



大学英语作文 篇1

Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists about the most desirable qualities in a teacher, but I think the following would be generally accepted.

First, the teacher's personality should be pleasantly lively and attractive. This doesn't rule out people who are physically plain, or even ugly, because many such people have great personal charm. But it does rule out those who are over excitable, depressed, unfriendly, sarcastic, or bossy. Second, it's not only desirable but essential for a teacher to have a capacity for sympathy——that is, a capacityto understand the feelings of students and a capacity to tolerate mistakes. Third, teachers should be intellectually honest——that is, they should know their own intellectual strengths and limitations. Fourth, every teacher should be a bit of an actor. They should be able to enliven the lessons with imaginative performances that keep students involved. And no matter how many times they have taught the same material or corrected the same mistake, they should never show that they are bored. Fifth, teachers must remain mentally alert. They must be quick to adapt to any situation and be able to improve. Finally, a teacher should always want to go on learning. A teacher who loses his thirst for knowledge will never inspire his students to learn.

大学英语作文 篇2

My strongest memory of Christmas will always bound up with1) a certain little cat.I first saw her when I was called to see one of Mrs.Ainsworth’ dogs,and I looked in some surprise at the furry2) black creature sitting before the fire.“I didn’t know you had a cat,”I said.

The lady smiled.“We haven’t,this is Debbie,at least that’s what we call her.She’s a stray.Comes here two or three times a week and we give her some food.I don’t know where she lives but I believe she spends a lot of her time around one of the farms along the road.”

As I watched she turned,crept soundlessly from the room and was gone.“That’s always the way with Debbie,”Mrs.Ainsworth laughed.“She never stays more than ten minutes or so,then she’s off.”

Mrs.Ainsworth was a plumpish3),pleasant-faced woman in her forties and the kind of client veterinary4) surgeons dream of --well-off ,generous,and the owner of three cosseted5) Basset hounds.And it only needed the habitually mournful expression of one of the dogs to deepen a little and I was round there posthaste.

So my visits to the Ainsworth home were frequent but undemanding,and I had ample opportunity to look out for the little cat that had intrigued me.On one occasion I spotted her nibbling daintily from a saucer at the kitchen door.As I watched she turned and almost floated on light footsteps into the hall and then through the lounge6) door.The three Bassets were already in residence draped snoring on the fireside rug,but they seemed to be used to Debbie.

Debbie sat among them in her usual posture:upright,intent,gazing absorbedly into the glowing coals.This time I tried to make friends with her.I approached her carefully but she leaned away as I stretched out7) my hand.However,by patient wheedling and soft talk I managed to touch her and gently stroke her cheek with one finger.There was a moment when she responded by putting her head on one side and rubbing back against my hand,but soon she was ready to leave.Once outside the house she darted quickly along the road then through a gap in a hedge,and the last I saw was the little black figure flitting over the rain-swept grass of a field.

It must have been nearly three months before I heard from Ainsworth,and in fact I had begun to wonder at the Bassets’ long symptomless run when she came on the phone.

It was Christmas morning and she was apologetic.“Mr.Herriot,I’m so sorry to bother you today of all days.I should think you want a rest at Christmas like anybody else.”But her natural politeness could not hide the distress in her voice.

“Please don’t worry about that,”I said.“Which one is it this time?”

“It’s not one of the dogs.It’s...Debbie.”

“Debbie?She’s at your house now?”

“Yes...but there’s something wrong.Please come quickly.”

Mrs.Ainsworth’s home was lavishly decorated with tinsel and holly,rows of drinks stood on the sideboard and the rich aroma of turkey and sage-and-onion stuffing wafted from the kitchen.But her eyes were full of pain as she led me through to the lounge.

Debbie was there all right,but this time everything was different.She wasn’t sitting upright in her usual position;she was stretched quite motion less on her side,and huddle close to her lay a tiny black kitten.

I looked down in bewilderment.“What’s happened here?”

