固定部分,即题目说的take place on a regular basis。

第四题,在第一题已经说了,C段的最后一句,extra hours可以对应于additional time。

第五题,可能有些例行的任务不需要被执行。答案是D段的第一句:If your review of a period of time shows that you are spending time on things that are not really necessary or important, then think hard about whether you can afford this time如果回顾某段时间发现你在一些并不是真正必要或者重要的事情上花费了时间,那么你需要仔细考虑这次你是否花的起。言下之意,有些things that are not really necessary or important(some routine tasks)可以不必花时间做(do not need to be carried out)。

第六题,如果你觉得自己工作负担过重,那么查明原因很重要。答案是B段的这么一句:This is not a crime, but you must examine the reasons for such a situation and then plan a course of action。examine the reasons可以对应于identify the cause。

第七题,各个等级的人都会进行浪费时间的活动。答案在D段,需要提炼。D段整个讲的都是不要把时间浪费在不必要的事情上。前面说不要干一些routine task,后面说顶端的经理们也会误用他们的努力。最后一段盘点了很多人,前面的many people,后面的even top manager,和在一起就是题目说的people at all levels。不管是routine task,还是misdirecting their efforts,都是time-wasting activities。


1 SunTours runs a risk by selling similar holidays to customers in different income brackets.

2 It is worth offering holidays at a discount to increase the number of bookings.

3 SunTours needs to reflect on its marketing methods if it wants to boost repeat custom.

4 It would be a good idea to sell holidays to locations which other promoters have ignored.

5 SunTours has been disadvantaged by its approach in the past.

6 In certain locations, SunTours may be able to negotiate more favourable contracts.

7 There is an alternative to discount holidays that would be more satisfactory for SunTours' customers.

Four market experts offer advice to SunTours, the middle-market tour operator

A Robert Worth

Marketing to a wider audience could lead to more people buying direct from SunTours rather than going through travel agents, and the consequent reduction in agents' commissions might boost company profits. Towards the end of the season, reducing the cost of holidays would attract last-minute customers, thus avoiding any possible loss on unfilled accommodation and flights. The company could also increase profits by selling more specialised holidays here in Britain, perhaps by offering breaks at historic sites and coastal destinations.

B Steven Worrel

Whether it's worth discounting surplus holidays is an arguable point, as it not only cuts into profits, but also results in budget-conscious holidaymakers being put next to SunTours' more affluent customers, thus damaging the brand. It may seem attractive at first because of tight margins, but SunTours should think twice before taking up this option. Currently, SunTours is planning to sell higher-margin holidays to previously 'unmarketed' destinations for which demand is greater than supply. It is likely that accommodation providers in these emerging holiday destinations will be more flexible when it comes to setting terms. The firm should go ahead with this policy.

C Ursula Capalbo

Good risk management and higher sales can guarantee higher profits. Although SunTours has always been averse to planning, the company would in fact benefit from a risk model that forecasts the impact of discounting on cash flow and profitability throughout the year. SunTours would then be able to change direction when things go wrong, as they inevitably do from time to time. Diversification can increase rather than spread risk, so caution is needed as the company enters regions where facilities for tourists are not yet fully developed. Targeting customers nearing retirement age, whose disposable income and leisure time are increasing, would be ideal.

D Gillian Wilmot

SunTours knows that good relationships with customers is the key to success in the travel business. With this in mind, the company should consider that brochure mailings, unlike electronic communications, can attract customers and maximise year-round opportunity. They encourage summer tourists to take another break and can even be used to send a thank-you letter to returning customers. Selling holidays at a reduced price is definitely not a sensible option. A better choice would be value-added promotions which can improve profitability and build on SunTours customers' desire for high-quality service.


第一题,通过将同样的假日出售给不同收入层次的客户是有风险的。这题的答案够隐晦的,而且不是特别的对应。答案是B段开头的一段话。说该不该将多余的假期打折,是一个有争议的点。这样会导致一些注重预算的人被放在了SunTours’的一些更富裕的客户旁边,从而将品牌给毁了。注重预算的(budget-conscious)和更富裕的(more affluent customers)是两种不同的收入人群,也就是different income brackets,damaging the brand,毁坏了品牌,言下之意,这么做是有风险的,即runs a risk。

第二题,说值得提供打折假期来增加预定的数量。答案是A段的这么一句:Towards the end of the season, reducing the cost of holidays would attract last-minute customers, thus avoiding any possible loss on unfilled accommodation and flights。减少假日的开销可以吸引最后的客户,从而避免空余的住宿和飞行带来的损失。Unfilled accommodation,没有被预定的住宿,对应于题目中的booking。

第三题,如果想要增加回头客,SunTours需要反思它的市场策略。答案在D段,需要提炼:the company should consider that brochure mailings。They encourage summer tourists to take another break and can even be used to send a thank-you letter to returning customers.先说公司应该考虑邮寄宣传册,接着说他们可以鼓励暑假的游客去休另一个假期甚至可以用来给回头客发送感谢信。后面的句子整个说的就是如何boost repeat customer,前面的consider brochure mailings是具体说明如何思考市场策略(reflect on marketing methods)

第四题,说卖其他开发者忽略的地方的假期将会是一个不错的点子。答案是B段的这么一句:SunTours is planning to sell higher-margin holidays to previously 'unmarketed' destinations for which demand is greater than supply。计划出售先前没被开发的地方的更高利润的假期,在那里供不应求。Unmarketed destination也就是other promoters have ignored。在供不应求的地方做生意,但是是a good idea。

