Unit 19 Jobs Lesson 73教学设计方案投诉举报
Unit 19 Jobs Lesson 73教学设计方案
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Unit 19 Jobs Lesson 73教学设计方案 Unit 19 Jobs Lesson 73教学设计方案

Unit 19 Jobs Lesson 73教学设计方案

Unit 19 Jobs Lesson 73教学设计方案

Lesson 73教学设计方案

Teaching Aims1. Learn some new words (officer, engineer, fair, pick up. army) while dealing with the dialogue .2. Get a general idea about jobs for men and women in Britain.3. Learn to use the pattern:It seems that…I m sure that…Teaching proceduresStep 1 Questions and answers:What is your father /mother /brother?What job does your sister do?He /She is a doctor /worker /driver /manager /police officer (head in the police) and so on.Step 2 ListeningListen to the tape without looking at the books and choose the best answers;1. What are Jane and Zhou Lan talking about? (C)A. Women’s jobs. B. Men’s jobs. C. Jobs for women in Britain.2. Jane thinks that women can do almost everything. But _________. (B)A. it’s more difficult for women to get jobsB. it s easier for men to become leaders of a companyC. it’s harder for women to work in a company3. What’s Zhou Lan’s opinion about women’s not being able to get best jobs in a company? (A)A. She thinks it unfair.B. She thinks it not funny.C. She can’t believe it.4. Which is right according to the dialogue? (A)A. Not all the companies like to employ men.B. All the companies like to employ men.C. None of the companies likes to employ women,Step 3 ReadingThe students listen to the tape and follow. Read in pairs.Step 4 PracticePractice, page 17, Part 21. Go through the sentences in the box, and practise different ways of expressing one’s opinions.2. Work in pairs.3. Ask some pairs to act it out.Step 5 Language points1. It seems that it’s more difficult for women to get to the top of companies/ units /schools /classes/ countries.2. I am sure/believe/think/guess that…Step 6 Workbookworkbook page 69 Ex .1,2,31. Do it alone. 2. Check it in class.Step 7 ExerciseCorrect the following sentences.1. I think it is not a good idea to employ men to pick up such small pieces.2. It looks that it is easier for girls to learn foreign languages than boys.3. Don’t you believe that there are some jobs women can’t do as good as men?4. Do you agree that women can do same thing as men?5. Why do they prefer shooting than wrestling?6. This passage is about Ms King pretended to be a man in order to get a job.参考答案1. I don’t think it is a good idea to employ men to pick up such small pieces.2. It seems that it is easier for girls to learn foreign languages than boys.3. Don’t you believe that there are some jobs women can’t do as well as men?4. Do you agree that women can do the same thing as men?5. Why do they prefer shooting to wrestling?6. This passage is about Ms King who pretended to be a man in order to get a job.