“It’s the strangest thing,”Mrs.Ainsworth replied.“I haven’t seen her for several weeks then she came in about two hours ago--sort of staggered into the kitchen,and she was carrying the kitten in her mouth.She took it through the lounge and laid it on the rug,and at first I was amused.But I could see all was not well because she sat as she usually does,but for a long time--over an hour--then she lay down like this and she hasn’t moved.”

I knelt on the rug and passed my hand over Debbie’s neck and ribs.She was thinner than ever,her fur dirty and mud-caked.She did not resist as I gently opened her mouth,a knell sounded in my mind.

Mrs.Ainsworth’s voice seemed to come from afar.“Is she ill,Mr.Herriot?”

I hesitated.“Yes...yes,I’m afraid so.She has a malignant growth.”I stood up.“There’s absolutely nothing you can do.I’m sorry.”

Mrs.Ainsworth reached out and lifted the bedraggled black morsel.She smoothed her finger along the muddy fur and the tiny mouth opened in a soundless miaow.“Isn’t it strange?She was dying and she brought her kitten here.And on Christmas Day.”

The tears had dried on Mrs.Ainsworth’s cheeks and she was bright-eyed as she looked at me.“I’ve never had a cat before,”she said.

I smiled.“Well it looks as though you’ve got one now.”

And she certainly had.The kitten grew rapidly into a sleek,handsome cat with a boisterous8) nature which earned him the name of Buster.On my visits I watched his development with delight.

As I looked at him,a picture of health and contentment,my mind went back to his mother.Was it too much to think that that dying little creature,with the last of her strength,had carried her kitten to the only haven of comfort and warmth she had ever known in the hope that it would be cared for there?Maybe it was.

But it seemed I wasn’t the only one with such fancies.Mrs.Ainsworth turned to me and though she was smiling her eyes were wistful9).“Debbie would be pleased,”she said.

I nodded.“Yes,she would...It was just a year ago today she brought him,wasn’t it?”

“That’s right.”She hugged Buster to her again.“The best Christmas present I ever had.”





























大学英语作文 篇3

(My ideal College life)

In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer. Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts. They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life.

Those, however, are not what college life is all about. As we all know, college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescence to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society. Therefore, the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time.

Under this circumstance, I never expect my college life to be too ideal, or you can call it too perfect. It is not realistic to make all things on my own way, with everyone liking me, winning the first prize all the time, and so on. Of course, I’d like to lead a carefree life. However, this does little good to my future. What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjust treatment. Only after experiencing those can I know what society is like, and what life is like.

To conclude my speech, I wanna say, some positive experiences are surely part of the ideal college life. But, I should not forget about the negative sides. They are not less necessary.

大学英语作文 篇4

Nowadays, micro blog has become a prevalent shared platform used by youth and old who can use mobile phone flexible. Why does it become so popular?

First of all, it is convenient. Whenever and wherever you are, with your phone or other appliance which is online available, you can share a sentence or a section to your fans. They can read and comment it immediately. In my opinion, it’s the most important function that is different from the traditional blog. Micro blog is more easy to use. Secondly, it will remind you more and more people whom you may be familiar with, so that you fans circle can be larger and larger. What’s more, with more and more famous person join in micro blog, you can catch much news in this platform, including political, economic, cultural and stars’ news. There are also some jokes that you can read them to relax in your spare time.

In a word, micro blog is a platform that helps people get in touch with others more conveniently and frequently. In such a busy era, it’s no doubt to be a good choice for people to know what happen around us.

大学英语作文 篇5

One afternoon,a close friend of mine came up to me excitedly:

“Julia,don’t you know that there’s a cherry tree in our school?”

“A cherry tree?Really?Where?”

Cherry trees were so scarce that I had only seen them in the film “Romantic Cherry”.

“In Xi Garden.Hurry!Let’s go and see it!”

I dropped my book and followed my friend out of the class

As soon as I stepped into Xi Garden,I began seeking the precious “pink”eagerly.And ho,there it was!In the distance,several pink “clouds”were floating above a small pavilion.That was it!My cherry tree!

