八年级英语第二单元How do you come to school?投诉举报
八年级英语第二单元How do you come to school?
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八年级英语第二单元How do you come to school? 八年级英语第二单元How do you come to school?

八年级英语第二单元How do you come to school?

八年级英语第二单元How do you come to school?

章节 第二单元关键词 内容一、教法建议【抛砖引玉】  本单元主要内容:(一)复习一般现在时;(二)专有名词的使用;(三)生词及习语。本单元知识点多而杂,但都很重要,而交际部分与日常生活比较密切,因此,应多创设语言环境。在课堂上,应以对话、问话为主。每讲一个知识点时,应配合一个例子,测试学生的反应力、接受力及创造力。使学生在语言环境中,领悟到语言的功用及魅力。 【指点迷津】 根据本单元知识点多实用性强的特点,应多用举例法和联想法激发学生兴趣。 (一)本单元难点:1.复习一般现在时。2.专有名词的使用。3.新词汇及习语的记忆4.本单元知识点: (1)How much   …can you…?  many 例如:①How many birds can you see? ②How much fish can you catch?(2)go (come)+by car /train /bike /busgo (come)+in a car/in his car.例如:①They go to The Great Wall by train. ②We come here in my car.(3)go (come)+on foot (一种动作) be+on foot (一种状态) 例如:We go to the zoo on foot .(4)Walk to+名词 Walk+副词(不用to)例如: ①Let\'s walk to the clothes factory. ②It isn\'t too far .Let\'s walk there. (5)句型对比: ①I usually come to school by bus.But today I on foot (×) I\'m on foot (√) ②How does your father go to work?(√) go to his factory?(√) go to there?(×) ③How many students usually come to school by their bikes?(×) on their foot ?(×) by bus ?(√) (6)关于have的含义:①have supper吃晚饭;②have lessons上课。例如: We have supper at 7:30 every day. How many lessons do you have today? (二)解决难点的关键:结合本课知识点多而杂的特点,要通过各种简单易懂的例子,使学生在教师的指导下模仿例子,然后让学生造出新的例句。 二、学海导航【学法指要】 为了帮助学生巩固本单元所学知识,精选以下几道不同类型的题目,仅供参考。1.How______do you want ? Ten kilos.A.much rice B.many rice C.much rices D.heavy rice【提示】四个选项很接近,关键要明确rice是不可数名词,这样答案就不难选了。【答案】A2、_______moon goes around the earth ,and the earth goes around_______sun .A、The…不填 B.不填…the C.不填…不填 D.The…the【提示】定冠词the用于表示世界上独一无二或被视为整体的东西的名词前。例如: the sun, the moon, the earth, the sea,the land,the sky, the weather。【答案】D3、Open the window!_______is nice and clean. A、Today air B.Air of today C.Air today D.The air today【提示】 today作后置定语修饰air , air前要加定冠词the.【扩展】The air today is nice and clean.意思是:今天的空气非常/很清新。英语nice and和good and同样是一个习惯用语,用在形容词之前加强语气,其含义是very (很、非常),实际上就是一个偏正结构,nice and对后面的形容词起了修饰作用。例如: I was good and hungry.我当时很饿。【答案】D4.We often_______(clean )our classroom after school.【提示】一般现在时表示经常性、反复性和习惯性的现时行为。当句子主语为除第三人称单数外的其他人称时(一、二人称单数及复数各人称),一般现在时的构成为动词原形。由于一般现在时所表现的是现时行为的三性(经常性、反复性和习惯性),所以常用的时间状语有:often,sometimes, every,usually,always, normally等。【答案】clean5.Who_______(watch)TV every day? Do you know?【提示】首先看时间状语,判定是一般现在时。然后,判定用watch还是watches,在不知道是谁的情况下,一律用单数。【答案】watches6.What time do the students have lunch?(用Tom改句子)【提示】完成本题关键在于要明确一般现在时的构成:①主语+谓语+宾语+状语;②当主语是一、二人称或复数人称时,谓语动词不变;③当主语是单数第三人称时,谓语动词要变化(+s或es),如变此句为一般疑问句用does,然后谓语动词恢复原形。【答案】What time does Tom have lunch?7.“_______do they get there?”“By air.”A、What B. Where C. How D. Which 【提示】By air意思是by plane,译作乘飞机。对by air进行提问,在四个选项中只有C是对的。【答案】C 【妙文赏析】I Get an A in Maths Mr Brown was born in a poor family .He couldn\'t go to school when he was young. Now he\'s a porter (搬运工)and works at a station. He doesn\'t think it\'s necessary (必要的)to know some knowledge(知识)of science .His son, Bill, began to go to school last year. The boy likes nothing except playing. He doesn\'t listen to the teachers in class and can\'t do his homework after class. It\'s the hardest thing for him do maths exercises .And he wents to drop it . Last evening, Mrs Brown heard Bill crying in the next room ,while she and her husbend were watehing TV. She came up to him and asked,“what\'s the matter, Bill?” “I can\'t do my maths homework,”said the women.“Maybe your father can help you.” Then she asked her husband to help their son with his maths. Mr Brow said,“but I don\'t know maths, either.” “It doesn\'t matter,” said his wife .“You\'ll only coax him out of crying .” Mr Brow had to do as his wife said. The next afternoon Bill came back and showed his exercise-book to his father. The man had a look at it and shouted to his wife,“ come here quickly ,dear ! I got an A in maths!”【思路点拨】1.第一句就告诉读者,Mr Brown was born in a poor family ,接下来讲,He couldn\'t go to school .就是说Mr Brown未能上学是因为他家境贫寒。2、在文章中指出:The boy likes nothing except playing,这就是他无法完成作业的最主要原因。3、Their son, Bill ,began to go to school last year.从这句话可以看出Bill还不到十岁,像这么大的孩子,哭泣大都是为了一些小事。为了帮助学生更好地理解本篇文章,可设计三个问题:1.Which of the following is true? A. Mr Brown was going to be a porter when he was young. B. Mr Brown\'s parents were too poor to send him to school. C. Mr Brown wasn\'t interested in science when he was young. D. There was no school in Mr Brown\'s home town .2.Bill can\'t do his homework because _______. A、his father wouldn\'t help him B、he doesn\'t listen to his teachers C、he doesn\'t like studying D、he wants to drop maths3.Bill cried to _______. A、get his parents\' help B、go to bed earlier C、get something to eat D、watch TV with his parents 【答案】① B ② C ③ D 【思维体操】1.Which is more ,an English pound or an American dollar?_______is more than _______. A、An English pound; an American dollar B、An English pound; a American dollar C、An American dollar; an English pound D、A American dollar; a English pound【分析】 首先明确1英磅应是an English pound, 1美元应an American dollar,然后根据自己的课外知识,来判定哪个选项是对的。【答案】A三、智能显示【心中有数】 本单元重点:一般现在时和专有名词的使用。在各级各类考试中,一般现在时是必考时态,而专有名词偶而出现。【动脑动手】 1.请用meal , breakfast , lunch, supper填空。 ①I usually have three_______a day. ②How many _______do you usually have a day? Only two. ③It\'s six thing in the morning. It\'s time to have _______. ④My father sometimes has _______at seven o\'clock in ghe evening. ⑤His mother often has _______at school at noon.【答案】①meals ②meals ③breakfast ④lunch ⑤supper【分析】本题是融知识性及生活性与一体的综合题。要搞清这些词的含义及区别。 meal侧重一顿饭 breakfast早餐(通过时间可断定) lunch午餐 supper晚餐 2.下面所给的图形,均表示动作的不同频度。按照所给示例写出其它频度副词。 例: always ① _______ ② _______ ③ _______【答案】①usually ②often ③sometimes 【分析】 例always用百分比应是120% ①usually用百分比显示是more then 50%。 ②often用百分比显示是more then 50% 但弱于usually。 ③sometimes“有时”,它的百分比less then 50%。 3.The boy is running with a nice kite with his friend .The boy _______running with a nice kite .【答案】and his friends are 【分析】 本题是测试你的发散思维和逆向思维能力。不仅要考虑保持原有句意而且要考虑词的位置及变行。 【创新园地】阅读下列短文,试回答文后的问题。 In this early days of the United States of America ,①it wasn\'t easy to get from one town or city to another. There were no trains ,of course, and the roads were very poor .If a man wanted to go from one place to another ,he often had to②ri a horse. And because the roads were bad ,he sometimes got very dirty. “Do you a man came into a hotel in a little country town?” Your clothes were very dirty and you looked very tired. “Do you have a room here for me ?”he asked. The man at the desk thought ,“I don\'t want this man ③ stay here, he\'s too dirty for my hotel.“I\'m sorry,” he said.“We have any more rooms .There\'s a small hotel down the street.You can ask there.” Soon an important-looking man④having fine clothes⑤o came into the hotel.“I\'ve come to see Mr. Jefferson,\'he said .“Mr Jefferson?敗\'yes,Vice-Preeident Jefferson, we planned to meet here.\' The hotel man was⑥su .“A man in dirty clothes was just here. I thought he was a farmer ,and sent him to another hotel a few minntes ago\'The hotel man hurried to the Vice-President\'s room in the other hotel. “Oh,Mr Jefferson.”he⑦(cry) .“I\'m very sorry. I thought you were a farmer. We have a room at our hotel. Please come back.” “No,”said Mr Jefferson.“If there\'s no room for a farmer, there\'s no room for the Vice President, ⑧e .” 【注】①an important-looking man 像伟人的人 ②Vice-President 副总统1、试回答①处的it在句中所指的最初的词和最后的词。2、试在②处写出单词的完整形式。3、试在③处填入最合适的单词。4、试将④划线处的词,改写成两个英语单词。5、试在⑤处写出单词的完整形式。6、试在⑥处写出单词的完整形式。7、试将⑦处的单词写出完整形式。8、试在⑧处写出单词的完整形式。同学们思考后,可将你的答案反馈给我们。