We quickened our steps.Little by little,the gossamer like pink “clouds”grew bigger and bigger and at last seemed to occupy the blue sky when we were just standing under the cherry,on a small slope.Beneath my feet,the soil was covered by fallen petals.What a wonderful experience!Stretching my arms widely,I felt as if flying in the air weightlessly in the world of pink.

When a gentle breeze passed by,hundreds of petals parachuted down.They danced and whirled beautifully in the air and blurred my vision.

The petals were so light that it took them some time to fall down onto the ground or into the pool.

The petals lying on the ground joined their brothers and sisters to extend a pink carpet while those floating on the water were setting out on a mysterious journey.

“I surely will be sorry when all of the petals have fallen down.”My friend said woefully.

“No.Although they have left their home and have been separated from each other,they are still happy and composed and try to do their best where God place them.”I said to myself,firmly and hopefully.

大学英语作文 篇6


Asimov explains why there is much more in intelligence than just being able to score high on intelligence tests.

What Is Intelligence, Anyway?

Isaac Asimor

What is intelligence, anyway? When I was in the army I received a kind of aptitude test that all soldiers took and, against a normal of 100, scored 160. No one at the base had ever seen a figure like that and for two hours they made a nig fuss over me. (It didn't mean anything. The next day I was still a buck private with KP as my highest duty.)

All my life I've been registering scores like that, so that I have the complacent feeling that I'm highly intelligent, and I expect other people to think so, too. Actually, though, don't such scores simply mean that I am very good at answering the type of academic questions that are considered worthy of answers by the people who make up the intelligence tests - people with intellectual bents similar to mine?

For instance, I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not possibly have scored more than 80, by my estimate. I always took it for granted that I was far more intelligent than he was. Yet, when anything went wrong with my car I hastened to him with it, watched him anxiously as he explored its vitals, and listened to his pronouncements as though they were divine oracles - and he always fixed my car.

Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man devised questions for an intelligence test. Or suppose a carpenter did, or a farmer, or, indeed, almost anyone but an academician. By every one of those tests, I'd prove myself a moron. And I'd be a moron, too. In a world where I could not use my academic training and my verbal talents but had to do something intricate or hard, working with my hands, I would do poorly. My intelligence, then, is not absolute. Its worth is determined by the society I live in. Its numerical evaluation is determined by a small subsection of that society which has managed to foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matters.

Consider my auto-repair man, again. He had a habit of telling me jokes whenever he saw me. One time he raised his head from under the automobile hood to say: "Doc, a deaf-and-dumb guy went into a hardware store to ask for some nails. He put two fingers together on the counter and made hammering motions with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He shook his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk brought him nails. He picked out the sizes he wanted, and left. Well, doc, the next guy who came in was a blind man. He wanted scissors. How do you suppose he asked for them?"

I lifted my right hand and made scissoring motions with my first two fingers. Whereupon my auto-repair man laughed heartily and said, "Why, you dumb fool, he used his voice and asked for them." Then he said, smugly, "I've been trying that on all my customers today." "Did you catch many?" I asked. "Quite a few," he said, "but I knew for sure I'd catch you." "Why is that?" I asked. "Because you're so goddamned educated, doc, I know you couldn't be very smart."

And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.


make a fuss of / over


worthy of

deserving 值得

make up

prepare ready for use 编制;配制

by one's estimate


take sth. for granted

regard it as true or as certain to happen 认为某事当然

go wrong

stop working as true or as certain to happen 出毛病

pick out

select 挑选



for sure

for certain; certainly 确切地;肯定

大学英语作文 篇7

new beginning

how time flies! we say “good bye” to our summer vacation . the new semester begins again. a new semester means a new beginning. the new semester means we have to concentrate our minds on study and working.

for me i’m expecting my new semester. i want to solve more and more difficulties and challenges. in my heart there is a strong fleeing which influences me all day long. it makes my life and work full of energy. maybe i have to meet more and more unhappy things or some people who are unfriendly. but it’s not the most important for me. i must save my spare time. i have my own goal i shall reach ,my road i want to take and work i want to do. www?

let me welcome my beginning. i will improve myself and make much progress with my efforts.

大学英语作文 篇8

For every girl, they are annoyed by the overweigh problem all the time. Looking at the beautiful models shinning everywhere, who can resist the charm. The story about a girl lost her weight for love inspired so many people to be fit. Being fit for love is the best motivation.


The girl is named Claire, she was born to be fat. She just could not stop eating the food that contained a lot fat, such as ice cream, fired chips and so on. As she was so different from other girls, she was alone for a very long time until a handsome boy was attracted by her beautiful soul. Finally the boy proposed, but Claire was self-debased, she decided to lose weigh and then said yes.


Claire worked so hard to lose weight, she refused to the food she liked. She went to the gym every day. She eat the organic food. When ten months passed, claire lost more than 80 pounds, she became an attractive girl and said yes to her boyfriend’s propose. When the couple took pictures, the girl were surprised, for the boy also trained his body just to company her.


Love her, then being fit with her, that’s a direct way to show love.


大学英语作文 篇9

The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies 考研热

The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies


The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies

Each year, millions of Chinese college students sit for qualifying examinations for graduate studies, primarily in Master’s programs. Students prepare for those examinations either through years of arduous self-education or by spending large sums of money attending local training schools. The publishing of examinations-related study materials and the training programs offered, both online and offline, have combined to form a sizable industry.

An alarming fact about this craze is that most students pursue graduate studies not out of their voluntary will. Faced with the harsh reality in the employment market, which is forever looking for graduates with higher degrees, many college graduates find going to graduate schools is a good way to avoid unemployment and to enhance one’s competitiveness in future job hunting.

However, without that voluntary initiative, most students who do enter graduate schools are not motivated. For them, the only thing that ultimately counts is the degree or the diploma which they expect could give them an upper hand against other job hunters. As to the actual substance of their graduate studies, it’s not a big deal for them, as long as it leads to that degree or diploma. It is really pathetic to see that students undertake graduate studies with an ulterior motive—not for the sake of loving what they study, but for the sake of merely landing a job, which in many cases might be unrelated to what they have studied.

The chill truth is that students soon find their anticipations are a mere dream. As so many undergraduates proceed onto graduate studies, the employment situation remains as severe as ever. Instead of bringing about apparent competitive edges, two or three years of additional academic training is simply a waste of time and energy. They need to reflect on this craze and would have been better off distinguishing themselves with outstanding knowledge and skills when they were undergraduates.





大学英语作文 篇10

Last week, our school held a lecture tour of the five old "buji street industrial committee". That is a solemn scene, "five old" that earnest manner is very moving.

The five old words are meaningful, the sentence is wonderful, the clap of our hands, it seems that none of the excitement and excitement.

Among them, the most memorable words are the words "constantly improve yourself and overcome your shortcomings." This sentence is very common, probably many people have already heard enough. But who would have thought it would be easier to do so?

Everyone has faults, no matter who they are, whether they be great men, teachers, parents... Everyone has his own personality and his own thoughts. I thought: god should not create two identical people. Maybe no one pays attention to their shortcomings, or maybe some people know their shortcomings and don't want to overcome them. Because they think it's a difficult thing to do. Yes, it is a very difficult thing, and it is because of difficulties that we should overcome it. It will be the best experience in life. "Isn't it good to be back? Why change?" I've heard someone say this, and I agree with this person. But he should not have understood. It's not about making you change, it's about overcoming it. It's not the same thing. It's about getting yourself to do something bad, something wrong, something that's easy to get hurt. That's a weakness, not a character. You will have the opportunity to be the most perfect person as long as you are willing to overcome your shortcomings.

Overcome your shortcomings and become a perfectionist.